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FPQ\%QJ] PvV" PvVJ] PvvvJ] F~~;~v^^؋NJ*3QNJ*&3ZF;v|։~v] v_%PvV PvV" PvVJ] FF=vP FVvv`  t 2PP]  :&uvv`  t|] u t 3P( -*ui%PvV vV2 ui6`#6^#vVF  uN6p#6n#vvF  t~9&X&&e%PFPW ƋFv2PP] 9&X&&V\2PP]  :&u9&X&&ˎ9&X&&k%PFPV NjFvW 3^_]U WVFdžPƆ{dž8o%:dždž@~%BdžD%FdžH%J+NL9& & vx~prt89 +&G&n9&9ptH9&9vt=PP9&6&6`%P9&6&6ZT %P| T :&P FVpP FV+FF{{<vv~uZ6`#6^#%P~V P~V" P~VJ] o slime! 2.3 Did someone catch all the credits for "Honey, I Shrunk the Clothes"? TTA is perhaps the single best reason to buy a 4-head VCR. (you know, that magical "frame advance" button. The shiny, candylike button.) If you don't have the credit to drop what you're doing and buy one, not to worry: WARNER BROS. and AMBLIN ANIMATION CO-VENTURES in association with LOTS O' CASH PARTNERS IV present a TOM RUEGGER PRODUCTION of a KEN BOYER ART LEONARDI AND KENT BUTTERWORTH film -- HAMTON J. PIG GOGO DODO in "HONEY, I SHRUNK THE CLOTHES" Starring BUSTER BUNNY BABS BUNNY (no relation) MONTANA MAX PLUCKY DUCK CESAR ROMERO THE ENTIRE POPULATION OF OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA LITTLE BEEPER CALAMITY COYOTE and introducing EDDIE FITZGERALD as "MOOKIE" APPEARANCE BY FIFI LA FUME as THE IRATE CUSTOMER Executive Producer G. WHO Written by THE USUAL GUYS Drawn by KEXX BYRON BARRY DEMELO AND THE REST OF THE GANG AT THE TINY TOONS CARTOONY FACTORY. Model colors figured out at great expense by BUNNY MUNNS Backgrounds by KARTHARINE and BRIAN Music by ONE OF BRUCE'S GUYS Based on the book "Crime And Punishment" by FEODOR DOSTOEVSKY Harried assistant to the harried producer DEBRA BLANCHARD AND KENNETH ROSS Monitor PAUL STRICKLAND DOESN'T IT HURT YOUR EYES TO READ PRINT THIS TINY? Live Action Reference by SHERRI STONER Mildly disgusted with the whole thing TOM MINTON person with nothing better to do than to write this PAUL DINI THIS LINE IS FOR PEOPLE WHO HIT FREEZE FRAME AND LOOK FOR SUSPECT MESSAGES Art Direction VINCENT VAN GOGH EDITED BY CUISINART MOST OF THE PEOPLE LISTED HERE HAD NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH THE MAKING OF THIS MOVIE THEY JUST LIKE TO SEE THEIR NAMES WHIZ BY AT ONE-TENTH OF A SECOND Hamton J. Pig appears courtesy of OSCAR MEYER INC. Gogo Dodo's hair by VEG-O-MATIC ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK RECORDING AVAILABLE ON ELEVATOR P.A. SYSTEMS BE SURE AND BUY EVERY PRODUCT CONNECTED WITH THIS MOVIE OR YOU'RE IN BIG TROUBLE JACK WE'RE NOT KIDDING WE KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE Directed by KEN BOYER ART LEONARDI KENT BUTTERWORTH KENNEDY CARTOONS DON'T WASTE YOUR SEVEN BUCKS ON THIS HOUND SEE GRIM-LOONS 2 INSTEAD HI MOM 2.4 I seem to have this recurring dream about a TTA theme song in an alternate universe. Am I psychotic? Not at all -- you're probably getting vibes from residual astral projections of THE PLUCKY DUCK SHOW, that short-lived spin-off of TTA. So you can sleep better: You're lucky, it's Plucky, "I'm absolutely ducky," Other shows seem yucky now that Plucky's on the air! "I'm wacky, I'm quacky," He's an egomaniac-y, Hamton plays the lackey of this duck extraordinaire! Who knows the way to close his endless babbling beak? Drop an anvil down upon his feathery physique! Toast him, roast him, the show will still be most him, "It's THE PLUCKY DUCK SHOW and it's on each week!" His antics are frantic, at times he gets romantic, "My talent's so gigantic it'll burst from your TV!" The writers are hackers, t99. Be warned, however, that HISMV is occasionally broadcast as an extremely butchered four-part episode. Avert your eyes, and rent/buy the video instead! 1.8 What is the status of TTA's cancellation? Keep in mind that TTA is not off the air -- Fox plans to continue running the series on weekday afternoons and Saturday mornings in syndicated reruns. But there are no plans to produce new episodes; the producers and staff have pretty much moved on to other Warner projects such as BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES and ANIMANIACS. However, TTA is not dead -- we have been told that upcoming specials are in the works (such as the Spring Break special on March 27!), so we will be seeing new material down the road ... 1.9 Say, has anyone noticed that each show's credits has some weird gag or funny saying in-- YES. We all have. You're about 4 years behind on this one. :-) See Synth Oberheim's TTA Reference Guide for a complete list of ALL gag credits. -- 2.0 LYRICS AND FREEZE-FRAME MATERIAL 2.1 What are the lyrics to the TTA theme song? Glad you asked. Some words are definitely hard to pick out, and as a result have been the subject of some intense flamage. Here are Warner Brothers' official lyrics: We're tiny, we're toony, we're all a little looney, And in this cartoony, we're invading your TV! We're comic dispensers, we crack up all the censors, On TINY TOON ADVENTURES get a dose of comedy! So here's Acme Acres, it's a whole wide world apart, Our home sweet home, it stands alone, a cartoon work of art! The scripts were rejected, expect the unexpected On TINY TOON ADVENTURES -- it's about to start! They're furry, they're funny, they're Babs and Buster Bunny, Montana Max has money, Elmyra is a pain! Here's Hamton and Plucky, Dizzy Devil's yucky, Furrball's unlucky, and Gogo is insane! At Acme Looniversity we earn our toon degree, The teaching staff's been getting laughs since 1933! We're tiny, we're toony, we're all a little looney, It's TINY TOON ADVENTURES, come and join the fun! ... and now our song is done! 2.2 How about the lyrics to the theme song of the "Immature Radioactive Samurai Slugs"? The "IRSS" theme, found in the short "Slugfest", goes like this: We're Immature Radioactive Samurai Slugs We love to thrash criminals and slice 'n' dice thugs! We're totally radical, gnarly dudes, Cowabunga homeboys with nothin' to lose ... Our arch-enemies want us iodized But they can't beat us 'cause we're merchandised! (Iodizer: "DESTROY THEM!!") Count off! Picasso! Warhol! Rockwell! Grandma Moses! So kick back, dweebs, it's the end of our rhyme, The show's gonna start and it's time tlucky "I wanna flush it again!" Startoons > Buster "And that's a wrap." Warner Bros. > Buster/Babs "Say goodnight, Babs." "Goodnight, Babs" Warner Bros. > Elmyra "Let the show begin!" Wang Film > Fifi "Au revoir, ma petit potato du couche." Startoons > Furrball "ROAR! ..Meow?" Startoons > Gogo Dodo "It's been surreal!" Warner Bros. > Plucky "Parting is such sweet sorrow." Warner Bros. > > Not-so-certain attributions: > > Buster/Babs "Aloooooooooooha!" Warner Bros. > Byron Basset "Woof." ??? > Dizzy "Show over!" Warner Bros. 4.6 Who is this David Kuhn I see posting to the newsgroup, and why is he such a bigwig? Dave is currently doing character design for the Tiny Toons Easter Special. He was a character designer on ANIMANIACS and a character layout artist (animation key posing) with assorted scenes of full animation as well. He's in his third year with Warner Animation (having also worked as a character layout artist during TAZ-MANIA's entire run) after graduating from USC's film and television school with a degree that qualified him to work in the food service and housecleaning industries. In his spare time Dave builds large walk-around costumes of cartoon characters to scare children and explores a lot of abandoned desert mine sites. -- 5.0 NET AND NEWSGROUP QUESTIONS 5.1 What is a `kill file'? If you wish to have your newsreader refrain from showing you postings with a certain title or by a certain author, you can create a kill file for your newsreader to reference. Let's say that you wish to `kill' all posts made by a certain user. Using the `rn' or `trn' newsreader, you would type a [CTRL]-K while in read mode to begin editing the kill file, and then type the following: /From: username@sitename.domain/h:j This will look for articles that contain the string "From: username@sitename.domain" in the header, junk them, and then display the subject lines of titles that just got zapped. For names of Subject titles, you would type something like this: /: *Does Buster floss?/:j /: *New Tiny Toon Wheat Cakes/:j When finished, save the kill file in the normal manner for the editor you're using. For the `nn' newsreader, type a capital K when viewing the contents of a newsgroup. nn will then ask you a few questions on whether it is a Subject or a Name, duration of time that the posts are to be killed, etc. Simply answer the questions accordingly. 5.2 Where are the FTP archives for Tiny Toons material? utpapa.ph.utexas.edu ( is a.t.t-t's primary FTP site, containing guides, picture & sound files, and other goodies. GIF and JPEG digitized pictures are also available at garfield.catt.ncsu.edu ( 5.3 I need to get ahold of a list of episodes, or find out which studio did what, or get a list of those funny gag credits, etc. etc. What guides and lists are out there? Most guides and lists are periodically posted to the newsgroup and/or are available via anonymous FTP from utpapa.ph.utexas.edu, but can also be requested from the creator through email. Here's a brief run-down on what's out there: TTA UPCOMING EPISODES GUIDE. Schedule of upcoming episodes to be broadcast in the USA on Fox (both new episodes and reruns), along with production numbers, topical news and information, and addresses for Warner, Amblin and Fox. Posted weekly to the newsgroup. Maintained by: Robert Jung (rjung@netcom.com) TTA EPISODE GUIDE. Chronology and plot summaries for each episode of TTA, as well as production numbers, airdates, and animation house information. Available for FTP retrieval at ftp.coe.montana.edu under the /pub/TV/Guides directory as "tinytoons.txt.Z" (Unix-compressed format), and at utpapa.ph.utexas.edu under the /pub/tta/docs directory as "TTA_Episode_Guide". Maintained by: Chris Adamson (plucky@aol.com) TTA REFERENCE GUIDE. Listings of cast/production credits (including gag credit & end tag), production numbers, airdates, episode indexes, and commentaries by a.t.t-t'ers for each episode of TTA. Available for FTP retrieval at utpapa.ph.utexas.edu under the /pub/tta/docs directory as "TTA_Ref_Guide". Maintained by: Synth F. Oberheim (synth@deepthought.unm.edu) TTA TOONSTATIONS LIST. Listings of local television affiliates currently broadcasting Tiny Toon Adventures. Available for FTP at utpapa under /pub/tta/docs as "ToonStations". Maintained by: Joe Leitsch (jaleit01@ulkyvx.louisville.edu) VINCE'S GUIDE TO FTP. A step-by-step guide on using FTP to gain access to Tiny Toons sound/picture files & guides. Maintained by: Vince Taluskie (taluskie@utpapa.ph.utexas.edu) TOONPICS MAIL-SERVER. Email server for digitized GIF pictures for people without FTP access. Maintained by: Paul J. Osze (posze@ecst.csuchico.edu) TTA SOUND FILE GUIDE. Guide to digitized sound files from TTA available at utpapa.ph.utexas.edu. Includes a how-to on FTPing. Maintained by: Vince Taluskie (taluskie@utpapa.ph.utexas.edu) HISMV DYN (DID YOU NOTICE) LIST. Compendium of hard-to-spot gags, references and other notables during HISMV. Available for FTP at utpapa under /pub/tta/docs as "HISMV-DYNS". Maintained by: John R. Johns II (jrjohns@rock.concert.net) HISMV LYRICS SHEET. Lyrics to all the songs in HISMV. Available for FTP at utpapa under /pub/tta/docs as "HISMV-Lyrics". Maintained by: John R. Johns II (jrjohns@rock.concert.net) ALT.TV.TINY-TOON PERSONALITIES LISTING. Dossiers on many residents of a.t.t-t. Available for FTP at utpapa under /pub/tta/docs as "TTA_Personalities". Maintained by: K J Beeley (ug1003@sees.bangor.ac.uk) QUICKLIST: EPISODE NUMBERS. List of all TTA episodes in order of production numbers. Available for FTP at utpapa under /pub/tta/docs as "Quick_Ep_Nums". Maintained by: Karl Meyers (kmeyers@nyx.cs.du.edu) QUICKLIST: BROADCAST HISTORY. List of all TTA episodes in order of original broadcast dates. Available for FTP at utpapa under /pub/tta/docs as "Quick_Airdates". Maintained by: Karl Meyers (kmeyers@nyx.cs.du.edu) TTA MERCHANDISE LIST. Exhaustive list of currently-available and out-of-circulation Tiny Toons-related merchandise. Available for FTP at utpapa under /pub/tta/docs as "TTA_Merchandise". Maintained by: Marc Pawliger (marc@sti.com) OLDEST TOONSTER LIST. List displaying the few, the proud ... the oldest living examples of toonsterdom on a.t.t-t. Available for FTP at utpapa under /pub/tta/docs/Oldest_Toonsters. Maintained by: Robert J. Repas, Jr. (cz820@cleveland.freenet.edu) TTA SPY SHEET. Data on cameos, appearances, and histories of TTA voice actors & staff. Maintained by: Synth F. Oberheim (synth@deepthought.unm.edu) 5.4 Just what is the deal with "Dr. Roger Rabbit"? "Dr. Roger Rabbit", a.k.a. Roger Randall, is a net.resident who posts stories about TTA characters that contain explicit violence and sex, which may be offensive to some readers. Additionally, he cites references from his fiction as if it is real trivia about the show, sometimes contradicting known facts about the characters. He has also been known to become verbally abusive to anyone who contradicts his assertions. Many people contend that Dr. Roger Rabbit is really John Palmer. For more information, ask about him on alt.fan.john-palmer. Roger Rabbit responds: > Dr. Rabbit was once a famous star who worked for Maroon Studios in > the 1930's and 1940's. He has since given up show business and has > become a psychologist. Earning his PHd in 1989, he specializes in > substance abuse treatment and works as co-director of a rehab center > in Culver City California. > > Dr. Rabbit, being a toon Rabbit, knows a bit about the habits of his > kind and can answer questions about them and about any anatomical > aspects of toon rabbits (tail shape, fur, ears, subspecies, sexual > matters). There is NO ONE else on the net who can accuratly answer > these questions. > > Furthermore, Dr. Rabbit personally knows Buster and Babs and their > family histories, although he doesn't see them that often. > > Dr. Rabbit also spends his time writing stories, some fiction, some > real, that he graciously posts to USENET for the enjoyment of others. > > Conclusion: What Dr. Rabbit posts is probably more accurate than any > other material on the net. 5.5 What's the deal with rec.arts.tv.tiny-toon? rec.arts.tv.tiny-toon is a bogus newsgroup -- it was illegally newgroup'ed without a proper Call For Discussion and Call For Votes. As a result its propagation through Usenet is sporadic and unreliable. Posting to it is not recommended. 5.6 Are there other TTA-related Usenet newsgroups? Yes. TTA discussions may very well pop up from time to time on these fine newsgroups: alt.animation.warner-bros Discussion of any and all Warner animation, old and new. alt.tv.tiny-toon.fandom Peripheral and non-canon discussions of Tiny Toons and its characters sometimes involving sexually explicit language and situations. alt.tv.animaniacs Discussions of the Warner animated show ANIMANIACS, where numerous TTA references, production staff and other influences have been spotted. rec.arts.animation General Usenet discussion group about film and TV animation. -- 6.0 SHOPPING FOR TTA 6.1 Where can I find Tiny Toons merchandise? Warner Brothers merchandising currently has a catalogue that contains some Tiny Toons paraphernalia. Call 1-800-223-6524 for information. Warner also has a chain of fantastic gift shops in select cities across the US. Will Bell (bell@cs.tamu.edu) periodically posts a list of shops and their locations. Marc Pawliger (marc@sti.com) maintains a list of all known TTA merchandise, both currently-available and out-of-print. 6.2 What's this about an album called "Tiny Toons Sing!" being available? rjung@aludra.usc.edu (Robert A. Jung) writes: > The TINY TOONS album is only available on audio cassette [in the US; > you may be able to find it as an import compact disc -ed.]. There are > ten tunes on it, most of it being "existing works re-sung by the voice > actors". > > Reaction (from the people here, anyway) has been mixed; some have > complained that it's cutesy stuff for young children, while others > have said that they enjoyed it anyway. All I'll say is that I didn't > get the album, and I doubt I will. If I wanted cute kids' stuff, I'd > go buy "Sebastian Sings!" and that stuff from Disney ... 6.3 What TTA is available on video? Besides HOW I SPENT MY VACATION, Warner has released several new video collections on VHS: "Best of Buster and Babs" (contains PROM-ISE HER ANYTHING, THIRTEENSOMETHING) "Tiny Toon Music Television" (contains TINY TOON MUSIC TELEVISION, TOON TV) "Two Tone Town" (contains FIELDS OF HONEY, TWO TONE TOWN) "Tiny Toon Big Adventures" (contains JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF ACME ACRES, A DITCH IN TIME) "Tiny Toon Island Adventures" (contains NO TOON IS AN ISLAND, BUSTER AND BABS GO HAWAIIAN) "Tiny Toon Fiendishly Funny Adventures" (contains "Duck in the Dark", "Little Cake of Horrors", "Night of the Living Pets", "Hare-Raising Night") -- Thus endeth the lesson. Any comments, corrections or highly abusive flamage should be directed to: ============================================================================== :: :: :: :: :: Synth F. synth@deepthought.unm.edu action figure :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Oberheim synth@kitsune.abq.nm.us sold separately ============================================================================== USENET NEW USER TIP #5: Grab a copy of "Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet"!