SB PROP @ ARL $ARLP010 ARLP010 Propagation de KT7H QST de W1AW Propagation Forecast Bulletin 10 ARLP010 From Tad Cook, KT7H Seattle, WA March 11, 1994 To all radio amateurs Coronal holes played havoc with the Earth's magnetosphere again last week, sending the A and K indices soaring. Conditions were actually stable from the 4th through the 6th, but were otherwise very unstable, with frequent reports of K indices around 5 and 6. When this happens, absorption of HF signals becomes a problem, especially over polar paths. Solar flux dropped slowly after peaking just above 100 at the start of the period. Look for the flux to continue dropping, reaching a low near 85 around the middle of this month. It will then rise and peak again near 105 before month's end. Active geomagnetic conditions may remain over the next few days, occurring again around the end of the month. Sunspot Numbers from March 3 through 9 were 122, 80, 86, 101, 80, 80 and 68, with a mean of 88.1. 10.7 cm flux was 100.9, 97.9, 95.7, 95.5, 91.3, 91.3 and 89.9, with a mean of 94.6. The path projection this week is from Chicago, Illinois to Guyana, where 8R1/N4VA is operating. 80 meters should be open from 2330 to 1030z, with the best conditions from 0200 to 0930. 40 meters looks good from 2230 to 1100, with the best shot from 0030 to 0930. 30 meters may be open on many days almost around the clock, with best conditions from 2230 to 0630. 20 meters should be good from 1500 to 0130, and 17 meters from 1430 to 2300. Check 15 meters from 1600 to 2000. 10 and 12 meters do not look too promising over this path, but check 12 meters around 1630 to 2130 and 10 meters from 1830 to 1930. NNNN /EX