NEWS RELEASE ____________________________________________________________________ GOALS ON COMPUTER HIGH ACHIEVERS GO EVEN HIGHER WITH COMPUTER-AIDED-GOAL-SETTING Canberra, Australia, December 20, 1993. A recently released personal computer product can help serious goal-setters manage their goals more easily and more fully, and make it fun at the same time! Goldmine Goal Setter, from Goldmine Systems, is a PC-based Windows product available through the shareware software industry. As we well know, having personal goals is an essential element of taking control of our lives, and maximising our sense of fulfilment and achievement. Simply having goals helps us to achieve more. Goldmine Goal Setter lets you model all your goals, in whatever categories you like, (such as financial goals, relationship with spouse, health goals and so on), in whatever time categories you like, (such as annual, age 35, age 65 and so on). In addition, all the goals can be interlinked to each other, such that one goal might be very supportive of achieving several other goals, or one particular goal might depend heavily on the achievement of several other goals. Having built the inter-goal links, the system will pinpoint for you at the touch of a button which goal is the one most helpful to achieving the most other goals! This can help to clarify where a busy person's priorities should lie. For example, suppose you have a goal of: - Do at least one hour of gardening every Saturday. Now, this is a goal which is easy to keep putting off, because it is only a minor goal, and it always seems that there are more important things to do anyway. However, when you push the button on Goldmine Goal Setter to find out which goals are the best at assisting the achievement of other goals, you might find that the gardening goal assists a surprising number of other goals, such as: - Increase the saleable value of my home, (which assists net worth goals); - Increase the amount of time my spouse and I spend talking together and doing things together, (which assists relationship goals); - Build up my social network, (by being out in the garden and perhaps getting to know the neighbours better); - Increase my level of fitness and health, (which assists a health goal of being well and fit at age 65). So, the product provides an instantaneous 'big picture' of what's going on with your goals. In addition to recording information about goals and how they impact each other, the product can also record: - Benefits of achieving goals; - Experience you have relevant to achieving goals; - Obstacles which could prevent you from achieving goals; - Resources you have which can help with goal achievement; - Rewards you will give yourself for achieving goals; - Strengths you possess which are helpful for achieving goals; - Weaknesses you have which can impede your progress. Each of these 'Goal Influencers' as they are called, can be linked to any or all of your goals. Again, at the touch of a button, you can find out things like: - Which resources you possess are the ones most needed by your goals; - What benefits are most often going to accrue from achieving your goals; - Which obstacles are the most frequently encountered, and therefore deserve the most attention at their elimination; - Which of your weaknesses causes the most trouble, and therefore most needs your attention; - Which of your strengths is of most use to achieving the most goals, and therefore needs cultivation. Goldmine Goal Setter is a masterful mechanism for keeping goals organised and consistent. As a Shareware computer product, it is a very small financial investment, and almost certainly will generate a hefty return on that investment. Shareware computer products are ones where you can try the product on your own computer before you commit to them. If, at the end of the free trial period, you decide you like the product and would like to keep using it, then you are required to make a small financial investment to continue your right to use the product. This is called 'Registering' the product. In the case of Goldmine Goal Setter, the investment is very modest. It varies according to your income level as follows: - $10 for low income earners, - $30 for middle income earners, - $50 for high income earners. The free trial period is for thirty days after installation. May all of your goals be good goals, and may they all be achieved! ____________________________________________________________________ Contact Details: Brian Clack Goldmine Systems Tel: +616 292 6607 PO Box 4547 Kingston ACT 2604 Australia CompuServe 100240,2010