QST, February 1989, page 15 = Hurricane Gilbert, Amateur Radio Again Proves its Worth = Amateur Radio came through wigh flying colors when Hurricane Gilbert cut a wide path of destruction in September 1988. By Luck Hurder, KY1T, Deputy Manager, Field Services Department = The recent onslaught of Hurricane Gilbert, which decimated Jamaica, again pointed out the infaluable service that is so often provided by on the scene amateurs during emergency situations. When normal channels of communication failed in storm ravaged Jamaica, and shortly thereafter on Grand Cayman, Amateur Radio volunteers maintained contact between these islands and the rest of the world. For many days, radio links were provided from point to point on the islands, as well as from a large number of countries worldwide to the islands. These links served to keep island government officials in touch with emergency services in the United States, as well as to pass messages to and from worried friends and relatives. +