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FPQ\%QJ] PvV" PvVJ] PvvvJ] F~~;~v^^؋NJ*3QNJ*&3ZF;v|։~v] v_%PvV PvV" PvVJ] FF=vP FVvv`  t 2PP]  :&uvv`  t|] u t 3P( -*ui%PvV vV2 ui6`#6^#vVF  uN6p#6n#vvF  t~9&X&&e%PFPW ƋFv2PP] 9&X&&V\2PP]  :&u9&X&&ˎ9&X&&k%PFPV NjFvW 3^_]U WVFdžPƆ{dž8o%:dždž@~%BdžD%FdžH%J+NL9& & vx~prt89 +&G&n9&9ptH9&9vt=PP9&6&6`%P9&6&6ZT %P| T :&P FVpP FV+FF{{<vv~uZ6`#6^#%P~V P~V" P~VJ] hours. CONVERSION TOOLS: PBMPlus tool kit Maintained by Jef Poskanzer (jef@well.sf.ca.us). Very nearly a de-facto standard for converting between many different formats. Includes "utility" tools to scale, quantize, crop, flip, rotate, and many other graphics operations. Available via anonymous FTP from EXPORT:pbmplus*.tar.Z and from ftp.ee.lbl.gov ( as /pbmplus*.tar.Z. Visit the newsgroup alt.graphics.pixutils for more details, discussion of usage, etc. UtahRaster Tools Converts between many file formats, somewhat similar to the PBMPlus tool kit. Available via anonymous FTP from WUARCHIVE:/graphics/graphics/packages/urt/urt-*.tar.Z GIFtoPS GIF to postscript converter. Available via anonymous FTP from BONGO:gifutils/giftops.c. IV. MS-DOS PROCEDURES/UTILITIES There is an archive of MS-DOS OS/2 tools available either via anonymous FTP (on hobbes.nmsu.edu - or via e-mail, by sending a one-line mail command message. Many of the utilities listed in this section can be obtained here; these will be identified by the notation "HOBBES:()". This would mean that you could get that utility in the pathname specified as /pub/os2/general/graphics/, or via e-mail by sending a message containing "GET OS2" to LISTSERV@BLEKUL11.BITNET. I might also suggest to OS/2 users that you get a copy of the index (one-line e-mail message is "INDEX") and help (one-line e-mail message is "HELP") for this site - there's over 150M of OS/2 programs, and the list is growing... SYSTEM-SPECIFIC PROCEDURES: * To concatenate multi-part picture files together, execute: copy part1 + part2 + part3 + ... + partN file DECODERS/ENCODERS: UUDECODE/UUENCODE Decoder/encoder for uuencoded files. Available via anonymous FTP from ftp.cica.indiana.edu in /pub/pc/win31/util. A BASIC program for UUDECODE is also available from WUARCHIVE:/mirrors/msdos/starter/uudecode.bas. UUDO Decoder for multi-part uuencoded files (each part must be in its own file with a discernible Subject: line). Written by Ryan Kim (rkim@eecg.toronto.edu). Available via anonymous FTP from GARBO:/pc/decode/uudo11.zip, from WUARCHIVE:/pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/utilities/uudo11.zip, or from SIMTEL:uudo11.zip. UUEXE "Smart decoder/encoder" written by Richard Marks. Available via anonymous FTP from OAKLAND:/pub/msdos/filutl/uuexe*.zip, on GARBO:/pc/decode as uuexe*.zip, or on many other PC archives (like SIMTEL or WUARCHIVE). Also posted at the beginning of each month to comp.binaries.ibm.pc. UUXFER "Smart decoder/encoder" written by Dave Read. Available via anonymous FTP from BONGO:uutools/uuxfer*, or from OAKLAND:/pub/msdos/filutl/uuxfer*.zip. COMPRESSION/DECOMPRESSION TOOLS: cjpeg/djpeg (See description under "COMPRESSION/DECOMPRESSION TOOLS" in the "PORTABLE UTILITIES" section above) MS-DOS executables are available via anonymous FTP from MIRRORS:msdos/graphics/jpeg*.zip, on ftp.pitt.edu in /users/qralston/jpeg/jpegv*.zip, on hobbes.nmsu.edu in the directory /pub/os2/archives/volume8 or /pub/os2/graphics as file jpeg3os2.zoo, and have been/will be posted on comp.binaries.ibm.pc. DJGPP compiled versions are also available on ftp.math.niu.edu in /pub/msdos/djgpp.stuff/contrib (these run under MSDOS, with a 386 or better machine). COMPRESS Uncompresses UNIX compress files. Available via anonymous FTP from MIRRORS:msdos/sq-usq/comp*d.zip. PKUNZIP Uncompresses MS-DOS ZIP files. Available via anonymous FTP from MIRRORS:msdos/sq-usq/pkunzip*, or from BRYANW:pc/archivers/unzip*.exe. ARJ Compresses/decompresses ARJ format files. Available via anonymous FTP from WUARCHIVE:/mirrors/msdos/arc-lbr/arj*.zip. ZOO Uncompresses MS-DOS ZOO files. Available via anonymous FTP from BRYANW:pc/archivers/zoo*.exe. LHARC Uncompresses MS-DOS LZH files. Available via anonymous FTP from BRYANW:pc/archivers/lha*.exe. CONVERSION TOOLS: GIF2BMP Converts among GIF and OS/2 BMP (bitmap) image formats. (OS/2 only!!) Available via anonymous FTP from HOBBES:gif2bmp.zoo(GIF2BMP ZIPXXE), or on WUARCHIVE:/mirrors2/win3/desktop/gif2bmp.zip. GDS Allows construction of "contact sheet" images, panning and zooming within an image [Shareware]. Available via anonymous FTP from MIRRORS:msdos/gif/gds*.zip. JPEG2OS2 Converts among several different image formats including JPEG and GIF. (OS/2 only!!) Available via anonymous FTP from HOBBES:jpeg2os2.zoo(JPEG2OS2 $PACKAGE). JPEG3 JPEG to GIF converter. Available via anonymous FTP from WUARCHIVE:/mirrors/msdos/graphics as file JPEG3.zip (JPEG3386.zip and JPEG3s.zip also available), or from OAKLAND:/pub/msdos/graphics/JPEG3.ZIP. JPEG3OS2 Library of JPEG routines for inclusion in your 32-bit OS/2 programs. (OS/2 only!!) Available via anonymous FTP from HOBBES:jpeg3os2.zoo(JPEG3OS2 $PACKAGE). GIF2JPG/JPG2GIF Provided by Handmade Software, converts between GIF and JPEG formats. Available via anonymous FTP on msdos.archive.umich.edu in directory /msdos/graphics/gif as file gif2jpg5.zip. Also available from MIRRORS:/msdos/graphics/gif2jpg5.zip. Graphic WorkShop Converts between/views many picture types, including PIC, PCX, BMP (windows 3), EPS, GIF, and Macintosh PICT. [Shareware] Available via anonymous FTP from MIRRORS:msdos/graphics/grfwk*.zip, from ftp.cica.indiana.edu in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/desktop/gwswin*.zip, from WUARCHIVE:~ftp//mirrors/msdos/graphics/grfwk*.zip, from WUARCHIVE:/msdos/graphics/grfwk*.zip, or from pascal.math.fu-berlin.de ( in /local/pd-soft/pc/imgsoft as file gws_*.zip. Image Alchemy Provided by Handmade Software, converts between/views many picture types, including GIF and JPEG [Shareware] Available via anonymous FTP from MIRRORS:msdos/graphics/alch*.zip, or from WUARCHIVE:/msdos/graphics/alch*.zip. IMDISP Image processing and display. It runs on just about any DOS PC, utilizes graphics cards from EGA to SVGA, does most basic image processing functions (histogram, contrast stretch, zoom, shrink, smooth, edge enhance, adjust color palette, etc.). It can read 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 bit integer binary images, as well as PDS/VICAR, FITS, and GIF. Public domain. Available via anonymous FTP from OAKLAND:/pub/msdos/graphics/imdisp*.zip PBMPlus tool kit (See description under "CONVERSION TOOLS" in the "PORTABLE UTILITIES" section above). A MS-DOS compiled version of the Pto almost any machine that has a (reasonable) C compiler. Available via anonymous FTP from several places. The "official" archive site for this source code is ftp.uu.net ( or Look under directory /graphics/jpeg; the file to retrieve is jpegsrc.v?.tar.Z. You can retrieve this file by FTP or UUCP. Folks in Europe may find it easier to FTP from NIC:/pub/graphics/programs/jpeg/jpegsrc.v?.tar.Z. The source code is also available on CompuServe, in the GRAPHSUPPORT forum (GO PICS), library 10, as jpsrc*.zip. If you are not reasonably handy at configuring and installing portable C programs, you may have some difficulty installing the free source code. There is currently an FTP archive of pre-built executable versions of the free JPEG code for various machines, accessible at ftp.cis.ksu.edu (; look under /pub/JPEG to see what is currently available. The administrators ask that FTP traffic to this system be limited to non-prime (LHarc) files. Available via anonymous FTP from SUMEX:/info-mac/util/mac-lha-*.hqx. StuffIt Expander Decompressor for SIT (StuffIt) files. Available via anonymous FTP from SUMEX:/info-mac/util/Stuffit-Expander-*.hqx. StuffIt Lite Decompressor for SIT and HQX (BinHex) files. Available via anonymous FTP from SUMEX:/info-mac/util/Stuffit-Lite-*.hqx. UnARJ Decompresses ARJ format files. Available via anonymous FTP from SUMEX:/info-mac/util/unarj-*.hqx. UnZip Decompresses ZIP files. Available via anonymous FTP from SUMEX:/info-mac/util/unzip*-*.hqx. CONVERSION TOOLS: GIFConverter Converts between many file formats, and now supports JPEG and 24-Bit PICT and TIFF files. System 6 required. Available via anonymous FTP from SUMEX:/info-mac/art/gif/gif-converter-23b2.hqx. IFFConv Converts from Amiga IFF format. Available via anonymous FTP from BONGO:apple/iigs/iffconv.shk. Imagery Converts from Atari, Amiga, AppleII, PC, and Sun picture formats to Macintosh GIF, PICT2, or TIFF. Also allows "decomposition" of GL files. Available via anonymous FTP from SUMEX:/info-mac/app/imagery-*.hqx, or on mac.archive.umich.edu:/mac/graphics/graphics.utilities/imagery*.hqx. PictCompressor Importer, viewer, and converter for multiple picture types (including JPEG). Available on the QuickTime 1.0 CD-ROM and via anonymous FTP on SUMEX:graphutils, or on mac.archive.umich.edu in graphics/quicktime. PICTURE VIEWERS: JPEGView Multi-featured JPEG viewer by Aaron Giles (a-giles@uchicago.edu) - requires both System 7.0 and QuickTime. Available via anonymous FTP from SUMEX:/info-mac/app/jpeg-view-*.hqx, ory, or on mac.archive.umich.edu in mac/graphics/graphics.utilities as jpeg-view-*.hqx. PictPixie Multiple format (including GIF and JPEG) viewer. Requires QuickTime. Available via anonymous FTP from ftp.apple.com in /dts/mac/quicktime as pictpixie.hqx. Picture Decompress Macintosh JPEG viewer by Storm Technology (get version 2.0.1 or later; earlier versions are not compatible with JFIF file format). Also, you'll need to change the file type to "JPEG" and the creator to "StPP" - you can do this by setting the appropriate preferences in UUTool, or by using the application FileTyper (also available on SUMEX) or McSink, which is a common DA. Picture Decompress takes over 4M of free system memory to run (you may need to uninstall some things). Available via anonymous FTP from SUMEX:/info-mac/app/picture-decompress-*.hqx. QuickGIF Color Macintosh GIF viewer - gives thumbnails. Available via anonymous FTP from BONGO:mac/quick-gif.hqx. VisionLab Monochrome Macintosh viewer. Available via anonymous FTP from BONGO:mac/visionlab.hqx. ][GIF Apple ][+/e/c GIF viewer. Available via anonymous FTP from BONGO:apple/ii/iigif. GIF3200 Apple ][GS GIF viewer. Available via anonymous FTP from BONGO:apple/iigs/gif3200.shk VIEW3200 Apple ][GS GIF viewer. Available via anonymous FTP from BONGO:apple/iigs/gif3200.shk "MOVIE" VIEWERS: GLViewer GL viewer. Available via anonymous FTP on mac.archive.umich.edu in directory /mac/graphics/graphics.utilities as file gl-viewer.sit.hqx. Consult the comp.binaries.apple2, comp.binaries.mac, comp.sys.apple*, or comp.sys.mac* news groups for Apple-specific information. VI. Amiga UTILITIES There are multiple machines available that carry Aminet files. To find the site nearest you, open an FTP session to amiga.physik.unizh.ch [] - the title screen will give you more information (as it turns out, WUARCHIVE is an Aminet site). For purposes of this FAQ, the files that are available from Aminet machines will be denoted as AMINET:some/file/path, which means that the file can be found under /pub/aminet/gfx/some/file/path on your local Aminet site. CONVERSION TOOLS: AmigaJPEG Converts JPEG to/from PPM, GIF, TGA formats. Available via anonymous FTP from AMINET:conv/AmigaJPEGV4.lha or from NIC:/pub/amiga/graphics/applications/convert/AmigaJPEG-*-bin.lha. HamLab Plus Multiple format viewer/converter. Shareware ($20) - latest version, 2.0.8, supports JPEG. The demo version will crop images larger than 512x512, but it is otherwise fully functional. Demo copy available vgs would they play unplugged anyway? > >well, I imagine they could start with 'wish you were here', then they could >smoothly go to 'wish you were here', and after a little break, continue with >'wish you were here'. The grand finale would be 'wish you were here'. I don't think this is fair. As well as the other suggestions in this thread, I've heard Gilmour play Comfortablly Numb on an acoustic and it was reasonably excellent, although obviously the solos are a little trickier -- but rewritable. As Clapton showed, the trick is to re-write the solos to work on an acoustic. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Malcolm Murphy email: Malcolm.Murphy@bristol.ac.uk -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "By the cold and religious we were taken in hand. Shown how to feel good, and told to feel bad" -- from The Final Cut, Pink Floyd #! rnews 1107 Newsgroups: alt.folklore.urban Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!uunet comp.vuw.ac.nz!nezsupp!nezsdc!derek From: derek@nezsdc.icl.co.nz (Derek Tearne) Subject: Re: Odd names Message-ID: <1994Mar14.093702.18190@nezsdc.icl.co.nz> Organization: Fujitsu New Zealand, Local Government Group References: <1994Mar10.102116.7025@nezsdc.icl.co.nz> Date: Mon, 14 Mar 94 09:37:02 GMT Lines: 16 In article netz@esa.lanl.gov (Mess with Texas) writes: > >Dana "daddy of Sierra, Zephyr and Deja" Netz Hmmm, I don't think I've ever heard of the Deja, did Ford only bring those out in North America? Derek "...and Ford Prefect sounded like an inconspicuous name" Tearne -- Derek Tearne. -- derek@fujitsu.co.nz -- Fujitsu New Zealand -- Some of the more environmentally aware dinosaurs were worried about the consequences of an accident with the new Iridium enriched fusion reactor. "If it goes off only the cockroaches and mammals will survive..." they said. #! rnews 1244 Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!gatekeeper.us.oracle.com!sgiblab!wetware!kaiwan.com not-for-mail From: ming@kaiwan.com (ming of mongo) Newsgroups: alt.philosophy.objectivism Subject: Tired of this CRAP? Date: 14 Mar 1994 03:04:01 -0800 Organization: KAIWAN Internet (310/527-4279,818/756-0180,714/741-2920) Lines: 14 Message-ID: <2m1gb1$k8j@kaiwan.kaiwan.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: kaiwan.kaiwan.com X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] I too, am tired of seeing the people that I thought would be the last to sqwable amongst themselves, sink into the pitt. I am not quitting. I may not post much these days, but I will check the status of a.p.o from time to time, and if it improves, I will be more active. If it dies out, I will start it back up again, but it seems pointless to try at this time. I cannot abondon a.p.o because I met some wonderfull people here, and I consider it to have been a valuable resource, and hope it can be again. If you would like to correspond with me on practical applications of Rand's philosophy, or careful constructive criticism of it, mail me at ming@kaiwan.com Flames, and Peikoff-Kelly bullshit will be ignored, and deleted. I'll also monitor this thread, until it, too, gets swamped with crap. #! rnews 1098 Newsgroups: uk.misc Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!csus.edu!wupost!howland.reston.ans.net!pipex!bnr.co.uk uknet!newcastle.ac.uk!turing!ntgk From: Trevor.Kirby@newcastle.ac.uk (Trevor Kirby) Subject: Re: Daft Names Nntp-Posting-Host: reshend Message-ID: Organization: Computing Laboratory, U of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK NE1 7RU. Date: Mon, 14 Mar 1994 09:54:55 GMT References: <2lqjrh$6vf@lorne.stir.ac.uk> Lines: 20 In article <2lqjrh$6vf@lorne.stir.ac.uk>, sam@cs.stir.ac.uk (Sam Nelson) writes: >In article , geoffp@viewpoint.infocom.co.uk (Geoff Percival) writes: >> The next village to mine is called Idle - thus we have:- >> >> The Idle Working Men's Club >> etc. etc. >Then, of course, there's the town of Boring, Pennsylvania (nuff said). > Up in the dales is a place called Booze which as far as I know still doesn't have a pub. The machines here are named after places in Northumbria and some fun has been had issuing some of the names eg:- Crackpot Dumbhope Sneer Bushygap Trev #! rnews 2840 Xref: pagesat.net slo.for-sale:884 slo.punks:3881 Newsgroups: slo.for-sale,slo.punks Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!csus.edu!wupost!howland.reston.ans.net!pipex!uunet!rat zeus!vegiwopr!josh From: josh@vegiwopr.calpoly.edu (3josh) Subject: Re: [wanted] HP-48SX Serial cable Message-ID: <1994Mar14.104435.199091@zeus.aix.calpoly.edu> Sender: news@zeus.calpoly.edu Organization: Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo References: <1994Mar09.003944.353@rat.csc.calpoly.edu> Date: Mon, 14 Mar 1994 10:44:35 GMT Lines: 59 In article <1994Mar09.003944.353@rat.csc.calpoly.edu>, Adam P Wozniak wrote: >Wanted to borrow or buy, HP48-SX serial cable. > >I have the pin out for the connector, so even a pointer to a source for the >hardware would be greatly appreciated. It uses the same connector spacing as the Soundblaster pro/16 CD connector and as some cdrom's. Though not the sony cdrom. But the sony 3.5" drive mech uses that connector for the stepper motor (which is where I got the connector for my sb16). When I needed to connect my HP, I didn't have a connector of course (murphy's law), so I found some tiny metal slip on connectors and put some shrink wrap on em and stuck them on the hp and use some hot glue to make a connector... Kuldge :) okok.. so none of this has helped you :) About a year or so ago I ran across this article.. Being an information pack-rat I still have it of course, this guy may still sell them: --- quoted article From: twb51@isuvax.iastate.edu Subject: Homemade HP48SX/GX <-> PC serial cables for sale Message-ID: Sender: news@news.iastate.edu (USENET News System) Reply-To: twb51@isuvax.iastate.edu Organization: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1993 21:07:26 GMT Lines: 24 Hi, fellow netters, Homemade HP48SX/GX <-> PC serial cables for sale. $5.00 each (shipping included in US only) Descriptions: 1. HP Connector: 4-pin 2-mm crimp connector. The terminals are crimped and soldered. Between the cable(phone cord) and the socket, there is heat- shrinkable tubing (already shrunk) so that when this connector is pulled, the whole socket is pulled, NOT the internal wires. That way, the connections won't be broken easily. Note: Even the finest connector can be broken if not handled properly :) 2. Cable: 4-conductor telephone cord, approximately 3 feet long. (Longer cable available as requested.) 3. PC Connector: 9-pin D-Sub Connector RS232 serial port for PC (For 25-pin connector, add $1.00) If interested, Email at twb51@isuvax.iastate.edu or suwanto@iastate.edu Thanks in advance. ----- end (it was in misc.forsale) josh "What are we going to do tonight Brain?" "The same thing we do every night Pinky - try to TAKE OVER THE WOOORLD." #! rnews 573 Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!howland.reston.ans.net usenet.ins.cwru.edu!piglet!dk738 From: dk738@cleveland.Freenet.Edu Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <2lrm1c$ekb@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu> Control: cancel <2lrm1c$ekb@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu> Date: 14 Mar 1994 11:08:17 GMT Organization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (USA) Lines: 2 Approved: news@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu Message-ID: <2m1gj2$r32@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu> Reply-To: dk738@cleveland.Freenet.Edu NNTP-Posting-Host: piglet.ins.cwru.edu Article cancelled from nr -- #! rnews 654 Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!sdd.hp.com!math.ohio-state.edu!caen!malgudi.oar.net news.ysu.edu!yfn.ysu.edu!ag544 From: ag544@yfn.ysu.edu (Erl R. Johnston) Newsgroups: alt.archery Subject: Anyone using Hoyt Radian ? Date: 14 Mar 1994 11:10:06 GMT Organization: Youngstown State/Youngstown Free-Net Lines: 11 Message-ID: <2m1gme$t87@news.ysu.edu> NNTP-Posting-Host: yfn2.ysu.edu Is there anyone on the net who can comment on, from experience, the difference between the GM and the Radian, as I would dearly like an excuse to buy one !! Erl. -- Erl R. Johnston @ The Queen's University of Belfast, N. Ireland E-mail - u9118543@athmail1.causeway.qub.ac.uk #! rnews 1322 Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!pipex uknet!lyra.csx.cam.ac.uk!pavo.csi.cam.ac.uk!ucs.cam.ac.uk!ag129 From: ag129@ucs.cam.ac.uk (Alasdair Grant) Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Subject: Re: Weird Opcodes Date: Mon, 14 Mar 1994 11:01:54 Organization: University of Cambridge Lines: 14 Message-ID: References: <2kttde$t0u@portal.gmu.edu> <1994Mar14.012054.14796@mnemosyne.cs.du.edu> NNTP-Posting-Host: seaeagle.csi.cam.ac.uk In article <1994Mar14.012054.14796@mnemosyne.cs.du.edu> jmaynard@nyx10.cs.du.edu (Jay Maynard) writes: >In article , >Alasdair Grant wrote: >>But my real favourite is UPT (Update Tree) and CFC (Compare and Form >>Codeword). >Huh? My 370 POO doesn't mention these...I don't recall seeing it in the XA >POO, either; I'll have to check the ESA POO whe i get to the office tomorrow. >Do you know what the opcodes for these are? B21A for CFC (S-type) and 0102 for UPT. They were new (as "part of the basic architecture") in the 2nd (Jan 87) edition of the XA POO; before that I think they must have been an assist. Maybe someone could tell us what they are used in (DFSORT?) #! rnews 1368 Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!uunet comp.vuw.ac.nz!actrix!khantazi!banksie Date: Mon, 14 Mar 1994 11:26:27 +1300 From: banksie@khantazi.actrix.gen.nz (Philip R. Banks) Newsgroups: soc.culture.new-zealand Subject: Re: aspiring.gif 0/8 Message-ID: <6uzquVj029n@khantazi.actrix.gen.nz> References: <940311.231230.6X6.rusnews.w165w@actrix.co.at> Reply-To: banks_p@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz Organization: My Arc. Lines: 23 paul@actrix.co.at (Paul Gillingwater) writes: > Don't do this again, please klox. > > You have no idea how inconvenient and annoying this type of posting is > when one has to access news through a 2400 bps pipe. > > Please, everyone reading soc.culture.new-zealand -- don't _ever_ post > binaries here again. Ever. Darn. Just as I was about to post my 2.6 Mb sound file of 'Favourite bath time gurgles from New Zealand.'. You spoil all my fun Paul. :) Philip -- Philip R. Banks Syntax: mail < banks_p@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz > @@@@@/| @@@@/#| @@@/##| Radiation emissions from Quirium are perilously high, therefore repairs @@/---| should not be attempted by pilots with vertigo. ---Arc Elite Manual @/ | #! rnews 1111 Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!pipex sunic!EU.net!Germany.EU.net!netmbx.de!zib-berlin.de!informatik.tu-muenchen.de schacht From: schacht@Informatik.TU-Muenchen.DE (Manfred Schacht) Newsgroups: rec.travel.air Subject: Re: LaGuardia Crash Date: 14 Mar 1994 11:07:33 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany Lines: 14 Distribution: world Message-ID: <2m1ghl$5pe@hpsystem1.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> References: <2lfdkbINNfog@news.Sweden.Sun.COM> NNTP-Posting-Host: hphalle8h.informatik.tu-muenchen.de Originator: schacht@hphalle8h.informatik.tu-muenchen.de In article , oxton@skopen.dseg.ti.com (Gail Oxton) writes: |> |> How do Swedish airports handle the case when the airplanes end up waiting |> a long time before being allowed to taxi and/or take off? Do they automatically |> de-ice again, or does that never happen? |> |> (( stuff deleted )) You de-ice just shortly before take-off when the plane is first in the line to take off. Come on, is that so hard to figure out? Manfred #! rnews 4257 Newsgroups: tor.news.stats Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!csus.edu!wupost!howland.reston.ans.net!pipex!uunet uunet.ca!uunet.ca!geac!news From: news@geek.ca.geac.com (News Administrator) Subject: geac news & uucp stats Message-ID: <1994Mar14.091755.3202@geek.ca.geac.com> Date: Mon, 14 Mar 1994 09:17:55 GMT Organization: Geac Canada Limited Lines: 53 Sitename Accept Duplct Reject Junked I've S'me Total Queued ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias 29 891 920 7205 amaron 1 1 2 30244 buckaroo 88 clsib21 17 deadhead 97 dmntor 11 11 9727 geac 90 90 gem 103 gts 1 36 37 1086 herboid 22 134 156 1080 itcyyz 1 4 5 30428 jts.com 6 44 50 lethe 17 47 2 64 31892 list 57 57 rubble 2 2 3137 simurg 250 sq 12 4 16 torsqnt 312 312 31909 utcsri 31709 12 3 512 31724 uunet.ca 108 24 132 105 {stats} 31185 {uumap} 3 Totals: 32055 1520 3 514 33578 178556 UUCP traffic on node geek from 3/13-03:49:30 to 3/14-04:17:28 Remote -----------K-Bytes----------- ----Hours---- --Avg CPS-- --Files-- Host Recv Sent Total Recv Sent Recv Sent Recv Sent -------- --------- --------- --------- ------ ------ ----- ----- ---- ---- jtsv16 72.4 0.0 72.4 0.0 0.0 568 0 34 0 lethe 181.6 63302.0 63483.7 0.0 12.5 1152 1409 6 339 herboid 244.9 1034.5 1279.4 0.1 0.3 775 982 14 34 gts 53.8 1324.5 1378.2 0.0 0.3 846 1351 4 50 sq 35.6 0.0 35.6 0.0 0.0 432 0 34 0 ccgate 0.8 6.1 6.9 0.0 0.0 230 641 2 10 dmntor 63.5 8811.6 8875.1 0.0 2.7 604 892 30 130 buckaro 0.8 943.5 944.3 0.0 0.2 223 1065 2 84 lsuc 17.3 0.0 17.3 0.0 0.0 417 0 6 0 pyrtor 0.0 18.6 18.6 0.0 0.0 0 1263 0 12 utai 43119.3 0.0 43119.3 11.5 0.0 1039 0 872 0 deadhea 0.0 171.2 171.2 0.0 0.2 0 261 0 34 simurg 1.1 2034.3 2035.4 0.0 2.5 159 223 2 84 itcyyz 5.2 36561.2 36566.4 0.0 7.4 473 1372 4 468 torsqnt 335.1 34710.0 35045.1 0.1 10.5 1029 920 18 472 rubble 0.8 4430.0 4430.8 0.0 1.0 225 1266 2 92 clsib21 9.6 423.1 432.7 0.0 0.1 417 1108 8 18 alias 1034.7 12427.7 13462.3 0.2 2.8 1168 1250 32 192 uunet.ca 512.1 135.1 647.2 0.2 0.0 683 1229 200 66 amaron 0.0 87.5 87.5 0.0 0.0 0 1371 0 1 -------- --------- --------- --------- ------ ------ ----- ----- ---- ---- Total 45688.6 166420.9 212109.5 12.3 40.5 1029 1141 1270 2086 #! rnews 1396 Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!howland.reston.ans.net noc.near.net!bigboote.WPI.EDU!emilio.WPI.EDU!sorrodp From: sorrodp@emilio.WPI.EDU (Pedro Soria Rodriguez) Newsgroups: soc.culture.spain Subject: Re: Ingeniero Espanol Date: 11 Mar 1994 16:24:40 GMT Organization: Worcester Polytechnic Institute Lines: 16 Sender: sorrodp@wpi.edu (Pedro Soria Rodriguez) Message-ID: <2lq608$lqc@bigboote.WPI.EDU> References: <1994Mar5.002453.1@vaxc.stevens-tech.edu> <1994Mar9.111851.1@vaxc.stevens-tech.edu> <2lm24t$m56@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> <2lo90v$7oh@maxwell13.ee> NNTP-Posting-Host: emilio.wpi.edu in article <1994Mar5.002453.1@vaxc.stevens-tech.edu> clois@vaxc.stevens-tech.edu writes >Podira estudiar en Industriales en Vigo, fui acepatado, pero decidi estudiar >en el PAIS MAS ABANZADO DEL MUNDO (por mucha embidia que haya en este mundo, ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ Pues perdona que te diga que no das la talla para estar en el pais MAS AVANZADO, CON UVE. Y ENVIDIA es tambien CON UVE Lo que si es con B es lo CEBOLLO que eres. -- <> "Si la mili acaba con todos, <> PEDRO SORIA RODRIGUEZ <> <> y es delito la INSUMISION !!!" <> Electrical & Computer Engineering <> <> <> WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE <> <> Celtas Cortos, 1993 <> sorrodp@wpi.wpi.edu <> #! rnews 986 Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!pipex bnr.co.uk!stc!bocmunro From: bocmunro@bnr.co.uk (Bruce Munro) Newsgroups: rec.boats Subject: Whitbread Info Date: 14 Mar 1994 11:04:18 GMT Organization: BNR Europe, New Southgate, London. Lines: 15 Message-ID: <2m1gbi$fan@bnsgd245.bnr.co.uk> NNTP-Posting-Host: bnsgs234.bnr.co.uk New Zealand Endeavour was first into Punta del Este, followed by Intrum Justitia a mere five minutes later. The two boats had been within each others view for several days. Next in were Merit Cup and Tokio, with Tokio about five hours behind Intrum. Chris Dickson, skipper of Tokio, and a Yamaha crewman landed up in hospital after a table they were sitting on collapsed during drunken celebrations. -- Bruce Munro. "The game is about glory. It is about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom." - Danny Blanchflower #! rnews 2176 Xref: pagesat.net eunet.politics:6151 soc.culture.nordic:32336 alt.politics.ec:829 Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!sdd.hp.com!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net pipex!sunic!EU.net!ub4b!rc1.vub.ac.be!nmitfpmc227.vub.ac.be!user From: rcsiebel@vnet3.vub.ac.be (Roland Siebelink) Newsgroups: eunet.politics,soc.culture.nordic,alt.politics.ec Subject: Re: Norwegian an official EU language? Followup-To: eunet.politics Date: Mon, 14 Mar 1994 11:04:30 +0100 Organization: CSNMIT/Vrije Universiteit Brussel Lines: 27 Message-ID: References: <2l0pu2$hi2@nic.lth.se> <2l1nif$1a9c@info2.rus.uni-stuttgart.de> <2l1p71$1tt@nef.ens.fr> <2lav99$2h8@darkstar.UCSC.EDU> <2lqk0r$rsm@belfort.daimi.aau.dk> NNTP-Posting-Host: nmitfpmc227.vub.ac.be Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In article <2lqk0r$rsm@belfort.daimi.aau.dk>, olevi@daimi.aau.dk (Ole Villumsen) wrote: > Thus spake aphrael@cats.ucsc.edu (Robert D West): > >Swedish and Finnish get to be official languages but Norwegian > >doesn't? Hmm. Seems fishy to me *grin* > > I believe it is easier for Norwegians than for Swedes to > understand Danish, which is already an official language. > Therefore Norwegian needs not be. :-\ > > I seriously hope that the above argumentation is *not* > what lies behind not yet deciding to make Norwegian an > official language after ratification. Norway certainly > should not join without their language(s) being > official in the union. I think Norwegian will no doubt be an official EU language if they should choose to join. But I also think that, supposing all of these four countries will have joined in 1995 or perhaps 1996, there will be a move reducing of the number of working languages, especially since Poland, Hungary, Czechia and perhaps Slovakia will want to join. -- Roland Siebelink Centre for Studies on New Media, Information and Telecommunication Dept. of Communication Studies, Brussels Free University VUB Tel. +32.2.6412412/15; Fax +32.2.6412861. From May 1994: +32.2.629.... X.400: S=rcsiebel;OU=vnet3;O=vub;PRMD=ac;ADMD=rtt;C=be #! rnews 1217 Newsgroups: rec.autos.sport Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!sdd.hp.com!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net pipex!sunic!ericom!barry From: barry@psi.ericsson.se (Barry Byford) Subject: F1: TV: Preview on Eurosport Message-ID: <1994Mar14.110729.20019@ericsson.se> Sender: news@ericsson.se Nntp-Posting-Host: swindon22.ericsson.se Organization: Ericsson Components AB, Sweden Date: Mon, 14 Mar 1994 11:07:29 GMT Lines: 17 Tonight (Monday 14 March 1994) at 20:00 on Eurosport they have a preview of the '94 F1 season. If you miss it tonight it is repeated again in the week. About midday on Wednesday I think. Happy Viewing Barry -- ```` (0 0) ------------------------00o--(_)--o00---------------------------- | Copyright 1994 Barry Byford. All Rights Reserved. | | All information correct at the time of going to Print. | | Barry Byford is a member of PICK6, DHFC and the Tuffty Club. | | Your home is at risk if you set fire to it. | | Open seven days a week, for viewing only on Sundays. | ----------------------------------------------------------------- (_____) (_____) #! rnews 807 Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!sdd.hp.com!math.ohio-state.edu!cs.utexas.edu!uunet comp.vuw.ac.nz!actrix!sideways!smurf From: Hamish McBride Newsgroups: soc.culture.new-zealand Subject: Re: cook-island Message-ID: Date: Mon, 14 Mar 94 14:40:17 +1300 References: Organization: Sideways Bulletin Board, Wellington, New Zealand, +64 4 384-2323 Lines: 6 One of the best books around at the momnet is: Scott, Dick "The Years of the Pooh-Bah" which is a post-colonial history of the Cooks especially the involvment of the Trading movement in Rarotonga. There are plenty of travel books and "official" histories - Ron Crocombe is a common author of books that are rather anthropological in approach but worthreading. #! rnews 1941 Xref: pagesat.net talk.philosophy.misc:17494 talk.religion.misc:114070 alt.atheism:96861 Path: pagesat.net!olivea!charnel!yeshua.marcam.com!usc!sdd.hp.com saimiri.primate.wisc.edu!news.doit.wisc.edu!uwec.edu!nyeda From: nyeda@cnsvax.uwec.edu (David Nye) Newsgroups: talk.philosophy.misc,talk.religion.misc,alt.atheism Subject: Re: Nature of God Message-ID: <1994Mar14.011510.13350@cnsvax.uwec.edu> Date: 14 Mar 94 01:15:10 -0600 References: <2l38uk$b9t@access3.digex.net> <1994Mar5.165534.13217@cnsvax.uwec.edu> <2lsp72INNfii@HARE.ZOO.CS.YALE.EDU> Organization: University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Lines: 24 pittenger-laurence@cs.yale.edu (Laurence Arthur Pittenger) writes: >>Even most theologians will agree that there is neither evidence nor a >>logical proof that God exists. The idea behind faith is that the >>believer is supposed to believe in the absence of evidence or logical >>argument. >Faith and belief are *not* irrational. They are, if I may coin a >word, *trans*rational....The fundamental questions with which >Christianity deals are not answerable by reason. Ultimately, you can't >prove that God exists, can't prove that He doesn't. You can't even >prove the Christian God exists, nor that He doesn't. Not because >belief in God is irrational -- it is no more irrational (and, I think, >less) that not believing in God. It's just that reason simply can't >handle the ultimate questions. The difference between our positions is semantic. To me, a belief is rational if arrived at solely through evidence and logic, irrational otherwise. Thus an irrational belief could still be right. You are using "irrational" instead as a synonym for "illogical". David Nye, MD * Neurology Dept., Midelfort Clinic, Eau Claire, Wisconsin The same week King's attackers got 30 months, a black college senior got 30 *years* for cocaine possession. Something is dreadfully wrong here. #! rnews 3592 Xref: pagesat.net talk.philosophy.misc:17495 talk.religion.misc:114071 alt.atheism:96862 Path: pagesat.net!olivea!charnel!yeshua.marcam.com!usc!sdd.hp.com saimiri.primate.wisc.edu!news.doit.wisc.edu!uwec.edu!nyeda From: nyeda@cnsvax.uwec.edu (David Nye) Newsgroups: talk.philosophy.misc,talk.religion.misc,alt.atheism Subject: Re: Nature of God Message-ID: <1994Mar14.011611.13351@cnsvax.uwec.edu> Date: 14 Mar 94 01:16:11 -0600 References: <2k1a2aINN61g@srvr1.engin.umich.edu> <2lt097$8ee@kaiwan.kaiwan.com> Followup-To: talk.philosophy.misc,talk.religion.misc,alt.atheism Organization: University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Lines: 52 killjoy@kaiwan.com (Daniel Vieira) writes: >>No, but this is not the same meaning of the term "faith" as when it is >>applied to an irrational belief. In this case you are using it to mean >>"a belief supported by evidence". You left your car there, so you >>expect it to be there when you leave because it has been every other >>day. Faith when used in its philosophical or theological sense means an >>irrational (or if you prefer, nonrational) belief -- one held in the >>absence of such evidence. > French philosopher Herni Bergson stated that -- in a broad paraphrase >-- emirical evidence is good for understanding the "hows, whys and >whats" of an object, but only through *experience* can we really >understand what an object is all about. For instance, I could give you >flight mechanics, diagrams, vectors, math and physics surrounding a >plane ride, but can you really come to an understandng of what a plane >ride is like that way? No, you actually have to ride in the plane! > The same thing is true surrounding religion. You can show me all the >empirical evidence - or lack thereof- surrounding the (non)existance of >God, but I have had experiences taht cannot be explained by science that >lead me to the unescapable decision that God is definetely there and he >is beyond science and human understanding. I cannot convince you using >my experiences -- you would have to have your own to make up your mind. In "Essai sur les donnees immediates de la conscience", Bergson points out the inadequacy of the intellect for grasping experience, but he does not say anything to the effect that "only through *experience* can we really understand what an object is all about. You are talking of two different types of knowledge: factual knowledge and knowledge by acquaintance (the third type is practical knowledge or "know-how"). Knowledge by acquaintance, what a plane ride feels like, for example, can only be gained by experience. The feeling of what it would be like to be a believer is another example. However, experience other than of the relevant evidence has no value in proving factual knowledge, such as in answering the question of whether or not gods exist. >If the observation is only for scientific inquery, then it is strictly >objective. If, however, the observation is done with the slightest bit >of *motive* --trying to come up with evidence to prove a point -- or >being done to prove or disprove a particular agenda, then it is at >least partly subjective. Only if the ulterior motive compromises scientific methodology. One can still do good science if one pays strict attention to methodology even if one is rooting for a given outcome. David Nye, MD * Neurology Dept., Midelfort Clinic, Eau Claire, Wisconsin Cigarette smoking kills 1 in 5 Americans. Almost half of those who smoke die from it. Even heroin and cocaine aren't that bad for you. #! rnews 4776 Message-ID: <110303Z14031994@anon.penet.fi> Path: pagesat.net!olivea!charnel!yeshua.marcam.com!usc!howland.reston.ans.net pipex!sunic!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Newsgroups: soc.culture.croatia From: an76601@anon.penet.fi X-Anonymously-To: soc.culture.croatia Organization: Anonymous contact service Reply-To: an76601@anon.penet.fi Date: Mon, 14 Mar 1994 11:00:59 UTC Subject: SERBIAN NATIONAL CHARACTER pt. 4 Lines: 62 Serbian megalomania and their propensity to mystification go hand in hand with another of their unfortunate characteristics, i.e., their attempt to appropriate the material or immaterial possessions that have for centuries belonged to their neighboring countries or peoples. Mr. L. v. Suedland explains this feature of the Serbian character by the fact that the Serbians are a mixture of Slavic peoples and of nomadic remnants of old Romans who, after the decline of Rome, continued to live in the mountains of the Balkans as a nomadic, pastoral and predatory people known as Vlachs or Wallachs. He stresses, in his profound analysis of their nomadic traits, the following ideas: "In national character of the Serbians the nomadic and rapacious character of mountain herdsmen is very well preserved...Wherever the Serbians appear as a political mass, the striving to appropriate goods belonging to others is too often the motive of their effort...Everything that the Croatians possess, Croatian lands, Croatian literature, is Serbian. The Croatians did not create anything during their history, only the Serbians did." Without any shame Serbian writers and historians appropriate in their books Croatian lands, rulers, artists, poets, novelists, etc., and describe them as Serbians. In this sense, they have been always trying to influence the outstanding world encyclopedias, and also publications dealing with the problems of Southeastern Europe and the Balkans. Many books published in English, French and German are full of Serbian mystifications, imposed upon gullible and unimformed authors by the official "Yugoslav" agencies and information offices, or by the private semi-private Serbian propagandists. After getting acquainted through better experiences with the Serbian propensity to narcissism, megalomania and mystification, the Croatians do not wish, under any circumstances, to continue living with them in a second, or third, or any Yugoslavia. The Serbian mentality, as described here, is for them entirely undigestible. The Byzantine culture of Serbia and the Western culture of Croatia can never be reconciled in a common state organization. Professor Oscar Halecki remarks that what separates the Croats and Serbs is not only religion. He writes: "Nowhere else in East Cen