Demo6 Demo6 - Linked Grids Form15C Table2 TgDemo MS Sans Serif Data2R Data2% dBASE IV;database=. Their Compositions Table1 TgDemo MS Sans Serif First First Country Country Birth Birth Death Death Data1R Data1% dBASE IV;database=. COMPOSER Composers Table1_Click Table1_RowChange lastname Data1 Recordset rquery Quote Data2 RecordSource Screen MousePointer HOURGLASS DEFAULT Form_Load Form_Unload Cancel QuitCurrentDemo Form_Unload Table1_RowChange This is the only code in the demo. A query is performed by taking the "LAST" name field from the Data1 control and building an SQL query on the LAST namef field in the Data2 (compositions) file. TheT second grid will respond automatically when the data control causes the change. We put up an hourglass so that there's a bit of feedback ifr Access is slow at finishing the query.d SELECT * FROM OPUS WHERE LAST =