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FPQ\%QJ] PvV" PvVJ] PvvvJ] F~~;~v^^؋NJ*3QNJ*&3ZF;v|։~v] v_%PvV PvV" PvVJ] FF=vP FVvv`  t 2PP]  :&uvv`  t|] u t 3P( -*ui%PvV vV2 ui6`#6^#vVF  uN6p#6n#vvF  t~9&X&&e%PFPW ƋFv2PP] 9&X&&V\2PP]  :&u9&X&&ˎ9&X&&k%PFPV NjFvW 3^_]U WVFdžPƆ{dž8o%:dždž@~%BdžD%FdžH%J+NL9& & vx~prt89 +&G&n9&9ptH9&9vt=PP9&6&6`%P9&6&6ZT %P| T :&P FVpP FV+FF{{<vv~uZ6`#6^#%P~V P~V" P~VJ] hive servers. Check with Archie. Commercial: Vista Pro 3.0 for the Amiga from Virtual Reality Labs -- list price is about $100. Their address is: VRL 2341 Ganador court San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Telephone or FAX (805) 545-8515 Scenery Animator 4 (also for the Amiga) is of the same caliber with Vista Pro 3, plus animation support (VistaPro needs separate programs in order to make animations). Check with: Natural Graphics P.O. Box 1963 Raklin, CA 95677 Phone (916) 62easonable quality vector data distributed on four CD-ROMS. .... includes coastlines, rivers, roads, railrays, airports,cities, towns, spot elevations, and depths, and over 100,000 place names." It is ISO9660 compatible and only $200.00 available from: U.S. Geological Survey P.O. Box 25286 Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 Digital Distribution Services Energy, Mines, and Resources Canada 615 Booth Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0E9 Canada Director General of Military Survey (Survey 3) Elmwood Avenue Feltham, Middlesex TW13 7AH United Kingdom Director of Survey, Australian Army Department of Defense Campbell Park Offices (CP2-4-24) Campbell ACT 2601 Australia Fractal Landscape Generators ---------------------------- Public Domain: Many people have written fractal landscape generators. for example for the Mac some of these generators were written by pdbourke@ccu1.aukuni.ac.nz (Paul D. Bourke). Many of the programs are available from the FTP sites and mail arc each one in four file formats: Targa, TIFF, PCX, and IFF-24. Images are real-world textures, including metal, stone, plants, space, wood, textile, marble, special effects, and much more. Pricing is as follows: PRO-60 #1 and #2 on Amiga disk: $99.95 each PRO-100 #1 on CD-ROM: $199.95 There is a special price for INTERNET users: PRO-100 #1 CD-ROM for $100.00. All three of the above collections are available direct by mail from the address and telephone number shown below. Texture City 3203 Overland Ave. # 6157 Los Angeles, CA 90034 (310) 836-9224 ========================================================================== 13. Introduction to rendering algorithms ======================================== a. Ray-Tracing: --------------- I assume you have a general understanding of Computer Graphics. No? Then read some of the books that the FAQ contains. For Ray-Tracing, I would suggest: An Introduction to Ray Tracing, Andrew Glassner (ed.), Academic Press 1989, ISBN 0-12-286160-4 Note that I have not read the book, but I feel that you can't be wrong using his book. An errata list was posted in comp.graphics by Eric Haines (erich@eye.com) There's a more concise reference also: Roman Kuchkuda , UNC @ Chapel Hill: "An Introduction to Ray Tracing", in "Theoretical Foundations for Computer Graphics and CAD", ed. R.A.E.Earnshaw, NATO AS, Vol. F-40., pp. 1039-1060. Printed by Springer-Verlag, 1988. It contains code for a small, but fundamentally complete ray-tracer. b. Z-buffer (depth-buffer) -------------------------- A good reference is: _Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics_, David F. Rogers, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1985, pages 265-272 and 280-284. c. Others: ---------- ??? [ More info is needed -- nfotis ] ======================================================================== 14. Where can I find the geometric data for the: ================================================ a. Teapot ? ----------- "Displays on Display" column of IEEE CG&A Jan '87 has the whole story about origin of the Martin Newell's teapot. The article also has the bezier patch model and a Pascal program to display the wireframe model of the teapot. IEEE CG&A Sep '87 in Jim Blinn's column "Jim Blinn's Corner" describes an another way to model the teapot; Bezier curves with rotations for example are used. The OFF and SPD packages have these objects, so you're advised to get them to avoid typing the data yourself. The OFF data is triangles at a specific resolution (around 8x8[x4 triangles] meshing per patch). The SPD package provides the spline patch descriptions and performs a tessellation at any specified resolution. b. Space Shuttle ? ------------------ Tolis Lerios has built a list of Space Shuttle datafiles. Here's a summary (From his sci.space list): model1: A modified version of the newsgroup model (model2) 406 vertices (296 useful, i.e. referred to in the polygon descriptions.) 389 polygons (233 3-vertex, 146 4-vertex, 7 5-vertex, 3 6-vertex). Payload doors non-existent. Units: unknown. Simon Marshall (S.Marshall@sequent.cc.hull.ac.uk) has a copy. He said there is no proprietary information associated with it. model2: The newsgroup model, in OFF format. You can find it in gondwana.ecr.mu.oz.au , file pub/off/objects/shuttle.geo hanauma.stanford.edu , /pub/graphics/Comp.graphics/objects/shuttle.data model3: The triangles' model. This model is stored in several files, each defining portions of the model. Greg Henderson (henders@infonode.ingr.com) has a copy. He did not mention any restriction on the model's distribution. model4: The NASA model. The file starts off with a header line containing three real numbers, defining the offsets used by Lockheed in their simulations: From then on, the file consists of a sequence of polygon descriptions 3473 vertices. 2748 polygons (407 3-vertex, 2268 4-vertex, 33 5-vertex, 14 6-vertex, 10 7-vertex, 8 8-vertex, 8 12-vertex, 2 13-vertex, 2 15-vertex, 17 16-vertex, 2 17-vertex, 2 18-vertex, 3 19-vertex, 8 24-vertex). Payload doors closed. Units: inches. Jon Berndt (jon@l14h11.jsc.nasa.gov) seems to be responsible for the model Proprietary info: unknown model5: The old shuttle model. The file consists of a sequence of polygon descriptions. 104 vertices. 452 polygons (11 3-vertex, 41 4-vertex). Payload doors open. Units: meters. We have been using this model at STAR Labs, Stanford University, for some years now. Contact me (tolis@nova.stanford.edu) or my supervisor Scott Williams (scott@star5.stanford.edu) if you want a copy. ======================================================================== 15. Image annotation software - Paint Programs ============================================== TOUCHUP ------- Touchup runs in Sunview and is pretty good. It reads in rasterfiles, but even if your image isn't normally stored in rasterfile format you could use screendump to make it a rasterfile. IDRAW ----- Idraw (part of Stanford's InterViews distribution) can handle some image formats in addition to being a MacDraw like tool. I'm not sure exactly what they are. You can ftp the idraw's binary from interviews.stanford.edu. TGIF ---- Tgif is another MacDraw like tool that can handle X11 bitmap (xbm) and X11 pixmap (xpm) formats. If the image you have is in formats other than xbm or xpm, you can get the pbmplus toolkit to convert things like gif or even some Macintosh formats to xpm. Tgif's sources are available in the pub directory on cs.ucla.edu (Version 2.12 of tgif at patchlevel 7 plus patch8 and patch9) Editimage --------- Use the editimage facility of KHOROS (see under the Visualization tools). This is just one utility in the overall system- you can essentially do all your image processing and macdraw-type graphics using this package. PBM+ ---- You might be able to get by with PBMPlus. pbmtext gives you text output bitmaps which can be overlaid on top of your image. ICE --- 'ice' requires Sun hardware running OpenWindows 3.It's a PostScript-based graphical editor,and it's available for anonymous ftp from Internet host eo.soest.hawaii.edu ( Requires Sun C++ 2.0 and two other locally developed packages, the LXT library (an Xlib-based toolkit) and a small C++ class library. All files (pub/ice.tar.Z, pub/lxt.tar.Z and pub/ldgoc++.tar.Z) are available in compressed tar format. pub/ice.tar.Z contains a README that gives installation instructions, as well as an extensive man page (ice.1). A statically-linked compressed executable pub/ice-sun4.Z for SPARC systems is also available for ftp. All software is the property of Columbia University and may not be redistributed without permission. ice means Image Composition Environment and it's an imaging tool that allows raster images to be combined with a wide variety of PostScript annotations in WYSIWYG fashion via X11 imaging routines and NeWS PostScript rasterizing. ImageMagick ----------- Use ImageMagick to annotate an image from your X server. Pick the position of your text with the cursor and choose your font and pen color from a pull-down menu. ImageMagick can read and write many of the more popular image formats. ImageMagick is available as export.lcs.mit.edu: contrib/ImageMagick.tar.Z or at your nearest X11 archive. BIT --- bit is an interactive full color image viewer and editor based on Silicon Graphics GL. It's an image viewer, an image editor/processor, and can serve as a launch pad for other applications via key bindings. It has also built-in editing/annotate capabilities Xpaint ------ From: koblas@netcom.com (David Koblas) XPaint is a color image editing tool which features most standard paint program options. It allows for the editing of multiple images simultaneously and supports various formats, including PPM, XBM, TIFF, etc. Available at: export.lcs.mit.edu as contrib/xpaint-?.?.0.tar.Z netcom.com as pub/koblas/xpaint-?.?.0.tar.Z ezd --- A small bitmap collaging utility. It does things like: put image 1 at x,y, put image 2 at x2,y2, and have image 2 overlayed on image 1, etc. The commands to do the previous example are: (bitmap 10 10 "image1.xbm"), (bitmap 11 11 "image2.xbm"). Available on gatekeeper.dec.com: pub/DEC/ezd ======================================================================== 16. Scientific visualization stuff ================================== X Data Slice (xds) ------------------- Bundled with the X11 distribution from MIT, in the contrib directory. Available at ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu [] (either as a source or binaries for various platforms). National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) Tool Suite ----------------------------------------------------------------- Platforms: Unix Workstations (DEC, IBM, SGI, Sun) Apple MacIntosh Cray supercomputers Availability: Now available. Source code in the public domain. FTP from ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu. Contact: National Center for Supercomputing Applications Computing Applications Building 605 E. Springfield Ave. Champaign, IL 61820 Cost: Free (zero dollars). The suite includes tools for 2D image and 3D scene analysis and visualization. The code is actively maintained and updated. Spyglass -------- They sell commercial versions of the NCSA tools. Examples are: Spyglass Dicer (3D volumetric data analysis package) Platform: Mac Spyglass Transform (2D data analysis package) Platforms: Mac, SGI, Sun, DEC, HP, IBM Contact: Spyglass, Inc. P.O. Box 6388 Champaign, IL 61826 (217) 355-6000 KHOROS 1.0 Patch 5 ------------------ Available via anonymous ftp at pprg.eece.unm.edu ( cd to /pub/khoros to see what is available. It is HUGE (> 100 MB), but good. Needs Unix and X11R4. Freely copied (NOT PD), complete with sources and docs. Very extensive and at its heart is visual programming. Khoros components include a visual programming language, code generators for extending the visual language and adding new application packages to the system, an interactive user interface editor, an interactive image display package, an extensive library of image and signal processing routines, and 2D/3D plotting packages. See comp.soft-sys.khoros on Usenet and the relative FAQ for more info.... Contact: The Khoros Group Room 110 EECE Dept. University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131 Email: khoros-request@chama.eece.unm.edu MacPhase -------- Analysis & Visualization Application for the Macintosh. Operates on 1D and 2D data arrays. Import/Export several different file formats. Several different plotting options such as gray scale, color raster, 3D Wire frame, 3D surface, contour, vector, line, and combinations. FFTs, filtering, and other math functions, color look up editor, array calculator, etc. Shareware, available via anonymous ftp from sumex-aim.stanford.edu in the info-mac/app directory. For other information contact Doug Norton (e-mail: 74017.461@@compuserve.com) +IRIS Explorer +------------- +From: Jeremy Walton + + IRIS Explorer is an application creation system developed by Silicon + Graphics that provides visualisation and analysis functionality for + computational scientists, engineers and other scientists. The IRIS + Explorer GUI allows users to build custom applications without having + to write any, or a minimal amount of, traditional code. Also, existing + code can be easily integrated into the IRIS Explorer environment. + + Platforms: SGI, Cray, SPARC, DEC, IBM, HP. + The SPARC ports have been done by DuPont Pixel and by Numerical + Algorithms Group (NAG) Ltd; NAG are also porting IRIS Explorer to + IBM RS/6000, HP 9000 series 700 and DEC Alpha. + + Availability: Available now on SGI, Cray and SPARC. Other versions + to be announced soon. + + Contact: IRIS Explorer Center for details of availability and + distribution information, and for user support and other technical + enquiries: + + IRIS Explorer Center (Europe) + PO Box 50 + OXFORD + OX2 8JU + UK + Tel : +44 (0)865 516377 + Fax : +44 (0)865 516388 + e-mail : helpdesk@iec.co.uk + + IRIS Explorer Center (North America) + 1400 Opus Place, Suite 200 + Downers Grove, IL 60515-5702 + USA + Tel : +1 708 971 2367 + Fax : +1 708 971 2706 + e-mail : infodesk@nag.com + + More information: The IRIS Explorer Center runs a Gopher server, + containing technical information and advice, technical + papers and User Group details: + + Name = IRIS Explorer Center Bulletin Board + Type = 1 + Path = 1/visual/IE/iecbb + Host = nags2.nag.co.uk [] + Port = 70 + + This service is also available via World Wide Web: + + http://nags2.nag.co.uk/Welcome_IEC.html + + The explorer ftp site is ftp.epcc.ed.ac.uk which is housed at + Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre. The administrator is Gordon Cameron. + This archive is mirrored in the USA by swedishchef.lerc.nasa.gov, + administered by Jeff Hanson. + + Newsgroups: comp.graphics.explorer, comp.sys.sgi.graphics apE --- Back in the 'old good days', you could get apE for nearly free. Now has gone commercial and the following vendor supplies it: TaraVisual Corporation 929 Harrison Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43215 Tel: 1-800-458-8731 and (614) 291-2912 Fax: (614) 291-2867 Cost: $895 (plus tax); runtime version with a site-license for a single user (at a time), no limit on the number of machines in a cluster. $895 includes support/maintenance and upgrades. Source code more. Additional user licenses $360. The name of the package has become apE III (TM). Khoros is very similar to apE on philosophy, as are AVS and Explorer. AVS --- See also: comp.graphics.avs Platforms: CONVEX, CRAY, DEC, Evans & Sutherland, HP, IBM, Kubota, Set Technologies, SGI, Stardent, SUN, Wavetracer Availability: AVS4 available on all the above: For all UNIX workstations. Contact: Advanced Visual Systems Inc. 300 Fifth Ave. Waltham, MA 02154 (617)-890-4300 Telephone (617)-890-8287 Fax avs@avs.com Email Advanced Visual Systems Inc. for: CRAY, HP, IBM, SGI, Stardent, SUN CONVEX for CONVEX Advanced Visual Systems Inc. or CRAY for CRAY DEC for DEC Evans & Sutherland for Evans & Sutherland Advanced Visual Systems Inc. or IBM for IBM Kubota Pacific Inc. for Kubota Set Technologies for Set Technologies Wavetracer for Wavetracer FTP Site: for modules, data sets, other info: avs.ncsc.org ( WIT --- In a nutshell it's a package of the same genre as AVS,Explorer,etc. It seems more a image processing system than a generic SciVi system (IMHO) Major elements are: - a visual programming language, which automatically exploits the inherent parallelism - a code generator which converts the graph to a standalone program Iconified libraries present a rich set of point, filter, io, transform, morphological, segmentation, and measurement operations. A flow library allows graphs to employ broadcast, merge, synchronization, conditional, and sequencing control strategies. WIT delivers an object-oriented, distributed, visual programming environment which allows users to rapidly design solutions to their imaging problems. Users can consolidate both software and hardware developments within a complete CAD-like workspace by adding their own operators (C functions), objects (data structures), and servers (specialized hardware). WIT runs on Sun, HP9000/7xx, SGI and supports Datacube MV-20/200 hardware allowing you to run your graphs in real-time. WIT is also supported on Linux (a demo will be soon available) For a free WIT demo disk, call, FAX, or e-mail (poon@ee.ubc.ca) us stating your complete name, address, voice, FAX, e-mail info. and desired platform. There's an FTP'able demo for SPARCs under sunsite.unc.edu /pub/sun-info/catalyst/logical-vision Pricing: WIT for Sparc, one yr. free upgrades, 30 days technical support....................$5000 US Entry level pricing now at $1000 US, with upgrade to the full system for $4000 US more. Academic institutions: discounts available Contact: Logical Vision Ltd. Suite 108-3700 Gilmore Way Burnaby, B.C., CANADA V5G 4M1 Tel: 604-435-2587 Fax: 604-435-8840 e-mail: Terry Arden VIS-5D ------ A system for visually exploring the output of 5-D gridded data sets such as those made by weather models. Platforms: SGI IRIS with VGX, GTX, TG, or G graphics, SGI Crimson or Indigo (R4000, Elan graphics suggested), IRIX 4.0.x IBM RS/6000 with GL graphics, AIX version 3 or later; Stardent GS-1000 and GS-2000 (with TrueColor display) In any case, 32 (or more) MB of RAM are suggested. You can get it freely (thanks to NASA support) via anonymous ftp: ftp iris.ssec.wisc.edu (or ftp, then ftp> cd pub/vis5d ftp> ascii ftp> get README ftp> bye NOTE: You can find the package also on wuarchive.wustl.edu in the graphics/graphics/packages directory. Read section 2 of the README file for full instructions on how to get and install VIS-5D. Contact: Bill Hibbard (whibbard@vms.macc.wisc.edu) Brian Paul (bpaul@vms.macc.wisc.edu) DATAexplorer (IBM) ------------------ Platforms : IBM Risc System 6000, IBM POWER Visualization Server (SIMD mesh 32 i860s, 40 MHz) Working on (announced) : SGI, HP, Sun Contact: Your local IBM Rep. For a trial package ask your rep to contact : David Kilgore Data Explorer Product Marketing YKTVMH(KILCORE), (708) 981-4510 [ or send e-mail to: stein@watson.ibm.com ] There's an FTP repository at ftp.tc.cornell.edu : /pub/vis/Data.Explorer, a Gopher interface at info@tc.cornell.edu, and a mailing-list at data-exp@watson.ibm.com Wavefront --------- Data Visualizer, Personal Visualizer, Advanced Visualizer. Platforms: SGI, SUN, IBM RS6000, HP, DEC Availability: Available on all the above platforms from Wavefront Technologies. Educational programs and site licenses are available. Contacts: Mike Wilson (mike@wti.com) Wavefront Technologies, Inc. 530 East Montecito Street Santa Barbara, CA 93103 805-962-8117 FAX: 805-963-0410 Wavefront Europe Guldenspoorstraat 21-23 B-9000 Gent, Belgium 32-91-25-45-55 FAX: 32-91-23-44-56 Wavefront Technologies Japan 17F Shinjuku-sumitomo Bldg 2-6-1 Nishi-shinjuku, Shunjuku-Ku Tokyo 168 Japan 81-3-3342-7330 FAX 81-3-3342-7353 PLOT3D and FAST from NASA Ames ------------------------------ These packages are distributed from COSMIC at least (for FAST ask Pat Elson for distribution information). In general, these codes are for US citizens only :-( [ Call COSMIC, NASA's software ditribution center for details ] XGRAPH ------ On the contrib tape of X11R5. Its specialty is display of up to 64 data sets (2D). NCAR ---- National Center for Atmospheric Research. One of the original graphics packages. Runs on Sun, RS6000, SGI, VAX, Cray Y-MP, DecStations, and more. Contact: Graphics Information NCAR Scientific Computing Division P.O. Box 3000 Boulder, CO 80307-3000 (303)-497-1201 scdinfo@ncar.ucar.edu Cost: .edu $750 Unlimited users .gov $750 1 user $1500 5 users $3000 25 users .com users multiply .gov * 2.0 IDL --- An environment for scientific computing and visualization. Based on an array oriented language, IDL includes 2D and 3D graphics, matrix manupulation, signal and image processing, basic statistics, gridding, mapping, and a widget based system for building GUI for IDL applications (Open Look, Motif, or MS-Windows). Environments: DEC (VMS and Ultrix), HP, IBM RS6000, SGI, Sun, Microsoft Windows. (Mac version in progress) Cost: $1500 to $3750, Educational and quantity discounts available. See also: comp.lang.idl-pvwave (the IDL-PVWAVE bundle) Contact: Research Systems Inc. 777 29th Street, Suite 302 Boulder, CO 80303 Phone: 303-786-9900 FAX: 303-786-9909 E-mail: info@rsinc.com Demo available via FTP. Call or E-mail for details. IDL/SIPS -------- "A lot of people are using IDL with a package called SIPS. This was developed at the University of Colorado (Boulder) by some people working for Alex Goetz. You might try contacting them if you already have IDL or would be willing to buy it. It's a few thousand dollars (American) I expect for IDL and the other should be free. Those are the general purpose packages I've heard of, besides what TerraMar has. SIPS _was_ written for AVIRIS imagery. I'm not sure how general purpose it is. You would have to contact Goetz or one of his people and ask. I have another piece of software (PCW) that does PC and Walsh transformations with pseudocoloring and clustering and limited image modification (you can compute an image using selected components). I've used it on 70 megabyte AVIRIS images without problems, but for the best speed you need an external DSP card. It will work without it, but large images take quite a while (50-70 times as long) to process. That's a freebie if you want it" "My favorite is IDL (Interactive Data Language) from Research Systems, Inc. IDL is in my opinion, much better and infinitely easier. Its programming language is very strong and easy -- very Pascal-like. It handles the number-crunching very well, also. Personally, I like doing the number-crunching with IDL on the VAX (or Mathematica, Igor, or even Excel on the Mac if it's not too hairy), then bringing it over to NIH Image for the imaging part. I have yet to encounter any situation which that combination couldn't handle, and the speed and ease of use (compared to IRAF) was incredible. By the way, it's mostly astronomical image processing which I've been doing. This means image enhancement, cleaning up bad lines/pixels, and some other traditional image processing routines. Then, for example, taking a graph of intensity versus position along a line I choose with the mouse, then doing a curve fit to that line (which I might do like in KaleidaGraph.) " [ For IDL call Research Systems , for PV-WAVE call Precision Visuals and for SIPS call University of Colorado @ Boulder . From what I can understand, you can get packaged programs from Research Systems, though -- nfotis ] Visual3 ------- Visual3 is a visualization system that provides a programmer level interface instead of a canned application. Brief description and availability is below. Visual3 runs on Stellar, DEC stations, IBM RS/6000, HP and SGI. (From the manual): VISUAL3 is an interactive graphics environment for the visualization of three-dimensional, structured and/or unstructured data. This volumetric data may be steady or time varying. VISUAL3 deals with three different types of surfaces. The first category is `domain' surfaces. These are surfaces which are defined by the application program which initializes VISUAL3, and they typically correspond to the surfaces which bound the computational domain. A subset of this first class, are `mapped domain' surfaces, for which there is a mapping from points on the surface to an $(x',y')$ coordinate system, which allows plotting of surface quantities in a 2D setting. The second category is `dynamic' surfaces. These are surfaces whose orientation and position, relative to the computational domain, can be changed interactively by the user. Although there are several types of dynamic surface, only one dynamic surface can exist at one time. Also, a dynamic surface cannot be activated when a mapped domain surface is being plotted in the 2D window. The third category is `static' surfaces. These are surfaces which at one time were `dynamic', but then were `frozen' and transferred into a database, along with the domain surfaces. These static surfaces are then treated in almost the same way as the unmapped domain surfaces. NOTE: Any `static' surface in a `grid unsteady' application deforms with the grid movement. The surface is associated with the cells and not physical space. Therefore, for planar cuts, the data is not clipped to the 2D window size when the surface was saved. Author: Bob Haimes email: haimes@orville.mit.edu MIT 37-467 FAX: (617) 253-0823 77 Mass Ave Tel: (617) 253-7518 Cambridge, Ma 02139 FieldView --------- An interactive program designed to assist an engineer in investigating fluid dynamics data sets. Platforms: SGI, IBM, HP, SUN, X-terminals Availability: Currently available on all of the above platforms. Educational programs and volume discounts are available. Contact: Intelligent Light P.O. Box 65 Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 (201)794-7550 Steve Kramer (kramer@ilight.com) SciAn ------ SciAn is primarily intended to do 3-D visualizations of data in an interactive environment with the ability to generate animations using frame-accurate video recording devices. A user manual, on-line help, and technical notes will help you use the program. Cost : 0 (Free), source code provided via ftp. Platforms : SGI 4D machines and IBM RS/6000 with the GL card + Z-buffer Where to find it: ftp.scri.fsu.edu [] : /pub/SciAn A mirror is monu1.cc.monash.edu.au [] : /pub/SciAn SCRY ---- [ From the README : ] Scry is a distributed image handling system that pro- vides image transport and compression on local and wide area networks, image viewing on workstations, recording on video equipment, and storage on disk. The system can be distri- buted among workstations, between supercomputers and works- tations, and between supercomputers, workstations and video animation controllers. The system is most commonly used to produce video based movie displays of images resulting from visualization of time dependent data, complex 3D data sets, and image processing operations. Both the clients and servers run on a variety of systems that provide UNIX-like C run-time environments, and 4BSD sockets. The source is available for anonymous ftp: george.lbl.gov [] : pub/scry.tar.Z Contact: Bill Johnston, (wejohnston@lbl.gov, ...ucbvax!csam.lbl.gov!johnston) or David Robertson (dwrobertson@lbl.gov, ...ucbvax!csam.lbl.gov!davidr) Imaging Technologies Group MS 50B/2239 Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 1 Cyclotron Road Berkeley, CA 94720 SVLIB / FVS ----------- SVLIB is an X-Windows widget set based on the OSF (Open Software Foundation) Motif widget set. SVLIB widgets are macro-widgets comprising lower level Motif widgets such as buttons, scrollbars, menus, and drawing areas. It is designed to address the reusability of 2D visualization routines and each widget in the library is an encapsulation of a specific visualization technique such as colormap manipulation, image display, and contour plotting. It is targetted to run on UNIX workstations supporting OSF/Motif. Currently, only color monitors are supported. Since SVLIB is a collection of widgets developed in the same spirit as the OSF/Motif user interface widget set, it integrates seamlessly with the Motif widgets. Programmers using SVLIB widgets see the same interface and design as other Motif widgets. FVS is a visualization software for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. FVS is designed to accept data generated from these simulations and apply various visualization techniques to present these data graphically. FVS accepts three-dimensional multi-block data recorded in NCSA HDF format. iti.gov.sg [] : /pub/svlib (Scientific Visualization) /pu/fvs; These directories contain demo binaries for Sun4/SGI Cost : US$200 for academic and US$300 for non-academic institutions. (For each of the above items). You're getting the source for the licence. Contact ------- Miss Quek Lee Hian Member of Technical Staff Information Technology Institute National Computer Board NCB Building 71, Sicence Park Drive Singapore 0511 Republic of Singapore Tel : (65)7720435 Fax : (65)7795966 Email : leehian@iti.gov.sg --------------------------------------------------------- GVLware Distribution: Bob - An interactive volume renderer for the SGI Raz - A disk based movie player for the SGI Icol - Motif color editor --------------------------------------------------------- The Army High Performance Computing Research Center (AHPCRC) has been developing a set of tools to work with large time dependent 2D and 3D data sets. In the Graphics and Visualization Lab (GVL) we are using these tools along side standard packages, such as SGI Explorer and the Utah Raster Toolkit, to render 3D volumes and create digital movies. A couple of the more general purpose programs have been bundled into a package called "GVLware". GVLware, currently consisting of Bob, Raz and Icol, is now available via ftp. The most interesting program is probably Bob, an interactive volume renderer for the SGI. Raz streams raster images from disk to an SGI screen, enabling movies larger than memory to be played. Icol is a color map editor that works with Bob and Raz. Source and pre-built binaries for IRIX 4.0.5 are included. To acquire GVLware, anonymous ftp to: machine - ftp.arc.umn.edu file - /pub/gvl.tar.Z To use GVLware: mkdir gvl ; cd gvl zcat gvl.tar.Z | tar xvf - more README Some Bob features: Motif interface, SGI GL rendering Renders 64 cubed data set in 0.1 to 1.0 seconds on a VGX Alpha Compositing and Maximum Value rendering, in perspective (only Maximum Value rendering on Personal Iris) Data must be a "Brick of Bytes", on a regularly spaced grid Animation, subvolumes, subsampling, stereo Some Raz features: Motif interface, SGI GL rendering Loads files to a raw disk partition, then streams to screen (requires an empty disk partition to be set aside) Script interface available for movie sequences Can stream from memory, like NCSA XImage Some Icol features: Motif interface Easy to create interpolated color maps between key points RGB, HSV and YUV color spaces, multiple file formats Communicates changes automatically to Bob and Raz Has been tested on SGI, Sun, DEC and Cray systems BTW: Bob == Brick of Bytes Icol == Interpolated Color Raz == ? (just a name) Please send any comments to gvlware@ahpcrc.umn.edu This software collection is supported by the Army Research Office contract number DAALO3-89-C-0038 with the University of Minnesota Army High Performance Computing Research Center. IAP --- Imaging Applications Platform is a commercial package for medical and scientific visualization. It does volume rendering, binary surface rendering, multiplanar reformating, image manipulation, cine sequencing, intermixes geometry and text with images and provides measurement and coordinate transform abilities. It can provide hardcopy on most medical film printers, image database functionality and interconnection to most medical (CT/MRI/etc) scanners. It is client/server based and provides an object oriented interface. It runs on most high performance workstations and takes full advantage of parallelism where it is available. It is robust, efficient and will be submitted for FDA approval for use in medical applications. Cost: $20K for OEM developer, $10K for educational developer and run times starting at $8900 and going down based on quantity. The developer packages include two days training for two people in Toronto. Available from: ISG Technologies 6509 Airport Road Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L4V-1S7 (416) 672-2100 e-mail: Rod Gilchrist ======================================================================== IMPORTANT NOTE: I'M EXPECTING TO REMOVE THIS PART AND LET ANOTHER ONE TAKE IT OVER!!!! From: Didier Vandervecken The FAQ is available on the Computational Chemistry List Server: 1) by anonymous FTP ftp infomeister.osc.edu (or ftp Name: anonymous Password: your_e-mail_address (please !) ftp> cd pub/chemistry/documents ftp> get README ftp> get molecular_graphics_packages ftp> quit 2) by mail send a message to MAILSERV@osc.edu the content of the mail would be : select chemistry get documents/molecular_graphics_packages quit 3) by gopher (This will be available soon..., it is still undergoing testing). The archives are located at infomeister.osc.edu on port 73. So you can access them with a command gopher infomeister 73 or similar (depending on your system). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. Molecular visualization stuff ================================= [ Based on a list from cristy@dupont.com < Cristy > , which asked for systems for displaying Molecular Dynamics, MD for short ] Flex ---- It is a public domain package written by Michael Pique, at The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA. Flex is stored as a compressed, tar'ed archive (about 3.4MB) at ftp.scripps.edu [], in pub/flex. It displays molecular models and MD trajectories. MacMolecule ----------- (for Macintosh). I searched with Archie, and the most promising place is sumex-aim.stanford.edu (info-mac/app, and info-mac/art/qt for a demo) MD-DISPLAY ---------- Runs on SGI machines. Call Terry Lybrand XtalView -------- It is a crystallography package that does visualize molecules and much more. It uses the XView toolkit. Call Duncan McRee landman@hal.physics.wayne.edu: ----------------------------- I am writing my own visualization code right now. I look at MD output (a specific format, easy to alter for the subroutine) on PC's. My program has hooks into GKS. If your friend has access to Phigs for X (PEX) and fortran bindings, I would be happy to share my evolving code (free of charge). Right now it can display supercells of up to 65 atoms (easy to change), and up to 100 time steps, drawing nearest neighbor bonds between 2 defining nn radii. It works acceptably fast on a 10Mhz 286. icsg0001@caesar.cs.montana.edu: ------------------------------ I did a project on Molecular Visualization for my Master's Thesis, using UNIX/X11/Motif which generates a simple point and space-filling model. KGNGRAF ------- KGNGRAF is part of MOTECC-91. Look on malena.crs4.it (, in pub/motecc. motecc.info.txt Information about MOTECC-91 in plain ascii format. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- motecc.info.troff Information about MOTECC-91 in troff format. motecc.form.troff MOTECC-91 order form in troff format. motecc.license.troff MOTECC-91 license agreement in troff format. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- motecc.info.ps Information about MOTECC-91 in PostScript format. motecc.form.ps MOTECC-91 order form in PostScript format. motecc.license.ps MOTECC-91 license agreement in PostScript format. ditolla@itnsg1.cineca.it: ------------------------ I'm working on molecular dynamic too. A friend of mine and I have developed a program to display an MD run dynamically on Silicon Graphics. We are working to improve it, but it doesn't work under X, we are using the graphi. lib. of the Silicon Gr. because they are much faster then X. When we'll end it we'll post on the news info about where to get it with ftp. (Will be free software). XBall V3.0 ---------- Written by David Nedde. Call daven@ivy.wpi.edu. This program simulates bouncing balls in a window. You create the balls in a variety of ways, and can set the gravity, elasticity, whether balls collide or not, etc. Includes Motif support, 3-d shaded balls, and a demo running facility. [ It's more a demo than a production program - another like it is xgas from the X11 distribution. Someone could make something more elaborate with polyatomics, etc. ] XMol ---- An X Window System program that uses OSF/Motif for the display and analysis of molecular model data. Data from several common file formats can be read and written; current formats include: Alchemy, CHEMLAB-II, Gaussian, MOLSIM, MOPAC, PDB, and MSCI's XYZ format (which has been designed for simplicity in translating to and from other formats). XMol also allows for conversion between several of these formats. Xmol is available at ftp.msc.edu. Read pub/xmol/README for further details. MSCI has changed its distribution policy, the current version is now available to users outside the USA and it no longer contains a built-in expiration date. However, only binary versions for Decstation, SGI Iris-4D, IBM RS/6000, Sun SPARCstation and Sun-3 are available. INSIGHT II ---------- from BIOSYM Technologies Inc. SCARECROW --------- The program has been published in J. Molecular Graphics 10 (1992) 33. The program can analyze and display CHARMM, DISCOVER, YASP and MUMOD trajectories. The program package contains also software for the generation of probe surfaces, proton affinity surfaces and molecular orbitals from an extended Huckel program. It works on Silicon Graphics machines. Contact Leif Laaksonen MULTI ----- ns.niehs.nih.gov [] : /pub - MULTI 3.0 (Multi-Process Molecular Modeling Suite). Runs on Silicon Graphics Workstations only. MindTool -------- It runs under SunView, and requires a fortran compiler and Sun's CGI libraries. MindTool is a tool provided for the interactive graphic manipulation of molecules and atoms. Currently, up to 10,000 atoms may be input. Available via anonymous FTP, at rani.chem.yale.edu, directory /pub/MindTool ( Check with Archie for other sites if that's too far ) RasMol/RasWin ------------- RasMol is a public domain molecular visualisation package written by Roger Sayle, at The Biocomputing Research Unit, University of Edinburgh, UK (rasmol@dcs.ed.ac.uk). RasMol is the version for UNIX workstations under the X Window System and RasWin is the version for MS Windows version 3.1. RasMol is a tool intended for the visualisation of proteins and nucleic acids. It reads Brookhaven Protein Databank (PDB) files and interactively renders them in a variety of formats on either an 8bit or 24/32bit colour display. The complete source code and user documentation for both the UNIX/X11 version and the IBM PC/MS Windows 3.1 version may be obtained by anonymous ftp from ftp.dcs.ed.ac.uk [] in the directory /pub/rasmol. The UNIX/X11 source code is contained in the file RasMol2.tar.Z and the MS Windows source code and executable in the file raswin.zip. Both of these files include a slightly dated version of the PostScript user reference manual. The program is intended for teaching and generating publication quality images. The program has both a menu system and a full featured command line interface. Different parts and representations of the molecule may be coloured or displayed in a number of formats independently. Currently supported formats include wireframe, ball and stick, backbone, space filling spheres and protein ribbon models. The space filling spheres may even be shadowed. The molecule may be manipulated using scroll bars, the interactive command line or from a dials box if attached. The resulting image may be saved at any point in PostScript, GIF, PPM, Sun rasterfile or Microsoft BMP formats. For more details see the RasMol user reference. It was claimed at a recent conference to be the fastest available uniprocessor program for drawing shadowed spacefilled molecules. On a SparcStation it can shadow a 10,000 atom protein in less than 10 seconds. The current version of the program has been tested on sun3, sun4, sun386i, hp9000, sequent, DEC alpha, IBM RS/6000 and SGI, DEC and E&S mips based machines compiled under both gcc and the native compiler. The version for Microsoft Windows requires version 7 of the Microsoft Optimizing C Compiler and the Microsoft Software Development Kit (SDK). MolViewer --------- From: Steve Ludtke It is a molecule viewing App for machines running NeXTStep. It permits interactive rotation and manipulation (bond lengths, angles, and dihedrals) of molecules of arbitrary size (depends on your memory). Some special features are included for protein analysis. Proteins can be generated from scratch if the program is given an amino acid sequence and secondary structure. A variety of animations are supported. Animations and printing are generated by NeXT's Photorealistic Renderman daemon. File formats supported (to varying degrees) include: PDB, Alchemy, HIN (hyperchem), and MolViewer's own file format. It is freeware. Full source and binaries can be obtained from ion.rice.edu, sonata.cc.purdue.edu and several other popular NeXT sites. The current version is 0.91. ----- [ I would also suggest looking at least in SGI's Applications Directory. It contains many more packages - nfotis ] =========================================================================== End of Part 3 of the Resource Listing -- Nick (Nikolaos) Fotis National Technical Univ. of Athens, Greece HOME: 16 Esperidon St., InterNet : nfotis@theseas.ntua.gr Halandri, GR - 152 32 UUCP: mcsun!pythia!theseas!nfotis Athens, GREECE FAX: (+30 1) 77 84 578