Radio Austria International, Vienna Frequency Schedule, Summer 1994 (27 Mar 94 - 24 Sep 94) UTC Freq. Main target 04:00-23:00 6155 Europe 04:00-18:00 13730 Europe 18:00-23:00 5945 Europe 13:00-15:00 9870 Southwest Europe 20:00-22:00 9880 Southwest Europe 00:00-03:00 9655 North America 11:00-13:00 13730 North America 05:00-07:00 6015 North America (via Sackville, Canada) 02:00-04:00 9870 Central America 22:00-02:00 9870 South America 22:00-04:00 13730 South America 13:00-15:00 9870 West Africa 20:00-22:00 9880 West Africa 18:00-22:00 13730 South Africa 04:00-08:00 15410 Middle East 05:00-08:00 17870 Middle East 15:00-20:00 9880 Middle East 15:00-18:00 11780 South Asia 12:00-15:00 15450 Far East 08:00-11:00 15450 Australasia 08:00-11:00 17870 Australasia Remark: These frequencies are the same as for the winter '93 period. Times for English broadcasts ("Report from Austria") will be scheduled as follows: 01:30, 05:30 (6015 kHz only), 06:30 (6015 kHz only), 07:30 08:30 (15450 and 17870 kHz only) 10:30 (15450 and 17870 kHz only), 11:30, 13:30 (15450 kHz only), 14:30, 15:30 (11780 kHz only) 18:30 and 21:30 UTC. German language media magazine "Kurzwellenpanorama" with Wolf Harranth is scheduled Sat 05:05, 08:05, 11:05, 14:05, 17:05, 20:05 and Sun 02:05 UTC. "DX-Telegramm" Sun 00:55, 04:55, 08:55, 11:55, 13:55, 16:55, 18:55 and 20:55. Address: Radio Austria International A - 1136 Wien Austria Phone: +43 1 87878 - 3636 (Answerline) Fax: +43 1 87878 - 4404 News for "Kurzwellenpanorama" can be sent by e-mail to Fidonet 2.310.22/44.