NEWS RELEASE ____________________________________________________________________ SHAREWARE MATURES PC USERS OPT FOR SHAREWARE, NOT FOR MAJOR VENDORS Canberra, Australia, December 20, 1993. The Shareware industry is delivering bigger and better products all the time. It is delivering sophisticated Windows-based applications that rival the professionalism of the major software houses, yet come at a fraction of the price. In addition to being inexpensive, they have the risk-free try-before-you-buy advantage. The Corporate sector still largely looks to the major vendors, but any individual with a PC will usually look first at Shareware. If the personal user also has a modem and access to Bulletin Board Systems, then that personal user will look for what can be had from BBSs around the world. And when that personal user also has corporate responsibilities at their place of work, corporate decisions can be influenced now by the decision-maker's vastly increased awareness of what is available, and what it costs. There are now quite a few multi-million dollar businesses in the USA which survive from shipping their products as shareware. A recent shareware release illustrates the level of sophistication and sheer value-for-money that is coming out of this cottage industry. Goldmine Goal Setter is a sophisticated Windows based application which assists individuals to plan their life goals. Although it is not a business system, its size and sophistication indicate the type of serious applications that emanate from Shareware manufacturers these days. It has a relational database underneath it, full GUI Windows presentation, complete with a Windows Help system. And this is inexpensive shareware! The system comprises thirty-three tables in its relational database, and about 130 (one hundred and thirty) screens, with numerous reporting facilities, and import / export capability. This is not a toy. The fact that such professional products can be developed and distributed as shareware is a worry for the major software houses, who insist on behaving as if it is a privilege for the end-consumer to see their software, and then want to charge us relatively high prices for the privilege of using it. Hopefully the major software houses will follow the shareware lead and start to make their products more accessible to the person on the street. Until then, long live Shareware! ____________________________________________________________________ Contact Details: Brian Clack Goldmine Systems Tel: +616 292 6607 PO Box 4547 Kingston ACT 2604 Australia CompuServe 100240,2010