Demo5 Demo 5 - SQL Form15 SQLCombo Command1 Execute SQLStmt SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER Table1 TgDemo MS Sans Serif Data1M Data1% dBASE IV;database=. CUSTOMER Customer Database ComboMsg Label1 MS Sans Serif Form_Load Form_Unload Cancel` QuitCurrentDemo/ Command1_Click sqlerr Data1 RecordSource SQLStmt TextU LoadCombo Quote ComboHelp comboText helpText SQLCombo NewIndexB ComboHelp_Click SQLCombo_Change Caption ComboMsg ListIndex SQLCombo_Click Form_Resize This array keeps the list of "helpstrings" associated with the default SQL statements in the combo. Command1_Click Execute the SQL statement and trigger an error, box if something goes wrong.d Error Executing SQL Statement Form_Load Load up the combo box with some common SQL statements. The second argument is a bit of "help" so it's a bits easier to use the demo. * FROM CUSTOMER Chooses all records COMPANY FROM CUSTOMER Grid will show only one column LASTNAME, COMPANY FROM CUSTOMER Grid will show LASTNAME and COMPANY fields COUNT(*) FROM CUSTOMER Grid will display calculated result UCASE(LASTNAME) AS ULAST, UCASE(FIRSTNAME) AS UFIRST FROM CUSTOMER Grid will show aliased field names * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE FIRSTNAME = Jerry Only some records will be shown * FROM CUSTOMER ORDER BY LASTNAME Records will be in LASTNAME order Form_Unload LoadCombo Small subroutine to add items to the combo box, and associate a help string by putting it into, the ComboHelp array. SQLCombo_Click When an item is chosen from the SQL combo box,, display the help message as well and put thex SQL statement into the SQL editing area. SELECT