DemoNav TrueGrid Pro 2.1 Demo Navigator wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwww wwwwwwpfn `wwwwww wwwwww wwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwww f`wwwwwwwwwwwww `wwwwwwwwwwwwwp `wwwww wwwpwp wwwpww wwwpw wwwpwww wwwpww wwwwwwww wwpww wwwDwwwwwwwwwwwwwwt Gwwwppwp wwwppw ppwwwww wwwwppw wwwwwwwwppw wwwww"wwpp wwwUwr 'wpwwwwwwwwu wwwwwww} wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Form15< Browser TgDemo MS Sans Serif TextArea RTrueDemo Copyright (c) Apex Software Corporation, 1993-1994. All rights reserved. MS Sans Serif TryIt Try It Status Label1 MS Sans Serif @ Form_LoadN Form_Resize[ HScroll1_Change TextArea Width ScrollWidth Height ScrollHeight TryIt> Titlem ScrollBar Rightr DemoNav ScaleWidth ScaleHeightN OrigFormWidth WindowStatei DEMOCOUNT ScrollBar_Change Value Enabled DEMOTEXTFILE OpenDemoText DT_FH CloseDemoText Form_Unload Cancel( directory FullPath; CopyDemoTextL idstring targetS Control GetLine ltxtd DT_FNZ final Captionf DemoText GetDemoText FileLength sposM ourpath TryIt_Click* ForeColor, BLACKI Demo1z DemoInAction QuitCurrentDemo Screen MousePointer HOURGLASS DEFAULT Demo2 GetDemoForm DemoForm Form_KeyDown KeyCode Shift Form_Activate Browser IndexEntries{ nlpos IndexTitle IndexLevel IndexLabel Browser_Click Browser_Fetchq Browser_FetchMargins Split InsetLeft InsetRight Columns ColumnFetchMargins Browser_RowChangeB RowIndex| ColumnWidth^ statusN Browser_DblClick* Browser_LostFocus MarqueeStyle Browser_GotFocus GMQ_HIGHROW GMQ_FOCUSCELL3 ParamFontStyle GRF_BOLD SetStatusAttrW GFS_CURCELL| GRF_ITALIC GRF_ULINE GMQ_NONE Browser_FetchAttributes FgColor BgColor FontStyle IndexColor INHERIT_COLOR ColumnCellAttrs IndexColors GFS_BOLD GREEN MED_BLUE RefreshRow DK_BLUE GRF_UITALIC GRF_UBOLD OrigFormWidth keeps track of the original width so we don't resize below that.k TGDEMO.TXT contains the demo text descriptions for the navigator window. TGDEMO.TXT Browser_DblClick double clicking is the same as using the TryItt button. Browser_Fetch Fetch the data for this outline row Browser_FetchAttributes All top level indents are in bold. Other indents are in italic if they don't have a demo associated with them, and use the normal grid font if the do have a demo associated with them Browser_FetchMargins Set the margin based upon the index level Browser_GotFocus We highlight the entire row when we have focus. Browser_LostFocus When losing focus, we turn off the marquee, which causes the current cell SetStatusAttr attribute to be used for the cell.S Browser_RowChange Exit any running demo Display the new demo information in the text area Choose a topic... Ready to run demo... Form_Load Define the newline constant, used throughout. Move to the proper directory so that no pathnames need to be specified. Set up the outline to have one column. We set ColumnFetchMargins so that we can control the margins,t and set the ColumnCellAttrs so that FetchAttributes will be called to query attributes as cells are displayed.l These lines assure that the current cell is underlinedt whenever we lose focus. Read in the complete demo text, then display thee intro pagee Make the "Intro" frame the first and position to row 1. Intro Form_Resize When resizing the form, move all of the controlse to a pleasing position and resize the text display area. GetDemoText Read in TGDEMO.TXT and fill the DemoText variable with the complete navigator text. Build the index Set up the color arraye TryIt_Click If the caption is "Done" then we are quitting a demo. Otherwise, we're starting a demo. Show the demo form, then copy the "demo executing" text to the displayo area and make it BLUE so the user can easilyi tell what mode they are in. Running...