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FPQ\%QJ] er ======================== Copyright to this document is kept by the author, but freedom is given to distribute it as long as no money is made from its distribution, without prior concent of the author. The author also does not guarantee that the information it contains is correct, although every effort is done to ensure that it is. Brian Blackmore, The University of Kent at Canterbury, bnb@ukc.ac.uk ~9&X&&e%PFPW ƋFv2PP] 9&X&&V\2PP]  :&u9&X&&ˎ9&X&&k%PFPV NjFvW 3^_]U WVFdžPƆ{dž8o%:dždž@~%BdžD%FdžH%J+NL9& & vx~prt89 +&G&n9&9ptH9&9vt=PP9&6&6`%P9&6&6ZT %P| T :&P FVpP FV+FF{{<vv~uZ6`#6^#%P~V P~V" P~VJ] ************ 19----P2 * | / \ P1 / \ *----58 59 *-----54 57-----* | | | \ / 60---61 62 \__36 * 68_/ | | | / | \ 63---64---65---66---To Main Map / 67 \ / / \ \ *----' `----* P6-------44---------P5 ********* *SPECIAL* ********* *--76--75--74--73--. ******** | *LEGEND* *--69--70--71--72--' ******** 1- Yellow Switch Palace 31- Butter Bridge 2 61- #7 Larry's Castle 2- Yoshi's Island 1 32- #4 Ludwig's Castle 62- Valley Fortress 3- Yoshi's House 33- Cookie Mountain 63- Valley Of Bowser 3 4- Yoshi's Island 2 34- Cheese Bridge 64- Valley Ghost House 5- Yoshi's Island 3 35- Soda Lake 65- Valley Of Bowser 2 6- Yoshi's Island 4 36- Star World 1 66- Valley Of Bowser 1 7- #1 Iggy's Castle 37- Forest Of Illusion 1 67- Star World 5 8- Donut Plains 1 38- Forest Ghost House 68- Star World 4 9- Donut Plains 2 39- Forest Of Illusion 2 69- Gnarly 10- Donut Secret 1 40- Blue Switch Palace 70- Tubular 11- Donut Secret House 41- Forest Of Illusion 4 71- Way Cool 12- Green Switch Palace 42- Forest Secret Area 72- Awesome 13- Donut Ghost House 43- Forest Of Illusion 3 73- Groovy 14- Top Secret 44- Chocolate Secret 74- Mondo 15- Donut Plains 3 45- Forest Fortress 75- Outrageous 16- Donut Plains 4 46- #5 Roy's Castle 76- Funky 17- #2 Morton's Castle 47- Chocolate Island 1 * - Star Road 18- Vanilla Dome 1 48- Chocolate Ghost House P1..6- Pipes 19- Donut Secret 2 49- Chocolate Island 2 20- Vanilla Secret 1 50- Chocolate Island 3 21- Vanilla Dome 2 51- Chocolate Fortress 22- Red Switch Palace 52- Chocolate Island 4 23- Vanilla Ghost House 53- Chocolate Island 5 24- Vanilla Dome 3 54- Star World 2 25- Vanilla Dome 4 55- #6 Wendy's Castle 26- #3 Lemmy's Castle 56- Sunken Ghost Ship 27- Vanilla Secret 2 57- Star World 3 28- Vanilla Secret 3 58- Front Door 29- Vanilla Fortress 59- Back Door 30- Butter Bridge 1 60- Valley Of Bowser 4 Sol-Feace code: Press the sequence A, B, C, A, B, C, B, C, B, A on the title screen. Select continue. This will let you select the starting stage and get 99 ships in the options screen. Streets of Rage code: Press start on controller 1 to enter options, then press right+A+B+C on controller 2. On the non-CD version, you can do this on controller 1. Streets of Rage II code: Go to the screen before the options screen, go to the "options" line, and press A and B on the second controller and hold, then go to the options screen. The options screen will now have a stage select and extra difficulty levels. Keith Courage code: Reset the game, and hold I, II, and SELECT at the same time until "start" appears. Press U 8 times for the debug screen. Ninja Spirit code: Press START while holding SELECT at the title screen for the sound test option to appear in the menu. For a stage select, on the title screen press II, I, II, II, I, II. Hold SELECT and press RUN. You can now stage select 1-3. To select 4-6, hold down SELECT while choosing a level. The message "Have you played Mr. Heli" appears with I, II, II, I, SELECT, RUN or I, II, II, I, SELECT, II, I, I, II. (the latter unconfirmed) Gate of Thunder code: On the title screen, I, II, II, I, S, I, II, I, II, S, S, RUN and enter the configuration menu for a stage select. Bomberman on Turbo Duo pack-in CD: The following code on the Gate of Thunder/Bonk CD will let you play Bomberman, a hidden fourth game: U, R, D, L, II. ``What are all the home Street Fighter II versions?'' There are of course the SNES versions of SF2 (2 meg) and SF2HF (Turbo) (2 1/2 meg). The HF game doesn't have a true Champion Edition mode; Champion Edition mode removes the HF-specific moves but leaves in other differences. The Genesis version is 3 megabytes; it doesn't have a true Champion Edition mode either. The PC Engine version (Champion Edition) is out in Japan for 9800 yen. The game is 2 1/2 megabytes (2 1/2 times as large as any other PC Engine cartridge). It's not a CD or a CD/cartridge combination. The controller was released separately for 3980 yen. Chances this version will come out in America are negligible. Note that the PC Engine game, at the usual import game rates, plus the price for adapters and imported controller, costs more than just buying a Genesis or SNES in America and getting SF2 for it. There will allegedly be a Sega CD version of Streetfighter II. There's an illegal Famicom version; EGM claimed a legal NES version, which Capcom denies. There is an Amiga version, sold only in Europe. (Some dealers can get you one in America anyway.) There's also a legal IBM PC version (which is not very good) and a widely circulated Asian pirate version. Mortal Kombat versions and codes: There are versions for SNES, Genesis, Game Gear, and Gameboy, with upcoming Sega CD (12/30/93, apparently delayed), PC, and CD-32 versions. version is. There is no Mega Drive version at all. -- Ken Arromdee (email: arromdee@jyusenkyou.cs.jhu.edu) ObYouKnowWho Bait: Stuffed Turkey with Gravy and Mashed Potatoes "You, a Decider?" --Romana "I decided not to." --The Doctor