Phantom Teleconference Version 1.64 Update Information Release: January 26, 1994 This update contains the following bug fixes, and additions: January 25, 1994 ---------------- 1.0 Teleconference Additions Phantom Teleconference now has the ability to support Opus/Avatar control/colour codes. A use may select Opus/Avatar codes, ANSI codes, or TTY terminal by editing their user preferences, using option number four (4). Opus/Avatar may also be forced on the command line using the /O command line parameter. Opus/Avatar will override ANSI codes. Phantom Teleconference now supports 2 sets of text files, and they are as follows: ACTNVOCA.ASC & ACTNVOCA.ANS --------------------------- These two files, if present will be displayed to the user when the user requests a list of action commands. If the files do not exist, the teleconference will generate a list and display it to the user. MAXCHATS.ASC & MAXCHATS.ANS --------------------------- These two files, if present will be displayed to the user when the user is a non-paying, or non-live user who has exceeded the specified number of maximum chats. Both sets of files are to be located in the directory that PHTConf is running from. The file extensions mean the following: .ASC = ASCII/TTY file, sent DIRECTLY as is to the user. .ANS = ANSI file. This file, if ANSI is active, will be displayed properly. If Opus/Avatar codes are selected, PHTConf will translate the ANSI codes to Opus/Avatar codes. In addition, in these files, you may specify special file tokens to control output. The tokens are enclosed in brace brackets, and the tokens are as follows: C = Clear the screen B = Allow the user to use CTRL-C to stop displaying the current file. An example of using these tokens would be to place {C} anywhere in the file (normally at the beginning), and this would clear the screen. You may also put more than one token in the brace brackets, such as {CB}. The order of the tokens does not matter. 2.0 Bug Fixes All known bugs have been eliminated, including the teleconference action command bug. In addition, the action command definitions was re-structured. The new structure is as follows: Action Word: This is the action word Message To Actor: This is the message sent to the actor Message To Recipient: This is the message sent to the user specified. Message To All #1: This is the message sent when NO data and NO Recipient is specified. Message To All #2: This is the message sent when a Recipient is specified. Message To All #3: This is the message sent when a Recipient and or user data is specified. In addition the ability to edit/update action words has been added, and the ability to add more than one action word in an add session. *** NOTICE *** If you are running a FOSSIL driver when using the teleconference, and you notice garbage in another user's window, this is because PHTConf has a built-in FOSSIL driver. If you wish to view other windows, have the FOSSIL driver removed from memory before initiating the teleconference. This is not a bug, it is simply a conflict with other FOSSIL drivers, although this is a conflict, opperation in not effected. January 26, 1994 ---------------- 1.0 Teleconference Additions The help command was implimented. All of the help files are in the format COMMAND.HLP Where COMMAND is the name of the command, for example: version.hlp Would be the file containing the help for the version command. The help files are text files, and are displayed directly to the user. File control tokens are valid in these files. User to User chat implimented. The user to user chat will only work when the /Z parameter is specified, denoting a network. It is HIGHLY advised that if you are not using a RAM DISK for the conference that you do if you wish to use the user to user chat. For information on installing RAM disks, please see the documentation. If you are not running a network, and wish to use the user to user chat, you may specify the /Z parameter, and there will be no errors. While in the user to user chat, CTRL S will list the users currently in the teleconference, and ESC or CTRL [ will exit the private chat. Registration scheme re-designed, and registration checking routines fully implimented. 5 Node testing limit on non-registered, valid copies of PHTConf was implimented. 2.0 Bug Fixes The error where it would not tell you always when a user enters the conference that you are currently in, has been fixed. The user page feature has been disabled due to port conflictions, this function however will be available shortly. February 1, 1994 ---------------- 1.0 Additions - Sysop ability to turn on and off time slicing. - Sysop ability to review the system drives, boot drive, memory statistics, and DOS major and minor version. - Sysop ability to become immortal. - Ability to forget and remember users in the teleconference. - Registration scheme re-designed yet again. - /i parameter to skip port initilization. - Included example help files for public commands. - Generic actions available using the ga command. - Use paging feature added. 2.0 Bug Fixes Action commands fixed. If you would like more information on PHTConf, or the latest update, you may call Phantom Software directly at (613) 542-9261 between the hours of 8:00am and 11:30pm EST. Or if you prefer you may write Phantom Software at the following address: Phantom Software Attn: Brian Altenpohl 17 Van Order Drive #6-301 Kingston, Ontario K7M-1B5