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One could probably run it out of a .forward file with some work writing at-based frontends, but it prefers to be installed and run with cron and an alias. Name: deliver Author: Chip Salzenberg Version: 2.1, patchlevel 10 How to get it: From the comp.sources.reviewed archives. Implementation language: C Comments: This isn't a full-fledged archive server, it's just a program to reroute incoming mail. Which isn't to say that it can't be used to write an archive server.... Comments: (Brian.Onn@Canada.Sun.COM) I've written our mail based archive server entirely in Deliver shell scripts. It's not as full featured as the other ones, but it can easily be expanded to become that. The beauty of deliver is that it is entirely shell script based. Comments: (Daniel Simmons ) The real beauty of deliver is that it is an extension allowing you to implement mail handling in ANY language: shell scripts, perl, C, awk... haskell if you want and can make it understand environment variables and read/write to stdin/stdout (I don't know haskell well enough to know if this is possible). I have written a very successful mail processing system which installs data files in our local Campus Wide Information System using a single (and fairly short) perl script in conjunction with deliver. One other comment is that deliver is very comparable to procmail but much cleaner/simpler. Name: ftpmail Author: Lee McLoughlin Version: 1.19 How to get it: src.doc.ic.ac.uk:/packages/ftpmail/ftpmail.shar Implementation language: perl Supported platforms: SunOS, HP/UX, AIX (RS 6000), BSD 4.3, System 5.4 Comments: - Can use both mail and sendmail to send reponses. - With sendmail can also return MIME multipart responses. - Supports mime, uuencode, atob, user selectable splitting. - Built in logging. - Very easy to install. - Command compatible with ftpmail server at Decwrl. Name: KISS Author: T. William Wells Version: 1.0 How to get it: - Get "kiss.shar" from grasp1. - Get "misc/kiss.shar" from JASON-ARCHIVE (slightly modified). - hydra.helsinki.fi:/pub/archives/alt.sources/kiss-server_bill Implementation language: bourne shell Comments: (Dave Shaver ) - Simple. 8-) - One shell script, plus a user-supplied program - No batching, quotas, or scheduling. - 5 user commands: help, index, send, path, quit - Good install docs Name: ListProcessor Author: Anastasios C. Kotsikonas (tasos@cs.bu.edu) Version: 6.0c How to get it: - cs.bu.edu[|]:/pub/listserv/* - all of its mirrors (ftp.uu.net:/pub/networking/mail/listserv for example). - Via email to listproc@avs.com with the request: "get listproc listproc6.0c.sh". Implementation language: C, plus some UNIX-style shell scripts. Supported platforms: UNIX, presumably. Comments: (from the author) This is a system that impipt - Can refuse to provide service to certain people - Has file and request limits - 4 user commands: help, index, send, get Comments: (john.Latala@Waterloo.NCR.COM): - Only does text files Name: Bart (Brode's Archive Retrieval Thang) Author: Jon Brode Version: beta release How to get it: Send E-mail to and ask for it. Implementation Language: C Support platforms: Expects BSD, sendmail and ndbm, but might work with some tweaking in other environments. Comments: (from the author) - Beta release can be obtained from the author but should not be redistributed; the final release will have more lenient distribution conditions. - Runs from alias or .forward file - Very careful about not overloading server. (does load checking on BSD machines, in addition to the other things) - 5 commands: help, index, path, send, sendb "sendb" automatically encodes the file, "send" determines whether the file needs to be encoded first - Can request files by parts. Useful for requesting files larger than quota and retrieving pieces that get lost in the mail - Can do per-user quota checking. - It has a man page! - Has uuencode encoding built into C code, does not support other encoding types yet. - No user error notification on bad requests. Name: Clarkson Author: Michael DeCorte How to get it: Get "archive-server" from CLARKSON. Implementation language: bourne shell, awk Comments: (Tom Fitzgerald ) Advantages: - Most flexible options for archiving, compressing, encoding and slicing result. - Very nice load-limiting. Disadvantages: - Many BSDism's (I tried porting it to SysV without much luck). - Can't return several requested items, one item per mail message. - It insists on packaging up all requests into a single archive, splitting the archive at random points and mailing the result. - Can't store items compressed and have them mailed back to the requestor decompressed. Name: DECWRL Author: Brian Reid. Implementation language: bourne shell, awk, a little bit of C How to get it: - Get "decwrl.shar" from grasp1. - ftp.cs.widener.edu:/pub/src/mail/archive.tar.Z (slightly modified). Comments: (Dave Shaver ) - Written with many shell scripts and a few AWK scripts - Very careful about not overloading server machine (Remember, this used to run on an over-worked VAX.) - Very easy to install; best of the group? - Code is all quite generic - Good at letting person making request know what happened (No black holes for mail.) - Good user-level docs (especially the "help" file) - Very fair queuing system; people can't make "pigs" of themselves - 4 user commands: help, index, send, path Comments: (Tom Fitzgerald ) Advantages: - Simplest. - Very nice load-limiting, can be set up to run only at night. - Easily configurable, and portable to RNALIB Author: Paolo Ventafridda Author: Marco Lorenzini Version: 2.2 beta-3 Implementation language: bourne shell How to get it: (1) Get "rnalib2" from volume 15 of comp.sources.misc archives. (2) Get "RNALIB 2.2 beta" and "upgrade to beta-3" from alt.sources archive on valhalla.ee.rochester.edu. Comments: - Completely implemented in one bourne shell script plus several data files. - Allows libraries to be all over the filesystem hiearchy (i.e. not in fixed data directory). - Understands a variety of packing formats, and detects binary file automatically (and uuencodes them). - Requires bourne shell with support for functions. - Very poor address parsing. - No queueing. - Has "blacklists" to prevent people from transferring and "whitelists" to allow specific people to tell the server to deliver to third parties. - Detects "hogs" and imposes maximum credit limits. Name: The ServiceMail Toolkit, by Enterprise Integration Technologies Author: Jay C. Weber , et al. Maintainer: servicemail-help@eitech.com Version: v2.0 5-10-93 How to get it: eitech.com:svcmail-2.0.tar.Z Implementation language(s): C, Tcl, make Supported platforms: SunOS, Ultrix, (probably anything that supports Tcl) Comments: (Bob Bagwill ) - Easy to install (using default installation configuration). - Multimedia Email SHell (MESH) uses MIME message formats. - Services are implemented in Tcl. - Includes subset of listserv functions. - Documentation is skimpy. Comments: (Jay Weber ) - Documentation is better in 2.0 - Includes support for queueing, logging Name: Squirrel Mail Server Author: Johan Vromans Version: 3.1B How to get it: Send a mail message to with contents begin send mail-server end Implementation language: perl Description: (from the author) The Squirrel Mail Server is a mail response program. You can send email to it, and it will try to react sensible to your message. Main purpose of the mail server is to obtain files from a local archive or FTP server, but other functions can be added easily. The Squirrel Mail Server Software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public Licence. New and improved features in version 3.1: - Transparent (anonymous) FTP interface. You can fetch files from remote FTP servers. Files retrieved are cached locally, so subsequent requests can be honoured from the cache. - Delivery can take place via email or uucp or both. Delivery via UUCP can be made preferred. FTP requests can be restricted to UUCP delivery. - Files can be automatically compressed, and directories can be automatically packed using one of several common methods (e.g. zip, zoo or compressed tar). - Multiple servers can be installed using the same software. - The server can be used interactively, e.g. from a terminal, or via telnet/inetd. - Command parsing and execution is table driven, so it is very easy to extend the mail server functions. - Rewritten and enhanced user documentation and installation docs. Also available in nicely formatted (PostScript) format. A brief survey of old and new features: - All written in perl, hence portable and easily maintainable. Code is readable; useful, plentiful comments. Very extentable and easily modified. - Easy to use and to install. Over 2000 lines of documentation. - Good at letting person making request know what happened. Good "help" reply. - Archives can be split over a number of directories or file systems. - Requests are queued and processed by a separate daemon process (e.g. from cron). This cuts down on the system load. Moreover, you can control when the queue is being run. - Requests can be honoured `as is' (name the file and you'll get it), but the server can also perform directory searches and index file lookup. You need GNU find and locate for the index lookup feature. - While looking for files, the server knows about commonly handled filenames (e.g. ".tar.Z" in "foo.tar.Z") and pseudo-standard version numbering (e.g. "gcc-2.1.tar.Z"). It is quite well possible that a simple request for "emacs" will actually transmit the file "gnu/emacs-18.58/dist/emacs-18.58.tar.Z". - Requests can be encoded using a number of encoding schemes, e.g. uuencode, xxencode, Dumas' uue and btoa. - Requests that are too large to send in one piece are automatically split and transferred in parts. The server provides a smart unpacking program on request, - Parts of requests can be re-transmitted in case of failure. - Requests can designate a directory. In this case the whole directory tree is packed using some popular packing programs (compressed tar, zoo or zip). - Requests can be sent by email, or via uucp. - The server can be asked to return a list of archive entries that match a given request, thus obsoleting the need to transfer huge "ls-lR" type index files to find out whatsitcalled. - All transfers are logged. Maintenance procedures include a reporting tool. Probable future directions: - Automatic (and transparent) downloading of unknown archive entries from other archive servers. - Archive lookup by keyword. - Notifier services (you'll be notified if archive entries are added). - Remote maintenance of the archives. Requirements: - Perl 4.0 patchlevel 36 or later. - GNU find 3.6 or later (only if you want to exploit the index features). - A decent mail system that can deliver mail to a process (sendmail, smail3, or smail2.5 w/ mods). Mailing list: A mailing list exists for sites that are running the Squirrel Mail Server software. You can subscribe by sending a mail to . 2.0 Archivers, what they archive, how to download Archive Site Instructions ------------------------- CLARKSON: Send mail to "archive-server@sun.soe.clarkson.edu" with "send " as the text of the message, e.g. "send archive-server". If you want it to be archived as a shar file, then add a line saying "archiver shar" before the "send" line. You can also use "archiver tar". If you don't specify an archiver, then the files in the request will be separated by "--- cut here ---" lines and you'll have to extract them by hand or write some sort of script to do it. grasp1: Ftp to grasp1.univ-lyon1.fr and look in pub/unix/mail/mail-servers, or use the FTP-by-mail server at ftpmail@grasp1.univ-lyon1.fr, or use an FTP-by-mail server closer to you if there is one. JASON-ARCHIVE: Send mail to "penneyj@slc.com" with a subject line containing the string "jason-archive-request" and a body containing "send ", e.g. "send misc/kiss.shar". If you want multiple files, you can specify multiple requests on separate lines of the file. NETLIB: Send mail to "netlib@research.att.com" with "send ", e.g. "send netlib from misc", as the text of the message. UTRECHT: Anonymous ftp to ftp.cs.ruu.nl and look in the directory /pub, or send mail to "mail-server@cs.ruu.nl" with the lines: begin send end You replace "" with the file you want to retrieve, e.g. "send UNIX/mailserver.tar.Z". 3.0 History and Contributors This FAQ was originally maintained by Jonathan I. Kamens (jik@security.ov.com). He's now in the need of a subsitute, so I'm taking care of it. Needless to say, all the work herein is Jonathan's. The following people, in chronological order, provided comments about and corrections to this posting: - John Bazik - Stephen R. van den Berg - Warren Burstein , - Nigel Metheringham - Mike Northam - Chip Salzenberg - Serge Vakulenko - jv@NL.net (Johan Vromans) Tue, 1 Feb 1994 15:26:54 +0100 about Squirrel Mail Server - efeustel@ida.org (Edward Feustel) Wed, 16 Feb 94 10:02:14 EST asking Mailagent 3.0 ---------------------- *** END of Mail Archive Servers FAQ *** This file has not been truncated -- Piero Serini Computer Science Dept. Univ. Statale - Milano - ITALY