This option (E) in the KB0ZPUTL program is useful when you have made a large number of contacts, usually over 1000, and have made some changes in the data file KB0ZP-1.DTA. KB0ZP-1.DTA is one of the files created by the KB0ZPLOG.EXE program. It becomes quite tedious to check for dupes again. If you change the data file, you may have added a dupe and not know it. This option will redupe the KB0ZP-1.DTA file so that all dupes will be marked and you will not get any penalties from the contest manager. When starting the KB0ZPUTL program, you have told the program where your data file is kept. Now, press E and the reduping starts immedately. The screen will tell you the contact number it is checking as well as the percentage of the data that has been checked. A new file, KB0ZP-3.DTA, will be created and put in the same directory with KB0ZP-1.DTA. Your original data file will not be destroyed so you will always have a copy of your original. Copy the newly created KB0ZP-3.DTA file to a different directory or disk and change its name to KB0ZP-1.DTA. Now you will have two versions of KB0ZP-1.DTA so be careful not to mix them up. By putting them on sepearte floppies is a good idea. Label each disk so you don't get confused. All this copying and changing of names is done by DOS commands, or if you are using a very friendly Disk Organizer (Menu Program) it can be done there. I use XTree Gold and find that it is the easiest Disk Organizer around. But, if you need help in this area please get same. You will learn more about your computer and enjoy it more. Now, this new KB0ZP-1.DTA file can be checked out with the "Change Contact Listing" option. Note that the dupes, if any, have been tagged. Instead of a contact number on the duplicate contact, it has been replaced with the word DUPE. All the other information has been kept intact. That word, DUPE, is also an indicator for all the scoring programs. Those contacts will not appear in your totals. So, use this new KB0ZP-1.DTA file when submitting your reports for awards. Of course, you can dupe manually, just print out a Dupe Sheet report from the KB0ZPRPT program. This will be sorted so you can manually go through the list and like contacts will be next to each other on the list. Good Contesting Larry Kebel KB0ZP PO Box 2010 Sparks, NV 89432