:Future_Projects The Herbology Helper is my first and most well known program using a hypertext database system to dissiminate information quickly and easily. It has proven reasonably popular and will continue to receive support and updates in the future. It is not my only program, and is not my only Hypertext project. Work is under way on a number of Hypertext Databases and Virtual Books, of both new and classical information and literature. My hope is to one day produce a CD-ROM disk (or series of disks) using this format to present a Library of Material on a variety of subjects and interests. In order to try to achieve this I need users who use my software and databases to truly do their part and buy the products. From the Herbology program you can see the general design concepts applied to the databases, my efforts at research and my attempts to bring you the best product I can. Each database is planned to use DART as its basis, as I have found that dart is compact, flexible and produces an excellent presentation quality to the product. So, on the following page is an order form for some of the other Hypertext Databases and Virtual Books (all in DART format) that are currently available. MAIL TO : Joseph Teller 8 A Middle Street Court Waltham, MA 02154 (Place an X in the blank before all wanted software & Books) PROGRAMS: ____ $12 The Silver Mage, Personal Comic Book Collection Tracker Simple way to track your entire collection. For DOS 3.2 thru DOS 6.1, runs under windows in a DOS Window easily. CGA or better graphics and Hard Drive Required. ---- $35 Herbology Helper, the premiere Database of Herbology, Natural Medicine and Herbal Magick. Years in the making, with optional VGA Artwork included. For DOS 3.2 thru DOS 6.1, runs under windows in a DOS Window easily. CGA or better graphics and Hard Drive Required. (This is the REGISTERED version). ____ $15 The Mystic Earth Roleplaying Game. This is the game system Inspired by Neil Gaimen and other authors of the new Genre of Mysticism and Mystery, set in an alternative modern era earth where magic works and history has gone awry. Placed in DART format for easy usage and reference. Designed for the serious roleplaying Game Fan. For DOS 3.2 thru DOS 6.1, runs under windows in a DOS Window easily. CGA or better graphics and Hard Drive Required. SPECIFY DISK TYPE : ____ 1.44m 3.5" Floppy Disk (HD) ____ 720K 3.5" Floppy Disk