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FPQ\%QJ] PvV" PvVJ] PvvvJ] F~~;~v^^؋NJ*3QNJ*&3ZF;v|։~v] v_%PvV PvV" PvVJ] FF=vP FVvv`  t 2PP]  :&uvv`  t|] u t 3P( -*ui%PvV vV2 ui6`#6^#vVF  uN6p#6n#vvF  t~9&X&&e%PFPW ƋFv2PP] 9&X&&V\2PP]  :&u9&X&&ˎ9&X&&k%PFPV NjFvW 3^_]U WVFdžPƆ{dž8o%:dždž@~%BdžD%FdžH%J+NL9& & vx~prt89 +&G&n9&9ptH9&9vt=PP9&6&6`%P9&6&6ZT %P| T :&P FVpP FV+FF{{<vv~uZ6`#6^#%P~V P~V" P~VJ] 02/14/88 "PEGGY LOVES AL - YEAH, YEAH, YEAH" (217) Ralph R. Farquhar / Gerry Cohen On Valentine's Day, Kelly hauls in a load of valentines, and Steve is giving Marcy a trip to Hawaii. Meanwhile, Bud holds a vigil at the mailbox, waiting for his first valentine, and Peg awaits a decision on whether or not she'll get the gift she wants from Al - for him to say "I love you". [Note: when originally broadcast, this episode ended with a phone number for viewers to call and vote on what Al should say. Later on that night, they played the ending. The vote was 67% in favor of Al saying "I Love You". ] April May June .... Lihann Jones 31. 02/21/88 "THE GREAT ESCAPE" (218) Ellen L. Fogle While the Bundy house is being fumigated for termites, the family stays at the shoe store, where a grounded Kelly plots an escape to a rock concert. Jade ............. Teri Weigel Trish ............ Barbara Belmonte Heather .......... Hope Marie Carlton Jackie ........... Kim Anderson Mitzi ............ Barbara Schillaci Termite Boss ..... Cliff Bemis 32. 02/28/88 "IM-PO-DENT" (219) Sandy Sprung & Marcy Vosburgh Marcy lives to regret driving -- and denting -- Steve's new Mercedes, particularly when she learns she has less to live for. To get back at her Steve feigns impotence, and tricks Marcy into being his household servant. 33. 03/06/88 "JUST MARRIED... WITH CHILDREN" (220) Ellen L. Fogle While going through Steve and Marcy's mail, Al and Peg find and fill out an application for a game show ("How do I love thee?"), where the object is a Bundy natural: surviving torture. The Bundys go on the show pretending to be Steve & Marcy. Steve and Marcy then show up at the end of the game show as Al & Peggy. The husband who survives the most abuse will be the winner. Bink Winkleman ... David Leisure Lovely Zelda ..... Jessie Scott Mona Squab ....... Catherine Rusoff Roland Squab ..... Geoff Pierson 34. 03/13/88 "FATHER LODE" (221) Jerry Perzigian Al goes to great lengths to keep his race-track winnings a secret from Peg. Jade ............. Teri Weigel 35. 05/01/88 "ALL IN THE FAMILY" (222) Marcy Vosburgh & Sandy Sprung Peggy's eccentric relatives visit the Bundy house, including battling uncles, and singing and dancing triplet aunts, whose show-biz career is threatened by Al's advice. Uncle Irwin ...... King Kong Bundy The Wanker Triplets .. Milly, Uncle Otto ....... James "Gypsy" Haake Elena, and Eadie Del Rubio --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==-- ------------------------------- * MARRIED WITH CHILDREN * ------------------------------- ** THIRD Season Episodes (1988-89) ** Regular cast: Ed O'Neill .......................... Al Bundy Katey Sagal ......................... Peggy Bundy David Garrison ...................... Steve Rhoades Amanda Bearse ....................... Marcy Rhoades Christina Applegate ................. Kelly Bundy David Faustino ...................... Bud Bundy Buck the Dog ........................ Buck Production staff: Producer ............................ Sandy Sprung Marcy Vosburgh Supervising Producer ................ Richard Gurman Co-Executive Producer ............... Katherine Green Executive Producer .................. Michael G. Moye Ron Leavitt Associate Producer .................. Barbara Blachut Cramer Script Supervisor ................... Kevin Curran Creative Consultant ................. Arthur Silver Executive Script Consultant ......... Ellen L. Fogle Executive Story Editor .............. Ralph R. Farquhar Story Editor ........................ Stacie Lipp Larry Jacobson Director (primary) .................. Gerry Cohen 36. 11/06/88 "HE THOUGHT HE COULD" (302) Ron Leavitt & Michael G. Moye The third season opens with Al achieving dubious fame for his furtive attempts to return the library copy of "The Little Engine That Could" that he checked out in 1957 while in Elementary school. He goes to return it, and finds the same fat librarian that was there when he was a kid. DeGroot .......... Lu Leonard Young Al ......... Edan Gross Lenny ............ Brandon Bluhm Book Boy ......... Joseph Dammann 37. 11/20/88 "I'M GOING TO SWEATLAND" (303) Teleplay: Pamela Wick & Susan Cridland, Story: Carl Studebaker Suspicious minds question Peggy's claim that she saw Elvis at the mall, until Marcy notices that one of Al's shirts has a perspiration stain in the shape of the King's face. The house is then overrun by Elvis fans. Dottie ........... Nancy Skelton Edna ............. Justine Lenore Margo ............ Michelle Milantoni Elvis? ........... Ron Stein Alajandro ........ Rawley Valverde Ollie ............ Ken Minyard Mrs. Webstock .... Tifni Twitchell Lew .............. Bob Arthur Samantha ......... Sadie Chrestman Clyde ............ Bruce Liberty 38. 11/27/88 "POKE HIGH" (304) Ralph R. Farquhar A high-school football player is threatening two Bundy scoring records, one held by Al -- and the other by Kelly. Matt ............. Beau Dremann Kitty ............ Ria Pavia Ms. Mount ........ Cynthia Songe Mr. Groggs ....... Carey Eidel Coach ............ Greg White 39. 12/11/88 "A PERIOD PIECE" (301) Sandy Sprung & Marcy Vosburgh Al and Steve mourn what might have been when the women in their lives accompany them on a fishing trip to a cabin in the woods. Unfortunately, it seems that it's the wrong time of the month for Peg, Marcy, and Kelly. [Note: the "censored" title for this episode is "The Camping Show".] 40. 01/08/89 "A DUMP OF MY OWN" (305) Michael G. Moye & Ron Leavitt The Bundys endure sacrifices as Al devotes himself to his lifelong dream: building his personal exclusive executive washroom, in the garage, with the centerpiece being a mighty Ferguson toilet - for a Man's flush. 41. 01/15/89 "HER CUPS RUNNETH OVER" (306) Marcy Vosburgh & Sandy Sprung To cheer up Peggy on her birthday, Al and Steve travel to Wisconsin and "Francine's of Hollywood" (whose motto is "If you've got the boulders, we've got the holders"), where lies the solution to Peggy's clothing crisis - a missing bra. Policeman ........ Deron McBee Muffy ............ April Wayne 42. 01/29/89 "THE BALD AND THE BEAUTIFUL" (307) Jules Dennis & Richard Mueller / John Sgueglia Desperate men taouise ........... Charlotte Crossley Skippy .......... Mike Christian Leon ............. Nick Montgomerey Host/Announcer .. George Solomon Cowboy ........... Christopher Whalley Mervyn .......... Steve Guri Construction Worker .. Doug Donatelli 19. 10/18/87 "GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN (part 2)" (207) Tracy Gamble & Richard Vaczy Conclusion. Zorro the stripper shows up on Al's doorstep with Marcy's missing ring. He then gives it to Steve, who eventually confronts Marcy with it in the bedroom. 20. 10/25/87 "FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS" (205) Richard Gurman & Katherine Green Al's beef with the phone company has neighbors and family wanting his hide after the Bundy phone service is cut off. Al refuses to pay a large phone bill. There is also a light outside the house that he doesn't like, either. 21. 11/01/87 "BORN TO WALK" (208) John Vorhaus Kelly gets her driver's license -- on the same day that Al fails the test for his license renewal. 22. 11/08/87 "ALLEY OF THE DOLLS" (209) Sandy Sprung & Marcy Vosburgh Victory seems assured when Steve agrees to become a Bundy for a family bowling match against Peg's arch rival from high school, but Bud has thrown his bowling-lesson money into the gutter. Mimi ............. Deborah Harmon Roscoe ........... Darren Modder Chuck ............ Bill Kalmenson Didi ............. Jennifer Sophia Frank ............ Larry Spinak 23. 11/15/87 "THE RAZOR'S EDGE" (210) Ellen L. Fogle Steve goes away on a river rafting trip, and when he comes back he has a beard. Marcy and Steve argue over his refusal to shave it off, which prompts Steve to move in with the Bundys. 24. 11/22/87 "HOW DO YOU SPELL REVENGE?" (211) Ralph R. Farquhar Al demands that Peggy improve her softball skills - or she is off the team. Meanwhile Kelly's new boyfriend asks her to prove her love -- by getting a tattoo. Brian ............ Kris Kamm Jimmy ....... John Dennis Johnston 25. 12/06/87 "EARTH ANGEL" (212) Ellen L. Fogle There's a new harmony in the Bundy house, the neighborhood, and the world in general after Bud discovers a 21-year-old art student named Tiffany in the park, and brings her home. Everyone likes her except Marcy, who plots to get rid of her. Tiffany .......... Dawn Merrick Sheila ........... Judy Kain Fanny ............ La Rue Stanley Fern ............. Lana Schwab Larry ............ Gene Le Bell Norris ........... Frank Lloyd Dennis ........... John Wesley Barney ........... Steve Susskind Louise ........... Charlotte Crossley 26. 12/20/87 "YOU BETTER WATCH OUT" (213) Katherine Green & Richard Gurman The Bundys' christmas eve is interrupted by a nontraditional visit from Santa Claus, who misses his scheduled arrival at a shopping mall when his parachute fails to open and he instead plummets into the Bundy back yard. Coroner .......... Mike Hagerty Mr. Mallman ...... David Ruprecht Nestor ........... Michael Faustino Carl ............. Edan Gross Delivery Boy ..... Robert Petkoff 27. 01/10/88 "GUYS AND DOLLS" (214) Sandy Sprung & Marcy Vosburgh Al and Steve engineer a major-league deal: they buy two classic baseball cards with the money obtained by selling Marcy's 20-year-old Barbie doll, the one she's been saving for the daughter she hopes to have someday. They are then forced to go out and find the doll in the streets. Cop .............. Nick De Mauro 28. 01/24/88 "BUILD A BETTER MOUSETRAP" (215) Teleplay: Michael G. Moye & Ron Leavitt, Story: J. Stanford Parker There's a mouse in the Bundy house, but Al disdains using a professional exterminator, especially when the battle becomes "personal". Al will stop at nothing to get the mouse, even if it means wrecking the house. Wally ............ Patrick T. O'Brien 29. 02/07/88 "MASTER THE POSSIBILITIES" (216) Ron Leavitt & Michael G. Moye The Bundys, under the impression that you don't have to pay for anything you didn't order, go on a spending spree and then some, when the postman leaves a new credit card addressed to Buck the dog. Hiram Massey ..... Bill Erwin Hon .............. Debi A. Monahan Bellboy .......... Jim Keily Paula ............ Caryn Wells Kristi ........... Christi Allen Frieda ........... Linda Lutz 30. uy the finger. Steve is then afraid of a violent reprisal, when he is followed home by the man. Al convinces Steve to take the first punch, and he ends up knocking out a midget. Mr. Williams ..... Daniel Frishman 51. 04/09/89 "THE HOUSE THAT PEG LOST" (316) Steve Granat & Mel Sherer After asking the Bundys to watch their house while they're away, Steve and Marcy return to find a big hole where their house once stood. Peggy has mistakenly told a wrecking crew looking for "Steve's Road House" to demolish Steve Rhoades' house instead. Meanwhile, Kelly has a slumber party with her girlfriends, but Bud disrupts it and turns things into a riot. Lauren ........... Allison Barron Karen ............ Kristen Pearcey Charlene ......... Laurie Plaksin Tasha ............ Tracy Justrich Workman .......... Jonathan Coogan TV Announcer ..... Howard Stevens 52. 04/23/89 "MARRIED... WITH QUEEN (part 1)" (317) Ellen L. Fogle Peggy spends $2800 in an effort to get elected queen at her high school reunion, but she may be outdone by arch rival Connie Bender. Connie ........... Lisa Raggio Jack ............. Jack Yates Vicky ............ Catherine Carlen Edna ............. Carol Mansell Silky ............ Barbara Belmonte Go-Go Dancer ..... Andrea Parker Velour ........... Patricia Matthews Sumo Yohiro ...... Betty Muramoto 53. 04/30/89 "MARRIED... WITH QUEEN, THE SEQUEL" (318) Ellen L. Fogle Conclusion. Peggy stands to lose the crown to Connie until Al finally stands up to Connie's husband Jack. Meanwhile Bud and Kelly crash the party for some real food. Connie ........... Lisa Raggio Jack ............. Jack Yates Tim Potter ....... Bill Applebaum Eli .............. Richard Jeni Jimbo ............ Robert Schuch Milton ........... Eric Tull Vicky ............ Catherine Carlen Speedy ........... Ric Stoneback Rick ............. John Apicella Geena ............ Lynda Lenet Thelma ........... Claudia Harrington Linda ............ Lisa Donovan Melinda .......... Laura Mellencamp Sable ............ Lynne Austin Eli .............. David L. Lander Larry Fleishman .. Bill Bateman 54. 05/07/89 "THE DATELESS AMIGO" (320) Sara V. Finney & Vida Spears After his friends both find dates, Bud is desperately seeking Susan-- or any girl who'll date him -- while Al comes up with a million-dollar invention that looks... desperate. Al takes the battery and headlights out of his car, and straps them on Kelly, thereby inventing "Shoe Lights". Teddy ............ Vonni Ribisi Boz .............. Stephen Dorff Lisa ............. Heather Hopper Caroline ......... Christy Johnson 55. 05/14/89 "THE COMPUTER SHOW" (319) Ralph R. Farquhar If a computer can't fetch your slippers, there doesn't seem to be any reason for having it, reasons Al. So Peggy buys one, ostensibly for the kids' schoolwork, but it gets more use as a hat rack. Computer Voice ... Nick Toth 56. 05/21/89 "LIFE'S A BEACH" (321) Ralph R. Farquhar Seeking just a tad more family togetherness, Al declares "Bundy Day at the Beach," where the kids compete to find new flames, while an old flame finds Al. [Note: Kelly's punch line "I'll bet it's a G-spot" (instead of "10 spot"), was cut from the syndicated version.] Marilyn Beamis ... Morgan Brittany Tina ............. Candy Hutson Chris ............ Brice Alan Lucy ............. Christi Allen Lifeguard ........ Pete Steinfeld Jill ............. Amber Susa Wendy ............ Sandra Alexander Mark ............. Gary Mauro Betsy ............ Marilyn Pitzer Sandy ............ Tracy Burton Kid No. 1 ........ Michael Faustino Luana ............ Marcy Austin Beach Boy ........ Saman 57. 08/27/89 "HERE'S LOOKIN' AT YOU, KID" (322) Teleplay: Jeanne Baruch & Jeanne Romano, Story: Len O'Neill Al goes the distance to placate Peggy, who's peeved that the neighborhood peeper has yet to peep at her. Meanwhile, Bud tutors Kelly so she can pass the tests to make senior. Fanny ............ LaRue Stanley Fifi ............. Luann Lee Marsha ........... Shirley Prestia Mrs. McGinty ..... Delores Albin Lois ............. Healy Cunningham --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==-- Note: you may freely copy and distribute this guide for personal use provided that it be distributed in it's entirety, with all original author and copyright information intact. Any sales of this document are expressly forbidden, without the specific consent of the author. [ Copyright (c) 1994, Dean Adams. All rights reserved. ] --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==-- Internet: dadams@netcom.com, dnadams@nyx.cs.du.edu Home ftp site: netcom.com, directory: /pub/guides --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==-- #! rnews 2122 Newsgroups: alt.games.mk Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!netcomsv!netcom.com!zio From: zio@netcom.com (James Elkinton) Subject: Re: DRAW Message-ID: Organization: Netcom - Online Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest) References: <2l5jsg$a7s@canopus.cc.umanitoba.ca> Date: Mon, 14 Mar 1994 10:49:36 GMT Lines: 41 In article <2l5jsg$a7s@canopus.cc.umanitoba.ca> umtait01@cc.umanitoba.ca (Glen L. Tait) writes: >In "Gregory M. Paik" writes: > >>I haven't seen any posts on this. > >>I was playing on a 2.* machine and during the Finish Him, I tried to >>throw the cpu. Well the cpu winds up throwing you and sometimes you win >>and sometimes you draw then lose your quarter. What is the cause for >>this? Are there only certain characters that can throw you where you >>wind up winning? >>Is this new or old news? >>Insights? >>Anyone? As far as the throwing... >I think you might be on a v1.x machine, not a 2.1 >On 1.x machines, the CPU characters had this nasty habit of throwing you >wherever you were, at whatever range :( and the CPU was unthrowable >It's not much easier, but I have managed the throw a 3.1 a few times >with Scorpion (of all people!). > >On 3.1's you'll still notice the CPU has quite the range on it's throws, >and I've seen the females grab someone from punch distance. On 2.1's you >could gotcha grab through a blade fury, throw Kung Lao doing an energy spin >etc. As far as the draw business, on 1.4 and earlier chips, If you won the first round, and due to whatever reason (including a nasty ko-sensor failure bug) you draw the second round, -YOU- lose. They fixed that on 2.1, I think...it DEFINITELY is fixed in 3.1 >My advice is to go and bitch about getting a 3.1 machine in there. And make damn sure that the difficulty is set NO HIGHER than 3! 2 preferable. Both the machines at the local arcade are on 3...but the one at the bowling alley down the street is set at (gasp) 5!!!!!! Splat!! -- zio@netcom.com #! rnews 761 Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!emory news-feed-1.peachnet.edu!news.cc.emory.edu!news.cc.emory.edu!not-for-mail From: mmccall@emoryu1.cc.emory.edu (Malinda McCall) Newsgroups: alt.romance Subject: Re: the meaning of life...... Date: 14 Mar 1994 00:44:56 -0500 Organization: Ophthalmology Library at EUH Lines: 8 Message-ID: <2m0tko$jc6@emoryu1.cc.emory.edu> References: <2ljvvs$5fr@constellation.ecn.uoknor.edu> X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Peace of mind and the ability to sleep peacefully, preferably with my SO nearby. All else is shadows and fog. Being able to live within my own skin. There's a more elegant French expression for this, but I forget how it goes. And, yes, fine chocolate. :) Malinda #! rnews 861 Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu howland.reston.ans.net!pipex!uknet!qmw!news From: m.bocci@qmw.ac.uk (Matt Bocci) Newsgroups: alt.gothic Subject: re: alternative music to gothic ... Followup-To: alt.gothic Date: 14 Mar 1994 10:46:52 GMT Organization: Queen Mary & Westfield College, London Lines: 8 Sender: m.bocci@qmw.ac.uk (Matt Bocci) Distribution: world Message-ID: <2m1fas$cpn@beta.qmw.ac.uk> References: <9403120813.AA08777@cs.utexas.edu> Reply-To: m.bocci@qmw.ac.uk (Matt Bocci) NNTP-Posting-Host: matthewpc.elec.qmw.ac.uk Found a CD by Cubinate called "Antimatter" in HMV the other day. Reminds me of Young Gods meets Sheep On Drugs meets Ministry. Not bad at all. And they credit The Slimelight in the sleve notes. Does anyone know how long this band have been going and if they have anything else out? Matt #! rnews 987 Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!emory!europa.eng.gtefsd.com howland.reston.ans.net!pipex!uknet!qmw!news From: m.bocci@qmw.ac.uk (Matt Bocci) Newsgroups: alt.gothic Subject: re: goth art Followup-To: alt.gothic Date: 14 Mar 1994 10:49:15 GMT Organization: Queen Mary & Westfield College, London Lines: 11 Sender: m.bocci@qmw.ac.uk (Matt Bocci) Distribution: world Message-ID: <2m1ffb$cpn@beta.qmw.ac.uk> References: <11665.26.uupcb@cccbbs.cincinnati.oh.us> Reply-To: m.bocci@qmw.ac.uk (Matt Bocci) NNTP-Posting-Host: matthewpc.elec.qmw.ac.uk In article <11665.26.uupcb@cccbbs.cincinnati.oh.us> david.munger@cccbbs.cincinnati.oh.us (David Munger) writes: > >AB> Another good story.. Have you ever seen the photo of the 'little >AB> mermaid' from copenhagen, when some people sawed off her head in >AB> 1963? That is very neat looking. > No. But I've seen the real thing. Rather titchy and unimpressive in real life :) Matt #! rnews 506 Newsgroups: alt.cd-rom Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!sdd.hp.com!sgiblab!swrinde!ihnp4.ucsd.edu!agate howland.reston.ans.net!pipex!uknet!gdt!ma1mrh From: ma1mrh@midge.bath.ac.uk (Mark Hindess a.k.a. Beanz.) Subject: UK CD-ROM Retailers. Message-ID: Organization: School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, UK Distribution: uk Date: Mon, 14 Mar 1994 10:48:35 GMT Lines: 5 Can anyone recommend a good CD-ROM retailer? Any good show-rooms, or mail order ? Cheers, Beanz. #! rnews 837 Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!sgiblab!munnari.oz.au foxhound.dsto.gov.au!fang.dsto.gov.au!yoyo.aarnet.edu.au!news.adelaide.edu.au chomsky.arts.adelaide.edu.au!psytmair From: psytmair@chomsky.arts.adelaide.edu.au (Tracy Michele Air) Newsgroups: alt.folklore.urban Subject: Craig's Mum's New Book... Date: 11 Mar 94 07:06:06 GMT Organization: The University of Adelaide Lines: 7 Distribution: world Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: chomsky.arts.adelaide.edu.au I was wandering through a book shop today when lo and behold, there was Craig Shergold's mother's new book...cashing in on the shit the family has been through in the past decade or so. It sounded pretty tacky and commercial.... Anyone else heard of it?? Tracy psytmair@chomsky.adelaide.edu.au #! rnews 29753 Xref: pagesat.net rec.arts.tv:106341 alt.tv.mwc:1344 rec.answers:4413 alt.answers:2070 news.answers:19120 Newsgroups: rec.arts.tv,alt.tv.mwc,rec.answers,alt.answers,news.answers Path: pagesat.net!decwrl!netcomsv!netcom.com!dadams From: dadams@netcom.com (Dean Adams) Subject: MARRIED WITH CHILDREN PROGRAM GUIDE (Part 2/5) Message-ID: Followup-To: rec.arts.tv,alt.tv.mwc Summary: Detailed guide and appendix for the Fox TV series. Reply-To: dadams@netcom.com Organization: Utopia Planitia Starfleet Yards, Mars Date: Mon, 14 Mar 1994 10:50:02 GMT Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu Lines: 775 Archive-name: tv/program-guides/married-with-children/part2 ------------------------------- * MARRIED WITH CHILDREN * ------------------------------- PROGRAM GUIDE by Dean Adams {dadams@netcom.com} (March, 1994) ** FOURTH Season Episodes (1989-90) ** Regular cast: Ed O'Neill .......................... Al Bundy Katey Sagal ......................... Peggy Bundy David Garrison ...................... Steve Rhoades Amanda Bearse ....................... Marcy Rhoades Christina Applegate ................. Kelly Bundy David Faustino ...................... Bud Bundy Buck the Dog ........................ Buck Production staff: Supervising Producer ................ Kevin Curran Co-Executive Producer ............... Arthur Silver Katherine Green Ellen L. Fogle Executive Producer .................. Michael G. Moye Ron Leavitt Co-Producer ......................... Barbara Blachut Cramer Story Editor ........................ Kevin Curran Dog Trainer ......................... Steven Ritt Director (primary) .................. Gerry Cohen 58. 09/03/89 "HOT OFF THE GRILL" (401) Michael G. Moye & Ron Leavitt The Bundys' fourth season begins with a Labor Day barbecue, a major turn-on for Al, as is the sight of Peggy laboring mightily to make everything just right for his creation of "special" Bundy burgers. Unfortunately, one of the special ingredients turns out to be the ashes of Marcy's dead aunt. 59. 09/10/89 "DEAD MEN DON'T DO AEROBICS" (402) Katherine Green A two-week visit from "the healthiest man in Chicago" evolves into a test of wills between contest-winner Peggy and the TV aerobics instructor who makes her pant in ways other than she desires. At the end of the week, we learn who had the strongest will when Jim is sitting on the couch eating bon-bons. Unfortunately for Peg, he also drops dead. [Note: the episode ends with the following message -- "This show is dedicated to our brother the mighty cockroach. Let him show us the way."] Jim Jupiter ...... Tom Lahm Bunny ............ Michele Smith Lola ............. Katherine Eickstaedt 60. 09/24/89 "BUCK SAVES THE DAY" (403) Marcy Vosburgh & Sandy Sprung The Bundy kids need to raise money for concert tickets: Bud sells Al "Dan'l" Bundy as a camping guide, and Kelly fleeces Peggy's friends at poker. Al and Steve then have to take a bunch of kids camping. Joey ............. Michael Faustino Fern ............. Lana Schwab Louise ........... Charlotte Crossley Victor ........... Aeryk Egan 61. 10/01/89 "TOOTH AND CONSEQUENCES" (404) Teleplay: Sheldon Krasner & David Saling, Story: Will Rogers Excruciating pain forces Al to see Marcy's dentist, a man dedicated to his profession almost as much as he is to this week's dental assistant. Dr. Plierson ..... Joe Flaherty T.C./Assistant ... Traci Lords Bill ............. Scott Garrison 62. 10/08/89 "HE AIN'T MUCH, BUT HE'S MINE" (405) Lisa Rosenthal A beauty-parlor discussion with a well-kept woman makes Peggy think her very own Al is the keeper. Meanwhile, Marcy suffers from a bad hairstyle that makes her look like Peggy. Ginger ........... Elizabeth Keifer Molly ............ Kimmy Robertson Renee ......... Vernee Watson Johnson Sonya ............ Brenda Lilly 63. 10/29/89 "FAIR EXCHANGE" (406) Al Aidekman The Bundys can feast on the $500 a month they receive for hosting a foreign exchange student, but the beautiful French visitor turns Kelly's social life to famine. Yvette ........... Milla Jovovich Myron ............ Richard Israel Hank ............. Gregg Thomsen Bob ...... Douglas Bryant Johnson 64. 11/05/89 "DESPERATELY SEEKING MISS OCTOBER" (407) Arthur Silver & Steve Bing When a playmate comes into Al's store, he is eager to get home and look up her issue. But Al is a broken man when he finds that Peggy has sold his family heirloom (the meticulously cared-for collection of Playboy magazines), to buy a good-luck charm to win the lottery. Ed O'Neill plays the ghost of Al's father, who encourages him to get some self respect back, so Al forces Peg to get his Playboy's back. Which she does by selling his car. [Note: Brandi Brandt was the Playboy centerfold for October, 1987] Playmate ......... Brandi Brandt 65. 11/12/89 "976-SHOE" (408) Sandy Sprung & Marcy Vosburgh Steve may be booted out of his bank after he okays a $50,000 loan to Al, who has plans afoot for a new telephone service to solve shoe problems. Al becomes "Dr. Shoe" at 555-SHOE - but nobody calls, despite his TV ads. Marcy tries to help by loaning him another $50,000 from her bank to repay Steve, but Al spends that as well. Steve loses his job over the loan, and Marcy gets demoted to drive-up teller. Muffy ............ Kari Whitman Peamon ............ Ray Reinhardt Sherrif .......... Dan Tullis, Jr. Swensen ........... Kerry Burke Farmer ........... R. Leo Schreiber 66. 11/19/89 "OH WHAT A FEELING" (409) Ron Leavitt & Michael G. Moye Al hits a bump on the road to a new car when he finds that the amount he digs up for a down payment is a bit less than the amount he buried. Al is then forced to buy a used car. [Note: Nancy Priddy is Christina Applegate's mother.] Tony ............. John Welsh Lewis ............. Marc Bentley Vince ............ Mike Tino Mr. Writeman ...... Joe Farago Mrs. Writeman .... Nancy Priddy * 67. 11/26/89 "AT THE ZOO" (410) Katherine Green Marcy has an animal lust for Steve's blood after her unemployed husband spends time at the zoo and aquarium instead of looking for a job. Reporter ......... Matt McKenzie TV News Anchor .... Lisa Moss Courtney ......... Jennifer Banko Sonny ............. Dan Tullis, Jr. Norris ........... Frank Lloyd Chelsea ........... Trudy Adams Bartender ........ Michael Francis Clarke 68. 12/17/89 "IT'S A BUNDYFUL LIFE (part 1)" (412) Michael G. Moye & Ron Leavitt Al is left sad and alone after his plans for "the best Bundy christmas ever" are thwarted, when he can't get to Marcy's bank in time to withdraw the money he saved to buy everyone presents. Midge ............ Kate Romero Horowitz ......... Don Sparks Franklin ......... Tim Eyster 69. 12/17/89 "IT'S A BUNDYFUL LIFE (part 2)" (413) Michael G. Moye & Ron Leavitt Conclusion. Al's guardian angel (Sam Kinison) shows him what life would be like for Peggy and the kids if he'd never been born, a question Al posed after a drunken Marcy and an ill-fated, cash-motivated foray into child care at the mall left him with no money for the gifts he promised. Angel ............ Sam Kinison Norman Jablonsky . Ted McGinley* 70. 01/07/90 "WHO'LL STOP THE RAIN?" (411) Kevin Curran Al is "one man against nature," determined to fix a leak in the roof, but each fall from the roof makes it harder to tell whether he's too cheap or just too stupid to call a professional. 71. 01/14/90 "A TAXING PROBLEM" (415) Paul Diamond Thanks to Peggy's creative tax preparations, Al needs a quick $5000 in order to pay off the I