THelpTopic Welcome to the Online Help & Tutorial Select a highlighted item (using the Tab Key) and press Enter or double click with the mouse to learn more about that item. Use the arrows to scroll the help window. . To access a Help button, press the ALT Key g and the highlighted letter on the button. Press ESC or click on Cancel to close the Help window. Read About Screen for general G help on using the pulldown menus and the graphical user interface. Read Getting Started & Using RemoteRetrieve - to start using RemoteRetrieve immediately. Read Contents For an overview of RemoteRetrieve. THelpTopic Exit (Alt-X) The Exit command terminates RemoteRetrieve. THelpTopic Answer Mode Selecting Answer configures RemoteRetrieve to answer the phone. o When you select Answer, RemoteRetrieve runs the Host program, HOST.EXE, which is actually a separate program. e The Host program answers the phone and provides remote access to a computer running RemoteRetrieve. < You can also run the HOST.EXE program from the DOS prompt. THelpTopic Dial Phone Number Password Cancel Enter the Remote computer's phone number and password. Remember to add the full phone number, including the leading 1, "*70,," to disable call waiting, "9,," to dial out, and credit card numbers. See Phone Number THelpTopic Hangup (Alt-G) Hangup the phone. THelpTopic Switch Voice to Data This feature allows you to communicate over the telephone before running the software. To use this feature, inform the person at the Host computer to run the "Host" program and then press F1. + Then you select the Voice to Data option. . Click on OK to start the connection process. You will see a dialog box informing you to tell the remote user to hang up the phone. One or two seconds after the remote user hangs up the phone, hang up your phone. After a short delay, the computers should be communicating. | IMPORTANT: In order for the Voice to Data feature to work, you must have one of the following telephone/modem connections. 1. You use a "Y" or splitter jack, sometimes called "Modular Duplex Jack". Both the Telephone and the modem are to be connected into the "Y" or 2. Your modem must have two phone connectors, one labeled "Line" and the other labeled "Phone". The phone connector labeled "Phone" must be connected to the telephone and the connector labeled "Line" must be connected to the "Telephone Line". This second method does not work in all cases. This does not work with modems which disconnect the telephone when a data connection is made. In this case you will need to use a "Y" jack. See also Data Voice A NOTE: If you get the message "Access denied" see Access Denied. THelpTopic Switch Data to Voice This feature allows you to switch from transferring data to talking on the telephone. To use this feature, select "Data to Voice" from the "Phone Menu". You will see a message telling you to pick up the telephone handset after you press the OK button. F RemoteRetrieve notifies the Host user to also pick up the telephone. You will then see a message telling you to wait a few seconds (allowing the Host user to pick up the telephone) and then press the OK button. When you press the OK button, it hangs up your modem, and establishes the voice connection. | IMPORTANT: In order for the Voice to Data feature to work, you must have one of the following telephone/modem connections. c 1. Your modem must have two phone connectors, one labeled "Line" and the other labeled "Phone" or 2. You use a "Y" or splitter jack, sometimes called "Modular Duplex Jack". Both the Telephone and the modem are to be connected into the "Y". In the first case, the phone connector labeled "Phone" must be connected to the telephone and the connector labeled "Line" must be connected to the "Telephone Line". See also Voice Data A NOTE: If you get the message "Access denied" see Access Denied. THelpTopic File Manager The File Manager displays two Local Windows or one Local Window and one Remote Window. P These windows need to be displayed before the File Manager commands will work. THelpTopic Select/Clear (Space) Select or Clear the highlighted file. Selecting the command once selects the file, selecting it again clears the selection. P Besides using the Space Bar, you can double click on the files to select them. N Use the select command when you want to perform multiple sends, deletes etc. THelpTopic Select All (F4) Select all of the files in the current directory. \ Use the select all command when you want to send all the files or delete all of the files. THelpTopic Clear All (Alt-F4) Clear the selection of all of the selected files in the current directory. THelpTopic Make Dir (Alt-K) This command creates a new directory in the current Directory. The directory name can have up to 8 characters and an optional period with up to 3 characters following the period. Two valid Directory names are "DIRNAME" and "DIRNAME.EXT" THelpTopic Delete (Delete) Delete the highlighted file or directory. > NOTE: Directories on the Remote computer can not be deleted. THelpTopic Description (Insert) Add a description to the highlighted file or directory. The description can be up to 80 characters in length. THelpTopic Refresh Directory (F5) This commands reads the current directory again and retrieves the files in that directory. This command is especially useful with the Remote Window to verify if the files that were sent to the Remote side actually made it. THelpTopic Print File Print the highlighted file to the printer. Currently only LPT1: (parallel printer Port 1) is supported. If your printer is connected to a port other than Port 1 or it is a serial printer, use DOS or another application software to print the file. THelpTopic Copy (F8) Copy the selected file or files from one window to the other. THelpTopic Move (F7) Move the selected file or files. This feature permits you to move a file from a directory on the local computer to a different directory on the local computer. Note: If the two directories are the same, you are prompted for a new file name. Under these circumstances you are renaming a file, instead of moving it to another location. THelpTopic Rename Rename the selected file or files. This command works only on the Local side. It Renames the file. THelpTopic Find File (Alt-I) Finds a file on the selected drive. This command works only on the Local side. You can specify matching characters such as "*" and "?" if you don't know the exact name of the file. z If you want to search for a file on a different drive, then select a different drive from the Directory/Drives list box. See also Wild Cards THelpTopic Wild Card Characters Wild Card Characters are useful for matching files. The '*' matches all words and the '?' matches one letter. For example, '*.EXE' would match all of the files with an EXE extension. And '*.*' would match all files. Another example is '?.?'. This would match all files which only had one letter for the file name and zero or one letter in the extension. e The wild cards are used with the Find File command and the File Type in the Local & Remote windows. THelpTopic Modem Configuration Advanced Modem String [ ] Options IRQ Modem Speed ( ) 2 ( ) Com 1 ( ) 2400 Baud ( ) 3 ( ) Com 2 ( ) 9600 Baud ( ) 4 ( ) Com 3 ( )19200 Baud ( ) 5 ( ) Com 4 ( )38400 Baud ( ) 7 [X]Tone Dial [ ]Disable Modem Cancel Default Setting If RemoteRetrieve was successful in finding you modem, you will see the word modem appear next to the COM port radio buttons. In this case, IGNORE the Advanced options and Default Setting button. If RemoteRetrieve was unable to find your modem, see Advanced options K The Disable Modem option should not be selected if you are using a modem. The Modem String should only be added if RemoteRetrieve doesn't work with your modem, such as if your modem is not Hayes compatible. THelpTopic Test Port Button This tests the Port to see if the configuration is valid h If you modify any of the modem settings, you can use this button to check if the settings are correct. v You can also use this button to check for a modem, if you turned the external modem on after you ran RemoteRetrieve, THelpTopic Default Settings The Default Setting button restores the Interrupt Request and Port Address to their default settings for the selected COM Port. The defaults are: COM1 IRQ 4 Address 3f8 COM2 IRQ 3 Address 2f8 COM3 IRQ 4 Address 3e8 COM4 IRQ 3 Address 2e8 See Advanced Options THelpTopic Advanced Options The Interrupt Request (IRQ) and Port Address settings should only be changed if RemoteRetrieve was unable to find your modem (RemoteRetrieve will notify you if it was unable to find your modem), and your computer does not use the standard interrupt line or COM Port address. You will need to refer to your serial board if you have an external modem, or your modem manual if you have an internal modem, for the IRQ & Port Address settings. see Default Settings THelpTopic Modem String Information Most Hayes compatible modems should work with RemoteRetrieve without having to change the initialization string. ! If your modem doesn't work with RemoteRetrieve, please call Outpost to see if we have an initialization string for your modem. Or if you have another modem which does work, call up our Outpost BBS to see the latest list of modem initialization strings. You can download the modem file. D RemoteRetrieve uses an initilization string of ATQEVS0=0X1X4&C1&D2 AT - Attention code (preceeds all modem codes) Q0 - Display result codes E0 -Disables echoing of characters when offline V0 - Result codes are sent as digits. S0=0 - set the S2 register to 0 (answer on the first ring) X1 - The modem "blind dials". It doesn't wait for a dial tone or detect a busy signal. CONNECTxxxx result codes are enabled. X4 - The modem waits for a dial tone before dialing. CONNECTxxxx result codes are enabled. The modem sends a BUSY result code if a busy signal is detected. &C1 - DCD is ON when data carrier is detected and OFF when it is not. &D2 - The modem hangs up and switches to command state and disables auto-answer when it detects an ON to OFF transition on DTR. THelpTopic Local Side [X] Date [X] Reverse Sort Files Directory/Drives File001.ext Directry.1 File002.ext Directry.2 File003.ext Directry.3 Pathname Type filename size date Description Copy View THelpTopic Remote Side [X] Date [X] Reverse Sort Files Directory/Drives File001.ext Directry.1 File002.ext Directry.2 File003.ext Directry.3 Read/Write Permission Browse Pathname Type filename size date Description Copy View Browse THelpTopic Password Enter the two Logon passwords. ] These passwords will be requested from remote users trying to gain access to your computer. H The first password (Read / Write) allows full access to your computer. [ The second password (Write only) only allows another user to send files to your computer. s If you leave the first password blank, then anyone with the RemoteRetrieve program can gain access to your files. w If you leave the second password blank, then anyone with the RemoteRetrieve program can send files to your computer. If a user has only Write only permission to your computer, the files that he/she sends end up in the C:\REMRET\INBOX directory. THelpTopic Cleanup Descriptions Remove file descriptions from the database for deleted files. RemoteRetrieve maintains a database of files which have descriptions. If a file is deleted using a program other than RemoteRetrieve, then RemoteRetrieve will still have that file's description in its database. q So it is a good idea to run the Cleanup Descriptions program periodically to cleanup RemoteRetrieve's database. THelpTopic Zoom (Alt-F5) Zoom enlarges the File Viewer window to the maximum size. If the window is already enlarged, you can choose this command to restore it to its previous size. a You can also click on the arrow in the upper right hand corner to enlarge or reduce the window. THelpTopic Next (F6) Next cycles through the windows on the desktop. THelpTopic Close (Alt-F3) Close the active window. a You can also click on the close box in the upper left corner of the window to close the window. THelpTopic About When you choose the About command from the (Help) menu, a dialog box appears, showing copyright and version information. 6 To close the box, press Esc, or click the OK button. THelpTopic View File (F9) (This works with the Local/Remote windows) h A file viewer views the contents of a text file. You can use the arrow keys to move about in the file. ` Up Move up one line Down Move down one line Right Move right one column Left Move left one column PgUp Move one page up PgDn Move one page down Home View right most column of the file End View left most column of the file Ctrl-PgUp View top of file Ctrl-PgDn View bottom of file. THelpTopic [ Browse ] Browse the Directories without retrieving the files. This feature is for advanced users who have slow modems. When you select this button, a browse indicator appears just below the Directories/Drives list box, showing that you are in Browse mode. Click on it again to turn off Browse mode. As you change directories in the Browse mode, you will see only a list of directories and subdirectories, but not files. To retrieve files in a desired directory, turn off the Browse button by clicking on it again. THelpTopic [X] Touch Tone Select for Touch Tone Dialing. # Deselect this for Rotary Dialing. THelpTopic [X] Disable Modem Disable the modem or direct connection to another computer via a Null modem cable. You can select the Disable Modem option if you are connecting two computers together via a Null modem cable attached to the serial ports. In this case, both modems would be disabled, since the two computers would talk to each other via the serial ports and not the modem. For example, you could use this option if you are transferring files from your desktop computer to your laptop or vice versa. You can also use this option to network two computers together. $ See Simple Network computers You can also 'Disable the Modem' if you just want to use RemoteRetrieve as a File Manager and do not need to send/retrieve files to a remote computer. < This option should be deselected if you are using a modem. THelpTopic Phone Number Enter the phone number of the remote computer. You may use spaces, '(', and '-' in the number but they are not necessary. For example 1 (408) 736-1077. Remember to add the full phone number, including the leading 1. If you have to dial a '9' before you can get out of your phone system enter "9,," before the phone number. For example 9,,1-408-736-1077 The commas add in two seconds of delay, allowing the phone system to interpret the first few numbers before processing the phone number. ^ If you have Call Waiting enter "*70,," before the phone number. For example *70,,14087361077 THelpTopic Password Enter the Remote computer's password. % The password is not Case Sensitive. THelpTopic File Type The File Type box is where you enter the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.*). w Generally you would want to list files with a common extension such as *.DOC, *.EXE, *.BAT, hence the name File Type. See Wild Cards THelpTopic Files FILENM01.DOC FILENM02.DOC FILENM03.DOC FILENM04.DOC FILENM05.DOC FILENM06.DOC The Files list box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the File Type box. See Wild Cards | To select multiple files for deleting, copying etc., use the Space bar. You can also double click on a file to select it. THelpTopic Directories/Drives DIRECTRY.1 DIRECTRY.2 DIRECTRY.3 DIRECTRY.4 [-A-] [-C-] The Directory list box lists the names of the subdirectories in the selected directory and all of the Drives. If you are in a subdirectory, you will also see ".." on the first row. If you double click on the "..", you will go back up the directory. x To change a directory, highlight the directory and press Enter. You may also double click on that directory. See Files THelpTopic About the Screen The menus are accessed by pressing the ALT key plus the Highlighted letter of the menu. For example, the 'F'ile menu is pulled down by Alt F. i To access a command from a menu, press the key corresponding to the Highlighted letter of that command. 1 The buttons can be accessed in the same manner. 8 Press ESC or click on Cancel to close the Help window. THelpTopic The RemoteRetrieve program The RemoteRetrieve program is the one you are currently running. THelpTopic The Host program The Host program runs unattended on a remote computer. It answers the phone, and responds to commands from the RemoteRetrieve program. Before the Host program can be run, it must be Configured modem. This is done when you first run the RemoteRetrieve program. f The Host program can be run from the RemoteRetrieve program by selecting Answer from the Phone Menu. THelpTopic Transferring files between computers 1) Run the Host program on the Remote computer. See Answer 2) Run the RemoteRetrieve program on the Local computer. 3) Dial the phone number of the Remote computer. If the connection was successful, you will see the Local Window & Remote Window To transfer files 1) select the files by a. highlighting the desired file and pressing the space bar, or b. double clicking on the file name. 2) press the Copy button THelpTopic ONLINE When an active phone connection is established with the Host computer. THelpTopic OFFLINE When you do not have an active phone connection to the Host computer. THelpTopic Modem Com Port This is the Communications Port that attaches to the modem. THelpTopic Modem Speed Set this to the highest speed at which your modem can communicate. Refer to you modem manual for more information. If you are getting errors in your communication, especially if your are running Remote Retrieve under Windows, you might try and set the modem to a lower speed. THelpTopic THelpTopic THelpTopic Case Sensitive Case Sensitive is when the Upper Case Letters are NOT considered equal to the Lower Case Letters. < Example of case sensitive: "JOHN" is not equal to "john" Example of NOT case sensitive: "JOHN" is equal to "john" The passwords in RemoteRetrieve are NOT case sensitive. Therefore it doesn't matter if you type the password in upper case, lower case, or mixed. THelpTopic Customer Service or Technical Support For customer service or technical support write or call D Outpost Software 642 San Miguel Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Voice 408-736-1070 FAX 408-736-2263 BBS 408-736-1077 (requires RemoteRetrieve software) THelpTopic Index (use the Tab Key to select an item) - A - About Dialog About Screen Access Denied Error message Description Advanced Settings Answer Appendices - B - Browse Indicator Browse Button - C - Case Sensitive Clear selection Clear selections Cleanup Descriptions Close window Create Directory Create Password Configure Modem Contents Copy CrossRef - D - Data Voice Default Setting Delete Denied Access Error message Description Dial Directories/Drives - E - Exit - F - Features File commands Select/Clear highlighted Select files Clear Delete directory Add description Make Directory Refresh Move Rename Find Print File File Manager Files Find - G - Gateway network Getting Started - H - Hangup Hardwired connection Help commands Online About Help using Screen Help Outpost Host - K - Keyboard Commands - L - Local Window Logon Password - M - Make Directory Modem COM Speed Initialization string Move - N - Networking Next window - O - OFFLINE ONLINE - P - Password PasswordName Phone commands Dial Hangup Answer Exit Phone Number Previous Print - Q - Quit - R - Refresh Read/Write definition RemoteRetrieve Remote Window Rename Resume transmission - S - Screen information Select/Clear highlighted Select files Setup commands Modem Password Cleanup Descriptions Skip - T - Test Touch service Transfer Files - U - Unique Using RemoteRetrieve - V - Verify transfer View Button Voice - W - Welcome WildCards Window commands Close Next Zoom Windows Using RemoteRetrieve Windows Write - Z - Zoom THelpTopic Contents Appendices Using RemoteRetrieve Getting Started Introduction Welcome RemoteRetrieve Features Getting Outpost THelpTopic Getting Started 1. Configure Modem 2. Enter Logon Password 3. Set Remote computer Answer 4. Call Remote computer 5. Transfer files See also Using RemoteRetrieve 6. Hang phone 7. Switch Voice 8. Switch Data Voice THelpTopic Using RemoteRetrieve Working Manager Transferring Files Deleting Files Adding Descriptions Creating Directories Verifying transfers Moving Files Renaming Files Finding Files THelpTopic Appendices Running RemoteRetrieve under Windows Keyboard commands Index THelpTopic Welcome to RemoteRetrieve RemoteRetrieve is an easy to use communication program. Some of its many uses are: Remote Access to your home or office computer. Transfer files between two people using a modem. Simple Network computers Remote Gateway Network The programs included in this package are: L The RemoteRetrieve software (REMRET.EXE) The Host software (HOST.EXE) Press ESC to close the Help window. THelpTopic Description of the file or directory To create a description, highlight the desired file, and press the Insert key. The description can be up to 80 characters in length. See Descriptions THelpTopic Simple networking for 2 computers 1. In this case, one computer would be the server and the other the client. 2. The server needs to run a multi-tasking operating system such as Windows, Desqview or OS/2. 3. The two computers could be connected with a null-modem cable through the serial ports or via modems. 4. The server would run the "Host" software under one task. 5. The client would run RemoteRetrieve to gain access to the files on the server. Note: In this situation, the server is the Host or remote computer. The client is the local computer. THelpTopic Running RemoteRetrieve under Microsft Windows The RemoteRetrieve install program copies 2 files over to the C:\REMRET directory which are used with Windows: REMRET.PIF & HOST.PIF 1. Start Windows 2. Create a new program group a. Select "New" from the Program Manager's "File" menu. b. You will see a "New Program Object" box c. Select "Program Group" then press OK. d. You will see "Program Group Properties" box. e. Enter "Remote Retrieve" for the description, then press OK. 3. Create a program item called Remote Retrieve a. Select "New" from the Program Manager's "File" menu. b. You will see a "New Program Object" box c. Select "Program Item" then press OK. d. You will see "Program Item Properties" box. e. Enter "Remote Retrieve" for the description. f. Enter C:\REMRET\REMRET.PIF for the command line. g. Enter C:\REMRET for the working directory. h. Press OK when finished. 4. Create a program item called Host a. Repeat steps a through h in step 3 except substitute HOST.PIF for REMRET.PIf, and under the description in the Program Item Properties enter "Host" instead of "Remote Retrieve". See Running background THelpTopic Keyboard Commands F1 - Get context-sensitive online Help F6 - Move back & forth between open windows on the Desktop F10 - Access the command menus. Esc - Close the menu or Dialog box Tab - Navigate through the window Left Arrow - Move to the Files Window in the Local & Remote Windows Right Arrow - Move to the Directory Window in the Local & Remote Windows Up & Down Arrows - Choose another option in a Radio Button. Page up & Down - Scroll down one page Ctrl Page up - Scroll to the top. Ctrl Page down - Scroll to the bottom. THelpTopic Browse Mode Indicator When the Browse Button is pressed the Browse Mode Indicator goes on, indicating that the user is in "Browse" mode. THelpTopic Remote Gateway to a network RemoteRetrieve can be set up so that a remote user can access the files and directories on a network. 1. The "Host" or remote computer must be connected to the network. The network software must be up and running before the Host program is started. U 2. Run the HOST.EXE program or select Answer from the Phone menu in RemoteRetrieve. * Be sure the system is password protected b 3. Call the remote computer using RemoteRetrieve. You should have access to the network drives. THelpTopic RemoteRetrieve Features 1. Send/Retrieve files to/from a remote computer. 2. Remote Viewing files 3. File Description characters 4. Quick Directory Navigator 5. Context Sensitive Online Help 6. Easy to setup. See Getting Started 7. Password protection 8. Runs under Windows 9. Can Remote Gateway network 10. The program background 11. Switch Voice 12. Switch Data Voice THelpTopic File Already Exists. Write Over? filename Write Over Resume Unique Skip Write over the existing file Resume transfer of a file that terminated early (crashed in the middle of a transfer) Create a Unique name for the file and copy the original file to that uniquely named file. Skip over this file and copy the next one THelpTopic Read / Write Permission This applies only to the Remote side. This indicates the permission you have. Read/Write permission indicates that you can Read files on the Remote side, Send files to the Remote side, and Delete files on the Remote side. THelpTopic Path name & File type This displays the complete path for the selected directory (including the drive letter). It also displays the File Type. L The Path name & File type are displayed just underneath the Files THelpTopic [X] Sort by Date Selecting this option will sort the Files list box by Date instead of Alphabetically. THelpTopic [X] Reverse Sort Selecting this option will reverse the sorting order of the Files list box. THelpTopic Running the Host in Background using Windows If you would like to run RemoteRetrieve in the background using Desqview or OS/2, refer to the Desqview or OS/2 user's manual. C With Windows, you can run the Host in background one of two ways. 1. You can modify the HOST.PIF file using the PIF editor which comes with Windows. The HOST.PIF file should be in the C:\REMRET directory. To make Host run in the background set the Execution from Exclusive to Background. 2. You can change the Settings option in the Control Menu. Change the Tasking options from Exclusive to Background. You will see the Control Menu after you run the Host program from Windows. THelpTopic Access Denied Error message When you get this error message, it means that the password in the Dial dialog box does not match the Host computer's password. To match passwords do one of the following: 1.Inform the person at the Host computer to change the Host's password by selecting 'Password' from the 'Setup' menu and changing it. Please note that if this password is left blank, then a person calling in will not need a password to gain access to the Host computer. s 2. Change the password in the Dial dialog box by selecting 'Dial' from the'Phone' menu and changing the password. THelpIndex ] transfer) Create a Unique name for the file and copy the original file to that uniquely named file. Skip over this file and copy the next one THelpTopic Read / Write Permission This applies only to the Remote side. This indicates the permission you have. Read/Write permission indicates that you can Read files on the Remote side, Send files to the Remote side, and Delete files on the Remote side. THelpTopic Path name & File type This displays the complete path for the selected directory (including the drive letter). It also displays the File Type. L The Path name & File type are displayed just underneath the Files THelpTopic other Outpost products Visual (bulletin board system) Remote Power Switch RemoteRetrieve Windows For orders call Outpost THelpTopic Visual BBS (bulletin board system) 1.0 Offers all the features of RemoteRetrieve, plus many additional ones: Send E-Mail messages with attached files to a remote computer Secure files in each directory with different permissions. You can designate "Read/Write", "Read only", or "Write only" permission for the files in each directory a user has access. Up to 1000 Unique E-Mail accounts, each of whom have their own password & directory permissions. Built in Text Editor Create a "logon screen" that will be displayed when a user logs on, providing information about the BBS. Create a "Guest" password allowing everyone with the "Access" software to access common files that you designate. Establish a visual-oriented BBS which requires very little maintenance or setup. You can run the Host in background using Windows or Desqview. Both the Host & Access software run under DOS, allowing users without Windows to run the programs. These programs, however, will also run under Windows. The package comes with the "Host" & "Access" software. Each user needs a copy of the "Access" software. The Professional version license covers unlimited distribution of the Access software to users of your BBS. The standard edition permits distribution of the Access software to 10 users. . Below are some possibilities with Visual BBS Technical support BBS Your customers can directly access your BBS to find answers to their routine questions, freeing technical support staff Online catalog Use Visual BBS for an online catalog and ordering system. Telecommuting Telecommuting is easy with Visual BBS, which provides tremendous flexibility for communicating with your employees, wherever they work. Online Sales Queries/ Orders Use Visual BBS for your sales staff with their laptop computers. They can obtain quotes or information directly from headquarters and then place orders while out in the field. Additionally sending E-Mail to, from and among sales staff is easy with Visual BBS. Remote Gateway to a Network Access your network using the ease, convenience, and file security, that Visual BBS provides. Different users can have different access privileges. To order call Outpost THelpTopic [X] Sort by Date Selecting this option will sort the Files list box by Date instead of Alphabetically. THelpTopic [X] Reverse Sort Selecting this option will reverse the sorting order of the Files list box. THelpTopic Running the Host in Background using Windows If you would like to run RemoteRetrieve in the background using Desqview or OS/2, refer to the Desqview or OS/2 user's manual. C With Windows, you can run the Host in background one of two ways. 1. You can modify the HOST.PIF file using the PIF editor which comes with Windows. The HOST.PIF file should be in the C:\REMRET directory. To make Host run in the background set the Execution from Exclusive to Background. 2. You can change the Settings option in the Control Menu. Change the Tasking options from Exclusive to Background. You will see the Control Menu after you run the Host program from Windows. THelpTopic Access Denied Error message When you get this error message, it means that the password in the Dial dialog box does not match the Host computer's password. To match passwords do one of the following: 1.Inform the person at the Host computer to change the Host's password by selecting 'Password' from the 'Setup' menu and changing it. Please note that if this password is left blank, then a person calling in will not need a password to gain access to the Host computer. s 2. Change the password in the Dial dialog box by selecting 'Dial' from the'Phone' menu and changing the password. THelpTopic Remote Power Switch The Remote Power Switch allows you to remotely turn on your computer. With the Remote Power Switch, you don't have to leave your PC on all the time. If you forget a file while you are on a business trip, turn on your computer and use RemoteRetrieve to retrieve the file. For orders call Outpost THelpTopic RemoteRetrieve for Windows RemoteRetrieve for Windows is similar to RemoteRetrieve for DOS, however, RemoteRetrieve for Windows includes file compression, allowing you to compress a file before sending it. This feature can help reduce transmission time dramatically. For orders call Outpost THelpIndex