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Bugs should be sent to elp-bugs@cs.cmu.edu.See the Scheme FAQ for information on implementations of Prolog in Scheme.----------------------------------------------------------------;;; *EOF*^&?tMt9&>vtAPPv9&68&66`Px9&GPv9&68&66 tظ[.ظ&&،F&Gt1&9}&Gع&;z ~36&z F&9G|&F u &>tF&Gu & t~u &>tF&Gt & uPvvP t}pr9^F&?tMt9&>vtAPPv9&68&66`Px9&JPv9&68&66+PP( FVz9&>|u |9&z, QP |%^&?tMt9&>vtAPPv9&68&66`Px9&GPv9&68&66PvvPn9&X&F&D PvvPr9&>ptMt9&>vtAPPv9&68&66`Px9&GPv9&68&66^_]UWV P3Z9&P QP 9+&& ~ u19&9>"t2PP] p9&u |] u9&9&F |#[n9&&@t 9&2P P] =tz9&>|u |9&zr9&>ptt9&>vtT9&>"t2PP] p9&t t3Pt9&N& LtsdP FV|] t6~vv`  u!dP FV] |] u͚] 3P9&6N&6LtmpP FVRP`  tP~|] t@2P P] =t* vv`  t 3b2PP] p9&t;3PN^9&>"u\9&>6u `9&> t N(^_]ːUWV9 &?|%[&/9&&~ڹ-Ğ &?}^9&>"t5~t/F*Pn9&X&N&L F*P3~9&& t1B*PWn9&X&R&P B*PFF;r `9&?u \9&>6t?Ğ &?|5~t/F*Pn9&X&V&T F*PO9&& uĞ&?u\9&>6u^9&>"un9&X&Z&X 9&6&6` P, 9&6&6P Ğ &?|FPPh PPP] n9&X&^&\ 9&6&6`pP 9&R&T3^9&"\9&6Ğ&^_]ːU욀"P9&6&6n9&X&& 9&6&6`嚖t9&>vt9&63P] 9&>Ltr 9&>du.] v ]UVv u3, ȋƙ+T؋ʙùdP ^]ːUWV~9&B&DF&9Eu &9U u&E & Eu 9&&9&6&6KP KP" KF^F9&& u~N؋W&9Du&9T tGG u9&&V uVV‹&?u$~9&>t3"PvW ~^FFG&<u^&7"PvW_9&6&6KP KP" K^9&F&9t&9&>uF&5"PDvP K^_]ːUt9&>vur9&>pu3P, 9&@P"Pr QP PQ9&6&6`r QP9&6&6Z9&@P9&6 "Pr QP PP9&6&6`r QP9&6&6Z9&bF t'P9&6&6"Pr QP $9&6&6 #Pr QP PQ9&6&6`#P9&6&6ZPP9&6&6`r QP9&6&6Z3P9&6^ ]ːt9&>vt&r9&>pt P9&6&6ːU.WV~FL^ }dǹ[FԻ9^֌F&&GtFLBƌ@V~t ‹F& ^&^&GtFF&C~t FF& ^&^&GtFF&D~t FF& ~t$^&^&G@tFF&FFF& ^&^&GtFF&H~t FF& ^&^&GtFF&K~t FF& ^&^&GtyFF&L~ti^&^&GF |@P+# +FP0#PFP FڌҋȎڋ6?t!vNG^F&=uv~~t$^&^&GtFF&MFF& ^&^&GtFF&N~t FF& ^&^&GtFF&S~t FF& ^&^&G tFF&R~t FF& ~t^~&=&At FF&XF&FL^_]ÐUt9&>vur9&>pu9&>u3P9&6+RP9&@P5#Pr QP PQ9&6&6`r QP9&6&6Z PP9&6&6`vv9&6&6ZT]UWV3Pz9`b&?}Tt9&>vuEWĞ`&@PXn9\^&&f&ddP PP9XZ&w&7`dPĞX&w&7ZPĞ`&7‹؋F&?tTPVĞ\&&j&hdP PPĞX&w&7`dPĞX&w&7Z9TV&G& u9&w&7dP A#PdPh PJ#PdP26 V uFPVQQNQ FWV ~uvrĞT&w&7dP M#PdPh 3PdQNQ*6 uqvFP ;PdPFP*6 t@2PPĞX&w&7`Ğ\&&n&lĞX&w&7ZT^_]R$bCLSU.WV4 ع4& &QP( 4+&,&*&(&0&.p4^F&9t&4&9vt4&X&&F4^&?u-~ٹ~t%FFF4&F ~FFFP RP4&6&6 Pr QP r QPB FP RP Pr QP r QPB F ~js)+FFFFFF4^ތF&4&>v% 4^ڌF&4&>x ^&4& 4&9s 4&> t^&3PN։VRQQD~u QPP  tuHtpHtHHtMc uW^&^&ub4&h4&d4&X&& 뤚 u ^&^&u2봎4&h3P4&T4&ht F҉NԐ3^&9?~14&t&4 QPF  uG^&9?ҚHuHuGHtvHu}W4&t ;E2PP] 4&u)FPP 3PvvָP4& u^&^&t4&d4&h4&X&&  u^&^&t밐62PP] 4&u_4&>tPFPP 3PvvָP"2PP] 4&uFFPQ F4&^&?tp4&>vtd4&6&6 Pr QP PP4&6&6`r QP4&6&6ZT4&h3PO QPP 4&^&?tp4&>vtd4&6&6 Pr QP PP4&6&6`r QP4&6&6ZT4&T4&h QPP 4&^&?tp4&>vtd4&6&6 Pr QP PP4&6&6`r QP4&6&6ZT3P5& 5&b4&d5&f4&hPvvָPf3PvvָPQ^_]WV+ &&r & &6&"&& & ع^_ːUVXP FVRP`  uuv2PP] 4&tY uP2PP]  tFF& t*<t&P]  vv`  t'2PP] :] P ] 3^]ːU(WVb5&?u]v vrsions for CLX, Express Windows, NCW, CLUE, CLM/GINA, Common Windows, LispView, Winterp, CLIM and YY. Several implementations have a mouse sensitivity feature and others have implementation-specific features. A copy has been made available from the Lisp Utilities Repository. For further information, contact Masayuki Ida . ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; *EOF* 4&X&>&< UFPV FPbPh bPP<  uX9F t!bP4&X&B&@ FDF^FFV ~~ t+v vZ RP4&X&F&D PB >Fuy396F~%D Pv vWd t F;6F|96F/~ u=v vZ RP4&X&J&H~F &}t=&u&uvvi PbP F &uy PFP 2vvbP F &u&u PFP F?t5&6&6bP FPbPh F;6F}rFFFFDFDFF+ƉF~vF^^F^FF F NuFbPB  u$9F ubP4&X&N&L?~ ubP4&X&R&P 5&& uĞ&7P PbP  PbP RP D5&& t-Ğ&7P PbP bPB 3^_]U($ 5^ތF&?u5^ڌF&G& u  t6 6 `  udP   5&bF tP^&w&7 PNFP ^&w&7 PNFP FPNFPXX  uDNFPB ^&74&X&&  5&z^&7]39&RzLxL9&9ptI9&9vt>PP9&6&6`#P9&6&6ZT#P| ] 9&$PP] P u 9&X&N&L 3n9&>ptJ9&>vt>PP9&6&6`#P9&6&6ZT$P| PV39&RzLxL9&9ptH9&9vt=PP9&6&6`&$P9&6&6ZT H$P| :] 9&$PP] 3PN tz9&>ptK9&>vt?PP9&6&6`S$P9&6&6ZTu$P| 3P u4^ːUWV9& & VȋڀFV$PSQ $PvW QPr9&QPZ RP$P 9&QPZ RPvW'3FF9&9~Q~9&9>t,$PvvPVZ RPvv G9&9>~$PvW89^F+&G&9Ft QP: '~uZzL0QP: ~9^&G& t-P&w&7vv< ^&GSvW%$PvW~t)9&>^u9&>`t$6$1$+9&t$PvW9&u$PvW$PvW9&> بt+& ~u:& #Ft&ِFtvt &6 بt$`~t6t$PvWt$PvWƨt3$"t$t$ ƨt$PvW9&t~t9&>zu$PvW$PvW$PvWw$PvWh9&>ju9&X&&$ډFVRP9&69&6$PP%Pvv vvvW%PvW9&6&69&6&6:&6&6#%Pvv vvvWB:&6&6:&6&6:&6&60%Pvv vvvW=%PvWD:&&&(0T|RPE%Pvv vvvW vW" 9&$PP] FpP FVv~vvO%PvV vV" PvVj! FPQ\%QJ] PvV" PvVJ] PvvvJ] F~~;~v^^؋NJ*3QNJ*&3ZF;v|։~v] v_%PvV PvV" PvVJ] FF=vP FVvv`  t 2PP]  :&uvv`  t|] u t 3P( -*ui%PvV vV2 ui6`#6^#vVF  uN6p#6n#vvF  t~9&X&&e%PFPW ƋFv2PP] 9&X&&V\2PP]  :&u9&X&&ˎ9&X&&k%PFPV NjFvW 3^_]U WVFdžPƆ{dž8o%:dždž@~%BdžD%FdžH%J+NL9& & vx~prt89 +&G&n9&9ptH9&9vt=PP9&6&6`%P9&6&6ZT %P| T :&P FVpP FV+FF{{<vv~uZ6`#6^#%P~V P~V" P~VJ] /pub/scheme/imp/ and in the X contrib directory on ftp.x.org (formerly export.lcs.mit.edu). Runs on Unix, SunOs, and Ultrix based platforms, including VAX, Sun3, Sun4 (Sparc), 680x0, 80386, MIPS, IBM RT, IBM RS/6000, HP9000/700, SGI, and Sony NEWS. Implemented by Oliver Laumann and Carsten Bormann . Scheme->C is an R4RS compliant Scheme system that is centered around a compiler that compiles Scheme to C. Besides the base language, the system includes "expansion passing style" macros, a foreign function call capability, records, weak pointers, 3 X11 interfaces, call/cc, and a generational, conservative, copying garbage collector. The result is a system that is portable, efficient, and able to build applications that contain a mix of compiled and interpreted Scheme, and compiled code from C, C++ and other languages. The current release of Scheme->C runs on the following systems: Digital Alpha AXP systems with OSF/1, MIPS based DECstations, VAXen with ULTRIX, MIPS based SGI systems, PC's running Microsoft Windows 3.1, Apple Macintosh's running system 7.1, HP 9000/300, HP 9000/700, Sony News, Harris Nighthawk and other m88k systems, linux, and Sun SPARC. Earlier releases also run on Sun3, DNx500, DN1000, 386's running Unix, DNx500, and DN1000 systems. The software is available for anonymous ftp from gatekeeper.dec.com [] from the directory pub/DEC/Scheme-to-C. There are three interfaces to X11, all written in Scheme, available from gatekeeper. The first is a complete set of stubs to Xlib included in the base system. The second is an alternative to Xlib called SCIX, found in pub/X11/contrib. The third, ezd, allows programs to easily produce interactive, structured graphics and is found in pub/DEC/ezd. Those without ftp access can also obtain Scheme->C and ezd from the Prime Time Freeware CD, Vol. 1, No. 2. Additional information is available from the author at Digital Equipment Corporation's Western Research Lab: Joel Bartlett, bartlett@decwrl.dec.com. SIOD (Scheme in One Defun), free by anonymous ftp from nexus.yorku.ca:pub/scheme/imp/siod-v2.9-shar world.std.com:src/lisp/siod-v2.9-shar or in any comp.sources.unix archive. Runs on VAX/VMS, VAX UNIX, Sun3, Sun4, Amiga, Macintosh, MIPS, Cray. Small scheme implementation in C arranged as a set of subroutines that can be called from any main program for the purpose of introducing an interpreted extension language. Compiles to ~20K bytes of executable. Lisp calls C and C calls Lisp transparently. Version 3.0 includes support for manipulation of Oracle and Digital RDB relational databases (SQL interface). Written by George Carrette or . XScheme is available free by anonymous ftp from ftp.uu.net in the directories MSDOS/languages/X-scheme and amiga-sources/xscheme.20.zoo. It includes an object system and is R3RS compliant. It was written by David Michael Betz, 167 Villa Avenue #11, Los Gatos, CA 95032, 408-354-9303 (H), 408-862-6325 (W), dbetz@apple.com. XScheme is discussed in the newsgroup comp.lang.lisp.x. It may also be found in the Scheme Repository. Fools' Lisp is a small Scheme interpreter that is R4RS conformant, and is available by anonymous ftp from scam.berkeley.edu [] in the directory src/local/fools.tar.Z. Runs on Sun3 and Sun4 (SunOs), DecStation 3100s, Vax (Ultrix), Sequent, and Apollo. Implemented by Jonathan Lee . Scheme48. The entry on Scheme48 has been temporarily removed, per Jonathan Rees, 11/25/92. Scheme48 was an alpha release, and it was not possible for a general user to reconstruct the system from sources. When the distribution is complete we will restore the Scheme48 blurb. UMB Scheme is a R4RS Scheme available by anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.umb.edu in pub/scheme/umb-scheme-2.10.tar.Z and also in the Scheme Repository. It includes a simple editor, debugger, Written by William Campbell, University of Massachusetts at Boston, bill@cs.umb.edu. VSCM is a R4RS Scheme available by anonymous ftp from the Scheme Repository, nexus.yorku.ca:pub/scheme/imp/vscmV0r2.tar.Z [] Written by Matthias Blume, . The implementation is based on a virtual machine design with heavy support for most of the sophisticated features of Scheme. The virtual machine is written in ANSI-C to aid in its portability. The bytecode compiler is written in Scheme itself. Documentation of VSCM is also available as http://www.cs.princeton.edu/grad/Matthias_Blume/vscm.html Pixie Scheme for the Macintosh is a nearly complete implementation of R3RS available by anonymous ftp from rascal.ics.utexas.edu:/misc/mac/programming/ Pixie.Goodies.SIT.bin Pixie.NoFPP.world.SIT.bin Pixie.world.SIT.bin PixieScheme.NoFPP.SIT.bin ; for macs without floating-point coprocessor PixieScheme.SIT.bin ; for macs with FPP Pixie_Scheme_Help.SIT.bin Pixie_intro Written by Jay Reynolds Freeman , P. O. Box 60628, Palo Alto, CA, 94306-0628. A copy may also be obtained from /afs/umich.edu/group/itd/archive/mac/development/languages as the file pixiescheme.cpt.hqx if your site runs the Andrew File System, or by anonymous ftp from mac.archive.umich.edu. HELP (a lazy Scheme) is available by anonymous ftp from sumex-aim.stanford.edu:/info-mac/lang/lazy-scheme.hqx. Written by Thomas Schiex (schiex@cert.fr, schiex@irit.fr). Help is a complete and efficient Scheme-like functional lazy Lisp interpreter. It works only on 68020 (or more) based Macintoshes. It has a 'friendly' interface (parenthesis matcher, auto-indent), uses a full call-by-need semantics and includes many examples, including a symbolic compiler for the 680x0. Efficiency is good and lazyness is fully parametrizable (you may turn Help into a strict Scheme-like language if you like). French AND English updated docs are included in Word4 and plain text formats. Similix is a Self-Applicable Partial Evaluator for a Subset of Scheme. Written by Anders Bondorf, Olivier Danvy, and Jesper J{\o}rgensen. It is available by anonymous ftp from nexus.yorku.ca:/pub/scheme/imp/ as similix.tar.Z or from ftp.diku.dk:pub/diku/dists/Similix.tar.Z. For more information, contact Anders Bondorf, DIKU, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 1, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark, or send email to anders@diku.dk. Similix conforms to the IEEE and R4RS standards, but also runs under R3RS Scheme. It runs in SCM, Chez Scheme and T3.1. FDU Scheme is a R3RS implementation of Scheme for the Prime 50-series under Primos. It is available by anonymous ftp from fdumad.fdu.edu [] (username "anonymous", password ). Attach to the Scheme subdirectory (cd '*>scheme') and transfer all files in it and its subdirectories using file type binary. For more information, contact Peter Falley, . BIGLOO is a Scheme interpreter and compiler. It conforms to the IEEE-Scheme standard (IEEE P1178) with some extensions, such as regular expression parsing (RGC), a lexical analyzer generator, a full foreign function interface, and a pattern matching compiler. Bigloo can also compile modules written in Caml (an ML dialect), letting you mix Scheme, ML, and C. Object-oriented programming is provided by Meroon v3. The main goal of Bigloo is to deliver small and fast stand alone applications. Bigloo produces ANSI C and hence should be easy to port. It runs on Sparc (1, 2, 10), SONY-NEWS (MIPS R3000), IRIS Indigo (MIPS R3000), Sun 3/60, DecStation 3100, PC-486 (linux), and HP-PA (730). It is available by anonymous ftp from ftp.inria.fr:/INRIA/Projects/icsla/Implementations/ [] as the files bigloo1.6.tar.gz and camloo0.0.tar.gz. For further information, send email to Manuel.Serrano@inria.fr, or write to Manuel Serrano (equipe ICSLA, Bat 8), INRIA-Rocquencourt, BP 105, 78153, Le Chesnay CEDEX, FRANCE, or call 39-63-57-32. Free Scheme Implementations implemented in Lisp: Peter Norvig's book "Paradigms of AI Programming" has a chapters about Scheme interpreters and compilers, both written in Common Lisp. The software from the book is available by anonymous ftp from unix.sri.com:pub/norvig and on disk in Macintosh or DOS format from the publisher, Morgan Kaufmann. For more information, contact: Morgan Kaufmann, Dept. P1, 2929 Campus Drive, Suite 260, San Mateo CA 94403, or call Toll free tel: (800) 745-7323; FAX: (415) 578-0672 PseudoScheme is available free by anonymous ftp from altdorf.ai.mit.edu:/archive/pseudo/pseudo-2-8.tar.Z. It is Scheme implemented on top of Common Lisp, and runs in Lucid, Symbolics CL, VAX Lisp under VMS, and Explorer CL. It should be easy to port to other Lisps. It was written by Jonathan Rees (jar@altdorf.ai.mit.edu, jar@cs.cornell.edu). Send mail to info-clscheme-request@mc.lcs.mit.edu to be put on a mailing list for announcements. Conforms to R3RS except for lacking a correct implementation of call/cc. It works by running the Scheme code through a preprocessor, which generates Common Lisp code. Scheme84 is in the public domain, and available by mail from Indiana University. It runs on the VAX in Franz Lisp under either VMS or BSD Unix. To receive a copy, send a tape and return postage to: Scheme84 Distribution, Nancy Garrett, c/o Dan Friedman, Department of Computer Science, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. Call 1-812-335-9770 or send mail to nlg@indiana.edu for more information. Scheme88 is available by anonymous ftp from rice.edu:public/scheme88.sh and also from the Scheme Repository. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: [2-2] Commercial Scheme implementations. Chez Scheme is fully compatible with the IEEE and R4RS standards for the Scheme programming language and includes an incremental compiler, object inspector, multitasking with engines, and a foreign function interface. It runs on Sparc and Sun3 (SunOs), Vax and DecStation (Ultrix), NeXT, Silicon Graphics, and Motorola Delta 88000, costs approximately $2000 and requires 4-8mb RAM. Implemented by Kent Dybvig, Robert Hieb, and Carl Bruggeman. Write to: Cadence Research Systems, 620 Park Ridge Road, Bloomington, IN 47408, call (812) 333-9269, or fax (812) 332-4688. email: dyb@cs.indiana.edu or dyb@cadence.bloomington.in.us MacScheme is a Scheme interpreter and compiler for the Apple Macintosh, and includes an editor, debugger and object system. MacScheme costs $125 (includes compiler) and Scheme Express costs $70 (interpreter mac.archive.umich.edu. For more information about Gambit, send email to gambit@trex.iro.umontreal.ca. Gambit Scheme was written by Marc Feeley . Gambit for UNIX and MacGambit are copyright 1992, Universite de Montreal. The programs may be distributed to others as long as they are not sold or transferred for compensation (other than a reasonable duplication fee). T3.1 is a Scheme-like language developed at Yale. Available by anonymous ftp from ftp.ai.mit.edu in the directory pub/systems/t3.1. (T may be obtained in Europe from nic.funet.fi in the directory pub/unix/languages/scheme/t3.1 or from ftp.diku.dk in the directory pub/t3.1) Runs on DecStations (MIPS processor) and SGI Iris, Sun4 (SPARC), Sun3, Vax/Unix. Includes a copy of the online version of the T manual and release notes for T3.0 and T3.1. All implementations include a foreign function (C) interface. To be informed of fixes, new releases, etc., send your email address to t-project@cs.yale.edu. Bug reports should go to t3-bugs@cs.yale.edu. A multiprocessing version of T (for Encore Multimax) is available from masala.lcs.mit.edu:/pub/mult. [The sources were last modified November 22, 1991.] Oaklisp is an seamless integration of Scheme with an object-oriented substrate. Available by anonymous ftp from f.gp.cs.cmu.edu [] in the directory /usr/bap/oak/ftpable, or from ftp.cs.cmu.edu in /afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/bap/oak/ftpable, and includes reference and implementation manuals. Written by Barak Pearlmutter and Kevin Lang . Elk (Extension Language Kit) is a Scheme interpreter designed to be used as a general extension language for applications written in C or C++. Elk can also be used as a stand-alone implementation of the Scheme programming language. It is mostly R4RS and P1178 conformant (with the exception of the number system and a few minor details). It has interfaces to Xlib, Xt, and the Athena and OSF/Motif widget sets. It includes dynamic incremental linking of C object files, an optional foreign function interface, and a generational garbage collector (by Marco Scheibe ). It can also dump an image of a fully customized application into a new executable file. Elk is available by anonymous ftp from tub.cs.tu-berlin.de:pub/elk/ It is also available from the Scheme Repository in nexus.yorku.ca: programming language. Gatewayed to info-dylan@cambridge.apple.com. We list several mailing lists below. In general, to be added to a mailing list, send mail to the "-request" version of the address. This avoids flooding the mailing list with annoying and trivial administrative requests. [To subscribe to info-mcl, info-dylan, or other mailing lists based at cambridge.apple.com, send a message to majordomo@cambridge.apple.com with "subscribe " in the message body. Likewise use "unsubscribe " to cancel your subscription and "help" to get help.] General Scheme Mailing Lists: scheme@mc.lcs.mit.edu Discussion of Scheme. Gatewayed to the comp.lang.scheme newsgroup. scheme@ai.mit.edu General discussion about Scheme. Particular Flavors of Scheme: info-cscheme@altdorf.ai.mit.edu, info-cscheme@zurich.ai.mit.edu C-Scheme. Gatewayed to the comp.lang.scheme.c newsgroup. t-project@cs.yale.edu T, a dialect of Scheme. info-clscheme@mc.lcs.mit.edu PseudoScheme info-dylan@cambridge.apple.com Dylan (not really scheme, but) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; *EOF*