THE KILRATHIS' REVENGE The Kilratis' Revenge is a campaign of fourteen missions for WING COMMANDER Academy. You can play the missions in any order, but in order, they form a storyline as follows: MISSION ONE: Routine You are ace pilot James "HotShot" McCloud. Recently, however, discipline problems have caused your CO to give you more routine patrol missions. You're fed up with this treatment. Kilrathi pilots get respect for their achievements, and they appear to be winning. You're considering defecting. Your mission is a routine patrol past an asteroid belt. You don't expect much. YOU WILL BE PILOTING A FERRET SOLO. MISSION TWO: Retrieval A simple search and retrieval mission, you've got to finda data pod nearby. There is a Kilrathi patrol of thre Drakhri searching for it, and reports of a Strakha. YOU WILL BE PILOTING A SABRE WITH LIGHTSPEED AS YOUR WINGMAN. MISSION THREE: Final Mission You've had it. If you are given one more patrol mission, you are leaving. Naturally, you're given another patrol mission. You are to proceed to an asteroid belt, where a Sartha will be patrolling, then intercept another Sartha patrol before proceeding to your third and fourth Nav Points. YOU WILL BE PILOTING A WRAITH WITH MANIAC AS YOUR WINGMAN. MISSION FOUR: Betrayal That's IT! Finishing your third mission, you decide it's now or never and attack your wingman. Then, you must fight your way through three ferrets, two Rapiers, and two Epees and join up with the Kilrathi. YOU WILL BE PILOTING A WRAITH SOLO. MISSION FIVE: Kilrathi One You are immediately put to work for the Kilrathi. You and your wingman will intercept and destroy a wing of two Ferrets and another wing of two Broadswords. YOU WILL BE PILOTING A JRATHEK WITH A KILRATHI PILOT AS YOUR WINGMAN. MISSION SIX: Patrol One You're being sent on a routine patrol past an asteroid belt and a mine field. Don't expect too much, maybe a couple of ferrets. YOU WILL BE PILOTING A JRATHEK WITH A KILRATHI PILOT AS YOUR WINGMAN. MISSION SEVEN: Avenger The Kilrathi have recieved reports of the Confederates building Jrathek- class fighters for secret missions. You and your wingman are to take out two of these imposters, and any other Confederate ships you encounter. YOU WILL BE PILOTING A JRATHEK WITH A KILRATHI PILOT AS YOUR WINGMAN. MISSION EIGHT: Patrol Two The Kilrathis' prejudice against human pilots is beginning to show. You've been given another routine patrol, and your wingman has been reassigned. Things are beginning to look bad. You will intercept two Ferrets and a Wraith. YOU WILL BE PILOTING A JRATHEK SOLO. MISSION NINE: Patrol Three You've been assigned a new wingman. This is it, though. If this mission doesn't turn out with some real action, you're leaving. You'll go by three asteroid belts. YOU WILL BE PILOTING A JRATHEK WITH A KILRATHI PILOT AS YOUR WINGMAN. MISSION TEN: Flight At the end of your previous mission, you decided to head back for Confederate space. Take out your wingman and any Kilrathi that get in your way. MISSION ELEVEN: Pursuit With the Kilrathi hot on your heels, you stop at a neutral way-station for refueling, rearmament, and repairs, then get underway again. They're sending as much as they can against you. The Kilrathi don't like traitors. MISSION TWELVE: Pursuit Two As you approach Confederate space, the pursuit drops off. The kilrathi don't wish to start an incident over a two-time traitor. They've sent a couple of Sartha and two stolen Ferrets after you. After that, you've simply to pass through a mine-field on the Confederate frontier and you're home free. YOU WILL BE PILOTING A JRATHEK SOLO. MISSION THIRTEEN: Court Martial In return for your knowledge (after a practical demonstration) of Kilrathi patrol routes, the Confederacy is willing to drop all charges and give you a dishonorable discharge rather than a court martial with a prison term and possibly execution. You'll intercept a number of Kilrathi patrols. Maniac, despite his objections, has been assigned as your wingman. YOU WILL BE PILOTING A FERRET WITH MANIAC AS YOUR WINGMAN. MISSION FOURTEEN: Last Chance After your last mission's barely adequate results, you've been given one last chance to prove your worth. You'll intercept a Dorkathi and a Ralatha, as well as their escorts and a couple of Sartha in between. YOU WILL BE PILOTING A MORNINGSTAR WITH LIGHTSPEED AS YOUR WINGMAN. THIS ISN'T THE END for James McCloud! Coming soon: McCLOUD MAKES IT, in which "HotShot" McCloud joins the private sector (as if he had a choice) and uncovers a Kilrathi plot that could destroy the Confederacy completely! THE FOLLOWING WING COMMANDER ACADEMY CAMPAIGNS ARE (OR WILL SOON BE) AVAILABLE FROM PAT "BLACKWOLFE" DEWEY. DON'T MISS OUT! THE KOLARI AFFAIR (AVAILABLE!) As the Kolari system is colonized by the Confederacy, the Kilrathi Empire discovers a hyperspace rift that leads directly into Confederate territory. Can the crew of the Candar stop an invasion of immense proportion and seal the rift before the Kilrathi Empire sends their most powerful fleet? THE SHADOW SQUADRON (AVAILABLE!) The Kilrathi have perfected a method of cloaking larger ships (because only Strakha have cloaking devices, if not a Strakha, a cloaked ship will not be included in the mission description, so be prepared for anything), and you must stop an invading fleet before they reach Earth. McCLOUD MAKES IT (COMING!) James McCloud, after returning to the Confederation, has been dishonorably discharged. Having purchased an old, beat up Ferret, he decides to explore the galaxy. In doing so, however, he discovers a menace unlike any other. Can he convince the TCSN of the danger? If not, can he stop it... alone?