Newsgroups: Path: nuchat!!!taronga!arielle From: (Stephanie da Silva) Subject: Charter Message-ID: Sender: (Stephanie da Silva) Organization: Taronga Park BBS Date: Sat, 8 Jan 94 22:17:07 CST Approved: X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.2 PL16] Lines: 201 Last updated 10 December 1993 What is ------------------------ is a moderated newsgroup. Being moderated means that no articles can be posted until approved by the moderator. This is so we can provide a noise-free environment for the sharing of recipes. I have also discovered there's a lot of confusion between and is an unmoderated, lively, and often interesting discussion group. is for recipes only; no discussion of any kind is allowed. Cross-posting between the two newsgroups (or any other newsgroup) is not recommended. If you do cross- post, I reserve the right not to cross-post into any newsgroup that I feel is inappropriate for the article. Users new to the net are strongly encouraged to read the informational postings in the newsgroup news.announce.newusers to familiarize themselves with Usenet. These articles in particular should be beneficial: Welcome to news.announce Rules for posting to Usenet A primer for working with the Usenet community Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Usenet Emily Postnews Answers Your Questions About Usenet Hints on writing style for Usenet List of Moderators for Usenet How does one post to ------------------------------------- The simplest way is to post like you would for any unmoderated group (by using Pnews or whatever command your system uses for posting news). This isn't the most efficient way, as the news software then has to forward the article to me. Depending on how many gateways the article needs to go through, it can be delayed as much as a week (there are sites out there that still forward articles to the original moderator)! A faster way would be to email directly to this site, by sending to the newsgroup alias ( Anything else I need to know about submitting to the newsgroup? -------------------------------------------------------------- Before you post, stop and ask yourself, "Is this a recipe I can easily find myself?" Have you made any sort of effort to look it up on your own? is not any sort of commercial recipe service. It is a group of friendly cooks donating their time and effort to the net. No one gets paid for doing this. Many of them do not appreciate being taken for granted, and are annoyed by requests that say "I'm making such-n-such dish tonight and I need a recipe before then" and "Email me as I don't have time to read this group." It would probably take less time for you to go to the library and photocopy a recipe than it would for someone to type in the same recipe and submit it. A recipe like paella may sound exotic, but is actually a standard dish and recipes for it are quite common. Geography plays into things, too. To me, a pumpkin pie recipe is only as far as the grocery store, on the back of a can of Libby's pumpkin. Yet, I wouldn't find the same request for pumpkin pie from a Kiwi to be unreasonable at all. Amy Gale ( posts a FAQ to this group once a month on the 10th. The FAQ contains a lot of useful information, such as conversions, metric to US equivalents, explanations of food terms, etc. Submissions should be no larger than 60K (this is limited by the news software). Please minimize commentary in your articles. Avoid saying things like "I have more recipes and will post if there's any interest." Of course there's interest -- that's why we're all here! Instead of asking, go ahead and post! Don't ask for suggestions, ideas or menus, because in response, you will receive suggestions, ideas and menus, not recipes. Don't ask for "good" recipes -- do you think the only ones we post are bad ones? If you do not see your article, instead of resubmitting, email me asking about its status. Just because you haven't seen it, don't assume I didn't post it (or even received it). You might be surprised at how much recipes related email bounces. The net is not 100% efficient and not all articles make it to all sites. I'm not 100% efficient either, and on occasion, I'll lose a file or delete something by accident. Check the logfile. The logfile is a list of headers of all articles that have been posted within the past 2 months and is an easy way to check to see if your article made it out. The two month rule only apples to requests! Even though a recipe has been requested, it doesn't necessarily follow that someone responded to the request or that there are even any recipes for that particular request in the archives. All it means was that specific recipe was requested within the last two months. There are no recipes in the logfile! It only contains the date, subject and the poster's address from the headers of articles posted to within the last two months. Please do not email me requests for specific recipes. I don't have any to send. Please do not flame me, for obvious reasons (I junk flames, anyways). Many readers of are vegetarians and would appreciate it if you tagged any vegetarian recipes as such for their convenience. Acceptable labels are vegan, ovo, lacto and vegetarian. Where are the archives? --------------------------------------- Use anonymous ftp to this address: ( Log on as "anonymous" and type your net.address as your password. The archives are in the directory /pub/ For more information on using anonymous ftp, look for the FAQ in news.answers. Comments or questions about the archives should go to The World Wide Web archive is up and running. The URL is: Telnetting to will get you into a public access Web browser. WWW LineMode Browser (what you get from type: go Bug reports to There is another archive site online as a WWW resource, along with the Usenet Cookbook. The URL is: (use the open URL option under file in Mosaic). Comments for this archive go to Sites with previously archived files: ( /pub/recipes (alt.gourmand files) ( /recipes ( under aem moderatorship) ( /usenet/ (mthvax mirror) /usenet/ (another mthvax mirror) ( /pub/sourdough (FAQs and mailing list archives) ( /recipes (Indian recipes) /pub/Recipes/FatFree (Fatfree archives) /pub/recipes (Fatfree archives) /pub/rec/cooking/fatfree (Fatfree archives) /msm/food (lots of different files on a Gopher server) Are there any related mailing lists? ----------------------------------- Yes! The newsgroup itself is distributed to a mailing list reflector. Any questions about the recipes mailing list should go to Andy Finkenstadt, ( Users can automatically join the recipes mailing list by sending to and putting on the first line of their message 'subscribe recipes'. They can auto-unsubscribe by sending 'unsubscribe recipes'. There is an additional channel of the recipes mailing list, called recipes-digest. Members can switch from one to the other by simply mailing to these three lines: unsubscribe recipes subscribe recipes-digest end EAT-L (foodlore/recipe exchange list) can be subscribed to by mailing to: send a message that says: sub EAT-L You may be interested in the mailing list FATFREE. To subscribe, send email to: subject: add The FOODWINE list address to subscribe is J-FOOD-L is a Japanese food & culture discussion list. Their list server is listserv@jpnknu01.bitnet, and you send the usual message: SUB J-FOOD-L Your Name The topics for the VEGGIE list are any aspect of vegetarianism, vegetarian life style, or indeed anything relevant to vegetarians. If you wish to join, please send mail to To subscribe to BEER-L, send a message to listserv@ua1vm.bitnet. To subscribe to BEEF-L, send a message to listserv@wsuvm1.bitnet. Leave the subject heading blank, and in the body of the message, type in "sub [listname]" followed by your name. If anyone knows of any other food-related mailing lists, I would appreciate hearing about them.