This is the Demonstration Version of the Reply Mail Designer program, which lets you create Business Reply envelopes & postcards and Courtesy Reply envelopes & postcards quickly and easily with a personal computer and a laser printer, inkjet printer, or imagesetter. To learn more about this Demo Program and about the real Reply Mail Designer program, press the "PgDn" key... | You can operate this Demo Program by using the keyboard only, or - on most computer systems - you can use both the keyboard and the mouse. If your mouse doesn't work with this program, you probably need to load the "mouse- driver" program (usually named MOUSE.SYS or MOUSE.COM) that came with the mouse. Follow the instructions supplied with the mouse; then run this program again. (To stop this program, press the "Esc" key repeatedly.) | Read through this text by clicking on "More" or by pressing the "PgDn" key. You can go back and read previous sections of the text by clicking on "Go back" or by pressing the "PgUp" key. Click on "More" or press the "PgDn" key to continue... | This Demo Program was created to give you an idea of how the real Reply Mail Designer program works. The Demo Program works almost exactly like the real Reply Mail Designer program. By experimenting with the Demo Program, you'll get an idea of what it would be like to use the real program - and you'll realize how Reply Mail Designer can save you time and money. | Reply Mail Designer can create a complete Business/ Courtesy Reply envelope or postcard - including the FIM and POSTNET bar codes, address, permit information, and all other required text and graphic elements. Reply Mail Designer has been CERTIFIED by the U.S. Postal Service, and it understands the Postal Service's mailpiece-design requirements (including BRMAS requirements), so it can lay out envelopes and postcards instantly and correctly. | With Reply Mail Designer, you can: ù Create artwork to make printing plates for Business/ Courtesy Reply envelopes & postcards. The FIM and POSTNET bar codes are created automatically, including 11-digit Delivery Point Bar Codes, where appropriate. ù Print directly onto envelopes and postcards. | ù Suppress printing of specified elements. For example, you might want to instruct Reply Mail Designer not to print the mailing address; then paste up your own artwork for the mailing address. ù Save your envelope/postcard designs in editable EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) format and import them into illustration, page-layout, & word-processing programs. | ù Choose any of several different fonts for each text element on the envelope or postcard. . Choose any of several different design options for each graphic element on the envelope/postcard. ù Lay out several copies of the same envelope or postcard on one sheet and print them together. | ù Specify negative and lateral-reverse printing. ù Create trim marks, corner marks, registration marks, bleed area. ù Create spot-color separations. ù See on-screen blowups of the bar codes. | Reply Mail Designer gives you all these options and more - BUT IT ALWAYS MAKES SURE THAT YOUR ENVELOPES AND POSTCARDS MEET U.S. POSTAL SERVICE REQUIREMENTS! | Reply Mail Designer runs on IBM-PS/1's, IBM-PS/2's, IBM-PC's, and compatible computers. It works with PostScript printers and imagesetters and with Hewlett- Packard Series III & IV printers (and 100% PCL 5- compatible printers). Although you can use a mouse with Reply Mail Designer, a mouse is not required. Reply Mail Designer runs under DOS, Windows, and OS/2. | You can use this Demo Program to create some sample envelopes and postcards. Use the Help Index on the Help Menu to learn how. The items entitled "Using The Keyboard," "Using The Mouse," and "A Quick-Start Tutorial" will get you started. NOTE: This Demo Program will print the word "SAMPLE" along with some shaded blocks on the envelopes and postcards that you create, but the real Reply Mail Designer program will not. | Remember that you can get on-screen help at any time by clicking on "Help" or by pressing the "F1" key. Also, note that you can re-read the information you've just read by choosing "Product info..." from the Help Menu. When you are ready to start using the Demo Program, click on "Done" or press the "Esc" key. |