═══ 1. Help for File ═══ Use File to open an MPEG movie. ═══ 1.1. Help for Open ═══ Use Open to display a window that enables you to choose an MPEG movie. ═══ 2. Help for Options ═══ Use Options to change the color and size playback style and also to show a Status box with relevant movie statistics. pieces. A check mark appears next to your color/size selection when the selection is active. ═══ 2.1. Help for Display Styles ═══ Select one of the three display styles below. The default playback style is Color ═══ 2.1.1. Help for Color ═══ Use Color to select 128 color playback of the movie. ═══ 2.1.2. Help for Gray Scale ═══ Use Gray Scale to select 128 shade gray scale playback of the movie. You will usually see slightly better frame rates than with the Color option above. Also, some movies have "garish" color and selecting gray scale will make them more pleasing to the eye. ═══ 2.1.3. Help for Double Size ═══ Use Double Size to select a double size playback of the movie. You will see dramatically lower frame rates than with the Color or Gray Scale options above. Also, the movie will appear very "chunky". ═══ 2.2. Help for Loop ═══ Use Loop to cause the movie to continuously loop during playback. The only way to stop it is to click in the movie area with either mouse button. ═══ 2.3. Help for Status ═══ Use Status to bring up the Status dialog box. This will display the name of the movie, the size in pixels and real-time statistics on the number of frames processed (for each of the I, B and P frame types) and the running frames/second value. Click Cancel at any time to close this dialog box. ═══ Help for Open ═══ Use Open to select an MPEG movie: 1. Select the down arrow to the right of the Drive list to display all the drives on your system. 2. Select a drive from the Drive list. 3. Select a directory from the Directory list. 4. Select a file name from the File list or type in a file name. 5. Select the Open pushbutton to play the movie you want to view. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Open file name o Type of file o Drive o File o Directory o Open o Cancel ═══ 3. Keys Help for PMMPEG ═══ There is no key specific help for PMMPEG. To stop the movie in mid-play, click anywhere on the movie with either mouse button. ═══ Help for Open Filename ═══ Type the name of the movie you want to open in the Open filename field and select the Open pushbutton. ═══ Help for Type of File ═══ Select the down arrow to the right of the Type of file field to display the available file types. ═══ Help for Drive ═══ The Drive list displays the drives on your system. Select the drive that contains the files you want to view. ═══ Help for File ═══ The File list displays all the files in the directory you selected from the Directory list. Select the file you want to open. ═══ Help for Directory ═══ The Directory list displays the directories on the selected drive. Select a directory to display the list of files from that directory in the File list box. ═══ Help for Open ═══ Select Open to accept all information in the window, remove the window from the screen and view the movie. ═══ Help for Cancel ═══ Select Cancel to remove the window from the screen without viewing a movie. ═══ 4. Help for PMMPEG ═══ Use PMMPEG to display digital movies conforming to the MPEG specification. PMMPEG can handle both I-Frame only movies and IBP-Frame movies. It cannot currently handle MPEG movies with embedded sounds. Related Information: o MPEG File Info o Origin of the Code o Movie Sites o Known Bugs o Author Contact ═══ 4.1. MPEG File Info ═══ This program implements the standard described in the Committee Draft ISO/IEC CD 11172 dated December 6, 1991 which is sometimes refered to as "Paris Format." The player expects MPEG-1 video streams only. It can not handle multiplexed MPEG streams or video+audio streams. The player uses the paris entropy coding table set (which we believe to be the MPEG-1 standard), but can not handle any bitstreams that use the "berlin" entropy coding table set. Berlin data is relatively rare so there shouldn't be too much to worry about here, but be aware of the difference when looking for streams to play. XING is a popular DOS/Windows-based MPEG encoder/player that does not take advantage of P or B frames (ie, frames with motion compensation). Performance of the player on XING data is significantly slower (half or less) than the performance when motion compensated MPEG data is decoded. ═══ 4.2. Origin of the Code ═══ o Computer Science Division-EECS, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley. Lawrence A. Rowe, Ketan Patel, and Brian Smith wrote a Unix and X Windows-based MPEG decoder and viewer. This program is based on their version 2.0 release. To get the original source, ftp to toe.cs.berkeley.edu, directory /pub/multimedia/mpeg/mpeg-2.0.tar.Z. These folks have set up several mailing lists for their code. - mpeg-list-dist@CS.Berkeley.EDU General information on the decoder for everyone interested should be sent to this list. This should become active after 11/20/92 - mpeg-list-request@CS.Berkeley.EDU Requests to join or leave the list should be sent to this address. The subject line should contain the single word ADD or DELETE. - mpeg-bugs@CS.Berkeley.EDU Problems, questions, or patches should be sent to this address. o Tom Lane of the Independent JPEG Group provided the basic inverse DCT code used by the Berkeley player. (tom_lane@g.gp.cs.cmu.edu) o I, Mike Brown, ported the Unix/X code to OS/2 and Presenation Manager and "integerized" the heavy floating point in the inverse DCT routine. This program and all of the gathered components are in the public domain. ═══ 4.3. Movie Sites ═══ You can get MPEG movies from computers around the world. The well-known ones I have found are: o emx.cc.utexas.edu /pub/mht/mpeg o s2k-ftp.cs.berkeley.edu /pub/multimedia/mpeg o havefun.stanford.edu /pub/mpeg o phoenix.oulu.fi /pub/mpeg o burrito.raleigh.ibm.com /pub/pics/mpeg ═══ 4.4. Known Bugs ═══ Some movies have encoding errors. Most of these will be caught and safely ignored but some will cause the application to suddenly exit or Trap. Work is ongoing to bulletproof the code against these encoding errors. Please send me the title and location of any movies that fail. Movie playback is not real-time. Faster CPU and video cards will help to improve the situation and internal optimization is ongoing. Use grayscale to get the fastest playback, at the expense of losing color. ═══ 4.5. Author Contact ═══ Author name: Mike Brown You can reach me at mbrown@sescomp.com (or use the syntax required by your system to send Internet email). I look forward to reports of new movie sites, new feature requests and of course bug reports. If you "register" your use, I'll send a broadcast message as new versions are released. The official ftp site will be ftp.cdrom.com. ═══ ═══ A symbol that shows that a choice is currently active.