20 February 1994 RADIO NEW ZEALAND INTERNATIONAL FREQUENCY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE 1900 UTC 19 MARCH - 01 MAY 1994 UTC 1650 - 1850 ** 6035 kHz Mon - Fri 1851 - 2138 11735 Daily 2139 - 0758** 15115 Daily 0759 - 1206 9700 Daily (Usual close) 1207 - 1258 9700 Occasional Use 1259 - 1649 9655 Occasional Use for Sporting Broadcasts ** note change ** The RNZI transmitter is sited at Rangitaiki, 41 km east of Taupo, in the centre of the North Island. Programmes are fed by microwave link from studios in Wellington, 340 km south of Taupo. The 100 kw Transmitter is by Thompson CSF of France. It is unmanned and is computer controlled from the Master Control Room in Broadcasting House Wellington. RNZI operates two Curtain antennae manufactured by TCI of California. HR2/4/0.5 has a frequency range 9.5 - 17.9 mHz and HR2/2/1 has a frequency range 5.95 - 12.05 mHz. Frequency and programme information is posted to rec.radio.shortwave and rec.radio.info. Adrian Sainsbury Frequency Manager Radio New Zealand International P O Box 2092 Phone: +64 4 474 1437 Wellington Fax: +64 4 474 1433 --