IRTS News for 3rd April 1994 NORTH COUNTY ARC ---------------- The AGM of the North County Radio Club EI2NCR was held in the club's rooms on Tuesday 1st March. There was a full attendance of members. In his address, chairman Jeff Walsh thanked the members for their support during the year, and especially in the fun weekend under canvas last May, when the weather was so terrible. During the meeting it was proposed to improve the antenna system at the club during the summer, and to commence further equipment building projects in September, with emphasis on a frequency counter, which would be available for use by all of the members. It was decided that the fun weekend under canvas will be held in the weekend of 28th/29th May. More news to follow in a future bulletin. The following officers were elected for the coming year: Chairman Michael Doyle, Secretary Gerry Fitzgerald, Treasurer D. McGonagle, Projects Manager Joe Cleeves, Outing Manager J. Keely and P.R.O. P.O'Neill, who will regularly update the news editor with items over the next year. CORK ARC -------- Cork held their AGM on Tuesday 22nd April. Chairman Brian McCann, in his address, in his address thanked members for their support throughout the year. Having held the post for the last two years, Brian decided not to stand for re-election, and to make way for new blood. The following committee members were elected: Chairman Anthony EI2HY, Secretary Dick EI6HH, Treasurer Tony EI7DBB and committee members Vincent EI7HN and John EI4EYB. The Jasper Swanton Memorial Trophy was awarded to Con EI7DJB in appreciation of his work and organisation of the Cork Radio Rally in the Blarney Park Hotel. In his address the new Chairman, Anthony, stressed that his energies would be put into making the club more active, and he promised the establishment of a packet station at the club's premises as well as amateur video shows and a HF Station On Air night. A brief discussion took place about allowing the Cork Packet Group to run a workshop at the club's premises, but an insurance problem will have to be overcome before this project can go ahead. YOUTH IN AMATEUR RADIO ---------------------- Network 2 will provide a five minute slot, with Emmet Caulfield EI7HF promoting the idea of youth in amateur radio, during the Joe Maxi programme to be aired on Wednesday 13th April. The item was filmed in Derek Peyton's shack early last February. Special thanks to Tony Stack EI2GX for organising the promotion with the production staff of the Joe Maxi programme. LIMERICK ARC ------------ Limerick held its AGM at the Limerick Inn, on the Ennis Road, on 6th March.In his address the Chairman, Dermot EI2GT, thanked the many individuals who had contributed to making 1993 a successful year for LRC. Dermot outlined the many activities held over the last year, which included DF Hunts, AREN activities, the Club Quiz and many demonstrations. The following committee were elected for the coming year: Chairman Dermot EI2GT, Secretary Finbarr EI3DWB, Treaurer Tony EI2AW, and members Brian EI9AL, John EI5EOB, Eamon EI5AJ and Liam EI4GB. The meeting continued with discussions regarding improvements and modifications to the Limerick Repeater service. Several options were discussed, one of which will be followed up in the near future. REGION 4 AGM ------------ The Region 4 AGM, as is traditional, followed the LRC AGM. The IRTS President, Tom EI2GP, summarised the Society's activities during 1993. Club reports were given by Alan EI8EM from Clare, Jess EI9GX from Galway Experimenters and Finbarr EI3DWB on behalf of LRC. AREN activity was discussed, with a suggestion from Tom EI3HH that a liaison should be struck with the Civil Defence service in the Limerick catchment area. Thanks were tendered to Tom for his CW News Service transmitted every Sunday. Concern was expressed that the service was aimed at the new licensees, but there was no facility at present to allow them to call in on 80m under the current licence conditions. KEN EI7DKB and Eugene EI5HG travelled from Cork for the meeting, with a view to incorporating Limerick into the national packet network once again, and made a generous offer of equipment to LRC to help upgrade their system. A meeting followed in order to discuss the issue in more detail. LOUGH ERNE ARC RALLY -------------------- The Lough Erne club will hold its 13th annual rally on 10 April, at 12 noon, in the Killyhevlin Hotel, Enniskillen. Lough Erne ARC is offering the amateur community the best possible cross section of traders, and is also well geared towards homebrew equipment with a company well renowned for their printed circuit boards. The usual raffle will take place, and there will be a bring and buy stand and talk-in on S22. For further information contact Herbie GI6JPO at QTHr or phone 0365 87761, or Alec GI1RBI at GB7TED BBS. SLIGO NEWS ---------- Cobwebs were blown from the equipment and c/s belonging to Sligo ARC on St. Patrick's Day as activity from Sligo county was forthcoming from EI2SRC. Many called and were delighted to hook up with EI2SRC again, and special thanks to Martin EI3FI and Dave EI8BEB for the operation. Martin mentioned that he placed the IRTS News on the packet radio system, and it was read there on the Sunday for which it was destined by Joe in Perth, Australia. Seemingly the news had been distributed by Tom EI6EH via satellite, and was available two days later in Australia. Martin received thanks by the same route from Joe, who mentioned that he was ex-Irish and was delighted to receive the bulletin all the way from EI. RTS DINNER AND AGM ------------------- The IRTS AGM and annual dinner will be held in Jackson's Hotel, Ballybofey, on 23/24 April. The special rate for B and B in the hotel will be 22 pounds per person sharing. This includes a full breakfast and access to the hotel's leisure facilities, such as a 22 metre pool, steam room, sauna, jacuzzi and gymnasium. The dinner dance tickets are 13 pounds each, now available from Ken McDermott EI4DW. Postal orders, cheques or cash will be welcomed by Ken or by Willie EI6AI. The organisers stress the urgency of early booking for accommodation and dinner dance tickets, due to the huge interest already shown, and tickets will soon be scarce or even impossible to obtain. For further information contact Ken McDermott at Curraghmore, Ballybofey, or ring 074 31109. TWO METRES COUNTIES CONTEST --------------------------- The 2m Counties Contest will be held from 14.00 UTC to 16.00 on Easter Monday. This contest provides an excellent opportunity to acquire those elusive counties from one of the many portable stations located on hilltops in every province. Try going portable for the afternoon, and you will not be disappointed with the activity. If nothing else, give a call or two on FM or SSB to those who are participating, to give them valuable points. If you have only a handheld there is a section for FM operation only. ITEMS FOR INCLUSION ------------------- That concludes the bulletin for this week. Items for inclusion in the radio news should be sent to Steve Wright EI5DD, c/o Dept. of Pathology, Regional Hospital, Galway. Fax messages may be sent to EI5DD at 091 24216. All such items will be forwarded to Dave Moore for inclusion in the printed news. Items for the printed news only should be sent to Dave Moore EI4BZ, QTHr, or phoned to 021 632444 (daytime), or 021 883555 (evenings). Items may be sent by packet radio to EI4BZ at EI7DKB-5. Fax messages may be sent to 021 632730.