═══ 1. About PMVDesk ═══ PMVDesk is a Virtual Desktop utility for the OS/2 2.x Workplace Shell. When you start the program you will see a 9 button grid. Each button represents a screen (of your current videoadapter resolution). The current screen is marked with an "X". When you press one of the buttons (move the cursor over it and click mouse button 1) you move to that virtual location. (In this version you can not see your open windows in the PMVDesk application, ...but just wait for the future versions). Your Workplace Shell Desktop (icons) will always be visible. This way you can easily get hold of those objects (where ever you are). ═══ 2. Environment variables ═══ PMVDesk uses a environment variable: PMVDESK_INI. This variable specifies the filename (including full path) that PMVDesk should use for storing its options. If this environment variable is not set, PMVDesk will create the file PMVDESK.INI in the current directory and store its information there. I recommend that you put the line: o SET PMVDESK_INI=C:\OS2\PMVDESK.INI in your CONFIG.SYS (Of course, you can use any other path or filename that you want). By doing this you avoid multiple copies of PMVDESK.INI scattered around your hard drive. Note: You will have to reboot before this line will take effect. PMVDesk will "remember" it's last position and virtual screen. If you put a PMVDesk Program Object in your startup folder, it will start where you last left it. You may also "Shutdown" your system without closing PMVDesk (because "Shutdown" closes it for you). Remember to put the line: o SET RESTARTOBJECTS=STARTUPFOLDERSONLY in your CONFIG.SYS file before SET AUTOSTART=PROGRAMS, TASKLIST, FOLDERS, CONNECTIONS. ═══ 3. Key Assignments ═══ When two key names are joined by a plus sign (+), use these two keys together. Hold down the first key and press the second key. ALT + F Frame controls ALT + T Float on top SHIFT + F10 Popup menu ALT + F4 Close window and exit application ALT + F5 Restore window ALT + F7 Move window ALT + F8 Size window ALT + F9 Minimize window ALT + F10 Maximize window ALT + F11 Hide window CTRL + ESC Workplace Shell "Window List" F1 Help ═══ 4. Options Menu ═══ The following commands appear in the Options menu: Frame controls Hide/Unhide title and menu bars Float on top Keep PMVDesk the topmost window Retrieve windows on exit Retrieves windows on exit Buttons Change the size of your virtual desktop. Util + Retrieve windows Retrieves windows ═══ 5. Frame controls ═══ Uncheck "Frame Controls" to hide title and menu bars. You can also use ALT + F. ═══ 6. Float on top ═══ Check "Float on top" to keep PMVDesk the topmost window. Uncheck to let it behave as a normal window. You can also use ALT + T. ═══ 7. Retrieve windows on exit ═══ Check "Retrieve windows on exit" to retrieve windows back to the active desktop when you exit PMVDesk. Note: Retrieved windows are hidden. To activate: select application from Workplace Shell "Window List". Only windows with child windows (ex. dialog windows) are retrieved visible. ═══ 8. Util ═══ "Util" + "Retrieve windows" to retrieve windows back to the active desktop. Note: Retrieved windows are hidden. To activate: select application from Workplace Shell "Window List". Only windows with child windows (ex. dialog windows) are retrieved visible. ═══ 9. Buttons ═══ Change the size of your virtual desktop. ═══ 10. Popup Menu ═══ To activate press mouse button 2, or press SHIFT + F10. The following commands appear in the popup menu: Help Default help menu Window System menu Util + Retrieve windows Retrieves windows Buttons Change the size of your virtual desktop. Frame Controls Hide/Unhide title and menu bars Float on top Keep PMVDesk the topmost window Retrieve windows on exit Retrieves windows on exit Cancel Cancel any selection, and quit popup menu ═══ 11. Help ═══ By pressing "Help", the "Help index" will open. By pressing the tiny button with a tiny arrow, you open a submenu. From this submenu you can choose between: o Help index. o General help. o Using help. o Keys help. o Product information. ═══ 12. Window ═══ By pressing "Window", you open a system submenu. From this submenu you can choose between: o Move. Move window. o Size. Size window. o Hide. Hide window. o Close. Close window and quit application. ═══ 13. Util ═══ By pressing "Util", you open a submenu. From this submenu you can choose: o Retrieve windows. Retrieve windows back to the active desktop. Note: Retrieved windows are hidden. To activate: select application from Workplace Shell "Window List". Only windows with child windows (ex. dialog windows) are retrieved visible. ═══ 14. Frame controls ═══ Check "Frame Controls" to show title and menu bars. You can also use ALT + F. ═══ 15. Float on top ═══ Check "Float on top" to keep PMVDesk the topmost window. Uncheck to let it behave as a normal window. You can also use ALT + T. ═══ 16. Retrieve windows on exit ═══ Check "Retrieve windows on exit" to retrieve windows back to the active desktop when you exit PMVDesk. Note: Retrieved windows are hidden. To activate: select application from Workplace Shell "Window List". Only windows with child windows (ex. dialog windows) are retrieved visible. ═══ 17. Cancel ═══ Cancel any selection, and quit popup menu. ═══ 18. Buttons ═══ Change the size of your virtual desktop. ═══ 19. Tutorial ═══ Beginners guide using virtual desktop applications. Usually you work with several windows at the same time, but often find that it would be nice to have a bigger screen, so you could see all your windows. Then you have a look in your wallet, and find no many, and no credit for your credit card. This is when you need a cheap (read: free) virtual desktop to emulate a big screen. My implementation is not perfect (and not the final version), but gives you nine screens where you can open different windows, and easily jump between these screens, just by pressing one of the buttons. Example: 1. Start PMVDesk (you see a X on the middle button, so this represents the current screen). 2. Open a window, or a program (it opens normally). 3. Press the lower left button on PMVDesk (your open windows seems to disappear, and you have a clean screen. Do not worry, your windows are still there, just press the middle button and you are back where you started). 4. In this new screen you may open new windows and programs. 5. To quickly return back just press that button on PMVDesk that represents the screen where you want to go to. So, this is how you use a virtual desktop. There are different kinds of virtual desktop applications, with fancy miniature windows representing your windows, and that might be my final goal when I continue developing my application. ═══ 20. Troubleshooting ═══ Recovering "lost" windows: o Choose "Retrieve windows" from PMVDesk "Settings" menu to bring all windows to the lover left corner of the visible area. Note: Retrieved windows are hidden. To activate: select application from Workplace Shell "Window List". Only windows with child windows (ex. dialog windows) are retrieved visible. o You may choose the "lost" program from Workplace Shell "Window List" and cascade the program back to the visible area (press mouse button 2, choose "Cascade").