Good morning. It's Sunday the 6th of February and here is the GB2RS news broadcast, prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain. First the headlines:- RSGB member, Andy Watts, G4VIW, is awarded the MBE in the New Years Honours List; A correction to the QSL sub-manager for the GM2 callsign series address has been advised; Lists of special event stations for the Guides Thinking Day on the Air now available from RSGB Headquarters; Your chance to help us to improve the GB2RS news broadcast; Winners of the VHF 144MHz Trophy and the 144MHz CW Marconi Contest. Firstly, our congratulations to another RSGB member Andy Watts, G4VIW. who received an MBE in the 1994 New Year Honours list for services to plumbing. Andy is Chief Executive and Secretary of the Institute of Plumbing based in Hornchurch, Essex. Next, we have been advised of a correction to the RSGB QSL Sub-Manager details for the GM2 Callsign Series and to the address which is printed in the RSGB Callbook. The GM2 series should read, GM2AA to GM8ZZ. The Sub-Manager is James T A Johnston, GM3LYY, and his address should read: "The Dolphins", 2c Montgomerie Drive, Fairlie, Ayrshire. KA29 0DZ. The Guides Thinking Day on the Air will take place during the weekend of Saturday the 19th and Sunday the 20th of February. A list of participating British GB Stations and of countries permitting Third Party Greetings Messages for this event is available from RSGB Headquarters on receipt of a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope, size A5 or larger. The address is: RSGB Lambda House, Cranborne Road, Potters Bar, Herts, postcode EN6 3JE. Please mark the envelope 'TDOTA 1994 List'. On Tuesday the 8th, the RSGB Exhibition and Rallies Committee will be meeting in London. In an effort to make the GB2RS News bulletin more interesting, we are seeking more news stories from amateurs throughout the UK. The most suitable stories refer to events which have taken place during the previous week, or which are about to happen during the following week or two. Apart from club and rally information, we would be pleased to receive operating news (have you worked anything really interesting this week?), news about achievements in amateur radio (has your club presented a trophy recently?). Perhaps you have news of repeaters, beacons or packet stations which are newly operational, are temporarily or permanently off the air, or are providing improved service. We would also like to hear about DXpeditions, or contesters who are going to rare parts of the UK. If you are using a GB or club call for a special event, send us a few details for the news broadcast. News items should be sent to RSGB, Lambda House, Cranborne Road, Potters Bar, Herts EN6 3JE, marking the envelope "Urgent news for GB2RS". The deadline is noon on the Tuesday preceding the Sunday broadcast. Now some items of HF DX news from the weekly RSGB DX News Sheet which is edited by Brendan McCartney, G4DYO. From the Philippines, G4ZVJ will be active as DU/G4ZVJ from Tuesday the 8th of February for one week. From Fiji, JI3ACL will sign 3D2CL from Thursday the 10th to Wednesday the 16th of February on all bands 10 - 40 metres on CW and SSB. 20 metres. From Ariosto de Souza, PT2BW will use the special callsign PV2A for the EAWW RTTY Contest on Saturday the 12th and Sunday the 13th of February. And from Mexico, NE8Z/HC1MD will sign XE1/NE8Z from Puerto Vallarta from Sunday the 13th to Sunday the 20th of February. Activity will be on all bands 10 - 160 metres, including the WARC, on CW and SSB. On CW check 5 and 25 up. Rally news now and we know of only one event for today, Sunday the 6th of February: The South Essex Amateur Radio Society Radio Rally which is being held at The Paddocks, Long Road, Canvey Island, Essex. Right at the end of the A130. Doors open at 10am. The disabled visitors' parking area is near the main door entrance. Features the usual trade stands and a bring & buy stall. Refreshments are available and talk-in is on channel S22. Now the Rallies for next weekend, and we know of three for Sunday the 13th of February: The Welsh (Barry) Mobile Rally is to be held at the Barry Leisure Centre, off Holton Road, Barry. Doors open at 10am, 9.30 for disabled visitors. This event features trade stands and a bring & buy stall. Refreshments will be available and the talk-in will be on 145.550MHz, channel S22. Further details can be obtained from Mike, GW8CMU on 0446 711426. Cambridge & District Amateur Radio Club Radio and Computer Rally is to be held at Addenbrookes Hospital Ambulance Station, Cambridge. There is easy access from the M11, junction 11 and the A45 via the Ring road. Doors open at 10.30am. The event features trade stands and a bring & buy stall. Refreshments will be available and talk-in will be on channel S22. Bookings and further information can be obtained from George, G0OEL on 0954 719273. Northern Cross Rally is to be held at the Rodillian School on the A61 between Leeds and Wakefield, near the junction of the M1 and M62. Doors open at 11am, 10.30 for disabled visitors and bring and buy vendors. Event features over 60 trade and group stands and a bring & buy stall. Morse Tests are available on demand, please remember to bring two passport size photographs. Also there will be the RSGB Propagation Studies and Planning Committee stands and the Wakefield and District Radio Society with some new Morse test practice aids and RSGB books. Refreshments will be available and talk-in will be on channel S22 and via GB3WU. Further details can be obtained from Dave, G0FLX on 0532 827883. Next some dates for your diary: The 1994 RSGB VHF Convention is to be held at its usual venue, Sandown Race Course, Esher, Surrey on Sunday the 20th of February. See January's RadCom for full details of the comprehensive lecture programme. Note that this event is being held much earlier in the year than usual. The 1994 RSGB London Amateur Radio and Computer Show is to be held during Saturday the 12th and Sunday the 13th of March, at the Lee Valley Leisure Centre, Picketts Lock Lane, Edmonton, London. This is the usual venue, but with a new name. February RadCom contains full details of the comprehensive lecture programme. This event is being run by RadioSport Limited, in conjunction with the RSGB and the Southgate Amateur Radio Club. Morse Tests will be available on demand, but please remember to bring two passport size photographs. There will be no RSGB National Convention this year so the Society will be putting on a larger stand at the London Show. HF contest news now: The last of 3.5MHz RSGB LF Cumulative Contests takes place today, Sunday, the 6th from 1600 to 1800 UTC. December's RadCom, page 84, gives detailed information on all of these LF Cumulative Contests. The RSGB 1.8MHz CW Contest takes place from 2100 UTC on Saturday the 12th to 0100 UTC on Sunday the 13th. See August RadCom page 81 for further details. The PACC Contest and the EA RTTY Contest both takes place during next Saturday the 12th and Sunday the 13th of February. The BYLARA Contests are scheduled to take place during Thursday the 10th from 1900 - 2200 UTC and again on Saturday the 12th from 1000 to 1300 UTC. For further details of the last three mentioned see February's RadCom, page 19. Next some VHF contest news: First we have some results through for some of the VHF Contests held during 1993. These have only just arrived into the office and the full results will be published in RadCom as soon as possible. In the 144MHz Trophy Contest held in September 1993, the winners and runners up for the various sections are as follows: In the Open Section the winner was GU4APA/P with 16,465 points, with G4IVX/P second with 11,713 points. In the Fixed Station, Single Operator section the winner was G4PIQ with 9,945 points, with G6HKM as runner up with 3,604 points. In the Portable Station, Single Operator section GM4ZUK/P came in first with 8,008, and GW4BVY/P came second with 7,266 points. In the 144MHz CW and Marconi Contest held in November, the winners and runners up were as follows: In the 24 Hour Single Operator Section G4PIQ came first with 70,289 points and G4OUT was second with 14,138 points. For the 6 Hour Single Operator Section the winner was G3JRM with 14,856 points and G3JJZ, was second with 6,498 points. The winner of the 24 Hour Multi-Operator Section was G4XBF/P with 78,350 points, with GM4VVX/P coming second with 630 points. In the 6 Hour Multi-Operator Section G0FBB/P with 22,255 Points and G0PNT with 12,934 points came first and second respectively.. Now we have news of contests taking place within the next week. The RSGB 432MHz Fixed, AFS and Listeners Contest takes place today Sunday, the 6th of February, from 0900 to 1500 UTC. There are three sections:- Single operator fixed, Multiple operator fixed and Listeners. The next RSGB 70MHz Cumulative Contest is next Sunday the 13th of February, from 1000 to 1200 UTC. There are three sections:- Fixed station single operator, Open and Listeners. See December's RadCom page 83 for details for both VHF events And now the solar factual data: The period from the 24th to the 30th of January saw the more active side of the sun looking our way, which was accompanied by some flare activity. A series of flares occurred from the 25th to the 28th, ranging from an M2.7/1B on the 27th, down to an M1.1 on the 28th. There were a number of SIDs Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances particularly on the 29th, but they only lasted a short time. The sunspot indices generally declined over the period and meaned about the 70s. Solar flux levels also declined from 132 on the 25th, down to 99 by the 30th, giving an average of 118 units for the period. The 90 day flux mean on the 28th was 105 units. The geomagnetic Ap indices started the period being very quiet with an Ap index of only 3 on the 24th. But due to the passage of a coronal hole, levels quickly rose to a sub storm of 26 units on the 26th, which affected mainly high latitudes, and by the 30th levels were back to just unsettled. The period averaged an Ap of 13.5 units. The state has been 'nil nothing of any note to report' all the period. The daily averages of the aa indices as supplied by the British Geological Survey for the period, the 18th to the 24th of January were 22.8 nanoTeslas. Over the period the daily levels declined from unsettled, about K4, down to quiet of only 7.2 nanoTeslas, K1 on the 24th, with some periods down to only 2 nanoTeslas. The X-Ray flux has remained reasonably high and was up to B4.4 on the 25th and did not drop below 4 until the 30th, when it declined to B1.5, giving an average of B3.6 for the period. Now the ionospheric data for Central France: The F2 daytime critical frequencies at Poitiers as reported by Meudon averaged 9.0MHz, though the 26th was up to 10.2MHz. The daily highs are now centred around mid-day. The darkness hour lows averaged 2.9MHz, hardly varying day to day, and are centred around 06.00 hours. There were a few periods of Spread F and other phenomena but they only lasted 2 or 3 hours. Now the ionospheric data for the north: The F2 daytime critical frequencies at Ekaterinberg averaged 7.3MHz and the darkness hour lows 2.5MHz. It is not all gloom - we have just heard that the new ionosonde installed at RAL Chilton is now being tested. It is intended that the new ionosonde data will be made as comparable as possible to the old Slough one. If all goes well the calibration and testing should be complete by about the summer. And lastly the solar forecast: This week, the quiet side of the sun will be looking our way. Solar flux levels are expected to be about the 90s, and the geomagnetic activity is expected to be unsettled, with Ap indices up to about 20 units. The daytime ionospheric MUFs in the south are expected to be about 24MHz, with north/south paths being possibly up to 29MHz. The darkness hours lows are expected to be about 9MHz with again north/south paths up to 14MHz. And that's the end of the solar information. Finally in the main news, SSL has informed the Society that as of last Wednesday morning, the latest callsigns issued were in the G0 U K and G7 R P series, and Novice calls in the 2 0 A H and 2 1 C N series. You're listening to GB2RS, the news broadcasting service of the Radio Society of Great Britain, transmitting in the 80, 40, 6 and 2 metre bands. Next, the local news. NEWS FOR THE SOUTH EAST Meeting for Monday the 7th of February: Surrey Radio Contact Club has a talk entitled 'Home Construction of Test Equipment' by Bob, G3OOU. For further details contact Berni, G8TB on 081 660 7517. Meeting for Tuesday the 8th of February: Stevenage and District Amateur Radio Society has a 'General Evening', discussion, also 'On the Air' and Morse practice. Details from Neil, tel: 0438 350882. Meetings for Wednesday the 9th of February: Bracknell Amateur Radio Club has a Bring and Show evening. Details from Steve, G4AUC on 0344 420577. Cheshunt and District Amateur Radio Club has a talk on 'DX from Andorra' by Chris, G8AMG. Details from Roger, G4OAA on 0992 464795. Darenth Valley Radio Society has a talk 'The Kent IP Group'. More details from Len, G0HRD, tel: 0474 703322. Dover Radio Club has a 'Questions and Answers' evening chaired by G7NOR. For further details contact Mick, G7NOR on 0304 825030. Farnborough and District Radio Society has a talk on 'PMR Systems' by G4WGX. For more information telephone 0252 715765. Grafton Radio Society has a talk on 'Experiences from Hong Kong' by Bill Guest. Further information from Rod, G0JUZ, tel: 081 368 8154. Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club has a talk entitled 'Packet' by G8VEH. For further details contact G4GPX on 0903 753893. Meetings for Thursday the 10th of February: Colchester Radio Amateurs has a talk entitled 'HF Construction' by Peter, G0DZB. Further details from Mike, G4YJN on 0206 738189. Edgware and District Radio Society has a talk entitled 'Worked All Britain' by Rob, G4OBE. Details from Rod, G0SQL, tel: 081 204 1868. Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society has a talk entitled 'Top Band DF' by Stewart, G3RXQ. Contact Paul, G1GSN on 0462 700618 for further details. Southgate Amateur Radio Club has a talk on 'An Introduction to 24cm ATV' by Adrian, G0OJY. Further information from Brian, G0MEE on 081 360 2453. Vange Amateur Radio Society has a talk on 'Aerials - Noise Phasing' by Robin, G3JWI. Contact Doris on 0268 552606 for further information. Meetings for Friday the 11th of February: Clifton Amateur Radio Society has a talk entitled "What's in a Computer". The club now meets at Kidbrooke House Community Centre, 90 Mycenae Road, London, SE3 7SE. Further details from Keith, G4TJE on 081 859 7630. Hilderstone Amateur Radio Society has a talk on 'The History of the Service and The Channel Navigation Information Service' by Eric Musson, HM Coastguard, Dover . For further details, telephone 0843 869812. Itchen Valley Amateur Radio Club has an 'Open Meeting'. Contact Les, G3ABA on 0703 732997 for details. Medway Amateur Receiving & Transmitting Society has a Construction Contest, any item 'relating' to radio. Further details from Gloria, G7OVI on 0634 710023. NEWS FOR SOUTH WEST Exeter Amateur Radio Society Club has a new venue and now meets in The Moose International Centre, Blackboy Road, Exeter. For details contact Ray, G3YBK 0392 78710. Meetings for Monday the 7th of February: RSGB City of Bristol Group has a Demonstration of HF Operation. Contact Dave, G4NKT on 0272 62124 for further information. Wincanton Amateur Radio Club has a talk entitled 'Worked All Britain' by G1THG. Further details from Dave, G3ZXX on 0963 34360 or Andy, G1FPW on 0747 51381. Meeting for Thursday the 10th of February: Yeovil Amateur Radio Club has a talk on 'The Development of a Ballistic Missile' by G5JJ. Contact Cedric, G4JBL on 0258 473845 for further information. Meetings for Friday the 11th of February: North Bristol Amateur Club has a Video on 'The Royal Air Force - 75 Years'. More details from Tony, G4ROX tel: 0272 513573. Shirehampton Amateur Radio Club has a talk on 'Neural Networks' by G0FGZ. The club will be closed next week, the 18th of February. For further details contact Ron, G4GTD on 0272 770504. NEWS FOR EAST ANGLIA Meeting for Monday the 7th of February: Felixstowe and District Amateur Radio Society has a 'Practical Satellite Operating Demonstration' led by Ken, G4RHR. For further details contact Paul, G4YQC on 0394 273507 any evening. Meetings for Wednesday the 9th of February: Ipswich Radio Club has a Social evening. Contact Sheila, G8HYE on 0473 742072 for details. Norfolk Amateur Radio Club has a Construction and QRP evening. For further details contact Sheila, G0KWP on 0603 618810. Meetings for Thursday the 10th of February: Dereham Amateur Radio Club has a TV Video from the ARRL. The club meets at the St John Ambulance Station on the Yaxham Road near the new Tesco in Dereham, at 8pm. Further information is available from Mark, G0LGJ, tel: 0362 691099. Yarmouth Radio Club has a talk on 'Codes and Cyphers' by G3PPD. Contact Tony, G3NHU, on 0493 721173 for details. Meeting for Friday the 11th of February: Cambridge and District Amateur Radio Club has a Rally Preparation evening. All members are asked to attend, please. Call John, G0TIL on 0763 243570 for club details and George, G0OEL on 0954 719273 for rally information. NEWS FOR THE MIDLANDS Meeting for Monday the 7th of February: Aldridge and Barr Beacon Amateur Radio Club now meets at its new venue: The Aldridge Central Community Association Hall, Middlemore Lane, Aldridge, Walsall, WS9 8AN. Further details from Charles, G0NOL 0922 36162. Meetings for Tuesday the 8th of February: Bromsgrove Amateur Radio Society has a talk entitled 'Noise Bridge Construction and Construction Kits' by Derek Pearson of Jandek. Further details from Barry, G0TPG on 0527 542266. Buxton Radio Amateurs has a talk on 'Shack Design'. Details from Derek, G4IHO, tel: 0298 25506. Loughborough and District Amateur Radio Club has a talk entitled 'The Other Man's Shack' by John, G4CCI. For further details contact G8SNF, tel: 0509 218259. Meetings for Wednesday 9th of February: Bolsover Amateur Radio Society has a Quiz Night. For further details contact Colin, G0RXT, tel: 0246 822856. Telford and District Amateur Radio Society has a demonstration of radio orientated software on the club's new computer, led by Robin, G1MHU. For further details contact Dave, G4EIX, on 0952 588878. Meetings for Thursday the 10th of February: Amateur Radio Club of Nottingham has a 2 Metre Direction Finding Hunt talk and a discussion with a Questions and Answers session. Further details from Simon, G0IEG on 0602 501733. Redditch Radio Club meets for its Annual General Meeting. For further details contact G3EVT Tel: 0789 762041. Salop Amateur Radio Society has a Quiz evening, between SARS and the Powys Radio Club. For details contact Sheila, G0SST on 0743 361935. Meetings for Friday the 11th of February: Bromsgrove and District Amateur Radio Club has a talk and slide show on 'St Kilda, Outer Hebrides' by Stuart Lamb. More information from Brian, G3MRC, tel: 0562 710010. Coventry Amateur Radio Society meets for an Indoor Direction Finding competition. Further details from David, G1ORG, tel: 0203 311468. South Notts Amateur Radio Club has a Visit to Nottingham Urban Traffic Control Centre, meeting at Trinity Square. Contact Julie, G0SOU on 0602 216342 for details. NEWS FOR THE NORTH OF ENGLAND Meeting for today, Sunday the 6th of February: Wakefield Repeater Group is holding its Annual General Meeting, starting at 2.30pm in the Ossett Community Centre, Prospect Road, Ossett. Details from Richard, G4BLT, tel: 0924 255215. Meetings for Monday the 7th of February: Central Lancs Amateur Radio Club meets for its Annual General Meeting plus an Extraordinary General Meeting at the Priory Club, Broadfield Drive at 8pm promptly. Details from Jack, G0FQN 0772 423741. Sheffield Amateur Radio Club has an Inter-Club Quiz, the eliminator round 1. Further details from David, G0JJR Tel: 0742 446282. Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society has an Auction of Surplus Equipment. Further details from G4BFH who is QTHR. Woodford (RATEC) has a talk on 'Traps - Their Making and Practical Application' by Dave, G3IPZ. Details from Don, G4SFU on 061 485 3912. Meetings for Tuesday the 8th of February: Bury Radio Society has a talk on 'Medical Electronics' by Kevin Haylett of the Medical Engineering Group at M/Cr Royal Infirmary. Details Mike, G4GSY 061 761 5083. Chester and District Amateur Radio Society has a talk on 'The Law and Radio Amateurs' by Jonathan, G0KCT. Further details are available from G0OXA, tel: 051 608 3229. Fylde Amateur Radio Society has a Packet Demonstration evening by G7HJQ and G7CUL. Details from Rob, G7CUL, QTHR or Tel: 0772 635464. Mid-Cheshire Amateur Radio Society has an 'Ask the Expert' night. Contact Mike, G7LQD on 0606 331210 for details. Wakefield and District Radio Society meets for a rally preparation evening. Further details from Roy, G0TBY on 0924 893321. Meetings for Wednesday the 9th of February: Stockport Radio Society has a talk entitled 'Digital CQ Caller for SSB' by David, G4JLG. Details 061 439 4952. White Rose Amateur Radio Society has a talk by John, G3TDZ, the designer of the White Rose Transceiver, with a circuit description and tips with construction. Details from G0MYM, QTHR. Meetings for Thursday the 10th of February: Hambleton Amateur Radio Society has a talk entitled 'The Novice Licence Discovered' by Liz Whelan (Novice Examinee). For further details contact Nigel, G0NHM, 0609 776608. Keighley Amateur Radio Society has a talk on 'Navigation' by G0BWY. For further details contact Kathy, G0RLO on 0274 496222. Meetings for Friday the 11th of February: Goole Radio and Electronics Society has a talk on the subject 'HF Listening' by Richard, G0GLZ. For further details contact Steve, G8VHL on 0405 769130. The Isle of Man Radio Society has a talk entitled 'The RSGB' by Brian, GD4PTV. Further details from GD3UMW on 0624 852196. South Manchester Radio Club has a talk entitled 'The TRF Receiver, part 2'. For further details contact Edward, G7FQY, tel: 061 969 1964. Stockport Radio Society Computer Group has a talk entitled 'Packet Radio' by G3SHF. For further details telephone 061 439 4952. NEWS FOR SCOTLAND Meeting for Tuesday the 8th of February: Dundee Amateur Radio Club has a Construction evening. Details from GM4FSB who is QTHR. Meeting for Wednesday the 9th of February: Lothians Radio Society has a Video show with amateur radio interest. All are welcome Details from Tommy, GM1GEQ who is QTHR. Meeting for Thursday the 10th of February: Dunfermline Radio Society has an HF Operating session, ideal for Class B amateurs to gain HF experience. Further details from Wallace, GM0GNT who is QTHR. Meetings for Friday the 11th of February: Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society has a talk entitled 'What is RDS'. Details from Gordon, GM7PXW, tel 0224 780591. Ayr Amateur Radio Group has a talk on 'The History of Communications' by Dennis, GM3YDN. Details from Ian, GM43VMG on 0292 260870. West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society has a talk on 'Pre-war Marine Operations' by Arthur Wainwright, GM1FML. For details contact Jack, GM4COX on 0698 350926. NEWS FOR WALES Meeting for Monday the 7th of February: Dragon Amateur Radio Club has a talk entitled 'Noise Bridges and Their Uses' by Stewart, GW0ETF. Further details from Tony, GW0FMQ, tel: 0248 600963. Meeting for Thursday the 10th of February: Aberystwyth & District Amateur Radio Society has a Construction Night - 'The Absorption Wavemeter' by Les, GW3SON. For further details contact GW0FSO on 0545 580675. NEWS FOR NORTHERN IRELAND Meeting for Tuesday the 8th of February: Carrickfergus Amateur Radio Group has a talk entitled 'Amateur TV' by Tommy Martin. Details from GI0JOF, tel: 0960 351807. And that's the end of this week's GB2RS news broadcast, which was prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain.