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FPQ\%QJ] PvV" PvVJ] PvvvJ] F~~;~v^^؋NJ*3QNJ*&3ZF;v|։~v] v_%PvV PvV" PvVJ] FF=vP FVvv`  t 2PP]  :&uvv`  t|] u t 3P( -*ui%PvV vV2 ui6`#6^#vVF  uN6p#6n#vvF  t~9&X&&e%PFPW ƋFv2PP] 9&X&&V\2PP]  :&u9&X&&ˎ9&X&&k%PFPV NjFvW 3^_]U WVFdžPƆ{dž8o%:dždž@~%BdžD%FdžH%J+NL9& & vx~prt89 +&G&n9&9ptH9&9vt=PP9&6&6`%P9&6&6ZT %P| T :&P FVpP FV+FF{{<vv~uZ6`#6^#%P~V P~V" P~VJ] [7] Mailing Lists PART 2 - Directory of Record Labels/Mail Order Sources/Contacts: [8] Major Record Labels [9] Distributors and Smaller Record Labels [10] Mail Order Sources and 'Zines .......................................................................... [0] OTHER PERIODIC POSTINGS You are currently reading the "offical" r.m.i. FAQ. Other regular postings include: Jester's Net Industrial/EBM/Cyber Culture Band list, available from jester@sage.cc.purdue.edu. Th Klaus" Dave Datta Valerie Ohm Andrew Russ Adrian Le Hanne Leo Breebaart Ben Cox Terry Reed Mark Gunderson John Davidson Kritt Gierlefzen Georg Wallmann "hortonee" Jutta Degener orcist Paul Moore Anders Holmberg Franck Arnaud "@Man" Bob Haskins Piotr T. Prussak Jennifer Davis Jester Michael Lucas Pete Ashdown Peter Cigehn if there is anyone that i have forgot, my apologies. This file will be posted approximately every two weeks. Last modified: November 6, 1993 ----------------------- 8< cut here >8----------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1 - Frequently Asked Questions File: [0] Other periodic postings [1] Intro [2] History [3] Charter [4] RMI CD Status [5] Important Facts [6] FTP servers mes as well. Other people outside the camp get branded with nicknames if they're around Rave or Ogre too long. -> Just because sometimes "Rave" is listed and sometimes the more formal "David Ogilvie" is listed doesn't mean they aren't the same person. There are credits that say "Ogre" just as there are credits that say "K. Ogilvie". -> "Green guy" is a context-sensitive descriptor. It can mean a particularly potent form of Pot, or the person who is the delivery boy for said Pot. it is also used as in the credits for some pUPPY albums. -> Everyone thinks that BACK AND FORTH exists in 50 copies. After all, it does say words to that effect on it, right? This is not the case. There's only *35* real copies. cEVIN made all of them himself. He "pooped out" after those 35, so #36-#50 DON'T EXIST. There's more. Of those 35 copies, there's "Mark I" and "Mark II". The first 10 (or was it 15?) were hand- dubbed by cEVIN from the four-track master. Those are the "good" ones. The remainder were dup'ed on a high-speed double-cassette deck, and are thus deemed (by cEVIN) to be of "lower quality". -> BACK AND FORTH has been re-issued on CD. it is the first part along with other "rarities" and unreleased material as part of a "10 year Skinny Puppy retrospective CD" that is in the works. The BAD news is that it (B&F) is *re-mixed* and not just re-issued :-( It is being re-done by "Hi-Watt" Marshall, the guy who engineered the last Hilt album. (Rave Ogilvie is livid over this.) there are two flavors of the re-issued Back and Forth CD: the regular limited edition release and the "ultra" limited edition release that comes packaged in a steel box with a numbered and signed photo. -> the recording of sKINNY pUPPY's AIN'T IT DEAD YET was mastered as one long track because it's intended to be listened to from start to finish, like watching a concert. In order to get the whole experience, you have to listen to the whole thing. -> For LAST RIGHTS, "song 4 on side 2" of the cassette is the same thing as "song 10 on the CD" which is the same thing as "Left Handshake", the track that samples Timothy Leary from "Tune in, turn on, drop out" which is the same track that isn't there because the copyright holders on said Timothy Leary quoted speech rescinded permission for the band to use the samples. It may emerge as a one-sided 7", to be given away to people at their upcoming tour shows if you buy some tour merchandise; or it may suddenly appear out of (K)nowhere courtesy of some annoited bootleggers. It has also been reported that Leary is working to get the rights to his speech back so SP can use it. -> Re: Tear Garden's album, TIRED EYES SLOWLY BURNING, the credits in vinyl copies for the song "You and Me and Rainbows" clearly state: Edward Ka-Spel: Voice, keyboards, tapes cEVIN Key: Keyboards, rhythm box, guitar, radio, tapes, voice D. Rudolph Goettel: Keyboards Lee Salford: Drums N. Ogre: Voice Lisa: Lady voice Rave: Guitar, tapes Note that "Lee Salford" was the drummer for Section 25 at one time, and "Lisa" is a woman who I believe was Cevin's girlfriend at the time. -> 1000 Homo DJs work was originally done as an Al Jourgensen solo project concurrent with the LAND OF RAPE AND HONEY work. The vinyl EP of APATHY was released about six months post LORAH. When Al decided that Trent Reznor should do the vocals for 'Supernaut', Steve Gotlieb (president of TVT), who was already unhappy with Trent because of his legal filings against him, told Wax Trax that any productions using Trent Reznor's voice is in violation of Trent's contract with TVT. So the CD5 was released with the original Jourgenson vocals. the CD5 itself was released containing the two new songs, 'Supernaut' and 'Hey Asshole' as well as what was on the APATHY EP, 'Apathy' and 'Better Ways'. -> KMFDM stands for Kein Mitleid fuer die Mehrheit which in English means "No pity For The Majority." It has been argued that the name really means nothing because the liner notes for their album, WHAT DO YOU KNOW, DEUTSCHLAND (WaxTrax! Records) have it listed as meaning: "Kein Mehrheit fur die Mitleid" however, the proper use of the prhase would be: "Kein Mitleid fuer die Mehrheit" (mit=with,leid=pain -> Pity; Mehr=more,heit=-ness -> Majority) which also uses the genders correctly. -> other uses such as "Kill Mother Fucking Depeche Mode", "Krispy Mutant Fish Dealing Mescaline" or even "Kyle Minogue Fans Don't Masteurbate" is just a joke. -> Survival Research Labs now has an answering machine system which you can get info from. Unfortunately, the current messages do not give any dates for performances. It does however have a menu which allows you to get info on past shows, legal problems, being an SRL volunteer, and current machines working or being developed. Call: 1 + 415 641-8065 ........................................................................... [6] FTP SERVERS -> The anonymous FTP address for the rmi FAQ is: rtfm.mit.edu /pub/usenet/rec/music/industrial not only will you find the rmi FAQ there, you will find about every other FAQ as well. -> bradley.bradley.edu or ( Contains the EFN back issues. Also present are transcribed lyrics (currently Ministry and Negativland) and a few discographies. -> The discography archives are currently available via e-mail request from Dave Datta and/or via anonymous FTP at: ftp.uwp.edu ( The archive is organized by letter, then by name. So, if you were looking for Coil, you would look in: /pub/music/artists/c/coil This directory then has the following links in it: discog -> /pub/music/discog/coil lyrics -> /pub/music/lyrics/coil pictures -> /pub/music/pictures/coil reviews -> /pub/music/reviews/coil There are thousands of discographies in the archives as well as tons of lyrics at this time. Submissions are always welcome. A sample FTP session/help file is also available via mail request from the administrator. -> The files that comprise Factsheet Five Electric (the zine of zines) are available for online reading or downloading from the WELL, via ftp from either: ftp.msen.com ( /pub/newsletters/F5-E or src.doc.ic.ac.uk /literary/newsletters/factsheet-five These are freely distributable. Questions regarding F5 Electronic should be addressed to Jerod Pore -> The general rule for all anonymous ftp sites is: 1. When prompted for a user name, type 'anonymous'. 2. When prompted for a password, type your full e-mail address. This will work for the vast majority of ftp sites, including the ones above. ........................................................................... [7] MAILING LISTS This list is woefully incomplete, so if you maintain a list or are on one let me know and I'll get it included. In no particular order: The Escape From Noise Digest, a monthly compendium of reviews, articles, and other information compiled from reader submissions, relevant Usenet articles, and transcribed items from mainstream and alternative music publications, is still alive. The editor is David Vessell (drdave@wvolusia.uucp OR moksha!wvolusia!drdave@edus.oau.org), founder of rec.music.industrial. All subscription requests and article submissions should be mailed to: or Smothered Hope: Taking it's name from the early Skinny Puppy song, it exists for the disucssion of (you guessed it) Skinny Puppy's music. Noise: The noise list has been canceled, becuase of lack of (read no) traffic. The Indie-List: The Indie-List is a digest of reviews and other info for listeners of idependent music (not just industrial). Requests for addition to the list should be sent to Liz Clayton . Gothic Guitar Tab: For guitarists wishing to exchange tabulature. Net Industrialists: For all net bands on the net industrial/ebm/cybercultre band list to chat, share trade secrets, etc 4ad music: For the 4ad record label. Leave subject line blank. Place only this in message: subscribe 4ad-1 {your name} Nine Inch Nails: Any subject, with the text only "ADD".