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FPQ\%QJ] PvV" PvVJ] PvvvJ] F~~;~v^^؋NJ*3QNJ*&3ZF;v|։~v] v_%PvV PvV" PvVJ] FF=vP FVvv`  t 2PP]  :&uvv`  t|] u t 3P( -*ui%PvV vV2 ui6`#6^#vVF  uN6p#6n#vvF  t~9&X&&e%PFPW ƋFv2PP] 9&X&&V\2PP]  :&u9&X&&ˎ9&X&&k%PFPV NjFvW 3^_]U WVFdžPƆ{dž8o%:dždž@~%BdžD%FdžH%J+NL9& & vx~prt89 +&G&n9&9ptH9&9vt=PP9&6&6`%P9&6&6ZT %P| T :&P FVpP FV+FF{{<vv~uZ6`#6^#%P~V P~V" P~VJ] III DS9 "Dramatis Personae" Forkis III TNG "Parallels" Gailen IV (Federation colony) TNG "Suddenly Human" Galas II TNG "Darmok" Galor IV TNG "The Offspring" Galorndon Kor TNG "The Ememy" Gamalon V, Gamalon TNG "Final Mission" Gamaras V TNG "Captain's Holiday" Gamma II TOS "The Gamesters..." Gamma VII-A (destroyed) TOS "The Immunity Syndrome" Gamma Canaris N TOS "Metamorphosis" Gamma Horami II, Horami Cluster TNG "The Vengeance Factor" Gamma Hydra II, Gamma Hydra TOS "The Deadly Years" Gamma Hydra IV, Gamma Hydra TOS "The Deadly Years" Gamma Tauri IV TNG "The Last Outpost" Gamma Trianguli VI TOS "The Apple" Gault TNG "Heart of Glory" Gagaran IV TNG "Unnatural Selelction" Garadias IV TNG "The Next Phase" Garon II TNG "Ensign Ro" Garon IV TNG "The Next Phase" Garushda TNG "Tin Man" Genesis, Mutara Sector (destroyed) ST III:TSFS Germulon V DS9 "Paradise" Gideon TOS "The Mark of Gideon" Gon-el IV TNG "Disaster" Graves' World TNG "The Schizoid Man" Harrakis V TNG "Clues" Harrod IV TNG "The Perfect Mate" Harrok IV, Latar Nebula DS9 "Q-Less" Haven, Beta Casius TNG "Haven" Heirata III TNG "Violations" Hekarus II, Hekarus TNG "Force of Nature" Hercoze III TNG "The Price" Hogas II TNG "Brothers" Holberg 917-G TOS "Requiem for Methuselah" Hottar II TNG "The Offspring" Iconia TNG "Contagion" Indri VIII, Indri (biosphere destroyed) TNG "The Chase" Iotia TOS "A Piece of the Action" Iratin V TNG "The Most Toys" Isis III TNG "Too Short a Season" Ivadni IV TNG "Clues" Izar TOS "Whom Gods Destroy" Janus VI TOS "Devil in the Dark" Jerido (fifth moon of Bajor) DS9 "Progress" Juri IV TNG "The Best of Both Worlds" Kabatris TNG "Angel One" Kafka IV DS9 "Invasive Procedures" Kaldra IV TNG "Violations" Kalon II TNG "Half a Life" Kanda IV TNG "Darmok" Kataan, Kataan TNG "The Inner Light" Kelva, Andromeda TOS "By Any Other Name" Kendal II TNG "Remember Me" "Kentanna" DS9 "Sanctuary" Kerl, Kerlan TNG "The Chase" Kesprit III TNG "Attached" Khitomer TNG "Yesterday's Enterprise" Keeair TNG "The Chase" Klaestron IV DS9 "Dax" Kling TNG "Heart of Glory" Kora II DS9 "Duet" Koltair IV TNG "We'll Always Have Paris" Korbin II TNG "New Ground" Korridon, Korridon TOS "Journey to Babel" Krios, Krios TNG "Mind's Eye" Kresalia TNG "The Price" Kronos ST VI:TUC Lagobus X DS9 "Second Sight" Laggon II TNG "Code of Honor" Lalya IV TNG "Identity Crisis" Lambda Paz (moon of Pentarus III) TNG "Final Mission" Landris II TNG "Lessons" Lapa IV TNG "Me'nage a' Troi" Largo V DS9 "Babel" Larieshe IV TNG "Darmok" Layma II (approx. 3 LY from Bilana III) TNG "New Ground" Licia, Lician TNG "Conundrum" Loran III, Loran TNG "The Chase" LS VI, Gamma Quadrant (6 LY from wormhole) DS9 "The Alternate" Lyar TNG "Liaisons" Lygos VII, Lygos TNG "Rascals" Lunar V (moon of Angosia III) TNG "The Hunted" Lunar V Base (Bajoran moon) DS9 "The Siege" M-113 TOS "The Man Trap" Mabo VI (single moon) TNG "Power Play" Makus III TOS "The Galileo Seven" Malena II TNG "Violations" Malkor III (2000+ LY from Earth) TNG "First Contact" Malkus IX TNG "Loud as a Whipser" Malona IV (stripped of life by crystal entity) TNG "Silicon Avatar" Mariposa, Phyecus Sector TNG "Up the Long Ladder" Markus II TOS "Requiem for Methuselah" Markus XII TOS "The Enemy Within" Marlonia TNG "Rascals" Mars, Sol TNG "The Best of Both Worlds 2" Melas II TNG "Ship in a Bottle" Melindy VII TNG "Darmok" Melnos IV TNG "Lessons" Melvala IV TNG "Inheritance" Memory Alpha TOS "The Lights of Zetar" Mentaka III TNG "Who Watches the Watchers" Merak II TOS "The Cloudminders" Meudo V TNG "Disaster" Millica III TNG "Tapestry" Minara TOS "Turnabout Intruder" Minas V TNG "Tapestry" Minos TNG "Arsenal of Freedom" Miradin DS9 "Q-Less" Miridian VI TNG "Future Imperfect" Mizarr II TNG "Allegiance" Moab IV, Moab TNG "The Masterpiece Society" Mordon IV TNG "Too Short a Season" Moria IV DS9 "Dramatis Personae" Moricon VII TNG "Tapestry" Muendella, Telleris Cluster DS9 "Q-Less" Narendra III TNG "Yesterday's Enterprise" Nawme IV TNG "Hollow Persuits" Neinmen, Zairtzi Seven TNG "When the Bough Breaks" Nell III, Nell TNG "Violations" Nelvana III, Nelvana TNG "The Defector" Nervala IV TNG "Second Chances" Neural TOS "A Private Little War" New Halana DS9 "Second Sight" Neygor TNG "Birthright, Part I" Nimbus III, Neutral Zone ST V:TFF Norpin IV TNG "Rascals" Norpin V TNG "Relics" Oceanis IV TNG "The Game" Odet IX TNG "The Child" Ohniaka Three, Ohniaka TNG "Descent" Omega IV TOS "The Omega Glory" Omicron IV TOS "Assignment: Earth" Omicron Ceti III TOS "This Side of Paradise" Omicron Theta TNG "Datalore" Onara III, Dala TNG "Symbiosis" Ophyicus III TOS "Mudd's Women" Orealius IX (astroidal) TNG "Booby Trap" Organia TOS "Errand of Mercy" Orion TOS "Journey to Babel" Pacifica TNG "Conspiracy" Parada II, Paradas DS9 "Whispers" Parada IV, Paradas (seven moons) DS9 "Whispers" Pasiphony V TNG "Too Short a Season" Parliament, Beta Renna TNG "Lonely Among Us" Peliazel, Pelia TNG "The Host" Pellius V TNG "11001001" Pentarus II TNG "Final Mission" Pentarus III TNG "Final Mission" Pentarus V TNG "Final Mission" Penthara IV TNG "A Matter of Time" Phendouse V TNG "Loud as a Whisper" Pholar III TNG "Dark Page" Platonius TOS "Plato's Stepchildren" Pollux IV TOS "Who Mourns for Adonais?" Praxis (Klingon moon; over 3/4 destroyed) ST VI:TUC Proctol II TNG "In Theory" Psi 2000 TOS "The Naked Time" Pyris VII TOS "Catspaw" Pythra V DS9 "Rivals" Q TOS "Conscience of the King" Quadra Sigma III, Sigma Three TNG "Hide and Q" Qualar II TNG "Unification" Rakhar, Gamma Quadrant DS9 "Vortex" Ramatis III, Ramatis TNG "Loud as a Whipser" Ramazad, Ramazad TNG "The Chase" Ranna IV, Delta Ranna TNG "The Survivors" Raynas VI TNG "Q Who" Regula, Mutara Sector ST II:TWOK Regulus V TOS "Amok Time" Reina VI TNG "Pen Pals" Rekok Saronia TNG "Man of the People" Relva VII TNG "Coming of Age" Rigel IV TOS "Wolf in the Fold" Rigel V TOS "Journey to Babel" Rigel VII TOS "The Cage" Rigel XII TOS "Mudd's Women" Rigley's Pleasure Planet TOS "Man Trap" Rochanie III DS9 "Dramatis Personae" Romulus TOS Rua IV, Rua TNG "The Chase" Rubikin III, Rubikin TNG "Justice" Ruso V (astroidal) TNG "The Dauphin" Ruteeya IV TNG "The High Ground" Rysa TNG "Captain's Holiday" Sarpeidon, Beta Niobe (destroyed in sun nova) TOS "All Our Yesterdays" Saturn TNG "The First Duty" Scalos TOS "Wink of an Eye" Seary IV TNG "The Most Toys" Seltic III TNG "The Wounded" Septal Minor IV TNG "The Best of Both Worlds" Sherman's Planet TOS "The Trouble with Tribbles" Signa XIV TOS "Tomorrow is Yesterday" Solarian IV TNG "Ensign Ro" Solayas V TNG "Loud as a Whisper" Sorana VIII TNG "We'll Always Have Paris" Sorata IV TNG "Shades of Gray" Sosha III TNG "The Chase" Stirus IV TNG "Code of Honor" Straleb, Omega Saggita TNG "The Outrageous Okona" Suven IV TNG "Rascals" T'Lani III DS9 "Armageddon Game" T'Lani Prime DS9 "Armageddon Game" Tagra IV, Argolis Cluster TNG "True Q" Takara TNG "Suspicions" Talos IV TOS "The Cage" Tanika IV TNG "A Matter of Perspective" Tantalus Five TOS "Dagger of the Mind" Tarella TNG "Haven" Tarsus IV TOS "Conscience of the King" Tasus III TNG "11001001" Tataris V DS9 "Q-Less" Tau Alpha-C TNG "Where No One..." Tau Ceti III TNG "Conspiracy" Tau Cigna V, Tau Cigna TNG "The Ensigns of Command" Taurus II TOS "The Galileo Seven" Tavila Minor TNG "Imaginary Friend" Taygus III TNG "Qpid" Tazna V TNG "Darmok" Terlina III, Terlina TNG "Inheritance" Terosa Prime DS9 "Second Sight" Tessen III TNG "Cost of Living" Tethis III TNG "Clues" Thala VII TNG "The Dauphin" Thanatos VII TNG "Phantasms" Thasus TOS "Charlie X" Thelca IV TNG "Lessons" Theta VII TOS "Obsession" Theta VIII, Theta One-Sixteen TNG "The Royale" Theydat IV TNG "When the Bough Breaks" Tiarchanon III, Tiarchanon TNG "Identity Crisis" Tiburon TOS "The Savage Curtain" Tilonus IV TNG "Frame of Mind" Titan, moon of Saturn TNG "The First Duty" Titus IV TNG "Realm of Fear" Tobin III TNG "Chain of Command, Part II" Tormin V TNG "Chain of Command, Part I" Triacus TOS "And the Children Shall..." Triskelion, M-24 Alpha TOS "The Gamesters of..." Troyius, Tellun TOS "Elaan of Troyius" Turkana IV TNG "Legacy" Tycho IV, Tycho TOS "Obsession" Tyra VII-A, Tyran TNG "The Quality of Life" Udala Prime TNG "Gambit, Part I" Ultima Thul DS9 "Dramatis Personae" Vacca VI, Cabral TNG "Homeward" Vagris III DS9 "Q-Less" Valo I (three or more moons) TNG "Ensign Ro" Valo II TNG "Ensign Ro" Valo III TNG "Ensign Ro" Valt Minor TNG "The Perfect Mate" Vandor IV, Vandor TNG "We'll Always Have Paris" Vega IX TOS "Mirror, Mirror" Vegra II, Zed Lapis TNG "Skin of Evil" Velara III, Pleiades Cluster TNG "Home Soil" Velos VII DS9 "Babel" Vendikar TOS "A Taste of Armageddon" Ventax II TNG "Devil's Due" Vilmora II, Vilmoran TNG "The Chase" Volchek Prime DS9 "The Nagus" Vulcan, 40 Eridani A TOS "Amok Time" Yadera Prime DS9 "Shadowplay" Yonada (astroidal body) TOS "For the World is Hollow..." Zalcon TNG "Transfigurations" Zeon TOS "Patterns of Force" Zeta Alpha II TNG "The Best of Both Worlds" TOS "Requiem for Methuselah" , Gamma Quadrant (located in an uncharted binary system) DS9 "Battle Lines" TNG "Descent" TNG "Liaisons" (160 M km from Orelious Minor) DS9 "Paradise" --- COUNTRIES, PROVINCES, STATES, CITIES --- Aberdeen, Scotland, Earth TNG "Sub Rosa" Alameda, California, USA, Earth (20th Cent.) ST IV:TVH Anchorage, Alaska, Earth TNG "The Icarus Factor" Australia, Earth (21st Cent.) TNG "Attached" Bozeman, USA, Earth (19th Cent.) TNG "A Fistful of Datas" Brussels, European Alliance, Earth TNG "The Price" Canada, Earth TOS "The Trouble With Tribbles" Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Earth TNG "The First Duty" Chicago, Illinois, USA, Earth (20th Cent.) TOS "A Piece of the Action" Deadwood, USA, Earth (19th Cent.) TNG "A Fistful of Datas" Edinburgh, Scotland, Earth TNG "Sub Rosa" First City, Klingon Imperial Empire TNG "Sins of the Father" France, Earth TNG "We'll Always Have Paris" Glasgow, Scotland, Earth TNG "Sub Rosa" Heliopolis, Alpha Aradoni II TOS "Wolf in the Fold" Hindrics Pool Province, Bajor DS9 "Shadowplay" India, Earth TOS "Space Seed" Indianapolis, USA, Earth TNG "The Neutral Zone" La Barre, France, Earth TNG "Family" Leningrad, Russia, Earth TOS "I, Mudd" Marta Community, Southern Continent, Malkor III TNG "First Contact" Nahalek Province, Rakkar DS9 "Vortex" New Marteem-vaz, Atlantic Ocean, Earth TNG "The Survivors" Old Bandi City, Deneb IV TNG "Encounter at Farpoint" Onkor Village, Prit border TNG "Attached" Paradise City, Nimbus III ST V:TFF Paris, France, Earth TNG "We'll Always Have Paris" Rapid City, USA, Earth (19th Cent.) TNG "A Fistful of Datas" Resic, Northern Province, Kataan TNG "The Inner Light" Russia, Earth TOS "I, Mudd" (?) San Francisco, California, USA, Earth ST:TMP Sausalito, California, USA, Earth (20th Cent.) ST IV:TVH Scotland, Earth TOS (?) Secaucus, New Jersey, USA, Earth TNG "The Neutral Zone" Tombstone, Arizona, USA, Earth (19th Cent.) TOS "Spectre of the Gun" United States of America (USA), Earth TOS "The Omega Glory" Valdez, Alaska, Earth TNG "The Icarus Factor" --- OTHERS --- Argus Array (deep space telescope) TNG "The Nth Degree" Arkaria base TNG "Starship Mine" Benecia Colony, Beta Oragae TOS "Turnabout Intruder" Bersallis III Outpost (Federation), Bersallis (destroyed by firestorm) TNG "Lessons" Camp Khitomer (near Romulan border) ST VI:TUC Cardassian Navigation Control Post 24 DS9 "The Homecoming" Colony Beta Six TOS "The Squire of Gothos" Comm Station Epsilon 9 (destroyed by V'ger) ST:TMP Communication Relay Station 47 (near Klingon border) TNG "Aquiel" Communication Relay Station 194 TNG "Aquiel" Crasnar Outpost (massacred by Talarian forces) TNG "Suddenly Human" Darmok Colony, Melindy VII TNG "Darmok" Darwin Station, Gagaran TNG "Unnatural Selection" Deep Space Three Station TNG "Interface" Deep Space roli V TNG "Allegiance" Cosla II DS9 "The Alternate" Costalane TNG "Cost of Living" Daled IV TNG "The Dauphin" Deanius III TNG "Contagion" Deilos IV TNG "Remember Me" Delb II TNG "The Drumhead" Delta IV ST:TMP Delta Vega TOS "Where No Man..." Deneb II TOS "Wolf in the Fold" Deneb IV TNG "Encounter at Farpoint" Deneb V TOS "I, Mudd" Deneva TOS "Operation: Annihilate!" Desica II TNG "Gambit, Part I" Devidia II, Devidia TNG "Time's Arrow" Dilicium IV TNG "Unification II" Dilula II TNG "The Best of Both Worlds 2" Ditalix B, Meara TNG "Conspiracy" Dorat I TNG "Unification" Dracana IV, Dracana TNG "Legacy" Dracon IV TNG "Gambit, Part I" Drago IV (within 3 LY of Cardassian space) TNG "Homeward" Drama IV, Selcumby II TNG "Pen Pals" Draycon IV, Draycon TNG "Face of the Enemy" Draylon II (near Celfala Prime) DS9 "Sanctuary" Dynomicus VII TNG "A Fistful of Datas" Earth, Sol TOS Eden TOS "The Way to Eden" Eden ST V:TFF 892 IV TOS "Bread and Circuses" Ekos TOS "Patterns of Force" Elas, Tellun TOS "Elaan of Troyius" Eladrell IV TNG "Darmok" Elba II TOS "Whom Gods Destroy" Emila II TNG "A Matter of Perspective" Eminiar VII TOS "A Taste of Armageddon" Enan VI TNG "Time Squared" Epsilon Canarus IV TOS "Metamorphosis" Epsilon Hydra VII DS9 "Q-Less" Excalabia TOS "The Savage Curtain" Exo III TOS "What Are Little Girls..?" Filina The Best of Both Worlds" Norcan Outpost TNG "The Defector" Norpin Colony, Norpin IV TNG "Rascals" Norpin Colony, Norpin V TNG "Relics" Outpost 06 TNG "The Defector" Outpost 23 (location Top Secret) TNG "Future Imperfect" Outpost MZ 5 TNG "Heart of Glory" Outpost Seran T-1 TNG "Booby Trap" Outpost Terra 9 (destroyed) TNG "The Neutral Zone" Paralex Colony, Sherlaya VI TNG "Cost of Living" Pellio Station DS9 "Invasive Procedures" Pentarus Station TNG "Final Mission" Relageth Refugee Camp, Bajor DS9 "Shadowplay" Research Station 75 TNG "Face of the Enemy" Remmler Array TNG "Starship Mine" Rigel Colony, Rigel TOS "The Doomsday Machine" Rura Penthe (dilithium mine/penal asteroid) ST VI:TUC Science Station 402, Kilarn TNG "The Nth Degree" Science Station Delta 05 (destroyed) TNG "The Neutral Zone" Science Station Tango Sierra TNG "The Child" Singa Refugee Camp, Bajor DS9 "Shadowplay" Solarian IV Colony (destroyed) TNG "Ensign Ro" Spacedock, Earth (orbital) ST:TMP Space Station K7 TOS "The Trouble With Tribbles" Space Station Regula 1, Regula (orbital) ST II:TWOK Starbase TNG "Home Soil" Starbase, Hottar II TNG "The Offspring" Starbase 2 TOS "Turnabout Intruder" Starbase 4 TOS "The Enemy Within" Starbase 6 TOS "The Menagerie" Starbase 9 TOS "Tomorrow is Yesterday" Starbase 10 TOS "The Deadly Years" Starbase 11 (Commodore Stone) TOS "Court-Martial" Starbase 23 TNG "Suspicions" Starbase 24 TNG "Redemption" Starbase 35 Sierra TNG "The Neutral Zone" Starbase 41 DS9 "Playing God" Starbase 47 TNG "Parallels" Starbase 55 TNG "Relics" Starbase 67 TNG "Disaster" Starbase 73 TNG "Time Squared" Starbase 74, Tasus III (orbital) TNG "11001001" Starbase 82 TNG "The Game" Starbase 83 TNG "Q Who" Starbase 84 TNG "Heart of Glory" Starbase 87 TNG "Homeward" Starbase 105 TNG "Yesterday's Enterprise" Starbase 112 TNG "Identity Crisis" Starbase 123 TNG "Tin Man" Starbase 129 TNG "Parallels" Starbase 133 (orbital, Earth) TNG "Remember Me" Starbase 152 TNG "Tin Man" Starbase 153 TNG "The Emissary" Starbase 157 TNG "The Best of Both Worlds" Starbase 173 TNG "The Measure of a Man" Starbase 179 TNG "A Matter of Honor" Starbase 185 TNG "Q Who" Starbase 200 TOS "The Alternative Factor" Starbase 211 TNG "The Wounded" Starbase 214 TNG "A Matter of Time" Starbase 218 TNG "Lessons" Starbase 219 TNG "Phantasms" Starbase 220 TNG "Night Terrors" Starbase 231 TNG "Thyne Own Self" Starbase 227 TNG "Gambit, Part I" Starbase 234 TNG "Redemption II" Starbase 247 TNG "The Pegasus" Starbase 260 TNG "In Theory" Starbase 295 TNG "Decent, Part II" Starbase 301 TNG "Conundrum" Starbase 313 TNG "Galaxy's Child" Starbase 324 TNG "The Best of Both Worlds" Starbase 328 TNG "Eye of the Beholder" Starbase 336 TNG "The Emissary" Starbase 343 TNG "The Vengeance Factor" Starbase 401 DS9 "Whispers" Starbase 410 TNG "Clues" Starbase 416 TNG "Brothers" Starbase 440 TNG "Violations" Starbase 495 TNG "Interface" Starbase 514 TNG "Hero Worship" Starbase 515 TNG "Samaritan Snare" Starbase 621 TNG "Sub Rosa" Starbase 718 TNG "The Neutral Zone" Starbase G-6, Quadra Sigma III TNG "Hide and Q" Starbase Lyra 3 TNG "The Hunted" Starbase Montgommery TNG "The Icarus Factor" Starfleet base, Cestus III (destroyed) TOS "Arena" Starfleet Headquarters, San Francisco ST:TMP Star Station India TNG "Unnatural Selection" Station Lya 4 TNG "The Most Toys" Station Negala 4 TNG "Deja Q" Station Salem 1 TNG "The Enemy" Surplus Depo Z-1-5, Qualar II TNG "Unification" Tanika IV Research Station (orbital; destroyed) TNG "A Matter of Perspective" Terenko Colony TNG "Thyne Own Self" Tyran Partical Fountain, Tyra VII A (orbital) TNG "The Quality of Life" Utopia Planetia, Mars Station TNG "Booby Trap" Velos VII Internment Camp (closed s.d. 46302) DS9 "Babel" Yaderan Colony, Yadera Prime DS9 "Shadowplay" Federation Outpost, Calder II TNG "Gambit, Part II"