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Bugs should be sent to elp-bugs@cs.cmu.edu.See the Scheme FAQ for information on implementations of Prolog in Scheme.----------------------------------------------------------------;;; *EOF*^&?tMt9&>vtAPPv9&68&66`Px9&GPv9&68&66 tظ[.ظ&&،F&Gt1&9}&Gع&;z ~36&z F&9G|&F u &>tF&Gu & t~u &>tF&Gt & uPvvP t}pr9^F&?tMt9&>vtAPPv9&68&66`Px9&JPv9&68&66+PP( FVz9&>|u |9&z, QP |%^&?tMt9&>vtAPPv9&68&66`Px9&GPv9&68&66PvvPn9&X&F&D PvvPr9&>ptMt9&>vtAPPv9&68&66`Px9&GPv9&68&66^_]UWV P3Z9&P QP 9+&& ~ u19&9>"t2PP] p9&u |] u9&9&F |#[n9&&@t 9&2P P] =tz9&>|u |9&zr9&>ptt9&>vtT9&>"t2PP] p9&t t3Pt9&N& LtsdP FV|] t6~vv`  u!dP FV] |] u͚] 3P9&6N&6LtmpP FVRP`  tP~|] t@2P P] =t* vv`  t 3b2PP] p9&t;3PN^9&>"u\9&>6u `9&> t N(^_]ːUWV9 &?|%[&/9&&~ڹ-Ğ &?}^9&>"t5~t/F*Pn9&X&N&L F*P3~9&& t1B*PWn9&X&R&P B*PFF;r `9&?u \9&>6t?Ğ &?|5~t/F*Pn9&X&V&T F*PO9&& uĞ&?u\9&>6u^9&>"un9&X&Z&X 9&6&6` P, 9&6&6P Ğ &?|FPPh PPP] n9&X&^&\ 9&6&6`pP 9&R&T3^9&"\9&6Ğ&^_]ːU욀"P9&6&6n9&X&& 9&6&6`嚖t9&>vt9&63P] 9&>Ltr 9&>du.] v ]UVv u3, ȋƙ+T؋ʙùdP ^]ːUWV~9&B&DF&9Eu &9U u&E & Eu 9&&9&6&6KP KP" KF^F9&& u~N؋W&9Du&9T tGG u9&&V uVV‹&?u$~9&>t3"PvW ~^FFG&<u^&7"PvW_9&6&6KP KP" K^9&F&9t&9&>uF&5"PDvP K^_]ːUt9&>vur9&>pu3P, 9&@P"Pr QP PQ9&6&6`r QP9&6&6Z9&@P9&6 "Pr QP PP9&6&6`r QP9&6&6Z9&bF t'P9&6&6"Pr QP $9&6&6 #Pr QP PQ9&6&6`#P9&6&6ZPP9&6&6`r QP9&6&6Z3P9&6^ ]ːt9&>vt&r9&>pt P9&6&6ːU.WV~FL^ }dǹ[FԻ9^֌F&&GtFLBƌ@V~t ‹F& ^&^&GtFF&C~t FF& ^&^&GtFF&D~t FF& ~t$^&^&G@tFF&FFF& ^&^&GtFF&H~t FF& ^&^&GtFF&K~t FF& ^&^&GtyFF&L~ti^&^&GF |@P+# +FP0#PFP FڌҋȎڋ6?t!vNG^F&=uv~~t$^&^&GtFF&MFF& ^&^&GtFF&N~t FF& ^&^&GtFF&S~t FF& ^&^&G tFF&R~t FF& ~t^~&=&At FF&XF&FL^_]ÐUt9&>vur9&>pu9&>u3P9&6+RP9&@P5#Pr QP PQ9&6&6`r QP9&6&6Z PP9&6&6`vv9&6&6ZT]UWV3Pz9`b&?}Tt9&>vuEWĞ`&@PXn9\^&&f&ddP PP9XZ&w&7`dPĞX&w&7ZPĞ`&7‹؋F&?tTPVĞ\&&j&hdP PPĞX&w&7`dPĞX&w&7Z9TV&G& u9&w&7dP A#PdPh PJ#PdP26 V uFPVQQNQ FWV ~uvrĞT&w&7dP M#PdPh 3PdQNQ*6 uqvFP ;PdPFP*6 t@2PPĞX&w&7`Ğ\&&n&lĞX&w&7ZT^_]R$bCLSU.WV4 ع4& &QP( 4+&,&*&(&0&.p4^F&9t&4&9vt4&X&&F4^&?u-~ٹ~t%FFF4&F ~FFFP RP4&6&6 Pr QP r QPB FP RP Pr QP r QPB F ~js)+FFFFFF4^ތF&4&>v% 4^ڌF&4&>x ^&4& 4&9s 4&> t^&3PN։VRQQD~u QPP  tuHtpHtHHtMc uW^&^&ub4&h4&d4&X&& 뤚 u ^&^&u2봎4&h3P4&T4&ht F҉NԐ3^&9?~14&t&4 QPF  uG^&9?ҚHuHuGHtvHu}W4&t ;E2PP] 4&u)FPP 3PvvָP4& u^&^&t4&d4&h4&X&&  u^&^&t밐62PP] 4&u_4&>tPFPP 3PvvָP"2PP] 4&uFFPQ F4&^&?tp4&>vtd4&6&6 Pr QP PP4&6&6`r QP4&6&6ZT4&h3PO QPP 4&^&?tp4&>vtd4&6&6 Pr QP PP4&6&6`r QP4&6&6ZT4&T4&h QPP 4&^&?tp4&>vtd4&6&6 Pr QP PP4&6&6`r QP4&6&6ZT3P5& 5&b4&d5&f4&hPvvָPf3PvvָPQ^_]WV+ &&r & &6&"&& & ع^_ːUVXP FVRP`  uuv2PP] 4&tY uP2PP]  tFF& t*<t&P]  vv`  t'2PP] :] P ] 3^]ːU(WVb5&?u]v vrsions for CLX, Express Windows, NCW, CLUE, CLM/GINA, Common Windows, LispView, Winterp, CLIM and YY. Several implementations have a mouse sensitivity feature and others have implementation-specific features. A copy has been made available from the Lisp Utilities Repository. For further information, contact Masayuki Ida . ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; *EOF* 4&X&>&< UFPV FPbPh bPP<  uX9F t!bP4&X&B&@ FDF^FFV ~~ t+v vZ RP4&X&F&D PB >Fuy396F~%D Pv vWd t F;6F|96F/~ u=v vZ RP4&X&J&H~F &}t=&u&uvvi PbP F &uy PFP 2vvbP F &u&u PFP F?t5&6&6bP FPbPh F;6F}rFFFFDFDFF+ƉF~vF^^F^FF F NuFbPB  u$9F ubP4&X&N&L?~ ubP4&X&R&P 5&& uĞ&7P PbP  PbP RP D5&& t-Ğ&7P PbP bPB 3^_]U($ 5^ތF&?u5^ڌF&G& u  t6 6 `  udP   5&bF tP^&w&7 PNFP ^&w&7 PNFP FPNFPXX  uDNFPB ^&74&X&&  5&z^&7]39&RzLxL9&9ptI9&9vt>PP9&6&6`#P9&6&6ZT#P| ] 9&$PP] P u 9&X&N&L 3n9&>ptJ9&>vt>PP9&6&6`#P9&6&6ZT$P| PV39&RzLxL9&9ptH9&9vt=PP9&6&6`&$P9&6&6ZT H$P| :] 9&$PP] 3PN tz9&>ptK9&>vt?PP9&6&6`S$P9&6&6ZTu$P| 3P u4^ːUWV9& & VȋڀFV$PSQ $PvW QPr9&QPZ RP$P 9&QPZ RPvW'3FF9&9~Q~9&9>t,$PvvPVZ RPvv G9&9>~$PvW89^F+&G&9Ft QP: '~uZzL0QP: ~9^&G& t-P&w&7vv< ^&GSvW%$PvW~t)9&>^u9&>`t$6$1$+9&t$PvW9&u$PvW$PvW9&> بt+& ~u:& #Ft&ِFtvt &6 بt$`~t6t$PvWt$PvWƨt3$"t$t$ ƨt$PvW9&t~t9&>zu$PvW$PvW$PvWw$PvWh9&>ju9&X&&$ډFVRP9&69&6$PP%Pvv vvvW%PvW9&6&69&6&6:&6&6#%Pvv vvvWB:&6&6:&6&6:&6&60%Pvv vvvW=%PvWD:&&&(0T|RPE%Pvv vvvW vW" 9&$PP] FpP FVv~vvO%PvV vV" PvVj! FPQ\%QJ] PvV" PvVJ] PvvvJ] F~~;~v^^؋NJ*3QNJ*&3ZF;v|։~v] v_%PvV PvV" PvVJ] FF=vP FVvv`  t 2PP]  :&uvv`  t|] u t 3P( -*ui%PvV vV2 ui6`#6^#vVF  uN6p#6n#vvF  t~9&X&&e%PFPW ƋFv2PP] 9&X&&V\2PP]  :&u9&X&&ˎ9&X&&k%PFPV NjFvW 3^_]U WVFdžPƆ{dž8o%:dždž@~%BdžD%FdžH%J+NL9& & vx~prt89 +&G&n9&9ptH9&9vt=PP9&6&6`%P9&6&6ZT %P| T :&P FVpP FV+FF{{<vv~uZ6`#6^#%P~V P~V" P~VJ] atures are: Arbitrary long integers, fast interpreter only, source line debugger, user interface toolkit, persistent objects. It is available from the CMU AI repository as ftp.cs.cmu.edu:user/ai/lang/prolog/impl/prolog/jbprolog/JBprolog2.1.2.sit.hqx For more information contact Jan Burse, jburse@clients.switch.ch, XLOG, Scheuchzerstr. 67, 8006 Zrich, Switzerland. Prolog/Mali (Lambda-Prolog): Prolog/Mali is a compiler for the higher-order language Lambda-Prolog. Lambda-Prolog is an extension of Prolog defined by Miller (Miller, D.A., and Nadathur, G., "Higher-order logic programming", 3rd International Conference on Logic Programming, pages 448-462, London 1986). It is an extension of Prolog where terms are simply typed lambda terms and clauses are higher order hereditary Harrop formulas. The main novelties are universal quantification on goals and implication. Prolog/Mali is a complete system which includes a C translator, a linker, libraries, runtime, and documentation, and runs on UNIX. It requires the MALI-V06 abstract memory package. Prolog/Mali is available by anonymous ftp from ftp.irisa.fr:pm/. Written by Pascal Brisset (or ) and Olivier Ridoux (ridoux@irisa.fr). To be added to the mailing list, send mail to prolog-mali-request@irisa.fr. For more information, send mail to pm@irisa.fr. LIFE: LIFE (Logic, Inheritance, Functions, and Equations) is an experimental programming language with a powerful facility for structured type inheritance. It reconciles styles from functional programming, logic programming, and object-oriented programming. It subsumes the functionality of its precursor languages LOGIN and Le_Fun, and may be seen as an extension of Prolog. The syntax of Wild_LIFE has been kept as close as possible to that of the Edinburgh standard for Prolog. LIFE offers natively high-level abstraction facilities and convenient data and control structures particularly well-suited for AI programming. LIFE implements a constraint logic programming language with equality (unification) and entailment (matching) constraints over order-sorted feature terms. The interplay of unification and matching provides an implicit coroutining facility thanks to an automatic suspension mechanism. This allows interleaving interpretation of relational and functional expressions which specify structural dependencies on objects. The Wild_LIFE interpreter is the first implementation of the LIFE language available to the general public. It is a product of the Paradise project at Digital Equipment Corporation's Paris Research Laboratory (DEC PRL). Wild_LIFE runs on DECstations (Ultrix), SparcStations and RS/6000 systems and should be portable to other Unix workstations. It is implemented in C, and includes an interface to X Windows. Wild_LIFE is available by anonymous ftp from gatekeeper.dec.com:pub/plan as the file Life.tar.Z. To be added to the mailing list (life-users@prl.dec.com), send mail to life-request@prl.dec.com. Send bug reports to life-bugs@prl.dec.com. Open Prolog: Open Prolog (OP) is a Prolog interpreter for the Apple Macintosh. It follows the so-called 'Edinburgh' syntax and supports most standard Prolog features, including Definite Clause Grammars. Extra predicates can be added via drop-in external predicates, similar to Hypercard's XCMDs. OP will work in any Macintosh from a Plus upwards, and is now 32-bit clean. OP's home site is grattan.cs.tcd.ie [] in languages/open-prolog It is also available from other sites, such as: sumex-aim.stanford.edu (info-mac) mac.archive.umich.edu [] nexus.yorku.ca:/pub/prolog/ [] aisun1.ai.uga.edu [] /afs/umich.edu/group/itd/archive/mac/development/languages For more information, write to Michael Brady, Computer Science Department, Trinity College, Dublin 2, IRELAND, send email to brady@cs.tcd.ie, call +353 1 7021786, or fax +353 1 6772204 (5 hours ahead of East Coast US time). PD Prolog 19: wuarchive.wustl.edu:/mirrors/msdos/prolog/prolog19.arc (IBM PC) aisun1.ai.uga.edu ( Portable Prolog System: Portable Prolog System is an interpreter from the University of York. Runs on any system having a Pascal compiler. For more information, write to University of York, Software Distribution Officer, Department of Computer Science, University of York, York, YO1 5DD, UK, call +44 (904) 59861, or fax +44 (904) 433744. Qu-Prolog 3.2 and Ergo 4.0: Qu-Prolog is a high-level language designed primarily for rapid prototyping of interactive theorem provers and, more generally, for symbolic computation on formal languages. Its object level includes quantified terms and object variables. As an example, the interactive theorem prover Ergo 4.0 is implemented in Qu-Prolog. The compactness and high level of Ergo 4.0 source code demonstrate the advantages of Qu-Prolog for such applications. Ergo includes a 'window inference' method that is specifically designed to support hierarchical goal-directed proofs and allow easy access to the context of a subterm. Ergo also provides support for defining a variety of logics and support for proving schematic theorems and answer extraction. Ergo is being used to support the development of verified software. The system has been tested only on a Sun4. Qu-Prolog and Ergo are available by anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.uq.oz.au:pub/SVRC/ as software/qp.tar.Z and software/Ergo.tar. The tech report techreports/tr93-18.ps.Z describes Qu-Prolog in detail. Send comments to Peter Robinson . SB-Prolog: cs.arizona.edu:/sbprolog sbcs.sunysb.edu:/pub/sbprolog Stony Brook Prolog runs on Sun4, Pyramid-98x, DEC3100, SGI Iris, Amiga, and MS-DOS machines. Contact warren@sbcs.sunysb.edu for more information. Two versions are available: version 2.5 is an interpreter for Amigas and version 3.1 is an interpreter and compiler for Unix and MSDOS/386. SB-Hilog runs in SB-Prolog and Quintus Prolog and is available on sbcs.sunysb.edu:/pub/hilog/ src.doc.ic.ac.uk [] contains SBProlog 3.1 executables for MS-DOS/386 in /computing/programming/languages/prolog/sbprolog, filename sbpmsdos.zip. nic.funet.fi contains SBProlog executables for Amiga in /pub/amiga/fish/disks100-199/ff140. Modular SB-Prolog (= SB-Prolog version 3.1 plus modules) is available by anonymous FTP from ftp.dcs.ed.ac.uk (, as the file pub/dts/mod-prolog.tar.Z. Includes interpreter for SPARC. For more information, write to Brian Paxton . [NOTE: SB-Prolog is superseded by XSB (see below) and hence is no longer supported by Stony Brook or the University of Arizona. The only reason to continue using SB-Prolog is for DOS, since XSB does not run under DOS and there are currently no plans to port it to DOS.] SLG: The SLG system is a meta interpreter implementation of goal-oriented deductive query processing and non-monotonic reasoning with the following features: * goal-oriented query evaluation of normal logic programs under the well-founded semantics by Van Gelder, Ross and Schliph; * goal-oriented query evaluation of general logic programs under the alternating fixpoint logic by Van Gelder, with the restriction that the body of a clause has to be either an existential conjunction of literals or a universal disjunction of literals. * goal-oriented query evaluation under the stable model semantics by Gelfond and Lifchitz. * integration with Prolog execution, and the use of Prolog syntax for all programs. The SLG system is freely available by anonymous ftp from Southern Methodist University or SUNY at Stony Brook seas.smu.edu:pub/ [] sbcs.sunysb.edu:pub/XSB/ [] as the file slg.tar.gz. Comments, requests, and bug reports should be sent to Weidong Chen, , Computer Science and Engineering, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas 75275-0122, phone 214-768-3097, or David Scott Warren, , Department of Computer Science, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-4400, phone 516-632-8454. SWI Prolog: swi.psy.uva.nl:pub/SWI-Prolog/pl-1.6.12.tar.Z [] (Main source) [The patch level (last digit) is regularly updated and diffs between patch levels are located in the same directory.] mpii02999.ag2.mpi-sb.mpg.de:pub/tools/SWI/ [] (OS/2) rs3.hrz.th-darmstadt.de [] ftp.th-darmstadt.de:pub/programming/languages/prolog [] SWI-Prolog includes a fast compiler, a profiler, C interface, a module system, libraries, and dynamic loading. Runs on Atari ST, Gould PN, NeXT, HP, IBM Linux, DEC MIPS, IBM PS/2 AIX, OS/2, IBM RS/6000, Sun3, Sun4, Sparc, and Vax. Written by Jan Wielemaker, SWI, University of Amsterdam, Roetersstraat 15, 1018 WB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, . Ported to OS/2 by Andreas Toenne, . The mailing list is prolog@swi.psy.uva.nl. To be added to the list, send mail to prolog-request@swi.psy.uva.nl. Toy Prolog: An interpreter written in Pascal. About 3500 lines of source. Free with "Prolog for Programmers" by Kluzniak and Szpakowicz (Academic Press 1985). Toy Prolog has been ported to the Atari ST by Jens Kilian . Tricia: Tricia is a free Prolog high-level emulator with interpreter available by email from Uppsala University. Runs on Macintosh, Sun3, Sun4, Apollo DN-3500/4500/5500 (OS version 10.*) and HP-730's. For more information, write to Uppsala University, Tricia project, Computing Science Department, Box 520, S-751 20 UPPSALA, Sweden, fax +46 18 521270, or email to tricia-request@csd.uu.se or jonas@csd.uu.se. It is available by anonymous ftp from ftp.csd.uu.se:pub/Tricia/ A copy is also available in the directory /afs/umich.edu/group/itd/archive/mac/development/languages if your site runs the Andrew File System, or by anonymous ftp from mac.archive.umich.edu. XSB: XSB is a Prolog-based Logic Programming System that extends the standard functionality of Prolog with an implementation of OLDT (tabling) and HiLog terms. It is a descendent of PSB-Prolog and SB-Prolog. OLDT resolution is useful for recursive query computation, allowing programs to terminate correctly in many cases where Prolog does not. HiLog supports a type of higher-order programming in which predicate symbols can be variable or structured. This allows unification to be performed on the predicate symbols themselves in addition to the arguments of the predicates. XSB includes an optimizing compiler, C interface, a module system, list processing libraries, and dynamic loading. XSB is a descendant of SB-Prolog. XSB runs on Sun3, Sun4, 386/486 PCs (Linux and 386 BSD), SGI machines (IRIX), HP 300/400 series (HP-UX) and NeXT, and can be compiled using either the GNU C compiler or the Sun C compiler. Porting XSB to any 32-bit machine running Unix should be straightforward. THIS IS A BETA RELEASE. XSB is available by anonymous ftp from sbcs.sunysb.edu:pub/XSB/XSB.tar.Z []. For further information, write to XSB Research Group, Computer Science Department, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794, or send email to xsb-contact@cs.sunysb.edu. See also BeBOP and NCL in [2-3]. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: [2-2] Commercial Prolog Implementations AAIS Full Control Prolog (version 3.1.3) is an Edinburgh-standard compiler and interpreter that runs on all Apple 680x0 Macintosh computers (from Plus through Quadras and Powerbooks). It runs under System 6 and 7 (or A/UX 3.0), requiring 4mb RAM, and is 32-bit clean. It is built on an object-oriented kernel, includes many object-oriented extensions to the language, functions for constructing graphical user interfaces, direct program access to the printer for printing text or graphics, and full support for Apple Events. There are also numerous example programs, including source code for the AAIS Full Control Prolog's own standard development interface, and how to interface with Oracle databases and FileMaker Pro databses. AAIS Full Control Prolog costs $495. (Until June 30, 1994, it is on sale for $299 a copy; directly from AAIS only; with an educational price of $199 a copy, also direct only). For an additional $199 (and a signed license), you can get a copy of AAIS Prolog Program Creator, to join the Goedel discussion group. IC-Prolog II: src.doc.ic.ac.uk:/computing/programming/languages/prolog/icprolog/. The emulator is available at present only in Sun-4 binary form. Source code may be released later in the year when project finishes. Produced by Imperial College, IC-Prolog II is a multi-threaded Prolog system. It includes a Parlog sub-system, an interface to TCP primitives and "mailboxes", a high level communication system. These enable distributed applications (such as client/server systems) to be written using logic programming. The distribution also includes a simple expert system shell and the preprocessor for the Prolog language extension L&O from the book "Logic & Objects" by Frank McCabe. (The sources for the L&O extension is also available to LPA MacProlog users in the subdirectory 'lo'.) See "I.C. Prolog II : a Multi-threaded Prolog System" by Damian Chu and Keith Clark and also "IC Prolog II: a Language for Implementing Multi-Agent Systems" by Damian Chu. Postscript copies of these two papers may be found in the subdirectory 'papers'. Standalone versions of the Parlog system for Sun-3 and Sun-4 can also be found in this directory. Contact Damian Chu for questions about IC Prolog II, and contact Zacharias Bobolakis for information about L&O. JB-Prolog: JB-Prolog 2.1.2 is a slim and powerfull prolog for the MacIntosh. Its key feersion of Arity Prolog does not itself run under MS Windows.) For more information, write to Arity Corporation, Damonmill Square, Concord, MA 01742, call 800-722-7489 (508-371-1243), fax 508-371-1487, or send email to 73677.2614@compuserve.com or Paul G. Weiss . Prolog by BIM is a prolog compiler for Unix that runs on Sun4, Sparcs and RS/6000. It includes Carmen, a user-interface generator for XView and SunView and interfaces to various databases and windowing packages. For more information, contact BIM Systems, Inc., 11111 Santa Monica Boulevard, Suite 650, Los Angeles, CA 90025, call 310-445-1500, fax to 310-445-1515, or email to prolog@bim.com. Outside North-America write to BIM s.a./n.v., Kwikstraat 4, B-3078 Everberg, Belgium, call +32 2 759 59 25, fax to +32 2 759 92 09 or email to prolog@sunbim.be (Kathleen Pierco). Earlier version reviewed in AI Expert, January 1991. CIM-Prolog is a high-level emulator with interpreter for Apollo Domain and Sun (Unix). Also Standard Prolog for Apollo Domain, IBM PC/AT (DOS), INMOS transputer, and Sun. A parallel version is also available. For more information, write to Creative Soft GmbH, Turnstrasse 10, D-8510 Fuerth, Germany, call +49 911 7499214, or fax +49 911 747756. Coder's Prolog 2.0 is a Prolog Interpreter from Austin Code Works. Works on any system with a C compiler (it is designed for use with C programs), including IBM PCs (MS-DOS) and Unix workstations. For more information, write to Austin Code Works, 11100 Leafwood Lane, Austin, TX 78750-3587, call 512-258-0785, fax 512-258-1342, or send email to info@acw.com. Cogent Prolog is an Edinburgh-standard compiler and interpreter. Compiled and interpreted code may be intermixed in the same program (for ease of debugging). The full system includes a debugger, definite clause grammar support, full-screen shell, standard listener, support for 16-bit and 32-bit protected mode, linker, .exe generator and royalty-free distributable runtime ($248). Compiler & interpreter without linker and distributable runtime ($149). Interpreter alone ($49). Also available is an interactive tutorial, the Active Prolog Tutor ($75) and full source code for expert system shell prototypes for forward/backward chaining, frames, Rete-network and more ($82). All are IBM-PC (DOS) based. For more info or tech support, email amzi@world.std.com, or contact Amzi! Inc., 40 Samuel Prescott Dr., Stow, MA 01775. Tel: 508-897-7332. Fax: 508-897-2784. Delphia Prolog is an Edinburgh-standard compiler and interpreter that runs on Sun3, Sun4, Sparc, RS/6000, Apollo, HP9000/300, Unigraph 68xxx, 386/486 (SCO Unix), DecStation (Ultrix), Sony NEWS (Unix), VAX (VMS, Ultrix), uVax (Ultrix), VaxStation (Ultrix). Write to Delphia, 27 Avenue de la Republique, 38170 Seyssinet, France, call 33-76-26-68-94 or fax 33-76-26-52-27. An earlier version was reviewed in AI Expert, January 1991 and Feburary 1991. ECRC SEPIA. See ECLiPSe. SEPIA is no longer delivered as a stand-alone system, but as a part of ECLiPSe. EDCAAD C-Prolog is a prolog interpreter for Sun (SunOS), VAX (Ultrix, VMS), Apollo, and 68000 (Unix). An inexpensive academic license is available. It is an interpreter-based system, and hence is slower than WAM-based Prologs. It is implemented in C, and should run on almost any 32-bit machine with a C compiler. For more information, write to EdCAAD, Department of Architecture, Edinburgh University, 20 Chambers St., Edinburgh EH1 1JZ, UK, call +44 (31) 650 1000, fax +44 (31) 667 0141, or send email to chris@caad.ed.ac.uk. ESL Prolog-2 (Commercial Version), is a high-level emulator with interpreter and compiler for Sun3, Sun4, HP9000 (Unix), RS/6000 (Unix), VAX (VMS), IBM PC (MS-DOS, Windows 3.0/3.1), and 386. It is an Edinburgh standard prolog with a number of extensions. The windows version includes BIPs for programming windows graphics and dialogues. For more information, write to Expert Systems Limited (ESL), Attn: Nick Henfrey, The Magdalen Centre, Oxford Science Park, Oxford, OX4 4GA, England, call +44-865-784474, fax +44-856-784475, or email . HyperProlog. See Delphia Prolog. IBM PROLOG for AIX/6000 (PFA) is a high performance implementation of the PROLOG language, combined with a powerful programming environment, especially designed for the IBM RISC System/6000 under AIX. PFA was developed by BIM as an adaptation of ProLog by BIM for the IBM RISC System/6000 under AIX. It was selected by IBM Europe as their official PROLOG implementation for the RISC System/6000 (Program Number 5776-FAH). For more information: In North-America contact BIM systems, 11111 Santa Monica Bld, call 310-445-1500, fax to +310-445-1515; in Europe contact your local IBM representative. Elsewhere contact BIM, Kwikstraat 4, B-3078 Everberg, Belgium, call +32 2 759 59 25, or fax +32 2 759 92 09, or email prolog@sunbim.be. IF/Prolog is a Prolog interpreter and compiler with X-window and OSF/Motif development environment, bidirectional C interface, on-line hypertext manual, and X-window, OSF/Motif interfaces and various SQL interfaces (e.g., Ingres, Oracle, and Informix). It includes a window-based debugger. It runs on Apollo, Aviion 300, Macintosh (A/UX), microVAX 2000 (Ultrix), Vax (Ultrix, VMS), VaxStation (Ultrix), DEC Alpha (OSF/1, VMS), HP9000, Sun3, Sun4, Sparc, UTS, AIX/370, IBM RS/6000, Decstation (Ultrix, OSF/1), Sequent S16, Silicon Graphics, Sony News (Unix), Motorola, Nixdorf, Interactive Unix, SCO UNIX, DOS-based 386 PCs, and Windows 3.0/3.1. For more information, write to American InterFace Computer, Inc., One Westlake Plaza, 1705 Capital of Texas Highway South, Suite 200, Austin, TX 78746, call 512-327-5344, or fax 512-327-5176, or e-mail ifc@cactus.org. European Customers may write to InterFace Computer GmbH, Garmischer Strasse 4, D-8000 Muenchen 2, Germany, call +49 89 5108655, fax +49 89 5108628, or email vp@IFComputer.de. Reviewed in AI Expert January 1991. | [According to a December 7, 1993, announcement by Peter Richter, IF/Prolog has been purchased by Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG (SNI) of Munich, Germany. SNI will continue to support IF/Prolog across ALL modern UNIX, VMS and DOS platforms together with its own SNI Prolog system (see below) and offer services for both systems. Direct questions to Annette Kolb, phone 49-89-636-46089, fax 49-89-636-40140, e-mail prolog@mch.sni.de.] IQSOFT MProlog is a high-level emulator with interpreter for Unix, Macintosh and IBM PC (DOS). Runs on Vax (Unix 4.2 BSD), 68000-based machines (Unix), Tektronix 4404, HP3000, and Siemens 1. For more information, write to IQSOFT, SZKI Intelligent Software Ltd., Iskola u. 10., Budapest, H-1011, Hungary, call +36 1 201 6764, fax +36 1 201 7125, or send email to szeredi@iqsoft.hu. LPA Prolog is a prolog compiler for IBM PCs (DOS, Windows, 386) and Apple Macintosh. LPA Prolog ++ is an object-oriented programming system based on Prolog. Write to Logic Programming Associates, Ltd., Studio 4 Royal Victoria Patriotic Building, Trinity Road, London SW18 3SX, England, call +44 081-871-2016, fax +44 081-874-0449, or email lpa@cix.compulink.co.uk, UK0049@applelink.apple.com (Clive Spenser), or 100135.134@compuserve.com. In the US call 800-949-7567. LPA products are distributed in North America by Quintus under the Quintus name. Maxon Prolog is available for the Atari ST from the German magazine 'ST-Computer' for 298 DM. Tel: 010 49 61 96 481811. MU-Prolog, NU-Prolog are prolog interpreters from the University of Melbourne. Source licences are available for educational institutions. Implemented in C for BSD Unix. Currently running on Sun3, Sun4, Vax, Elxsi, Encore, and SGI. For more information, write to University of Melbourne, MU-Prolog Distribution, Department of Computer Science, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia, call +61 3 344 7270, or send email to lee@cs.mu.oz.au or jws@cs.mu.oz.au. OU Prolog is a prolog interpreter from Open University for IBM PC (MS-DOS). Includes video, books. Ask for item PD622 and quote reference SA69. For more information, write to Open University, Learning Materials Sales Office, PO Box 188, Milton Keynes MK7 6DH, UK. PDC Prolog runs on IBM PCs (DOS, OS/2, Windows and SCO Unix). Formerly known as Turbo Prolog from Borland. Includes a native code compiler but is incompatible with most other prologs. Its variables are strongly typed, unlike most other prologs. For more information, write Prolog Development Center, 568 14th Street, Atlanta, GA 30318, call 800-762-2710, (404-873-1366), fax 404-872-5243 or email pdc-request@pdc.dk (general information), sales@pdc.dk (sales), support@pdc.dk (tech support). A BBS is run at 404-872-5358. European customers may write to Prolog Development Center, A/S, H.J. Holst Vej 5A, DK-2605 Broendby, Denmark, call +45 36 72 10 22, or fax +45 36 72 02 69. Reviewed in AI Expert January 1991. Other email addresses include 753CD.165@compuserve.com. To subscribe to the PDC-L@nic.surfnet.nl mailing list, a discussion list for PDC Prolog users, send mail to LISTSERV@nic.surfnet.nl with SUBSCRIBE PDC-L in the message body. POPLOG is a high-level prolog emulator with interpreter for Unix. The POPLOG environment integrates four AI programming languages in one environment: Lisp, Prolog, ML and POP11. POPLOG can also load in C and Fortran binaries. Runs on VAX (Ultrix, VMS), VAXStation (Ultrix), DECStation (Ultrix), Sun 3,4, Sparc, Solbourne, HP Apollo 9000/400, Sparc (HP-UX), MIPS (RISCOS), Sequent Symmetry (Dynix), Apple Macintosh (AUX), SONY News (News-OS), and Silicon Graphics Iris (Irix). The academic version from Sussex University. For more information, write to POPLOG, Sussex University, Poplog Manager, School of Cognitive Sciences, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QN, UK, call +44 273 608367, fax +44 273 678188, or send email to popsales@cogs.sussex.ac.uk or popmanager@cogs.sussex.ac.uk. The commercial version is available from Integral Solutions Ltd as Integral Poplog and Pop++. For more information, write to Integral Solutions Ltd, Unit 3, 23 Campbell Court, Bramley, Basingstoke Hampshire RG26 5EG, UK, call +44 256 88 20 28, fax +44 256 88 21 82, or send email to isl@integ.uucp or isl@integ.co.uk. The North American retailer is Computable Functions Inc. For more informatin, write to Computable Functions Inc., 35 S. Orchard Drive, Amherst, MA 01002, call 413-545-3140, or fax 413-545-3140. Contact Robin Popplestone, pop@cs.umass.edu, for info on a new book on Pop-11. There's a users mailing list, and a newsgroup as well (comp.lang.pop). Prolog III integrates constraint programming with Prolog. It runs on Apple Macintosh, IBM PC (386, MS-DOS), Next, Sun3, Sun4, Sparc, HP9000, Apollo, RS/6000, Bull DPX, Masscomp (Unix), Vax (Ultrix, VMS), DecStation and MicroVAX. For more information, write to PrologIA, Parc Technologique de Luminy, Case 919, 13288 Marseilles cedex 09, France, call 33-91-26-86-36, fax 33-91-41-96-37, or send email to prolia@dcftlx.das.net or prolia@tlxf.geomail.org. The US point of contact for Prolog III by PrologIA is BIM Systems, Inc. Prolog-86 is available from Solution Systems Inc. For more information, write to Solution Systems Inc., 335-D Washington Street, Norwell, MA 02061, call 617-337-6963, or fax 617-431-8419. PTC (Prolog To C) is a portable Prolog compiler based around an optimized Prolog to ANSI C compiler. It runs on Sun, SGI, IBM (Unix), and HP. PTC includes an integrated compiler/interpreter, project-file-based compilation, a Motif user interface, editor, debugger, online help, and support for C modules. It costs $1,495 for the development environment and $795 for each additional runtime library. The standalone environment is $495. For more information, write to Paralogic Inc., 115 Research Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18015, call 215-861-6960, fax 215-861-8247 or send email to plogic@lehi3b15.csee.Lehigh.edu. Quintec Prolog is a high-level emulator with interpreter for IBM PC (MS-DOS), and Unix workstations such as Vax, VAXstation (Ultrix, VMS), Decstation (Ultrix), and Sparc (SunOS4.0). For more information, write to Quintec Prolog, Quintec Systems Ltd., Midland House, West Way, Botley, Oxford OS2 0PL, UK, call +44 865 791565, or fax +44 865 791595. Quintus Prolog is a low level emulator that runs on Unix (Sparc, sun2, sun3, sun4, 386i, VAX (Ultrix, VMS), uVAX (Ultrix), HP9000, Apollo, DecStation, IBM RT, Sequent S/27, S/81, IBM PS/2 (AIX), Intel 80386 (Unix V.3), Intergraph, Solbourne, RS/6000, and MIPS), IBM PC (DOS, Windows), and Macintosh. Includes a cross-referencing facility. For more information, contact Quintus Corporation, 2100 Geng Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, call 1-800-542-1283 (415-813-3800), fax 415-494-7608, or email sales@quintus.com (sales), teksup@quintus.com (tech support). To be added to the users group mailing list, send mail to quintus-users-request@quintus.com. Version 3.0 reviewed in AI Expert January 1991 and February 1991 and IEEE Expert April 1991. LPA products are distributed in North America by Quintus under the Quintus name. SICStus Prolog is a Unix prolog by SICS. It is portable to most UNIX machines (Berkeley UNIX is preferred over System V). SICS Aurora and Echo is a parallel emulator for Sequent Balance, Sequent Symmetry, Encore Multimax, and BBN Butterfly (Unix). For more information, write to SICS, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, P.O. Box 1263, S-164 28 KISTA, Sweden, call +46 8 752 15 02, fax +46 8 751 72 30, or send email to sicstus-request@sics.se or sicstus@sics.se. Bug reports and tech support questions should be sent to sicstus-bug@sics.se. To subscribe to the users group and implementors mailing list, send email to sicstus-users-request@sics.se. SNI Prolog Version 3 is an implementation of the Prolog language that is compatible with the ISO Standard draft. It is available from Siemens Nixdorf for Unix workstations for about DM 11100 in Germany. SNI Prolog runs on the SGI, SNI and Sun platforms, and ports to other systems, including MS-DOS, are in progress. Includes coroutines, finite domains, numerical and boolean constraints, garbage collection, incremental compilation, dynamic linking, hypertext style on-line help, a window environment with an integrated editor, interfaces to INFORMIX, Motif/XWindows and C. The constraint programming features of SNI Prolog provide support for solving problems from operations research such as dynamic resource allocation and flexible scheduling with numerical constraints or the verification of complex systems with Boolean constraints. For more information, write to Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG, Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, D-8000 Munich 83, Germany, Attn: Hans-Juergen Stenger, Systems Planning, call +49 89 636 44049, fax +49 89 636 41208, or send email to stenger@sd235-hera.zfe.siemens.de. SPIES YAP is a high-level emulator with interpreter for the Apple Macintosh, Amiga (Atari ST), and Unix workstations including Sun3, Sun4, VAXstation, SGI, and HP9000. For more information, write to SPIES, Sociedade Portuguesa de, Importacao e Exportacao de Software, Lda Av da Republica, 46 - 2, 1000 Lisboa, Portugal, call +351 1 795075, or fax +351 1 775891. Turbo Prolog. See PDC Prolog. XPRO 5.0 is a Prolog development environment for OS/2. It includes a 32-bit Prolog interpreter/compiler and a rule compiler than compiles natural language-style rules into Prolog code. Includes a C/C++ interface. Costs $299 (no runtime or license fees). For more information, contact: Rational Vision, 7111 West Indian School Road, Suite 131, Phoenix, AZ 85033, or phone 602-846-0371. See also CHIP V4 from COSYTEC in [2-6]. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: [2-3] Free Parallel Prolog Implementations This section contains free parallel Prolog and logic programming implementations. BeBOP: The BeBOP language combines sequential and parallel Logic Programming (LP), object oriented programming and meta-level programming. The LP component offers both don't know non-determinism and stream AND parallelism, a combination not possible with concurrent LP languages. BeBOP's object oriented features include object IDs, encapsulation, message passing, state updating, and object behaviour modification. The meta-level capabilities are based on the treatment of Prolog theories as first order entities, which enables them to be updated easily and lets fragments to be passed between objects in messages. BeBOP is implemented by translation down to NU-Prolog, and its parallel extension, PNU-Prolog. The BeBOP system (BeBOP and bp) and the PNU-Prolog preprocessor pnp can be obtained by anonymous ftp from munnari.oz.au:pub/bebop.tar.Z []. The release comes with a user manual, several papers (in Postscript format), sample programs, and source code. The BeBOP system requires the NU-Prolog system, compiler and interpreter, the pnp preprocessor (which is included as part of the BeBOP system release), GCC or a similar compiler, Yacc (or Bison) and Lex. For more information, contact Andrew Davison, , Dept. of Computer Science, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia, call +61 3-287-9172/9101, or fax +61 3-348-1184. Multi-BinProlog: Multi-BinProlog 2.00 is a prototype Linda-style parallel extension to BinProlog 1.71 developed by Koen De Bosschere and Paul Tarau. It uses Koen's C-parser and C-writer which together speed-up IO considerably. It works with shared-memory and remote procedure calls and is available from clement.info.umoncton.ca:MultiBinProlog/ See BinProlog in [2-1] for more information. NCL: NCL (Net-Clause Language) is aimed at describing distributed computation models using term unification as a basic processing and control mechanism. It is embedded in standard Prolog and comprises two parts -- net-clauses and data-driven rules, which can communicate each to other and to standard Prolog programs. A net-clause is a special domain in the database defining a network of nodes and links. The nodes are represented by Prolog compound terms. The variables occurring within the nodes are global logical variables, which can be shared within the scope of the net-clause thus playing the role of network links. Two control mechanisms are implemented: a spreading activation scheme similar to the connectionist spreading activation and to the marker passing mechanism in SN (in logic programming it is seen as a restricted forward chaining) and a default mechanism based on using variables to propagate terms without being bound to them, thus implementing the non-monotonicity of default reasoning. The Data-driven Rules implement a full scale forward chaining for Horn clauses. They simulate a data-driven parallel computation, where each rule is a process (in contrast to the traditional parallel logic programming where each goal is a process). The NCL/Prolog interpreter along with a reference manual and a set of examples is available by anonymous ftp at ai.uga.edu:ai.misc/ncl.tar.Z. For more information contact Zdravko Markov, Institute of Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Acad.G.Bonchev Street, Block 29A, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria, . PCN: PCN (Program Composition Notation) is not a logic programming language, but it has similarities to Strand and other concurrent logic programming languages. PCN is a parallel programming system that provides a simple language for specifying concurrent algorithms, interfaces to Fortran and C, a portable toolkit that allows applications to be developed on a workstation or small parallel computer and run unchanged on supercomputers, and integrated debugging and performance analysis tools. PCN includes a runtime system, compiler, linker, a set of standard libraries, virtual topology tools, a symbolic debugger (PDB), an execution profiler (Gauge), and a trace analysis tool (Upshot). PCN was developed at Argonne National Laboratory and the California Institute of Technology. PCN runs on Sun4, NeXT, IBM RS/6000, SGI Iris, Intel iPSC/860, Intel Touchstone DELTA, Sequent Symmetry running Dynix (not PTX), and should be easy to port to other architectures. PCN is in the public domain and can be obtained by anonymous ftp from info.mcs.anl.gov:/pub/pcn/pcn_v2.0.tar.Z The distribution includes a user's guide containing a tutorial and reference material. For further information on PCN, please send email to or contact Ian Foster 708-252-4619 or Steve Tuecke 708-252-8711. PDSS KL1: PDSS KL1 is an implementation of FGHC, a concurrent logic programming language developed at ICOT in Japan. Runs on Suns, HPs, DECs, and the Sequent Symmetry. Available free by anonymous ftp from ftp.icot.or.jp. A representative paper on the language is Kazunori Ueda and Takashi Chikayama, "Design of the Kernel Language for the Parallel Inference Machine", The Computer Journal, December, 1990. For more information, send email to ifs@icot.or.jp or write to ICOT Free Software Desk, Institute for New Generation Computer Technology, 21st Floor, Mita Kokusai Bldg., 4-28, Mita 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, Japan, fax +81-3-3456-1618. ROLOG: ROLOG is a parallel PROLOG compiler with a reduce-OR process model. It is available by anonymous ftp from cs.uiuc.edu:/pub/ROLOG/. See also IC-Prolog II (a multi-threaded Prolog) in [2-1]. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: [2-4] Commercial Parallel Prolog Implementations This section contains commercial parallel Prolog and logic programming implementations. Densitron CS Prolog is a parallel prolog compiler and interpreter for IBM PCs (MS-DOS or OS/2), T414/T800 transputer (mono or multi), 386 (Unix V), uVAX (VMS), or VAX(VMS). Also standard Prolog for MS-DOS, UNIX and VAX. For more information, write to Densitron, Unit 4, Aiport Trading Estate, Biggin Hill, Kent, TN16 3BW, UK, call +44 959 76331, or fax +44 959 71017. Paralogic is a parallel implementation of the Clocksin and Mellish Prolog. It runs on DOS-based PCs or Apple Macintoshes with the INMOS Transputers. For more information, write to Paralogic Inc., 115 Research Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18015, call 215-861-6960, fax 215-861-8247 or email plogic@lehi3b15.csee.Lehigh.edu. It is also distributed by Computer Systems Architects, 905 N. University Avenue, Provo, UT 84604-3422, 800-753-4272 (801-374-2300), or fax 801-374-2306 as n-parallel Prolog. PARLOG is a parallel emulator from Imperial College for the Sequent Balance, Sequent Symmetry, Encore Multimax, Alliant FX (Unix), Sun (Unix, 1 processor). For more information, write to Imperial College, Department of Computing, Parlog Distribution Secretary, 180 Queen's Gate, London SW7 2BZ, UK, call +44 71 589 5111 x7537, fax +44 71 589 8024, or send email to parlog@doc.ic.ac.uk. The single processor versions of PARLOG for the Sun-3 and Sun-4 are now available free of charge. Please refer to the entry regarding IC-Prolog II in this Resource Guide. Parallel Logic Programming produces PC-PARLOG and MacPARLOG for the IBM PC and Macintosh computers. For more information contact Parallel Logic Programming Ltd., PO Box 49, Twickenham, Middlesex TW2 5PH, UK or call +44 454 201 652. Strand-88 is a parallel emulator for Sun3, Sun4, Sparc BBN Butterfly, GPT2000, Cogent Multimax, Intel iPSC/2, iPSC/860, MIPS RiscStation, Sequent Symmetry Balance (Unix System V or Mach, Helios) and communication component from CSTools, Express in some cases. Also Transputer systems PC hosted systems from Paracom, Telmat and others, Unix hosted systems from Meiko, Paracom, Telmat and others, Apple Macintosh, Atari ATW, and NeXT. Price dependent on configuration and scale of target machine. For more information, write to Strand Software Technologies Ltd., Ver House, London Rd, Markyate, Herts AL3 8JP, UK, call +44 582 842424, fax +44 582 840282, or send email to strand88@sstl.uucp. SICS Aurora and Echo. See SICStus Prolog above. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: [2-5] Free Constraint Systems This section contains constraint systems, constraint logic programming systems, concurrent constraint languages, and other constraint processing systems. cu-Prolog: cu-Prolog is an experimental constraint logic programming language available free from Japan's Institute for New Generation Computer Technology (ICOT). Unlike most conventional CLP systems, cu-Prolog allows user-defined predicates as constraints and is suitable for implementing a natural language processing system based on the unification-based grammar. For example, the cu-Prolog developers implemented a JPSG (Japanese Phrase Structure Grammar) parser in cu-Prolog with the JPSG Working Group (the chairman is Prof. GUNJI, Takao of Osaka University) at ICOT. cu-Prolog is a complete implementation of Constraint Unification (cu), hence the name. cu-Prolog is implemented in C for BSD UNIX 4.2/3. Professor Sirai of Chukyo-University has also implemented cu-Prolog for the Apple Macintosh and DJ's GPP (80386/486 MS-DOS machine with the DOS extender). cu-Prolog is available free by anonymous ftp from ftp.icot.or.jp. For further information, send email to ifs@icot.or.jp, or write to ICOT Free Software Desk, Institute for New Generation Computer Technology, 21st Floor, Mita Kokusai Bldg., 4-28, Mita 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, Japan, fax +81-3-3456-1618. CLP(R): CLP(R) is a constraint logic programming language with real-arithmetic constraints. The implementation contains a built-in constraint solver which deals with linear arithmetic and contains a mechanism for delaying nonlinear constraints until they become linear. Since CLP(R) subsumes PROLOG, the system is also usable as a general-purpose logic programming language. It includes facilities for meta-programming with constraints. The system consists of a compiler, byte-code emulator, and constraint solver. CLP(R) is written entirely in C and runs on Suns, Vaxen, MIPS-based machines (Decstations, Silicon Graphics), IBM RS6000s and PS2s. Includes MS-DOS support. It is available free from IBM for academic and research purposes only. To get a copy, write to Joxan Jaffar, H1-D48, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, P.O. Box 704, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, or send email to joxan@watson.ibm.com or joxan@yktvmh.bitnet. Current version 1.2. For more information, write to Joxan or Roland Yap . See also ECLiPSe, Beta-Prolog, and LIFE in [2-1] and ALE in [1-2]. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: [2-6] Commercial Constraint Systems This section contains constraint systems, constraint logic programming systems, concurrent constraint languages, and other constraint processing systems. CHIP V4 (Constraint Handling In Prolog) is designed as an extension to Prolog offering three constraint solving domains: Integers, Rationals and Booleans. The system was originally developed at ECRC in Munich and now extended by the same team at COSYTEC in Paris. CHIP V4 includes extensions to the three domains: symbolic constraints, update demons and cumulative constraints. The system is available with optional interfaces for X11 and DOS graphics (XGIP), Oracle or Ingres database connection (QUIC), C language interface (CLIC) and embedded application interface (EMC). CHIP V4 is written completely in C, and is available on a range of workstations including SunSparc (SunOS 4.1), IBM RS6000 (AIX 3.2), HP 9000/700 series (HPUX 9.0) and Decstation 3000 & 5000 (Ultrix 4.2) and PC386/486 (Dos 5.0). Development and Runtime licences can be purchased for single-user, multi-user or site licences together with support and maintenance. An academic discount is offered for educational and research purposes. For more information contact COSYTEC, Parc Club Orsay Universite 4 rue Jean Rostand, 91893 Orsay Cedex, France, phone +33-1-60-19-37-38, fax +33-1-60-19-36-20 or email . COSYTEC is a founder member of the PVG (Prolog Vendors Group). CLP(R) is a constraint system from Monash University for VAX, Sun, and Pyramid (Unix). Costs $150. For more information, write to Monash University, CLP(R) Distribution, Department of Computer Science, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia, or send email to clp@moncsbruce.oz.au. ILOG SOLVER (formerly called PECOS) is a C++ library that implements a CLP (Constraint Logic Programming) instance known as finite domains. It is available on most Unix platforms, including Sun, HP, IBM RS-6000, DEC, and SGI, and on Windows 3.1 for both Microsoft Visual C++ and Borland C++. This library includes: - Prolog control structures: non determinism, choice points, backtracking and cut. Modification of user-defined objects can be trailed so that their state is restored when a failure occurs. - Finite domain logical variables, and associated constraints. - Finite set logical variables and associated constraints. - Interval floating point variables, and associated constraints, analogous to what is found in BNR Prolog. - Predefined search and optimization algorithms. ILOG SOLVER does not use unification for passing arguments. This enables a smooth integration with C++. For further information: In the USA and Canada, contact ILOG, Inc., 2073 Landings Drive, Mountain View, CA 94303, phone (415) 390-9000, fax (415) 390-0946, e-mail info@ilog.com. Outside the USA and Canada: contact ILOG SA, 12 avenue Raspail, 94251 Gentilly Cedex, France, tel (+33 1) 4740-8000, fax (+33 1) 4740-0444, e-mail info@ilog.fr. VS Trilogy is a Prolog compiler available from Vertical Software for $395. For more information, write to Vertical Software Ltd., 14-636 Clyde Ave, W. Vancouver, BC, V7T 1E1, Canada, call 604-925-0321, or fax 604-688-8479. See also Prolog III and SNI Prolog in [2-2]. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: [2-7] Free Logic Programming Systems ALF: ALF (Algebraic Logic Functional programming language) is a language which combines functional and logic programming techniques. The foundation of ALF is Horn clause logic with equality which consists of predicates and Horn clauses for logic programming, and functions and equations for functional programming. The abstract machine is based on the Warren Abstract Machine (WAM) with several extensions to implement narrowing and rewriting. In the current implementation programs of this abstract machine are executed by an emulator written in C. It is available by anonymous ftp from ftp.germany.eu.net (aka simpson.germany.eu.net) in the directory /pub/programming/languages/LogicFunctional as the files alf_*.zoo (Documentation, C sources for the emulator, the preprocessor and the compiler). For further information, contact Rudolf Opalla . CORAL: CORAL is a deductive database/logic programming system developed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It is a declarative language based on Horn-clause rules with extensions like SQL's group-by and aggregation operators, and uses a Prolog-like syntax. CORAL is available via anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.wisc.edu:coral/. The distribution includes sourceUWVFP( FP0 ‹؋F&O F&G&G<ʋЋ™Ƌ$6&~&6&F&9EtL2pP3P F&EĞ&(6&>pt*6&>vt TF&EF,6&>~FvFĞ&^&9~Ì~ڹ-F*Ftz8ft F^&8Gui~t F^&8GuWF+F;F| F9Fu~tF@t8F^&8Gt,F+F;F~<.6&>t0^&GĞ&v&@F[FF,6&9~2F^&8Gu FuӋvzvĞ&7X06&?&&DPĞ&&& 26&>|u 46&z66&^&Gȋƻ[؎86&>&I86&&a~t;F*PĞ&&& 46&zF*Pv:6&& ud26&>|u 46&zĞ&&& <6&6&6` P, >6&F&H t8PP  |FPPh P:6&6&6P  |FPPh P*6&>vt BlPP] @6&6&6`Ğ&&& pP B6&R&TĞ&7FD6&FF6& fĞ&7FtH6&&J6&H6&J6&f%=؎L6&FD6&FF6& ^_]ːUVN6&6 &6rP N6&6 &6"P vPrPh P"Ph FPrPXX @uNFP"PXX @uQN6&6 &6"P P6&6(&6&"Ph FP"PXX @uFV9Vvr9Fv~} ~[sPrpenn.edu> so that he can make your binary available. See also LIFE, SLG, and XSB in [2-1] and BeBOP in [2-3]. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: [2-8] Commercial Logic Programming Systems None so far. This is to be expected, as most logic programming systems are experimental. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; *EOF*