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FPQ\%QJ] PvV" PvVJ] PvvvJ] F~~;~v^^؋NJ*3QNJ*&3ZF;v|։~v] v_%PvV PvV" PvVJ] FF=vP FVvv`  t 2PP]  :&uvv`  t|] u t 3P( -*ui%PvV vV2 ui6`#6^#vVF  uN6p#6n#vvF  t~9&X&&e%PFPW ƋFv2PP] 9&X&&V\2PP]  :&u9&X&&ˎ9&X&&k%PFPV NjFvW 3^_]U WVFdžPƆ{dž8o%:dždž@~%BdžD%FdžH%J+NL9& & vx~prt89 +&G&n9&9ptH9&9vt=PP9&6&6`%P9&6&6ZT %P| T :&P FVpP FV+FF{{<vv~uZ6`#6^#%P~V P~V" P~VJ] a centuries-long curse by ridding the world of male Bundys---and there are just two left. Back in 1653, an ancestor of Al's - Shamus McBundy, insulted a fat, ugly witch who then imposed a curse on the village and all future male Bundys. The Lower Uncton residents must kill the last male Bundys inside their city limits in order to end the curse, while Upper Uncton people must insure they die outside the city so the curse becomes permanent and Lower Uncton stays as their tourist attraction. [Note: story editors Larry Jacobson and Stacie Lipp do a walk-on appearance together; LJ says "shoe salesman"] Winston .......... Bill Oddie Trevor ........... Alun Armstrong Igor ............. Steven Hartley Mayor Fivshaw .... Tony Steedman Poxilda .......... Helena Carroll Voice of Buck .... Kevin Curran * Voice of Nearby Dogs .. Ron Leavitt & Michael G. Moye * 129. 05/10/92 "ENGLAND SHOW (part 2)" (625) [03/30-04/17/92] {12.5/20} Stacie Lipp After shopping and eating a while longer in London, the Bundys arrive in Lower Uncton -- minus Kelly, who decides to stay behind since she is a "city girl". Marcy and Jefferson continue the quest to catch up with their luggage. Meanwhile, at a London disco Kelly receives a warning that the family is in danger. She must somehow find her way to Lower Uncton, before it's too late. Winston .......... Bill Oddie Trevor ........... Alun Armstrong Igor ............. Steven Hartley Mayor Fivshaw .... Tony Steedman [Voice of Buck ... Kevin Curran] 130. 05/17/92 "ENGLAND SHOW (part 3)" (626) [03/30-04/17/92] {11.6/18} Kevin Curran With a mob of angry villagers in front of them and the gallows behind them, Al and Bud finally realize that their lives may be in danger. Kelly arrives just in time to rescue them, but the family is pursued by Lower Unctonians until they reach the border between the two towns. Caught between two competing mobs, the Bundys fate will depend on Al's ability to joust, when the Unctonians make peace concessions based on concession sales. Meanwhile, Marcy and Jefferson are finally having a good time on their vacation... in a "bondage" club. [Note: the England Show episodes were all produced by John Maxwell Anderson.] Winston .......... Bill Oddie Trevor ........... Alun Armstrong Igor ............. Steven Hartley Mayor Fivshaw .... Tony Steedman [Voice of Buck ... Kevin Curran] --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==-- ------------------------------- * MARRIED WITH CHILDREN * ------------------------------- ** SEVENTH Season Episodes (1992-93) ** Regular cast: Ed O'Neill .......................... Al Bundy Katey Sagal ......................... Peggy Bundy Amanda Bearse ....................... Marcy Rhoades Darcy Christina Applegate ................. Kelly Bundy David Faustino ...................... Bud Bundy Ted McGinley ........................ Jefferson Darcy Buck the Dog ........................ Buck Production staff: Co-Producer ......................... Stacie Lipp Creative Consultant ................. Richard Gurman Michael G. Moye Supervising Producer ................ Kevin Curran Co-Executive Producer ............... Arthur Silver Ellen L. Fogle Executive Producer .................. Ron Leavitt Producer ............................ John Maxwell Anderson Executive Story Editor .............. Larry Jacobson Dog Trainer ......................... Steven Ritt Director (primary) .................. Gerry Cohen 131. 09/13/92 "MAGNIFICENT SEVEN" (701) [08/21/92] {14.9/23} Arthur Silver The Bundys have another mouth to feed as Married With Children starts a new year. In the seventh-season opener, Peggy's cousin Zemus and wife Ida Mae Wanker make a quick visit and leave behind their five-year old son Seven, who is captivating to Peggy -- and only Peggy. She sees this as her chance to finally be a great mother... or at least try. Kelly gives Bud a poster of "WAGS the Perplexed Pup. Cartoon cutie" [Note: we see Bud's bedroom for the first time in this episode] Zemus ............ Bobcat Goldthwait Ida Mae .......... Linda Blair Seven ............ Shane Sweet 132. 09/20/92 "T-R-A... SOMETHING, SOMETHING SPELLS TRAMP" (702) Ron Leavitt & Ellen L. Fogle [08/28/92] {13.1/20} While Peggy seeks Saturday-night conversation, Kelly discusses men with three kindred sirens after being stranded by her date. Ralph ............ Corey Feldman Lorraine ......... Liz Vassey Seven ............ Shane Sweet D.J. ............. Dusty Street [girl ............ Lisa Rieffel] 133. 09/27/92 "EVERY BUNDY HAS A BIRTHDAY" (703) [09/04/92] {12.1/18} Richard Gurman When Peggy discovers that nobody knows Seven's birthday, she chooses a date for him at random. Al is not pleased when it turns out he has lost his birthday to the new kid. Peggy decides to have a party for Seven at a local park, but the party poops when another parent proclaims the public park private for his own son's party. [Note: Kelly's birthday is given in this episode as November 27th, and Bud's as January 22nd] Seven ............ Shane Sweet Phillip .......... Andrew Masset Gwen ............. Sherry Rooney Parachuter ....... Frank Lloyd Worker ........... Weston Blakesley Brian ............ Ted Roberts 134. 10/04/92 "AL ON THE ROCKS" (704) [09/14/92] {14.3/22} Andrew Smith When Peggy uses up the monthly mortgage money to pay Seven's doctor bill, Al is forced to take a second job: bartending at a topless bar -- where it's the bartender who's topless. Meanwhile, Peg starts banning the other Bundys from the house to protect Seven from their germs. Seven ............ Shane Sweet Gladys ........... Diane Delano Patron #1 ........ Sherlock Ganz Woman ............ Laurel Ollstein 135. 10/11/92 "WHAT I DID FOR LOVE" (705) [09/25/92] {12.9/19} Ellen L. Fogle The way to a man's heart may be through his stomach, but it's not the heart that's sought by Peggy -- who is tired of being ignored by Al in the bedroom so she tries a variety of enticing new outfits in an attempt to whet the appetite of an otherwise starving Al. Unfortunately, the only thing Al wants is a steak dinner. Seven ............ Shane Sweet Sales Lady ....... Penelope Windust Guy .............. Keith Coulouris Girl ............. Jocelyn Kelly 136. 10/25/92 "FRAT CHANCE" (706) [10/02/92] {12.3/19} Larry Jacobson To meet girls, Bud sta........... Roger Rose Himself .......... Edd Byrnes Themselves ....... Anthrax 123. 03/01/92 "PSYCHIC AVENGERS" (618) [02/07/92] {13.4/20} Calvin Brown, Jr. / Amanda Bearse * Al is a broken man when the Bundy's can no longer afford to buy a weekly TV Guide. When Jefferson arrives with a fistful of cash, Al discovers he has been running a psychic scam called "Madame Zelda". To keep him quiet, Jefferson decides to let Al in on the deal, but Al soon takes over the whole operation and the rest of the Bundys join in. Can Al unite the five psychic bosses of Chicago? Will he be able to escape Madame Inga's curse? Madam Inga ....... Candice Azzara Big Bob .......... Travis Venable Zelmo ............ Steven Trevor Hakbar ........... Z.Z. Clark Psychic #1 ....... Larry Udy Old Lady ......... Barbara Perry Thursday Markowitz . Andy Flaster Buck the Man ..... Kevin Curran * 124. 03/22/92 "HI I.Q." (620) [02/21/92] {14.7/22} Steve Crider An invitation to a join the high intelligence "Alpha Club" at a party is issued to Kelly -- and not to Bud. When they discover the real reason behind the gathering, Kelly and Bud decide to handle things with the usual Bundy charm (and violence). Meanwhile, Al buys a new "Handyman's Workbench 5000", which unfortunately has "some assembly required". This challenges the combined intellects of Al and Jefferson, as Peg and Marcy watch and enjoy the show by taking pictures and counting the injuries. Scott ............ Joshua Rifkind Guard ............ Gary Epp Delbert .......... James Quarter Margie ........... Rana Mack Ralph ......... Christopher M. Brown Man .............. Tim Hill 125. 04/05/92 "TEACHER PETS" (621) [03/06/92] {14.7/22} Katherine Green Bud's belief that his 40-year-old teacher is romantically interested in him is greeted by guffaws from Al and Kelly, but another student smells the smoke and wants some fire for herself. Meanwhile, Peggy has a cold. Can Bud keep two girls, or will he suffer a humiliating Bundy defeat? Also in this episode, Al gets to watch (and sing along) with another episode of his favorite quality TV show: "Psycho Dad", while Peggy prefers the new Fox series: "Psycho Mom" [see appendix VI] Darlene .......... Charlotte Ross Kid .............. Ric Coy Miss McGowen ..... Linda Gibboney Ernie ............ Bert L. Cook Mrs. Mariner ..... Lillian Adams 126. 04/19/92 "THE GOOD-BYE GIRL" (622) [03/13/92] {13.4/22} Stacie Lipp When Kelly's modeling school suddenly closes down, she gets a new job as a greeter at the "TV World" theme park. When this is threatened by her low performance ratings, Kelly gets switched into "Commercial Land" where she plays "The Verminator" who hunts down roaches (like Bud). Meanwhile, Al takes his annual "Bundy World Tour", a week-long around the world vacation (by himself), in the Bundy living room. Mr. Nielsen ...... Louis Mustillo Tour Guide ....... Edd Hall Janitor .......... Hal Landon, Jr. Kid #1 ........... Sean Fox Guy .............. Mitchell Dean Kid #2 ........... Lindsey France Voice of Master Po .. Dana Lee 127. 04/26/92 "THE GAS STATION SHOW" (623) [03/20/92] {13.1/20} Michael G. Moye & Ron Leavitt Al turns sentimental after watching the film "Shenandoah" on TV so he proclaims to the family that it is now "Bundy Sunday Funday", but first they must push the Dodge to a gas station. Unfortunately Al is broke after buying $2 worth of "full service" gas, and when the family raids the store for junk food he is stuck working off his debt at the pumps. When Al eventually forces Bud to help him, the first car to arrive contains four platinum blondes of the Swedish Bikini Team. This leaves Al with the Chicago Bowling Team, consisting of four very large women. Joe .............. Phil Buckman Jim .............. Colby Chester Betty ............ Leah Ayres Jim jr ........... Jeffrey Roth Betty jr ......... Marisa Theodore Stacey ........... Andrea Leithe Ulla ............. Peggy Trentini Karin ............ Anna Keller Olga ............. Sherlock Ganz Eva .............. Jane Frances Hilgar ........... Heather Elizabeth Parkhurst 128. 05/03/92 "ENGLAND SHOW (part 1)" (624) [03/30-04/17/92] {12.9/19} Ellen L. Fogle The Bundys win a trip to England, courtesy of the village Lower Uncton, which can rid itself ofking, 11 offramp selling, 10 toilets cleaning, 9 digging graves, 8 snaking sewers, 7 spearing rats, 6 training guard dogs, 5 giving blood! 4 crash-test dummying, 3 jobs roach killing, 2 jobs dog catching, and one job santaing at the mall... Seven ............ Shane Sweet Bartender ........ Dennis Cockrum Ishowitz ......... Fred Sanders Elf .............. Kevin Thompson Charity Santa .... Ed Morgan Matt ............. Matt Leavitt * Samantha ......... Samantha Leavitt* Santa ............ Monty Hoffman Freckled Girl .... Kristen Martin Assistant ........ Sara Shearer Denise ........... Paula Bernard Lolly ............ Kristen Semon Polly ............ Cheri Semon [Voice of Buck .... Kevin Curran] 143. 01/10/93 "WEDDING SHOW" (713) [12/18/92] {12.4/17} Arthur Silver The Bundys are going to a family wedding. Peggy can't decide what to wear, so while she dresses (and redresses), Al waits and daydreams. Kelly color-coordinates will fellow bridesmaids, deciding that tight black leather is always best. Meanwhile, Bud gets to know the bride to be much better than he should! [Note: Andrea Elson was formerly a regular on "Alf", and Joey Adams is from "Top of the Heap"] Janie ............ Joey Lauren Adams Corky ............ Sara Melson Heidi ............ Andrea Elson Natalie .......... Robin Killian 144. 01/17/93 "IT DOESN'T GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS" (714) [01/15/93] Michael G. Moye / Sam W. Orender It's no vacation for Al when "sisters" Peg and Marcy join his fishing trip and make him referee their constant bickering. Meanwhile, the kids help Jefferson spend Marcy's money. Seven ............ Shane Sweet Johnny ........... Joel Gretsch Mindy ............ Terri Wilgren 145. 02/07/93 "HEELS ON WHEELS" (715) [01/22/93] Stacy Lipp Working at the diner is getting to Kelly so she decides to rebel by getting a motorcycle, which Peggy deems too dangerous - until she tries it for herself and gets some good vibrations. But it is Al who really takes to the new bike when he imagines himself an easy rider, at least until an untimely head-on meeting with the Dodge. Lulu ............. Paris Houghton NBC Announcer .... Todd McLaren 146. 02/14/93 "MR. EMPTY PANTS" (716) George Tricker Peggy's magazine cartoon of Al makes him famous, but Al would prefer the fame to be fleeting--until another magazine declares him a sex symbol. Bertha ........... Cynthia Szigeti Steve ............ Steve Bean Man .............. Cain DeVore Antoine .......... Brian Jensen Fredo ............ Jack Kenny Candy ............ Kristi Ducati Sandy ............ Avalon Anders Mandy ............ Janne Halskov Anchorman ........ Arthur Hanket 147. 02/21/93 "YOU CAN'T MISS" (717) [02/12/93] Joel Valentine & Scott Zimbler / Amanda Bearse * After one too many dateless Saturdays, Bud appears on a dating-game show for the less experienced--with not quite the expected results. Meanwhile, Kelly believes there is a conspiracy to keep her from knowing what day it is. Candy ............ Chantal Dubay Adam ............. Bill Maher Henry ............ Brian Leckner Eugene ........... Matt Winston Tania ............ Allison Barron Rodrico .......... Ron Evans Betty ............ Kiamalise Budak Carol ............ Tiffany Sloan 148. 02/28/93 "PEGGY AND THE PIRATES" (718) [02/19/93] {12.4/18} Richard Gurman Peg narrates her own pirate fantasy and stars as a captive princess (Scarlet), with Jefferson as her prince (Paco), Al as her captor (and later rescuer) pirate Captain Courage, and Marcy's ex-husband Steve as the evil pirate Rubio the Cruel, who's feared for his terrible showtune singing as much as anything else. The crew is rounded out by Bud, as Fluvio the hunchback First Mate, Kelly as the Navigator, Marcy as the Cabin Boy-girl, and Buck as Long John Buck. Meanwhile, Al has a battle of his own with an overflowed toilet. Steve Rhoades .... David Garrison Black Bob ........ Eric Menyuk Black Ben ........ Gene LeBell Black Bert ....... Frank Lloyd Seven ............ Shane Sweet 149. 03/14/93 "GO FOR THE OLD" (719) [02/26/93] Stacie Lipp When Al is mistaken for being 65, he takes revenge by using a senior citizen discount card and competing in the senior athletic games, in which he shows--and gets--no mercy. [Note: an announcer reads the following message at the end: "Bet you thought Al was going to let the old guy win. Well, then you haven't been paying attention for the last seven years. But, what we really wanted to do was to give a lesson to all the kids out there". Then Al has the last word: Al: "It's only cheating, if you get caught".] Ira .............. E.D. Miller Official ......... Kevin Brief George ........... George Feinstein Vendor ........... Mario Roccuzzo Cheerleader ...... Peggy Gilbert Cheerleader ...... Jerrie Thill Cheerleader ...... Georgia Shilling Cheerleader ...... Marian M. Wells Stadium Announcer. Todd McLaren 150. 03/28/93 "UNALFUL ENTRY" (720) [03/18/93] Larry Jacobson / Amanda Bearse * Al has his day in court--as the defendant, sued by a burglar after he decks him to halt the crime. Says Al: "he broke into my house, so I broke into his face". [Note: Courtroom scene during end credits; Kelly sitting alone, waiting. "Where is my damn cheeseburger?!"] Laurie Diamond ... Melanie Chartoff Policeman ........ Dan Tullis, Jr. Burglar .......... Randall "Tex" Cobb Judge ............ Edwin Owens Sandy ............ Brooke Stacy Mills Anchorwoman ...... Kari Coleman 151. 04/11/93 "MOVIE SHOW" (721) [03/19/93] {10.9} Ellen L. Fogle Kelly breaks a date to accept her parents invitation to celebrate her birthday by going to the movies -- where she finds her erstwhile boyfriend with another woman, and Bud tries unsuccessfully to find a girl to sit with him. [Note: during the end credits the Bundys are sitting in the theater and making the following comments: Kelly: Oh, Richard Improta [art director], he's supposed to be great. Al: Sam W. Orender [assoc. director], sounds like a cartoon lizard. Peggy: Hey, Richard Draney [stage manager], he's legendary. Bud: Kitty Rourke [production associate] and Thomas W. Markle [director of photography], I heard they're secretly married. Al: Hey, look at that thing go; Mike Semon [property master], my man! Whoa, here come the Columbia logo! ALL: Booooo!! ] Frank ............ David Boreanaz Usher ............ Craig Benton Salesgirl ........ Kimberly Brooks Lon .............. Nick Oleson Liz .............. Elena Statheros Lex .............. Phil Dominguez Lil .............. Anahtt Minasyan Man .............. Robin Francis Robinson 152. 04/25/93 "TILL DEATH DO US PART" (722) [03/26/93] {11.0} Stacie Lipp Al's deficient bedroom performance is the talk of the town, even though the only person Peggy told about it was Marcy. Now its up to Al to get himself back into shape. [Note: we see the Bundy's basement for the first time in this episode.] 153. 05/02/93 "TIS TIME TO SMELL THE ROSES" (723) [04/09/93] {10.3/15} Kevin Curran Al takes a $12,000 offer for early retirement from the shoe store, but Peg's mismanagement of their finances (via shopping), sends him back into the job market -- where he hears opportunity knocking with a chance to buy a store called "Homeplate Athletic Shoes". Meanwhile, Charlene Tilton visits the Bundy house, trying to sell an Abdomenizer. Ms. Blaub ........ Susan Peretz Manager .......... Peter Jason Habib #1 ......... S. Kyle Parker Habib #2 ......... Ted Davis Herself .......... Charlene Tilton 154. 05/09/93 "THE OLD INSURANCE DODGE" (724) [04/16/93] {9.6/16} Larry Jacobson While Al waits for the insurance company to settle on the theft of his cherished old Dodge, he test drives possible replacements -- like a Lincoln and a Mercedes. Meanwhile, Kelly seeks a new car on sale for 50K, so she starts collecting "K's". [Note: during the end credits, Kelly calls a car dealer and finds out the price is instead "50 Gs"] Joe .............. Rob LaBelle Policeman ........ Dan Tullis, Jr. 155. 05/16/93 "THE WEDDING REPERCUSSIONS" (725) [04/23/93] {12.2/19} Arthur Silver Bundy Cousin Jimmy is out to find the man who dallied with his fiancee on thier wedding day [in the episode "WEDDING SHOW" (713)], and he asks for help from Bud---the guilty party. Jimmy ............ Abraham Benrubi Dee Anna ......... Barbara Moore 156. 05/23/93 "THE PROPOSITION" (726) [04/30/93] {13.1/21} Arthur Silver Vanna White plays a millionaire cosmetics mogul who hasn't met anyone like Al since the time they spent together at Polk High. Now she is offering to pay $500,000 to buy a chance to be with him again, but will Peggy agree to give up Al? Coco ............. Vanna White Phil ............. Kevin Schon Customer ......... Jane Childerhose --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==-- ------------------------------- * MARRIED WITH CHILDREN * ------------------------------- ** EIGHTH Season Episodes (1993-94) ** Regular cast: Ed O'Neill .......................... Al Bundy Katey Sagal ......................... Peggy Bundy Amanda Bearse ....................... Marcy Rhoades Darcy Christina Applegate ................. Kelly Bundy David Faustino ...................... Bud Bundy Ted McGinley ........................ Jefferson Darcy Buck the Dog ........................ Buck Production staff: Creative Consultant ................. Richard Gurman David Castro Co-Producer ......................... Larry Jacobson Producer ............................ Stacie Lipp John Maxwell Anderson Supervising Producer ................ Kim Weiskopf Associate Producer .................. Michael Greenspon Story Editor ........................ Nancy Neufeld Dog Trainer ......................... Steven Ritt Co-Executive Producer ............... Katherine Green Executive Producer .................. Michael G. Moye Director (primary) #801-815 ......... Tony Singletary Director (primary) #816-826 ......... Gerry Cohen 157. 09/05/93 "A TISKET, A TASKET CAN PEGGY MAKE A BASKET?" (801) {9.2} Kim Weiskopf When Al manages to get prime tickets to an all-star basketball game, Peggy spoils his fun by insisting she come along. Things turn even worse when she trades places with Al just before his former seat is chosen for a $10,000 free-throw contest. Meanwhile, Kelly tries to net herself a basketball player. himself .......... Vlade Divac himself .......... Clyde Drexler himself .......... Xavier McDaniel Team Official .... Roy Fegan Man Behind Al .... Gerald Emerick P.A. Announcer ... Ray Clay 158. 09/12/93 "HOOD IN THE BOYZ" (802) {10.5} Michael G. Moye Al is thrilled when his childhood love asks for his help in dealing with a young tough who's been harassing her at her convenience store. But how does he explain it to Peggy? Ray Ray .......... Matt Borlenghi Mary Ellen ....... Debra Engle Jackie ........... Kimberly Paige Bum .............. Alex Zonn Ray Ray's Girl ... Skye Bassett Skippy ........... Chuck LeFever 159. 09/19/93 "PROUD TO BE YOUR BUD" (803) {9.8} Stacie Lipp The family thinks Bud has flipped when they overhear his basement conversations with his "cool" alter-ego, who has grown weary of Bud's failures with women. Also, Al has a battle with a voice mail system in an effort to get parts for the Dodge. Libby ............ Michelle Nicholas 160. 09/26/93 "LUCK OF THE BUNDYS" (804) {11.2} Richard Gurman When Al's luck starts turning good (along with the rest of the Bundys), he knows that he's doomed... thanks to the Bundy curse. Weasel ........... Tom LaGrua Sal .............. Lee Arenberg Louie ............ J.J. Johnston Policeman ........ Dan Tullis, Jr. Policeman #2 ..... Sean N. Sickner 161. 10/03/93 "BANKING ON MARCY" (805) {11.5} Stacie Lipp / Tony Singletary Marcy's method for overcoming her fear of public speaking involves fantasizing that she's elsewhere, which is a real treat for her audience. Meanwhile, Al gets hooked on rap videos. Moderator ........ Beau Billingslea Dr. Angela ....... Marilyn Kagan 162. 10/10/93 "NO CHICKEN, NO CHECK" (806) {10.7} Ralph Farquhar Confident they can share, Kelly and Bud pool their money to buy a car, which both want--but neither will surrender--for drive-in movie dates. [Note: Bud's middle name is given as "Franklin"] Neuter ........... Sean O'Bryan Sonya ............ Viatiare' Jake ............. Lou Bonacki 163. 10/24/93 "TAKE MY WIFE, PLEASE" (807) {13.2} Teleplay: Peter Gaulke & Eddie Feldmann, Story: Brad Yuen On Halloween night, the Grim Reaper (who looks a lot like Peggy) finally answers Al's unwitting call for death, and then won't leave him alone until one member of his family says they need him. Meanwhile, Marcy convinces Peg, Kelly, and Bud to impersonate the Village People at her party. [Note: the end credits feature everyone continuing to dance to "YMCA"] Ethel ............ Patrika Darbo Jeannie .......... Mindy Seeger Kid #1 ........... Joshua Boyd Belle ............ Billy Gordon themselves........ The Villiage People 164. 11/07/93 "SCARED SINGLE" (808) {10.1} Katherine Green / Sam W. Orender Al hires a recent Polk High graduate, who sees him as a hero, and Al takes full advantage by giving the boy the full benefit of his wisdom. Also, while working as the Verminator, Kelly accidentally gets a facefull of bug spray -- which causes her to start behaving very strangely. Aaron ............ Hill Harper Billy Ray ........ John Bloom Angie ............ Rose Jackson Heidi ............ Melissa Behr Woman at Store ... Tara Karsian Guy .............. Joe Ochman Marge ............ Mary Pat Green Emaciated Man .... Jeff Heston Beautiful Girl ... Borovnisa Blervaque Meg .............. Tami Akbar 165. 11/14/93 "NO MA'AM" (809) {10.9} Larry Jacobson When women take over his bowling night... and his nudie bar, Al springs into action and leads a takeover of a talk show called "the masculine feminist". himself .......... Jerry Springer Officer Dan ...... Dan Tullis, Jr. Bob Rooney ....... E.E. Bell Pete ............. John Mariano Jim .............. Trip Hamilton Barney............ Steve Suskind Roger ............ Christopher Collins Velma ............ Harriet Leider Bartender ........ Timothy Omundson Waitress ......... Ingrid Berg Guy #1 ........... William Palmieri Guy #2 ........... Frank Noon Bubbles Double Dee .. Lisa Boyle 166. 11/21/93 "DANCING WITH WEEZIE" (810) {11.9} Richard Gurman Al and Jefferson want to attend the opening of a new sports bar, but their wives insist they instead accompany them to a live performance of "The Jeffersons" Movin' On Up tour. himself .......... Joe Namath himself .......... Johnny Bench himself .......... Ernie Banks Officer Dan ...... Dan Tullis, Jr. Waitress ......... Jillian Johns 167. 11/28/93 "CHANGE FOR A BUCK" (811) {9.8} Kim Weiskopf / Amanda Bearse Lacking attention, Buck decides to run away from home, but the Bundys don't discover that he's been gone for a week --- which is the time limit for dogs at the pound where Buck wound up. Voice of Buck .... Cheech Marin Floyd the Dog .... Dom DeLuise Mother ........... Jeanine Jackson Father ........... Lenny Wople Timmy ............ Joshua Boyd Mustafa .......... Ralph P. Martin 168. 12/12/93 "JUST A LITTLE OFF THE TOP" (812) {9.4} Michael G. Moye / Sam W. Orender Al's back injury requires surgery, but "human error" results in a circumcision instead, requiring him to be sedate for a month, which suddenly isn't easy. Aaron ............ Hill Harper Doctor ........... Ron Perkins Jay .............. Mark Clayman Lee .............. Terence Winter Dad .............. Don Maxwell 169. 12/19/93 "THE WORST NOEL" (813) {10.4} Larry Jacobson / Amanda Bearse On christmas eve, Kelly and Bud try to sneak in a jukebox to give to their parents, who are arguing over the proper speed for channel surfing. 170. 01/16/94 "SOFA SO GOOD" (815) {12.7} Doug McIntyre / Amanda Bearse With Al and Peg away for a family reunion in Wanker County, Bud cedes control of the house to Kelly on Saturday night. Unfortunately her date destroys Peg's beloved couch, thus sending Kelly to meet the maker for a replacement. Mary ............. Larry Hankin Gunther .......... Mark Matheisen Naomi ............ Bryn Erin 171. 01/23/94 "HONEY, I BLEW UP MYSELF" (814) Wayne Kline / Sam W. Orender For Al's birthday, Peggy decides to give him a sexy photo of herself to hang in the shoe store - but the photographer decides to hang a giant version of the same photo right outside the store. Naturally this can not be tolerated, so Al enlists the help of Marcy's feminist group "FANG" to eliminate the offending image. Meanwhile, Kelly and Bud can't seem to find the right present for Al. [Note: there is an extra "present" scene with Al, Kelly, and Bud during the end credits] Aaron ............ Hill Harper Dabbs ............ Tom Silardi Enid ............. Winifred Freedman Sloan ............ Michael Lowry Patrick .......... Michael Anthony Vaccaro 172. 02/06/94 "HOW GREEN WAS MY APPLE" (816) {11.4} Katherine Green / Gerry Cohen An apple grows on a Bundy tree, but hangs over the Darcy's yard, prompting a property dispute that turns ugly... and explosive. [Note: during the end credits Al and Jefferson fight over another apple, but Buck beats them to it; Katherine Green is listed as the sole Executive Producer for this episode] Inspector ........ Gary Coleman Surveyor ......... Danny Bonaduce Manager .......... Dave Madden Girl ............. Joni Allen 173. 02/13/94 "VALENTINE'S DAY MASSACRE" (818) {11.1} Cindy Begel Bud sets out to respond to a long-lost valentine card, while Al battles other husbands at a store for last-minute Valentine's Day shoppers. Omar ............. Avner Garbi Greta ............ Jane Lynch Betty ............ Paddi Edwards Mac .............. Charles Bouvier Bodyguard ........ Dan Doherty Mayhem ........... Jeff Bennett Woman ............ Stephanie Dicker Pinworm .......... David Carrera Crystal .......... Julie Condra Douglas Rita ............. Lorna Scott 174. 02/20/94 "GET OUTTA DODGE" (817) {10.2} Mark Driscoll / Sam W. Orender When Al is forced to sell the Dodge, an auto executive offers him a brand-new Viper in exchange for filming his old car hitting the million mile mark. Meanwhile, Kelly tries to find "Waldo". [Note: the end credits feature more of Al driving the Dodge through the desert] Officer Dan ...... Dan Tullis, Jr. Bill Ellis ....... Todd Sussman Lisa ............. Stefanie Ridel Fanatic .......... Richard Assad Japanese Man ..... Michael Hagiwara Criminal ......... Bert L. Cook Mobster #1 ....... David Garubard Wino Gal ......... Maray Ayres Wino Guy ......... William Bookston 175. 02/27/94 "FIELD OF SCREAMS" (819) {10.8} Al Aidekman Al protests the proposed destruction of his high-school football field to build a new auto plant. Meanwhile, Bud and Buck suffer unusal side effects after Kelly (The Verminator) tests a new pesticide on them called "Springtime in Baghdad". Aaron ............ Hill Harper TV Announcer ..... Tiiu Leek Sascha ........... Julie Benz FORMAT FOR EPISODE LISTINGS: a. __ b __ " episode title " ( c ) [ d ] {e/f} writer(s) / director a. episode number by airing order d. date of taping b. original air date e. rating c. production code f. ratings share --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==-- Note: you may freely copy and distribute this guide for personal use provided that it be distributed in it's entirety, with all original author and copyright information intact. Any sales of this document are expressly forbidden, without the specific consent of the author. [ Copyright (c) 1994, Dean Adams. All rights reserved. ] --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==-- Internet: dadams@netcom.com, dnadams@nyx.cs.du.edu Home ftp site: netcom.com, directory: /pub/guides --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--