MORTAL KOMBAT II All the Moves, Fatalities, Friendships, and Babalities! VERSION 1.1 (New moves and secrets are italicized!) First, let me explain a couple of things about Mortal Kombat II. I, personally, have seen three versions of this game floating around. First, there is version 1, which you can tell if you can't do Shang Tsung's first Fatality. Next, I have seen version 1.4, which you can tell if you CAN do his first Fatality. Finally, I have seen version 2.1, which you can tell if you can do Friendships and Babalities, and on the board with the throne there is Shao Khan sitting in the throne. The main differences between the versions will be explained, and I will tell if each move can be done in which version. A second thing I need to explain here is what all these condarned new moves ARE. First, there are so-called "regular" moves, which are fireballs, flying moves, and the like. Then, there are Fatalities. There are FIVE of these for each character: Two separate "regular" fatalities, a Pit/Spike move (I'll explain later), a Friendship (ditto), and a Babality (yet again!). The "regular" fatalities are the same old stuff, y'know, ripping people's heads off and all of that boring stuff. The Pit/Spike move lets you, on the Pit II and the board with the dragons in the back, respectively, push them off into the pit and punch them into the spikes at the top of the screen. The Friendship move is HILARIOUS. You do this when it says "FINISH HIM" or "HER" (gee, so politically correct!), but what happens is NOT like your usual gory move -- You'll see what I'm talking about later. And, finally, there are the Babalities, with which you turn your enemy into a wittle hewpwess baby! (You do these also at the "FINISH HIM" part.) NOTE: With Friendships and Babalities, you CANNOT use punches in the round you do it in. (Why? We don't know. Maybe it's the "Non-Violent" spirit...) Finally, all I need to say is HAVE FUN!! Key: F - Forward B - Back U - Up D - Down HP - High Punch LP - Low Punch HK - High Kick LK - Take a guess. Block - This is HARD. Roll X-Y - Roll from direction X to direction Y Hold X - Hold the button X Let Go - Let go of the stupid button, already! Close - Be close when you do this move X steps away - Be X steps away when you do this move * - You can do this on Version 1 or later. @ - You can do this on Version 1.4 or later. ! - You can do this on Version 2.1 or later. a - You can do this in the air (but you don't have to). A - You HAVE to do this in the air. [] (moves in brackets) - Push these at the same time. Liu Kang: * Low Fireball: F F LP *a High Fireball: F F HP * Flying Kick: F F HK * Bicycle Kick: Hold LK for 5 seconds * Fatality 1 (Dragon Chomp): Close D F B B HK @ Fatality 2 (Cartwheel Kick): Hold Block, circle the joystick away from your enemy ! Friendship (Disco Mania!): F F B B B LK Kung Lao: * Teleport: D U * Hat Throw: B F LP (After you do this, you can control the hat with U and D) @A Zipper Kick: [D HK] @ Spin Shield: Tap U U LK and keep tapping U and LK @ Fatality 1 (Terminator 2): Close Hold LK F F F Let go ! Fatality 2 (Slicey): Hold HP B B F F Let Go ! Babality: B B F F HK Johnny Cage: * High Fireball: Roll D-B HP * Low Fireball: Roll D-F LP * Shadow Kick: B F LK @ Dragon Punch: B Roll D-B HP * Fatality 1 (Tasty Torso): Close D D F F LP @ Fatality 2 (Bouncy Head): Close F F D U (Note on this one: If you hold LP, Block, and LK when you do this, you get THREE heads instead of one!) ! Friendship (Autograph): D D D D HK ! Babality: B B B HK ! Pit: D D D D HK Reptile: * Venom Spit: F F HP * Slow Ball: B B [LP HP] ! Slide: Hold B [LP Block LK] * Invisibility: Hold Block U U Let go D HP * Fatality 1 (Krunchy!): About 5 Steps Away B B D LP ! Fatality 2 (Rrrip!): Turn invisible (see above), Close, F F D HK ! Friendship (Buy a Reptile Doll!): B B D LK Sub-Zero: * Ice Ball: Roll D-F LP * Ice Slip: Roll D-B LK * Slide: Hold B [LP Block LK] @ (and ONLY @) Super Freeze: F F F HK <--- NOTE: THIS IS CHEAP AND BORING @ Fatality 1 (Freezy-sicle!): F F D HK, walk up to enemy, F F D F F HP (phew!) ! Fatality 2 (Snowball o' Death): Hold LP B B D F Let Go ! Babality: B B D HK ! Friendship (Buy ANOTHER Sub-Zero Doll!): B B D [LK HK] Shang Tsung: * 1 Fireball: B B HP * 2 Fireballs: B B F HP * 3 Fireballs: B B F F HP @ Fatality 1 (He's POSSESSED!): 1 step away, Hold [Block HK] for 3 seconds (Note: This only works [God knows why] on the FIRST player on the @ version.. weird stuff..) @ Fatality 2 (Soul Sucker): Close Hold Block U D U Let Go LK ! Friendship (Ronald McTsung!): B B B D B [Block HK] ! Babality: D B F D HK Shang Tsung's Morphin Moves: Liu Kang: F F B B Block Kung Lao: B D F HK Johnny Cage: B D F LP Reptile: U D HP Sub-Zero: F D F HP Kitana: Block Block Block Jax: Hold LP 2-3 seconds Mileena: Hold HP 2-3 seconds Baraka: D D LK Scorpion: Hold Block U U Raiden: D B F LK Kitana: *a Fan Throw: F F [HP LP] * Stun Waves: B B B HP * Air Punch: D B B HP @ Fatality 1 (Chop): Block Block Block HP ! Friendship (If I'd a'known you was comin..): D D D D U LK ! Babality: D D LK ! Pit: F D F HK Jax: * Grab 'em: F F LP (if you grab them, keep hitting LP) * Smash: F F HP * Purple Wave: Roll D-B HK @ Earthquake: Hold [LK D] 2-3 seconds * Whiplash Throw: B F HP (keep doing it!) @A Back Breaker: Block (when near opponent) * Fatality 1 (Clap On! Clap Off!): Close Hold LP F F F Let Go @ Fatality 2 (Let's Shake!): 1 Step Away, Block Block Block LP Mileena: * Sai Throw: Hold HP 2-3 seconds * Teleport Kick: F F LK @ Barrel Roll: B B D HK * Fatality 1 (Chopchopchop): Close F B F LP @ Fatality 2 (SLUUURP): 1 step away Hold HK F F F F Let Go ! Friendship (Green Thumb): D D D D U HK ! Babality: D D D HK ! Pit: F D F HK Baraka: * Neck Slash: B B HP * Blade Throw: Roll D-B HP * Chopchop: B B LP * Fatality 1 (BOORING!): Close Hold Block B B B HP * Fatality 2 (Ow! Ow! OOOW!): Close B F D F LP ! Friendship (Santy Claws!): U U F HK ! Babality: F F F HK Scorpion: *a Teleport Punch: Roll D-B HP * Leg Throw: Roll D-B LK * Spear: B B LP *A: Air Throw: Block when near opponent * Fatality 1 (Toasty!): 2 steps away Hold Block U U HP <---- Note: If you Hold Block D D U U HP ANYWHERE (not 2 steps away), you will get a "Toasty!" * Fatality 2 (Slashslash): Close Hold HP F D D D F Let Go <---- NOTE this is REALLY hard!! ! Friendship (Buy ANOTHER FREAKIN DOLL): B B D HK ! Babality: D D B B HK Raiden (NOT Rayden!!) * Teleport: D U *a Superman: B B F * Lightning: Roll D-F LP @ Zap Grab: Hold HP 3 seconds @ Fatality 1 (BZZZT!): Close Hold LK Let Go [LK Block] ! Friendship (Kido Thunder): D B F HK (I have also heard Roll D-B HK) ! Babality: D D D D HK ! Pit (I don't know about this one...): U U U U HP Secrets I have heard SO MANY secrets about this game that it is NOT funny, but I will try to tell you as many as possible.. OK. First (This one IS TRUE): There are at least TWO secret characters.. I have seen a green girl ninja, Jade, and a gray boy ninja, Smoke. To reach Jade, you must play 1 player on at least version 2.1. On the first fight of the board RIGHT BEFORE the question mark board, do NOT hit Block. It's easiest to just jump kick, but do what you want. If you manage to win the first fight without hitting Block, you will get out of the Outworld and fight (this is a quote) "An Undiscovered Warrior from Mortal Kombat One!".. namely, Jade. She is as fast as Reptile was, and CANNOT be hit by projectiles (fireballs, etc.). The SECOND secret character, Smoke (who may be Sub-Zero's FATHER?!) is SO annoying to get to. On the Vortex board, if you EVER see the "Toasty!" programmer, QUICKLY hit Start! Even if you are in 2 player mode, you will warp right to Smoke, who is triple-fast and does both Sub's and Scorpion's moves. A VERY vague rumor I have heard after this is that if you get a double flawless on Smoke you will fight Goro (BIG ? on this!). I have also heard that if you do the Pit move on the NEXT version in the Sewer board, you will knock them into the acid, then a hook will pull them out.. Next rumor I have heard is that in the new version on the Living Forest board, if you do the fatality, vines rip your enemy apart and feed him/her to a tree! Yet another rumor I have heard is on the new version, the two people (Liu Kang?) in the back on the Pit board are fighting! Now, don't quote me on this, but I also heard on the new version you can change into Goro, Kano, and Sonya with Shang.. Yet another rumor is that on the new version, Liu Kang has ANOTHER death move, a red dragon. If this is true, then EVERYONE has a THIRD regular Fatality! Cool!! Weird stuff, huh? Well, be sure to visit me at Galaxy World or Aladdin's Castle in lovely Aurora! Please pass this around as far as you can, and please modify it as you see fit! If you know new moves or corrections, please update this! Have a great time!