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FPQ\%QJ] er ======================== Copyright to this document is kept by the author, but freedom is given to distribute it as long as no money is made from its distribution, without prior concent of the author. The author also does not guarantee that the information it contains is correct, although every effort is done to ensure that it is. Brian Blackmore, The University of Kent at Canterbury, bnb@ukc.ac.uk ~9&X&&e%PFPW ƋFv2PP] 9&X&&V\2PP]  :&u9&X&&ˎ9&X&&k%PFPV NjFvW 3^_]U WVFdžPƆ{dž8o%:dždž@~%BdžD%FdžH%J+NL9& & vx~prt89 +&G&n9&9ptH9&9vt=PP9&6&6`%P9&6&6ZT %P| T :&P FVpP FV+FF{{<vv~uZ6`#6^#%P~V P~V" P~VJ] "SD Gundam World Map Collection", N/A Bandai, Y500 (Apparently for use with the above game; not a game on its own) Super Famicom, "Kido Senshi Gundam F91: Formula Senki 0122", N/A ???, Y??? (Simulation/Arcade) Super Famicom, "Knight Gundam", N/A ???, Y??? (Simulation) Famicom, "SD Gundam Gundam Wars", N/A Bandai, Y2800 (Simulation) May or may not be the same as Gatchapon 1. Super Famicom, "Super Gatchapon World SD Gundam X", N/A Yutaka, Y8500 (Simulation) Arcade, "Gy,"Chibi Marukochan", N/A ???, Y??? Gameboy, "Chibi Marukochan 2", N/A ???, Y??? Gameboy, "Chibi Marukochan 3", N/A ???, Y??? CITY HUNTER PC Engine, "City Hunter", N/A SunSoft SS90001, Y6300 (Action Game) COBRA PC Engine CD, "Cobra Koku Ryu O no Densetsu", N/A Hudson, Y5980 PC Engine CD, "Cobra II Densetsu no Otoko" Hudson, Y6500 CYBER CITY OEDO 808 PC Engine CD, "Cyber City Oedo 808 Kemono no Zokusei", N/A Masaya, Y6500 CYBER FORMULA Super Famicom, "Cyber Formula", N/A ???, Y??? Gameboy, "Cyber Formula", N/A ???, Y??? CYBORG 009 Mega CD, "Cyborg 009" Nihon Telenet, Y??? DETONATOR ORGAN Mega CD, "Detonator Organ", N/A Hot-B, Y7800 (Adventure Game) DEVASTATOR Mega CD, "Devastator", N/A Nihon Telenet/Wolf Team, Y??? (Action Game) DEVIL HUNTER YOKO Mega Drive, "Devil Hunter Yoko (the seven bells)", N/A Masaya, Y6500 (Action Game) PC-Engine CD, "Devil Hunter Yoko Makai kara no Tenkosei", N/A Masaya, Y6800 (Adventure Game) PC-Engine SCD, "Devil Hunter Yoko [kanji]", N/A Masaya, Y7200 (Adventure Game) DIRTY PAIR Famicom Disk System, "Dirty Pair" (?), N/A ???, Y??? DORAEMON Famicom, "Doraemon" (?), N/A ???, Y??? PC Engine, "Doraemon Maze Strategy", "Crater Maze" Hudson, Y4900 (Puzzle Game) PC Engine, "Doraemon Nobita no Dorabian Night", N/A Hudson, Y5800 PC Engine SCD, "Doraemon Nobita no Dorabian Night", N/A Hudson, Y4800 Mega Drive, "Doraemon, The Dream Thief and the Seven Gozansu", N/A Sega, Y6800 (Action Game) Unplayable on a US system without a language switch modification to your console. Super Famicom, "Doraemon Nobita to Yousei no Sekai", N/A Epic [kanji], Y8000 Mega CD, "Doraemon, The Dream Thief and the Seven Gozansu", N/A Sega, Y??? (Action Game) Why do I list this name in English and the others in Japanese? Good question. Becaise I got this info from a magazine in English. I hope this is actually a different game and not the same as the cartridge version above.) Game Gear, "Doraemon nara no suke no [kanji]", N/A Sega, Y3500 (Action Game) DRAGONBALL Famicom, "Dragonball" (?), N/A Bandai, Y??? (Role-Playing. Five parts?) Super Famicom, "Dragonball Z", N/A Toho, Y??? (Role-Playing) Super Famicom, "Dragonball Z [unreadable kanji]", N/A Bandai, Y9800 (Street Fighter II clone) Super Famicom, "Dragonball Z II Super Futoden", N/A Bandai, Y9800 (Street Fighter II clone) Arcade, "Dragonball Z", N/A Banpresto (Street Fighter II clone) Mega Drive, "Dragonball Z", N/A Bandai, Y??? (Street Fighter II clone, due March 1994) EFIRA AND JILIORA PC-Engine CD, "Efira and Jiliora: The Emblem from Darkness", N/A Brain Grey, Y7500 (Role-Playing) EIGHTH MAN Neo-Geo, "Super 8th Man", "Super 8th Man" ???, Y??? FIGHBIRD Famicom, "Fighbird", N/A ???, Y??? Gameboy, "Fighbird", N/A ???, Y??? FUGISHI NO UMI NO NADIA (Nadia; Secret of Blue Water) Mega Drive, "Fugishi no Umi no Nadia", N/A Namco, Y6500 (Role-playing) PC Engine SCD, "Fugishi no Umi no Nadia", N/A Hudson, Y6800 FUTURE BOY CONAN PC Engine, "Future Boy Conan", N/A Nihon Telnet, Y7200 (Action Game [?]) GALAXY EXPRESS 999 CD-I, ???, "Escape from Cyber City" ???, Y??? Mega CD, "Galaxy Express 999", N/A Nihon Telenet, Y??? (Not yet released) GAL FORCE Famicom Disk System, "Gal Force" (?), N/A ???, Y??? GEGEGE NO MOMOTAROU Famicom, "Gegege no Momotarou", N/A Bandai, Y4900 (Action Game) Famicom, "Gegege no Momotarou 2", N/A Bandai, Y5500 (Role-playing Game) GENJI TSUUSHIN AGETAMA PC Engine, "Genji Tsuushin Agetama", N/A Nihon [unreadable kanji] Home Electronics, Y5800 GOEMON (?) Super Famicom, ???, "Legend of Mystical Ninja" ???, Y??? (Action Game) The SNES reviews list lists this as based on a series called "Charge! Goemon". GOLGO 13 Famicom, "Golgo 13" (?), "Golgo 13" Vic Tokai, Y5700 (Action Game) Famicom, ???, "The Mafat Conspiracy" Vic Tokai, ??? (Action Game) GUNDAM Famicom Disk System, "SD Gundam Gachapan Senshi" (?), N/A Yutaka, Y??? (Simulation Game) Famicom, "SD Gundam Gachapan Senshi 2: Capsule Senki", N/A Yutaka, Y??? (Simulation Game) Famicom, "SD Gundam Gachapan Senshi 3: Eiyu Senki", N/A Yutaka, Y??? (Simulation Game) Famicom, "SD Gundam Gachapan Senshi 4: Newtype Story", N/A Yutaka, Y??? (Simulation Game) Famicom, "SD Gundam Gachapan Senshi 5", N/A Yutaka, Y??? (Simulation Game) Famicom, "Z Gundam Hot Scramble" (?), N/A Bandai, Y??? (Shooting Game) No longer available. Gameboy. "Operation Gundam", N/A ???, Y??? Gameboy. "Knight Gundam" (?), N/A ???, Y??? Gameboy. "Knight Gundam 2" (?), N/A ???, Y??? Gameboy. "SD Gundam" (?), N/A ???, Y??? (Role-playing [?]) Gameboy, "SD Gundam Senkokuden 2", N/A ???, Y??? Famicom Disk System, "SD Gundam World", N/A Bandai, Y3300 May or may not be the same as Gatchapon 1. Famicom Disk System, "Yuu Yuu Hakusho", N/A ???, Y??? Super Famicom, "Yuu Yuu Hakusho 2" (?), N/A ???, Y??? PC Engine CD, "Yuu Yuu Hakusho" (?), N/A ???, Y??? Game Gear, "Yuu Yuu Hakusho" (?), N/A ???, Y??? Mega Drive, "Yuu Yuu Hakusho Gaiden", N/A ???, Y??? ZILLION SG-1000, "Zillion", "Zillion" ???, Y??? SG-1000, "Zillion II", "Zillion II: The Tri-Formation" ???, Y??? ZOIDS Famicom, "Zoids", ?? EMI, Y5300 Famicom, "Zoids 2", ?? EMI, Y5900 Miscellaneous Famicom, "The Great Battle", N/A Banpresto, Y??? This game uses Gundam, Kamen Rider, Metalda, and Ultraman. Note: Banpresto has a habit of using SD Gundam characters everywhere. Their games are often considered crap. Sequel to The Great Battle. Super Famicom, "The Great Battle 2", N/A Banpresto, Y??? Super Famicom, "The Great Battle 3", N/A Banpresto, Y??? Super Famicom, "Last Fighter Twin", N/A Banpresto, Y??? This is a game which uses SD figures of Gundam F91, Ultraman, Kamen Rider Black, and one last figure that Usenet couldn't identify. Super Famicom, "SD The Great Battle", N/A Banpresto, Y??? (Action Game) Super Famicom, "SD Battle Dodgeball", N/A Banpresto, Y??? Super Famicom, "SD Battle Dodgeball 2" (?), N/A Banpresto, Y??? Super Famicom, "Battle Soccer", N/A Banpresto, Y??? Famicom, "Battle Baseball", N/A Banpresto, Y??? *Not* Anime related, but mistaken for it: Battle Mania (Trouble Shooters, Genesis) [no, this was _not_ a Dirty Pair game though it certainly looks like one...] Gunhed (Blazing Lasers, TG-16) [name is deceptive] --- *Games made into animation* Sometimes the game comes first and the animation afterwards. There are lots of these, too. Games made into manga, often serialized in game magazines, are also very common. This list is currently _very_ incomplete. Information is needed. Game Name American Version? Anime/manga (of game) Cosmic Fantasy 3 (PCE CD) N Manga Download (PCE)/Download 2 (PCE CD) N Anime Dragon Knight I-III (PCE, computers) Y (PC only) Anime*5 Dragon Warrior/Dragon Quest (Fam) Y Anime, manga* Dragon Slayer: The Legend (PCE SCD) Y Anime of Heroes Far East of Eden (PCE CD) N Anime Far East of Eden II (PCE CD) N Manga (?) Final Fantasy (Fam, SF) Y Anime Flying Warriors (NES) Y Manga*** Legend of Garou/Fatal Fury (SNES, Neo- Y (SNES, Neo) Anime Geo, PCE-SCD with arcade card) Little Ninja Brothers (NES)/ Y Manga*** Ninja Boy (Gameboy) Madara (Super Famicom) N Manga, anime Ryo Ko no Ken/Art of Fighting Y Anime Ninja Gaiden (anime: Ninja Ryukenden) Y Anime Shining Force (MD, GG) Y Manga Street Fighter II (lots) Y (mostly) Anime, manga**** Wizardry (PCE, SF, computers) Y Anime** Ys I (PCE CD, SMS, computers) Y Anime, manga Ys II (PCE CD) Y Anime * Dragon Quest is the Japanese name, Dragon Warrior the US name. 13 episodes of this were dubbed and broadcast briefly in the USA. There is more than one game and more than one Dragon Quest series and I have no idea which is based on which. ** No, Animeigo cannot bring Wizardry to the US. Robert Woodhead would need the permission of the US co-owners, which he doesn't have. *** The manga for these games was translated, colored, and serialized in Gamepro magazine for December 1990-November 1991. I have no idea what the original titles of these games or manga were. **** There will be an animated SF2 movie eventually. There are two SF2 manga, one translated from Chinese and one Japanese original, the latter to eventually be published in America. The American color comic is unrelated, and terrible. *5 AD Vision is releasing the Dragon Knight OAVs in the USA. Questionable: Madara. Can someone confirm whether the game or the anime/manga came first? -- Ken Arromdee (email: arromdee@jyusenkyou.cs.jhu.edu) ObYouKnowWho Bait: Stuffed Turkey with Gravy and Mashed Potatoes "You, a Decider?" --Romana "I decided not to." --The Doctor