Welcome to Doom Thing Edit(DTEdit) Version 1.41 ----------------------------------------------- Features ======== Alrighty, what you've all been waiting for.. A doom editor! Of course, this thing can't edit everything.. In fact, all it can edit is the items laying around. But you can do lots of things with those items such as: 1. move them around; place the boss guy right in front of the entrance! 2. change items; change that BFG 9000 into a big brain. 3. Insert and Delete items; Put as many things as you want on a level! 4. change angle; make those rifle guys ambush! 5. save it all to your .wad file WITHOUT rewriting the WHOLE thing! 6. Save and Load to individual .DTE files (very small.. Perfect for modem transmission and making backups of your .wad) 7. New cursors, so you know when you're over an item, and when you're moving an item. 8. Mirror Bug FIXED! 9. New Configuration File! Set colors, default items, etc. 10. Select angles, items, and skills with the keyboard! (still REQUIRES mouse however for moving and selecting) 11. Change skill!! Change the skill level that an item appears on. 12. Have default items! No more selecting items by hand on each item, with a touch of a key, pick 1 of 10 default items! 13. Replicate Feature - Replicate your last created item! 14. Import save files created by Deuedit 2.0! 15. ** View the graphics as you select them! 16. *** Fix for save to .wad bug! 17. ** Tremendously faster screen writes! You have to see it to believe it. ** New for Version 1.40! *** New for Version 1.41! Future ------ 1. Randomness; Define the ratio of items to enemies, enemies to powerups, etc 2. Import/Export item graphics 3. Save entire episodes to .dte files Directions ========== All you gotta do is place doomedit in the DOOM directory or any other directory,run doomedit filename; Where filename is the name of the doom .wad file you wish to edit. **Once you're in the mapeditor, press '?' for a list of available commands. Menus available for almost EVERYTHING so press '?' if you need help. Keep in mind however, all changes are *PERMENANT* when saved to disk. A backup of your last saved .dte is saved to BACKUP.DTE. Just to be on the safe side, use the -b switch(explained below) to make backups of the different episodes. At startup, current level is saved to START.DTE When saving, current level is saved to BACKUP.DTE When quitting, current level is saved to QUIT.DTE Switches -------- dtedit [-switches] .wad file name Switches: -b Create a backup .dte for each and all episodes. Restore using 'l' in map editor -v View mode. Look through the graphics to find out what their numbers are Left and Right arrows selects graphic one forward or one backward Up and Down arrows selects graphics 10 ahead or behind -s Super VGA 256 mode Totally experimental. Doesn't really work yet. In Game Commands ---------------- You can get a quick list of all the commands listed here by tapping the '?' key while in the editor. **Editing functions ------------------- C Change item Move over an item and press 'c'. Change away by moving the mouse left and right. All items undefined in the items.lst file will be skipped over. You can override this option by holding down the middle button and moving the mouse left and right as normal. Current item is displayed on the status bar. A Change Angle Move over an item and press 'a'. Change the angle of an object. Only really matters for enemies since objects always face the same way. The angle and direction (N,S,E,W,etc) are displayed on the status bar. K Change Skill level Move over an item and press 'k'. Use the numbers (1-4) to select what level this item will appear on. I Insert (create) item Move over the desired position and press 'i'. A new object will appear at this location which can be edited using any of the editing commands. Default item is defined in config file. D Delete item Move over an item and press 'd'. The object underneath will be permenantly erased. No warning.. No nothing. Be careful! Right mouse click and drag on an item Move over an item, hold down the right mouse button, and drag to a new position. Everything stays as before, except for the position. You can tell when you're moving an item when there is a little 'M' under the cursor. ** You can always tell whether you're over an object because a little 'I' will appear under the cursor. I/O Functions ------------- S Save to .WAD file Save the current level to the doom .wad file. Before it saves however the program will create a backup of the current level. The .dte file is named BACKUP.DTE and can be loaded using the 'l' command. L Load .DTE file Loads a level from a .dte file (things only). Will totally wipe out the things that are currently on your map. Very useful for trading levels with friends or sending over the modem. When loading, be sure W Save to .DTE file Saves a level to a .dte file. Save all the current objects on the current map to a file that can be sent over the modem and traded with friends. When saving, be sure to exclude the .dte ending. It also may be a good idea to name the file a name that includes Episode and Level. DTEDIT does no checking to see if the .DTE is loaded to the right level. M Load DEU file Loads a DEUEDIT 2.0 file. You can usually find these in the same directory as deuedit. They usually begin with THINGS. and then end in the episode# followed by the level#. So, for instance episode 1, Level 1 would most likely be named THINGS.11. I'm offering this feature as a service to those who have been working with DEUEDIT for some time and wish to switch over to DTEDIT. This is not a put down for DEUEDIT. I cherish DEUEDIT's fast screen updating! Other Functions --------------- Right Click and drag on map to move map around As long as you're not on an item, this function will work. Simply place the cursor over an area which does NOT have an item, hold down the right mouse button and drag. HOLD IT DOWN UNTIL YOU REACH THE DESIRED POSITION!! Center Click and drag on map to zoom Anywhere on the map, hold down the middle button and drag SLOWLY to zoom in an out of the map Left Click to see object Display what the object looks like Q Exit! Exit the program. Be sure to save! Using the command will create a .dte file containing the current things. It is named EXIT.DTE While doing things -------------------- Press '?' for a list of the functions available in each editing function ID == Finally, this program is adhering to IDs request that ALL editors only work with the registered versions of games. So in other words, it won't work with the shareware version (if you somehow hack the .wad file to look like a registered .wad file, it won't work anyway because of the way doomedit is structured). Registration ============ Last thing.. Registration.. This program is NOT free but NOT shareware. I call it Collegeware. All I request is that you send a college recommendation to me at one of my email accounts displayed at the end doomedit when you exit. All right.. I think that's it! CYA next version! Items.lst file ============== The structure of it really isn't that hard. Take a look, you'll understand once you see it. Try to make sure they stay in chronological order if you find out somemore items, I know the list is not complete. If one of you guys gets a complete list of all the items, be a nice guy and upload it to me and the place where you found doomedit. I think we'll all love ya for it. New format now includes graphic information. After the description, use a comma and then type in the graphics number. If you don't know the graphic number, insert a -1. Dtedit.cfg file =============== The structure can also be seen just by looking at the file. The file contains some instructions within it as well. The '#' sign is used for commenting. Place it in front of EVERY LINE that you want to be seen as a comment. Special Special Special Thanks to RoggerF for supplying the DOOM specs! ======= ======= ======= ====== ------- ========== DOOM is registered or whatever to ID software (what great people) DTEdit(tm) was created by Jeff Lee(Carrot Games) DEUEDIT(TM) was created by Brendon W. DISCLAIMER ========== Jeff Lee (Carrot Games) takes no responsibility for any damages this program may inflict on your Computer System. This program has been tested on my system several times and almost all bugs are worked out. If your system blows up or starts having intelligient converesations with you, hey, its not my problem. MAKE BACKUPS JUST IN CASE! (I never did though) Troubleshooting =============== 1. When I move my cursor over an item, I don't see an item description or it locks up What's probably wrong is either you don't have the ITEMS.LST file in the same directory as DTEDIT.EXE or the ITEMS.LST is currupt. Move ITEMS.LST to the same directory as DTEDIT.EXE. If that doesn't work, EMAIL me and tell me the situation. 2. I can't quit the program!! Press 'q' to quit. A whole list of commands can be seen by pressing the '?' key. 3. There is no sound coming from the program Good. There shouldn't be.. If there is, EMAIL me!! :) 4. When I run DOOM, errors occur as a result of using DTEDIT If you have used a Doom Editor previously, you may want to try starting with a clean .wad file and try your changes again (use the l function and load up BACKUP.DTE). If that doesn't work, EMAIL me your .DTE and I'll try to find the problem in the program. Remember, if you don't want to install the .wad file over again, you can always restore a backup episode if you used the -b option to create them.