SB DX @ ARRL $ARLD004 ARLD004 DX news QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 4 ARLD004 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT January 13, 1994 To all radio amateurs Thanks to DX news contributors Tony, WA4JQS; Stu, K8SJ; Jim, KR1S; Tedd, KB8NW; Chod, VP2ML; The DX Bulletin; and the Ohio/Penn and Yankee Clipper Contest Club PacketCluster Networks. COUNTDOWN TO PETER 1ST. Hot off the Internet comes the first in a probable series of Peter 1st updates. At dawn on January 12 the first group of operators left from Minnesota and Belgium on the first leg of the trip to Peter 1st. From London they will fly to Ascension Island and then to the Falklands. Their brief stay at Port Stanley will allow them to operate as VP8BZL on 160, 80, 40 and perhaps 20 meters with CW, SSB and RTTY. Plans are to install satellite and EME systems at the QTH of Mario, VP8ALJ. The entire team plans a February 1 landing on Peter 1st. This operation will be 160 through 10 meters, satellite and EME. THAILAND. Fred, K3ZO, is in Thailand until February 15. He hopes to be active as HS0ZAR from club station HS0AC. Listen for his 40 meter CW between 7015 and 7030 kHz during morning and evening gray line openings. Reiner, DL2VK, is active as HS0/DL2VK until January 31. He favors CW but operates other modes including PacTOR. HS0C was worked from New England on 3505 kHz between 2130 and 2145z. BANGLADESH. Manju, S21AM, was worked 20 meter longpath around 1240z. Manju is a newly licensed Bangladesh national. QSL via PO Box 4000, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh. WESTERN MALAYSIA. Neville, 9M2/G3NUG, will be active from three islands off the coast of Western Malaysia during January and February. His schedule is as follows. Pangkor, AS 072, from January 14 to 21; Langkawi, AS 058, from January 22 to 28; and Penang, AS 016, from January 29 to February 10. Listen for him around 14260 and 18140 kHz. QSL via CBA. SAINT PETER AND SAINT PAUL'S ROCKS. The DXpedition by four Brazilian operators has been delayed until January 20 and will only be for two weeks. The group plans to have two stations going 24 hours a day, and operate 160 through 6 meters with CW, SSB, RTTY and packet. QSL SSB/RTTY/6M contacts via PS7KM. QSL CW contacts via PT7WA. MONTSERRAT. Stu, K8SJ, will be on as VP2MFA from January 14 through 27. Here is his operating schedule. 1835 kHz at 0400z. 3502 to 3512 kHz from 0300 to 0600z. 7002 to 7012 khz between 0200 and 0300, and 1100 to 1200z. 14002 to 14027 kHz from 1900 to 2100z. 18077, 21025 or 28025 kHz between 1600 and 1700z. QSL via K8SJ 1994 CBA. REGULAR CATCHES. The following resident amateurs are quite active on the air and are relatively easy catches. Algeria, 7X4AN, 40 meter CW from 2230 to 2330z, and 3505 kHz at 2100z. Ascension Island, ZD8M, 7001 kHz at 0000z. Botswana, A22MN, 7004 kHz between 2200 and 2400z. Gambia, C53HG, 7013 kHz between 2300 and 0100z. Kuwait, 9K2MU, 3795 kHz at 2200z and 14017 kHz at 1600z. Mayotte, FH5CB, 21290 kHz at 1400z. Qatar, A71CW, 3507 kHz between 2130 and 0030z. Reunion Island, FR5BT, 15 meter CW at 1445z. Rwanda, 9X5HG, 20 meter CW at 1900 and 2300z. 9X5DX, 21024 kHz at 1300z. South Shetlands, 4K1F, 80 meter CW from 0200 to 0500z, and 7002 kHz at 0545z. Sri Lanka, 4S7NB on 14180 kHz and 4S7EA on 14192 kHz, both at 0130z. W1AW RUNS QRP? Listen for members of the QRP club of New England, QRP NE, operating W1AW between 1800 and 2100z, Sunday, January 16. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The Winter NWQRP Sprint, sponsored by the North West QRP Club, is a CW only event on 3560, 7035 and 14060 kHz. The sprint is from 0100 to 0400z January 15. The HA DX Contest, sponsored by the Hungarian Radioamateur Society, is from 0000z January 14 until 2400z January 16. This is a CW contest on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. Non HA stations send signal report and serial number. Meet the Novices and Technicians Day, sponsored by the YLRL, is from 1500z January 15 until 0500z January 16. OMs relax, this is a YL only affair in the Novice/Technician HF subbands. The phone portion of the North American QSO Party, sponsored by the National Contest Journal, runs from 1800z January 15 to 0600z January 16. The exchange is your name and QTH. Hunting Lions in the Air Contest, sponsored by the Lions Club International, runs from 0900z January 15 until 2100z January 16. For more information on these events, see page 129 of December QST. /EX