SB QST @ ARL $ARLB019 ARLB019 Instant license opposed ZCZC AG83 QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 19 ARLB019 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT February 15, 1994 To all radio amateurs SB QST ARL ARLB019 ARLB019 Instant license opposed Instant license opposed In reply comments to the FCC on a proposal for instant operating authority for new amateur operators, PR Docket 93-267, the ARRL said that, ''almost without exception,'' groups and individuals who had responded to the proposal agreed with the League that the idea should be shelved in favor of electronic filing of license applications with the FCC. The ARRL said that the mechanisms for such electronic filing of Form 610s ''cannot be more than a few months away at worst.'' The League said that the FCC plan would invite abuse because, among other reasons, ''The Commission itself suffers an inability to stem the tide of unlicensed operators in any radio service, because of limited enforcement resources.'' In response to a counter proposal by the W5YI-VEC, that the FCC's plan be modified to avoid abuse by having volunteer examiners assign temporary call signs from blocks allocated to them by the FCC, the League said this would be an unbearable burden and responsibility on the VEs. The League said that, at any rate, the Communications Act gives no basis for the FCC to delegate call sign assignment authority, including determining a licensee's basic qualifications, which VEs would have no way of doing. The League once again asked that the proceeding be terminated in favor of electronic filing as soon as feasible. NNNN /EX