UWVFP( FP0 ‹؋F&O F&G&G<ʋЋ™Ƌ$6&~&6&F&9EtL2pP3P F&EĞ&(6&>pt*6&>vt TF&EF,6&>~FvFĞ&^&9~Ì~ڹ-F*Ftz8ft F^&8Gui~t F^&8GuWF+F;F| F9Fu~tF@t8F^&8Gt,F+F;F~<.6&>t0^&GĞ&v&@F[FF,6&9~2F^&8Gu FuӋvzvĞ&7X06&?&&DPĞ&&& 26&>|u 46&z66&^&Gȋƻ[؎86&>&I86&&a~t;F*PĞ&&& 46&zF*Pv:6&& ud26&>|u 46&zĞ&&& <6&6&6` P, >6&F&H t8PP  |FPPh P:6&6&6P  |FPPh P*6&>vt BlPP] @6&6&6`Ğ&&& pP B6&R&TĞ&7FD6&FF6& fĞ&7FtH6&&J6&H6&J6&f%=؎L6&FD6&FF6& ^_]ːUVN6&6 &6rP N6&6 &6"P vPrPh P"Ph FPrPXX @uNFP"PXX @uQN6&6 &6"P P6&6(&6&"Ph FP"PXX @uFV9Vvr9Fv~} ~[sPrpenn.edu> so that he can make your binary available. See also LIFE, SLG, and XSB in [2-1] and BeBOP in [2-3]. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: [2-8] Commercial Logic Programming Systems None so far. This is to be expected, as most logic programming systems are experimental. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; *EOF* 9Vw1r9Fs*FVFV06&X&& FVFVFVPPFPC uP6d6bVh4 pP~QPVh4 3,602&9?~Dv3ɉNރ,.&Gt &u&g[GĞ0&9?ЋvFP[Ğ0&/P86&6&6VW V2 FPFPR ^_]ːUTWVN6&6 &6FP PFPh PFP V t)FPVQpQ~RQx WV ^_]ːU"WVFP( FP0 V<&m&EFT6&F&M FF &EF~,6&F 86&&؉V$6&FN9Nu~t F& Minds and Machines 2(4) November 1992 was devoted to music and cognition, and there were some relevant book reviews in 3(1) February 1993. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; *EOF* uZFw&*FtJF&F t F&8Eu4Fw&F t F&8EuFw&FF;F}F[A9N~V~t}^_]ːear all searchUWVP V t5P6  u$FPVVP VPƆVPVPh FPVPXX  t$VPP(P P ~WP V u P(P P P-PVP26 FV u$VP0P(P P vvWPvV ;t2VPLP(P vv P vv  t$VPwP(P P F  3RT&7&GLX"3NP&&G&MVv~~؎ZX&&+NjV&&PIuvĞN&F&7&GĞR&&&GÌV&$3& &> & & ߎ&&3&OF&&&ʋH(3JL&&G*3&&F&ʋFPQ" @FĞJ&&?~G~VvN~&&+NjV&&PAĞJ&&9ڋ~v*3&F&7&GĞJ&&@&GF,3&> & M.3& & ^_]ː&u0 U.WV4Z9&3\9&6^9&"`9& b9&r d9&bf9&dh9&fj9&h+ɉNNvvZ RP"Pr QP V^V۹^VNVl9&>nu-n9&X&B&@ "P| 3br QP t~ PvvP t!2PP] p9&tN릐2PP] p9&u, QP2PP] p9&u0 ~+PP( FVP+PP( ȋ+FV~9&&SQvvvVr FV~9&&d3SQRP FVdRPvv FVvvRP<RPSQRPvv⚺ RPFމVT SQvvމFډVܚT <3SQvvF։Vؚquest@cs.cmu.edu. Bugs should be sent to elp-bugs@cs.cmu.edu.See the Scheme FAQ for information on implementations of Prolog in Scheme.----------------------------------------------------------------;;; *EOF*^&?tMt9&>vtAPPv9&68&66`Px9&GPv9&68&66 tظ[.ظ&&،F&Gt1&9}&Gع&;z ~36&z F&9G|&F u &>tF&Gu & t~u &>tF&Gt & uPvvP t}pr9^F&?tMt9&>vtAPPv9&68&66`Px9&JPv9&68&66+PP( FVz9&>|u |9&z, QP |%^&?tMt9&>vtAPPv9&68&66`Px9&GPv9&68&66PvvPn9&X&F&D PvvPr9&>ptMt9&>vtAPPv9&68&66`Px9&GPv9&68&66^_]UWV P3Z9&P QP 9+&& ~ u19&9>"t2PP] p9&u |] u9&9&F |#[n9&&@t 9&2P P] =tz9&>|u |9&zr9&>ptt9&>vtT9&>"t2PP] p9&t t3Pt9&N& LtsdP FV|] t6~vv`  u!dP FV] |] u͚] 3P9&6N&6LtmpP FVRP`  tP~|] t@2P P] =t* vv`  t 3b2PP] p9&t;3PN^9&>"u\9&>6u `9&> t N(^_]ːUWV9 &?|%[&/9&&~ڹ-Ğ &?}^9&>"t5~t/F*Pn9&X&N&L F*P3~9&& t1B*PWn9&X&R&P B*PFF;r `9&?u \9&>6t?Ğ &?|5~t/F*Pn9&X&V&T F*PO9&& uĞ&?u\9&>6u^9&>"un9&X&Z&X 9&6&6` P, 9&6&6P Ğ &?|FPPh PPP] n9&X&^&\ 9&6&6`pP 9&R&T3^9&"\9&6Ğ&^_]ːU욀"P9&6&6n9&X&& 9&6&6`嚖t9&>vt9&63P] 9&>Ltr 9&>du.] v ]UVv u3, ȋƙ+T؋ʙùdP ^]ːUWV~9&B&DF&9Eu &9U u&E & Eu 9&&9&6&6KP KP" KF^F9&& u~N؋W&9Du&9T tGG u9&&V uVV‹&?u$~9&>t3"PvW ~^FFG&<u^&7"PvW_9&6&6KP KP" K^9&F&9t&9&>uF&5"PDvP K^_]ːUt9&>vur9&>pu3P, 9&@P"Pr QP PQ9&6&6`r QP9&6&6Z9&@P9&6 "Pr QP PP9&6&6`r QP9&6&6Z9&bF t'P9&6&6"Pr QP $9&6&6 #Pr QP PQ9&6&6`#P9&6&6ZPP9&6&6`r QP9&6&6Z3P9&6^ ]ːt9&>vt&r9&>pt P9&6&6ːU.WV~FL^ }dǹ[FԻ9^֌F&&GtFLBƌ@V~t ‹F& ^&^&GtFF&Cistics.archive.umich.edu:linguistics/LSA.email.list or by sending a message to listserv@tamvm1.tamu.edu with "get lsa lst linguist" in the message body.A list of "Who's Who in Fuzzy Logic" may be obtained by sending amessage to listserver@vexpert.dbai.tuwien.ac.at with GET LISTSERVER WHOISWHOINFUZZYin the message body. New entries and corrections should be sent toRobert Fuller . ----------------------------------------------------------------;;; *EOF*t^~&=&At FF&XF&FL^_]ÐUt9&>vur9&>pu9&>u3P9&6+RP9&@P5#Pr QP PQ9&6&6`r QP9&6&6Z PP9&6&6`vv9&6&6ZT]UWV3Pz9`b&?}Tt9&>vuEWĞ`&@PXn9\^&&f&ddP PP9XZ&w&7`dPĞX&w&7ZPĞ`&7‹؋F&?tTPVĞ\&&j&hdP PPĞX&w&7`dPĞX&w&7Z9TV&G& u9&w&7dP A#PdPh PJ#PdP26 V uFPVQQNQ FWV ~uvrĞT&w&7dP M#PdPh 3PdQNQ*6 uqvFP ;PdPFP*6 t@2PPĞX&w&7`Ğ\&&n&lĞX&w&7ZT^_]R$bCLSU.WV4 ع4& &QP( 4+&,&*&(&0&.p4^F&9t&4&9vt4&X&&F4^&?u-~ٹ~t%FFF4&F ~FFFP RP4&6&6 Pr QP r QPB FP RP Pr QP r QPB F ~js)+FFFFFF4^ތF&4&>v% 4^ڌF&4&>x ^&4& 4&9s 4&> t^&3PN։VRQQD~u QPP  tuHtpHtHHtMc uW^&^&ub4&h4&d4&X&& 뤚 u ^&^&u2봎4&h3P4&T4&ht F҉NԐ3^&9?~14&t&4 QPF  uG^&9?ҚHuHuGHtvHu}W4&t ;E2PP] 4&u)FPP 3PvvָP4& u^&^&t4&d4&h4&X&&  u^&^&t밐62PP] 4&u_4&>tPFPP 3PvvָP"2PP] 4&uFFPQ F4&^&?tp4&>vtd4&6&6 Pr QP PP4&6&6`r QP4&6&6ZT4&h3PO QPP 4&^&?tp4&>vtd4&6&6 Pr QP PP4&6&6`r QP4&6&6ZT4&T4&h QPP 4&^&?tp4&>vtd4&6&6 Pr QP PP4&6&6`r QP4&6&6ZT3P5& 5&b4&d5&f4&hPvvָPf3PvvָPQ^_]WV+ &&r & &6&"&& & ع^_ːUVXP FVRP`  uuv2PP] 4&tY uP2PP]  tFF& t*<t&P]  vv`  t'2PP] :] P ] 3^]ːU(WVb5&?u]v vrsions for CLX, Express Windows, NCW, CLUE, CLM/GINA, Common Windows, LispView, Winterp, CLIM and YY. Several implementations have a mouse sensitivity feature and others have implementation-specific features. A copy has been made available from the Lisp Utilities Repository. For further information, contact Masayuki Ida . ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; *EOF* 4&X&>&< UFPV FPbPh bPP<  uX9F t!bP4&X&B&@ FDF^FFV ~~ t+v vZ RP4&X&F&D PB >Fuy396F~%D Pv vWd t F;6F|96F/~ u=v vZ RP4&X&J&H~F &}t=&u&uvvi PbP F &uy PFP 2vvbP F &u&u PFP F?t5&6&6bP FPbPh F;6F}rFFFFDFDFF+ƉF~vF^^F^FF F NuFbPB  u$9F ubP4&X&N&L?~ ubP4&X&R&P 5&& uĞ&7P PbP  PbP RP D5&& t-Ğ&7P PbP bPB 3^_]U($ 5^ތF&?u5^ڌF&G& u  t6 6 `  udP   5&bF tP^&w&7 PNFP ^&w&7 PNFP FPNFPXX  uDNFPB ^&74&X&&  5&z^&7]39&RzLxL9&9ptI9&9vt>PP9&6&6`#P9&6&6ZT#P| ] 9&$PP] P u 9&X&N&L 3n9&>ptJ9&>vt>PP9&6&6`#P9&6&6ZT$P| PV39&RzLxL9&9ptH9&9vt=PP9&6&6`&$P9&6&6ZT H$P| :] 9&$PP] 3PN tz9&>ptK9&>vt?PP9&6&6`S$P9&6&6ZTu$P| 3P u4^ːUWV9& & VȋڀFV$PSQ $PvW QPr9&QPZ RP$P 9&QPZ RPvW'3FF9&9~Q~9&9>t,$PvvPVZ RPvv G9&9>~$PvW89^F+&G&9Ft QP: '~uZzL0QP: ~9^&G& t-P&w&7vv< ^&GSvW%$PvW~t)9&>^u9&>`t$6$1$+9&t$PvW9&u$PvW$PvW9&> بt+& ~u:& #Ft&ِFtvt &6 بt$`~t6t$PvWt$PvWƨt3$"t$t$ ƨt$PvW9&t~t9&>zu$PvW$PvW$PvWw$PvWh9&>ju9&X&&$ډFVRP9&69&6$PP%Pvv vvvW%PvW9&6&69&6&6:&6&6#%Pvv vvvWB:&6&6:&6&6:&6&60%Pvv vvvW=%PvWD:&&&(0T|RPE%Pvv vvvW vW" 9&$PP] FpP FVv~vvO%PvV vV" PvVj! FPQ\%QJ] PvV" PvVJ] PvvvJ] F~~;~v^^؋NJ*3QNJ*&3ZF;v|։~v] v_%PvV PvV" PvVJ] FF=vP FVvv`  t 2PP]  :&uvv`  t|] u t 3P( -*ui%PvV vV2 ui6`#6^#vVF  uN6p#6n#vvF  t~9&X&&e%PFPW ƋFv2PP] 9&X&&V\2PP]  :&u9&X&&ˎ9&X&&k%PFPV NjFvW 3^_]U WVFdžPƆ{dž8o%:dždž@~%BdžD%FdžH%J+NL9& & vx~prt89 +&G&n9&9ptH9&9vt=PP9&6&6`%P9&6&6ZT %P| T :&P FVpP FV+FF{{<vv~uZ6`#6^#%P~V P~V" P~VJ] igher-order logic. Isabelle-93 is not upwardly compatible with its predecessor, but comes with advice on converting to the new simplifier. Isabelle-93 is available by anonymous ftp from the University of Cambridge, ftp.cl.cam.ac.uk:ml/ [] as Isabelle93.tar.gz. It is also available from the Technical University of Munich, ftp.informatik.tu-muenchen.de:lehrstuhl/nipkow/ [] The distribution includes extensive documentation, including a 71-page introduction, an 85-page reference manual, and a 166-page description of the various logics supplied with Isabelle. For more information, write to Larry.Paulson@cl.cam.ac.uk and Tobias.Nipkow@informatik.tu-muenchen.de. MVL -- t.stanford.edu:/mvl/mvl.tar.Z Contact: ginsberg@t.stanford.edu Multi-valued logics Boyer-Moore -- ftp.cli.com:pub/nqthm/nqthm.tar.Z rascal.ics.utexas.edu:/pub/nqthm See also the pub/proof-checker/ subdirectory, which contains Matt Kaufmann's proof checking enhancements to nqthm. Nqthm-1992 is the Boyer-Moore theorem prover. The 1992 version of the theorem prover is upwardly compatible with the previous (1987) version. Included in the distribution are thousands of Nqthm-checked theorems formulated by Bevier, Boyer, Brock, Bronstein, Cowles, Flatau, Hunt, Kaufmann, Kunen, Moore, Nagayama, Russinoff, Shankar, Talcott, Wilding, Yu, and others. The release of Nqthm-1992 includes three revised chapters of the book `A Computational Logic Handbook', including Chapter 4, on the formal logic for which the system is a prover, and Chapter 12, the reference guide to user commands. Nqthm runs in Common Lisp, and has been tested in AKCL, CMU CL, Allegro CL, Lucid CL, MCL, and Symbolics CL. Nqthm-1992 is available by anonymous ftp from ftp.cli.com:/pub/nqthm/nqthm-1992/ [] as the file nqthm-1992.tar.Z. See the file README in the same directory for instructions on retrieving nqthm. See also the /pub/pc-nqthm/pc-nqthm-1992/ directory (files README-pc and pc-nqthm-1992.tar.Z), which contains Matt Kaufmann's interactive proof-checking enhancements to Nqthm-1992. For more information, contact Robert S. Boyer , J. Strother Moore , or Matt Kaufmann , Computational Logic Inc., 1717 West 6th Street, Suite 290, Austin, TX 78703-4776. Send mail to nqthm-users-request@cli.com to be added to the mailing list. DTP is a general theorem prover incorporating domain-independent control of inference. Implemented in CLtL2 Common Lisp, it runs in Franz Allegro, Lucid, and Macintosh (MCL) Common Lisp. It is available by anonymous ftp from meta.stanford.edu:pub/dtp/ []. Contact Don Geddis for more information. RRL -- herky.cs.uiowa.edu:public/rrl [] Rewrite Rule Laboratory FRAPPS (Framework for Resolution-based Automated Proof Procedures) is a portable resolution theorem-prover written in Common Lisp. It is available via anonymous ftp from a.cs.uiuc.edu:/pub/frapps []. If you take a copy of FRAPPS, please send a short note to Prof. Alan M. Frisch . XPNet (X Proof Net) is a graphical interface to proof nets with an efficient proof checker. It is available by anonymous ftp to ftp.cis.upenn.edu:/pub/xpnet.tar.Z []. For further information, write to Jawahar Chirimar , Carl A. Gunter , or Myra VanInwegen . Gazer is a sequent calculus based system for first order logic with a novel inference rule, gazing, that enables the system to determine which of a possibly large number of definitions and lemmas should be used at any point in a proof. Available from the authors, Dave Barker-Plummer and Alex Rothenberg . KEIM is a collection of software modules, written in Common Lisp with CLOS, designed to be used in the production of theorem proving systems. KEIM is intended to be used by those who want to build or use deduction systems (such as resolution theorem provers) without having to write the entire framework. KEIM is also suitable for embedding a reasoning component into another Common Lisp program. KEIM offers a range of datatypes implementing a logical language of type theory (higher order logic), in which first order logic can be embedded. KEIM's datatypes and algorithms include: types; terms (symbols, applications, abstractions), environments (e.g., associating symbols with types); unification and substitutions; proofs, including resolution and natural deduction style. KEIM also provides functionality for the pretty-printing, error handling, formula parsing and user interface facilities which form a large part of any theorem prover. Implementing with KEIM thus allows the programmer to avoid a great deal of drudgery. KEIM has been tested in Allegro CL 4.1 and Lucid CL 4.0 on Sun 4 workstations. KEIM is available for noncommercial use via anonymous FTP from js-sfbsun.cs.uni-sb.de:pub/keim/keim* For more information contact Dan Nesmith, Fachbereich Informatik/AG Siekmann, Universitaet des Saarlandes, Postfach 1150, D-66041 Saarbruecken, Germany, or send email to keim@cs.uni-sb.de. A mailing list for KEIM users is also being set up. Send mail to keim-users-request@cs.uni-sb.de to be put on the list. The TPTP (Thousands of Problems for Theorem Provers) Problem Library is a collection of test problems for automated theorem provers (ATPs), using the clausal normal form of 1st order predicate logic. The goal of the TPTP is to provide a firm basis for the testing, evaluation, and comparison of ATP systems through a comprehensive library of ATP test problems in a general purpose format. The TPTP includes tools to convert the problems to existing ATP formats, such as the OTTER, MGTP, PTTP, SETHEO, and SPRFN formats. Each problem includes a list of references and other relevant information. The TPTP also aims to supply general guidelines outlining the requirements for ATP system evaluation. The TPTP can be obtained by anonymous ftp from either the Department of Computer Science, James Cook University, Australia, coral.cs.jcu.edu.au:pub/tptp-library [] or the Institut fuer Informatik, TU Muenchen, Germany, flop.informatik.tu-muenchen.de:pub/tptp-library [] as the files ReadMe (general information about the library), TPTP-v1.0.0.tar.Z (the library itself), and TR-v1.0.0.ps.Z (a postscript technical report about the TPTP). Additions and corrections may be sent to Geoff Sutcliffe (Fax: +61-77-814029) or Christian Suttner (Fax: +49-89-526502). If you would like to be kept informed of new versions of the TPTP, please send email to either of them. See SEQUEL entry in the Lisp FAQ, part 6. Elf implements the LF Logical Framework (based on the theory of dependent types) and gives it a logic programming interpretation in order to support search and the implementation of other algorithms (e.g. evaluation or compilation in programming languages). It comes with a number of examples from logic and the theory of programming languages such as the Church Rosser theorem for the untyped lambda-calculus and type soundness for Mini-ML. It is written in Standard ML and includes some support code for editing and interaction in gnu-emacs. It is available by anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.cmu.edu:/afs/cs/user/fp/public/ as the files README (general information), elf-04.tar.Z (Version 0.4 of Elf, 1 Jul 1993), elf-examples.tar.Z (Version 0.4 of Elf examples, unchanged from Version 0.3), and elf-papers/ (DVI files for papers related to LF and Elf, including a "tutorial" and a bibliography). For more information, contact Frank Pfenning , Department of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University. The Nuprl Proof Development System is available by anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.cornell.edu:/pub/n/. Nuprl should run in any Common Lisp with CLX. There are also (obsolete) interfaces for Symbolics Lisp machines and Suns running the SunView window system. Nuprl has been tested with Allegro, Lucid, AKCL. For further information, contact Elizabeth Maxwell, , Nuprl Distribution Coordinator, Department of Computer Science, Upson Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. Coq is the Calculus of Inductive Constructions. It runs in Caml-Light and is available by anonymous ftp from ftp.inria.fr:INRIA/coq/V5.8.3 (unix version) ftp.inria.fr:INRIA/coq/V5.8.2 (mac version) The Mac version is standalone, not requiring Caml-Light. The unix version requires Caml-Light, however, which is available from ftp.inria.fr:lang/caml-light Documentation is included in the distribution. Questions and comments should be directed to the Coq hotline . Truth Maintenance: The truth maintenance system and problem solver implementations described in the book "Building Problem Solvers" by Ken Forbus and Johan de Kleer are available by anonymous ftp from multivac.ils.nwu.edu:pub/BPS/ parcftp.xerox.com:/pub/bps/ For more information send mail to Johan de Kleer . Send bug reports to bug-bps@ils.nwu.edu. Miscellaneous: University of Toronto: ftp -- ftp.cs.toronto.edu:/pub/ailist Archives of ailist mailing list, defunct as of January 19, 1990 PAIL (Portable AI Lab) ftp -- pobox.cscs.ch:/pub/ai/pail-2.2/ [] contact: pail-info@idsia.ch authors: Mike Rosner Dean Allemang ---------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: [5-1] AI Bibliographies available by FTP The Computer Science Department at the University of Saarbruecken, Germany, maintains a large bibliographic database of articles pertaining to the field of Artificial Intelligence. Currently the database contains more than 25,000 references, which can be retrieved by electronic mail from the LIDO mailserver at lido@cs.uni-sb.de. Send a mail message with subject line "lidosearch help info" to get instructions on using the mail server. A variety of queries based on author names, title and year of publication are possible. The references can be provided in BibTeX or Refer formats. The entire bibliographic database can be obtained for a fee by ftp or on tape. Questions may be directed to bib-1@cs.uni-sb.de. A variety of AI-related bibliographies are located on nexus.yorku.ca in the directory /pub/bibliographies. For information on a fairly complete bibliography of computational linguistics and natural language processing work from the 1980s, send mail to clbib@csli.stanford.edu with the subject HELP. The CSLI linguistics bibliography contains 3,300 entries in bib/tib/refer format. The bibliography is heavily slanted towards phonetics and phonology but also includes a fair amount of computational morphology, syntax, semantics, and psycholinguistics. The bibliography can be used with James Alexander's tib bibliography system, which is available from minos.inria.fr [] among other places. The bibliography itself is available by anonymous ftp from csli.stanford.edu:pub/bibliography/ Contributions are welcome, but should be in tib format. For more information, contact Andras Kornai Stanford University (SUMEX-AIM) has a large BibTeX bibliography of Artificial Intelligence papers and technical reports. Available by anonymous ftp from aim.stanford.edu:/pub/ai{1,2,3}.bib A BibTeX database of references addressing neuro-fuzzy issues can be obtained by anonymous ftp from ftp.tu-bs.de ( in the directory local/papers as the (ascii) file fuzzy-nn.bib. Robert Dale's Natural Language Generation (NLG) bibliography is available by anonymous ftp from scott.cogsci.ed.ac.uk [] in the directory pub/nlg. Note that it is formatted for A4 paper. For further information, write to Robert Dale, University of Edinburgh, Centre for Cognitive Science, 2 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW Scotland, or . Mark Kantrowitz's Natural Language Generation (NLG) bibliography is available by anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.cmu.edu [] in the directory user/ai/software/nlp/nlg/bibs/mk/. In addition to the tech report, the BibTeX file containing the bibliography is also available. The bibliography contains more than 1,200 entries. Additions and correctioy 1993. Theorem Proving/Automated Reasoning: Otter -- info.mcs.anl.gov:pub/Otter/Otter-2.2/otter22.tar.Z anagram.mcs.anl.gov:pub/Otter/ Contact: otter@mcs.anl.gov Resolution-based theorem prover. ATP Problems -- anagram.mcs.anl.gov:pub/ATP_Problems/* Collection of ATP problems from Otter, CADE, and JAR. The problems include algebra, analysis, circuits, geometry, logic problems, Pelletier's problem set, program verification, puzzles, set theory, and topology. SETHEO -- flop.informatik.tu-muenchen.de:pub/fki/ [] Get the files setheo.info and setheo.tar.Z. SETHEO (SEquential THEOrem prover) is an automated theorem prover for formulae of predicate logic. SETHEO is based on the calculus of ``connection tableaux''. SETHEO runs on Sun SPARCs only. Contact: setheo@informatik.tu-muenchen.de ISABELLE-93. Isabelle is a highly automated generic theorem prover written in Standard ML. New logics are introduced by specifying their syntax and rules of inference. Proof procedures can be expressed using tactics and tacticals. Isabelle comes with 8 different logics, including LCF, some modal logics, first-order logic, Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory, and h------- Subject: [5-2] Technical Reports available by FTP This section lists the anonymous ftp sites for technical reports from several universities and other organizations. Some of the sites provide only an online catalog of technical reports, while the rest make the actual reports available online. The email address listed is that of the appropriate person to contact with questions about ordering technical reports. When ftping compressed .Z files, remember to set the transfer type to binary first, using the command ftp> binary Other general locations for technical reports from several universities include: wuarchive.wustl.edu:/doc/techreports/ [] cs-archive.uwaterloo.edu:cs-archive (see Index for an index) AKA watdragon.uwaterloo.ca [] The uwaterloo archive includes tech reports from the Logic Programming and Artificial Intelligence Group (LPAIG) of the University of Waterloo. There is also a WAIS server containing tech report abstracts that can be searched. To use, create the file ~/wais-sources/cs-techreport-abstracts.src containing (:source :version 3 :ip-address "" :ip-name "daneel.rdt.monash.edu.au" :tcp-port 210 :database-name "cs-techreport-abstracts" :cost 0.00 :cost-unit :free :maintainer "wais@daneel.rdt.monash.edu.au") and invoke your local wais client. To add to it, email abstracts of your papers to wais@rdt.monash.edu.au in the following format: %TI Title %AU Author (use multiple %AU lines for multiple authors) %PU Published In (citation information) %AV Availability (e.g., ftp reports.adm.cs.cmu.edu:1992/CMU-CS-92-101.ps) %OR Organization (see cs-techreport-archives.src for institution codes) %LT Local title (e.g., tech report number) %DA Date (and, if you want, %MN Month, %YR Year) %AB Abstract If your papers are not available by FTP, you can use a %AV line such as: %AV mail harry.bovik@cs.cmu.edu Further instructions are available from daneel.rdt.monash.edu.au:/pub/techreports/reports/README [Based on a post by Ashwin Ram.] Also see the Unified Computer Science Technical Report Index http://cs.indiana.edu/cstr/search A list of FTP sites for technical reports and papers can be found in http://www.vifp.monash.edu.au/techreports/sitelist.html An archive of linguistics papers and preprints is available from linguistics.archive.umich.edu:linguistics/papers/. Contact John Lawler (jlawler@umich.edu) or linguistics-archivist@umich.edu for more information. The Concurrent Engineering Research Center (CERC) at West Virginia University has placed ASCII versions of the concurrent engineering-related abstracts (over 500) that were on CERCnet, ASCII back issues of the Concurrent Engineering Research in Review journal (now discontinued), and Postscript copies of CERC technical reports in the gopher server gopher.cerc.wvu.edu. In addition, many of the CERC technical reports, including journal articles, symposium papers, theses, dissertations, and issues of the Concurrent Engineering Research in Review journal, are available as Postscript versions via anonymous ftp from babcock.cerc.wvu.edu:pub/techReports/ ( An index to all the reports, including some that are available only in hardcopy, is contained in the file "CERC-TR-INDEX". If you need additional information, contact Mary Carriger, CERC Office of Information Services, at carriger@cerc.wvu.edu. The newsgroup comp.doc.techreports is devoted to distributing lists of tech reports and their abstracts. MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory: ftp -- publications.ai.mit.edu:ai-publications/ email -- publications@ai.mit.edu browse -- telnet reading-room.lcs.mit.edu A full catalog of MIT AI Lab technical reports (and a listing of recent updates) may be obtained from the above location, by writing to Publications, Room NE43-818, M.I.T. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA, or by calling 1-617-253-6773. The catalog lists the technical reports ("AI Memos") with a short abstract and their current prices. There is also a charge for shipping. Some recent tech reports (since 1991) are available in the ai-publications/ subdirectory; older technical reports are NOT available by ftp. A bibliography is in the bibliography/ directory. Sandiway Fong's 1991 PhD thesis, ``The Computational Properties of Principle-Based Grammatical Theories,'' may be found in the directory pub/sandiway/. CMU School of Computer Science: ftp -- reports.adm.cs.cmu.edu email -- Technical.Reports@cs.cmu.edu CMU Software Engineering Institute: ftp -- ftp.sei.cmu.edu:/pub/documents email -- bjz@sei.cmu.edu Yale: ftp -- dept.cs.yale.edu:/pub/TR/ University of Washington CSE Tech Reports: ftp -- june.cs.washington.edu:/tr email -- tr-request@cs.washington.edu ================ AT&T Bell Laboratories: ftp -- netlib.att.com:/netlib/research/cstr/ bib.Z contains short bibliography, including all the technical reports contained in this directory. ftp -- research.att.com:/dist/ai Argonne National Laboratory: ftp -- anagram.mcs.anl.gov:pub/tech_reports email -- wright@mcs.anl.gov Contains MCS Division preprints and technical memoranda, available as either .dvi or .ps files. For descriptions of the contents, see the subdirectory pub/tech_reports/abstracts; for the files themselves see the subdirectory pub/tech_reports/reports. Boston University: ftp -- cs.bu.edu:techreports/ email -- techreports@cs.bu.edu Brown University: ftp -- wilma.cs.brown.edu:techreports/ email -- techreports@cs.brown.edu Cambridge University: Speech, Vision & Robotics Group ftp -- svr-ftp.eng.cam.ac.uk:reports/ Columbia University: ftp -- cs.columbia.edu:/pub/reports email -- tech-reports@cs.columbia.edu DEC Cambridge Research Lab: ftp -- crl.dec.com:/pub/DEC/CRL/{abstracts,tech-reports} DEC Paris Research Lab: email -- doc-server@prl.dec.com Put commands in Subject: line of the message. To get a list of articles, use send index articles To get a list of tech reports, use send index reports DEC WRL: email -- wrl-techreports@decwrl.dec.com To get a helpfile, send a message with help in the subject line. DFKI: ftp -- duck.dfki.uni-sb.de:/pub/papers email -- Martin Henz (henz@dfki.uni-sb.de) Duke University: ftp -- cs.duke.edu:/dist/{papers,theses} email -- techreport@cs.duke.edu [unknown user, 7/7/93] Edinburgh: A list of available reports can be sent via email. Send requests for information about reports from the Center for Cognitive Science to cogsci%ed.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk, and from the Human Communication Research Center to HCRC%ed.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk. Electrotechnical Laboratory, Japan: Reports from the Cooperative Architecture project (half AI, half software engineering). ftp -- etlport.etl.go.jp:pub/kyocho/Papers [] See file Index.English. email -- Hideyuki Nakashima . Georgia Tech College of Computing, AI Group: ftp -- ftp.cc.gatech.edu:pub/ai ( email -- Professor Ashwin Ram HCRC (Human Communication Research Centre): ftp -- scott.cogsci.ed.ac.uk:pub/HCRC-papers/ mail -- Fiona-Anne Malcolm Human Communication Research Centre 2 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh, UK Illinois: email -- Erna Amerman Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory (IlliGAL): email -- Eric Thompson phone -- 217-333-2346 (9AM to 5PM CT, M-F) mail -- Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory Department of General Engineering 117 Transportation Building 104 South Mathews Avenue Urbana, IL 61801-2996 ftp -- gal4.ge.uiuc.edu:/pub/papers/IlliGALs/ Includes the GA bibliography and the Messy GA code in C (in /pub/src/). Indiana: ftp -- cogsci.indiana.edu:pub [] ftp -- cs.indiana.edu:pub/techreports [] INRIA, France: ftp -- ftp.inria.fr:INRIA/publication/ Institute for Learning Sciences at Northwestern University: ftp -- aristotle.ils.nwu.edu:/pub/papers/ phone -- 708-491-3500 National University of Singapore: ftp -- ftp.nus.sg:/pub/NUS/ISCS/techreports New York University (NYU): ftp -- cs.nyu.edu:/pub/tech-reports OGI: ftp -- cse.ogi.edu:/pub/tech-reports email -- csedept@cse.ogi.edu Ohio State University, Laboratory for AI Research ftp -- nervous.cis.ohio-state.edu:/pub/papers email -- lair-librarian@cis.ohio-state.edu OSU Neuroprose: ftp -- archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:/pub/neuroprose ( This directory contains technical reports as a public service to the connectionist and neural network scientific community which has an organized mailing list (for info: connectionists-request@cs.cmu.edu) Includes several bibliographies. Stanford: ftp -- elib.stanford.edu:/cs Very spotty collection. SRI: email -- Donna O'Neal, donna@ai.sri.com SUNY Buffalo: ftp -- ftp.cs.buffalo.edu:/pub/tech-reports/ SUNY at Stony Brook: ftp -- sbcs.sunysb.edu:/pub/TechReports email -- rick@cs.sunysb.edu or stark@cs.sunysb.edu The /pub/sunysb directory contains the SB-Prolog implementation of the Prolog language. Contact warren@sbcs.sunysb.edu for more information. TCGA (The Clearinghouse for Genetic Algorithms): email -- Robert Elliott Smith Department of Engineering of Mechanics Room 210 Hardaway Hall The University of Alabama PO Box 870278 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 205-348-1618, fax 205-348-6419 Thinking Machines: ftp -- ftp.think.com:think/techreport.list This file contains a list of Thinking Machines technical reports. Orders may be placed by email (limit 5) to t-rex@think.com, or by US Mail to Thinking Machines Corporation, Attn: Technical reports, 245 First Street, Cambridge, MA 01241. In addition, the directories cm/starlisp and cm/starlogo contain code for the *Lisp and *Logo simulators. Tulane University: ftp -- rex.cs.tulane.edu:pub/tech/ [] University of Arizona: ftp -- cs.arizona.edu:reports/ email -- tr_libr@cs.arizona.edu The directory /japan/kahaner.reports contains reports on AI in Japan, among other things, written by Dr. David Kahaner, a numerical analyst on sabbatical to the Office of Naval Research-Asia (ONR Asia) in Tokyo from NIST. The reports are not written in any sort of official capacity, but are quite interesting. University of California/Santa Cruz: ftp -- ftp.cse.ucsc.edu:/pub/{bib,tr} email -- jean@cs.ucsc.edu University of Cambridge Computer Lab: email -- tech-reports@cl.cam.ac.uk University of Colorado: ftp -- ftp.cs.colorado.edu:/pub/cs/techreports University of Florida: ftp -- bikini.cis.ufl.edu:/cis/tech-reports University of Illinois at Urbana: ftp -- a.cs.uiuc.edu:/pub/dcs email -- e-amerman@a.cs.uiuc.edu University of Indiana, Center for Research on Concepts and Cognition: ftp -- cogsci.indiana.edu:pub/ email -- helga@cogsci.indiana.edu University of Kaiserslautern, Germany: ftp -- ftp.uni-kl.de:reports_uni-kl/computer_science/ University of Kentucky: ftp -- ftp.ms.uky.edu:ftp/pub/tech-reports/UK/cs/ University of Massachusetts at Amherst: email -- techrept@cs.umass.edu University of Melbourne, Australia, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Laboratory (CVPRL): ftp -- krang.vis.mu.oz.au:/pub/articles University of Michigan: ftp -- ftp.eecs.umich.edu:/techreports University of North Carolina: ftp -- ftp.cs.unc.edu:/pub/technical-reports/ University of Pennsylvania: ftp -- ftp.cis.upenn.edu:/pub/papers/ email -- publications@upenn.edu [email bounced 7/7/93] USC/Information Sciences Institute: email -- Sheila Coyazo is the contact. [email bounced 7/7/93] University of Toronto: ftp -- ftp.cs.toronto.edu:/pub/{reports,cogrob} email -- tech-reports@cs.toronto.edu University of Virginia: ftp -- uvacs.cs.virginia.edu:/pub/techreports/cs University of Wisconsin: ftp -- ftp.cs.wisc.edu:/tech-reports /machine-learning /computer-vision email -- tech-reports-archive@cs.wisc.edu Some AI authors have set up repositories of their own papers: Matthew Ginsberg: t.stanford.edu:/u/ftp/papers ---------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: [5-3] Where can I get a machine readable dictionary, thesaurus, and other text corpora? Free: /usr/dict/words Roget's 1911 Thesaurus is available by anonymous FTP from the Consortium for Lexical Research (clr.nmsu.edu, []). The pathname is /pub/lexica/thesauri/roget-1911. It is also available from src.doc.ic.ac.uk:/literary/collections/project_gutenberg/roget11.txt.Z An old Webster's dictionary is in /text/dict/{DICT.Z,DICT.INDEX.Z}. Project Gutenberg also has Roget's 1911 Thesaurus. The Project Gutenberg archive is at mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu:/pub/etext/. The Project Gutenberg archive collects public domain electronic books. For more information, write to Michael S. Hart, Professor of Electronic Text, Executive Director of Project Gutenberg Etext, Illinois Benedictine College, 5700 College Road, Lisle, IL 60532 or send email to hart@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu. For people without FTP, Austin Code Works sells floppy disks containing Roget's 1911 Thesaurus for $40.00. This money helps support the production of other useful texts, such as the 1913 Webster's dictionary. The Online Book Initiative maintains a text repository on world.std.com (a public access UNIX system, 617-739-WRLD). See the README file on obi.std.com:/obi/. For more information, send email to obi@world.std.com, write to Software Tool & Die, 1330 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA 02146, or call 617-739-0202. The CHILDES project at Carnegie Mellon University has a lot of data of children speaking to adults, as well as the adult written and adult spoken corpora from the CORNELL project. Contact Brian MacWhinney for more information. The Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) has a Data Collection Initiative. For more information, contact Donald Walker at Bellcore, walker@flash.bellcore.com. Two lists of common female first names (4967 names) and male first names (2924 names) are available for anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.cmu.edu in the directory user/ai/software/nlp/corpora/names/. Read the file README first. [Note that you must cd to this directory in one atomic operation, as superior directories are protected during an anonymous ftp.] Send mail to mkant@cs.cmu.edu for more information. A list of 110,000 English words (one per line, in ASCII) is available in the PD1: directory on SIMTEL20 as the files WORDS1.ZIP, WORDS2.ZIP, WORDS3.ZIP, and WORDS4.ZIP. Although the list is in MS-DOS files, it can easily be used on other machines (but first you'll have to unzip the files on a DOS machine). The list includes inflected forms of the words, such as plural nouns and the -s, -ed, and -ing forms of verbs; thus the number of lexical stems in the list is considerably smaller than the total number of word forms. These files are available via FTP from WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL []. SIMTEL20 files are mirrored on wuarchive.wustl.edu. The Collins English Dictionary encoded as a Prolog fact base is available from the Oxford Text Archive by anonymous ftp from black.ox.ac.uk:ota/dicts/1192/ [] The Oxford Text Archive includes many other texts, dictionaries, thesauri, word lists, and so on, most of which are available for scholarly use and research only. See the files black.ox.ac.uk:ota/textarchive.{form,info,list,sgml} for more information, or write to archive@ox.ac.uk, Oxford Text Archive, Oxford University Computing Services, 13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN, UK, call 44-865-273238 or fax 44-865-273275. Chuck Wooters has extracted the most likely pronunciation for each of about 6100 words in the hand-labeled TIMIT database, and made them available by anonymous ftp from ftp.icsi.berkeley.edu:pub/speech/TIMIT.mostlikely.Z. A list of homophones from general American English is available by anonymous ftp from svr-ftp.eng.cam.ac.uk:comp.speech/data/ as the file homophones-1.01.txt. To receive the list by email, send mail to Evan.Antworth@sil.org. The list was compiled by Tony Robinson. Sigurd P. Crossland has been compiling a dictionary of English words, including most common American words, abbreviations, hyphenations, and even incorrect spellings. The most recent version is available by anonymous ftp from wocket.vantage.gte.com:pub/standard_dictionary/dic-0294.tar.Z The tar file includes 31 text files, one for each word-length from 2 to 32. The compressed tar file takes up just over 4mb of space, and includes approximately 870,000 words. WordNet is an English lexical reference system based on current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. It organizes nouns, verbs and adjectives into synonym sets corresponding to lexical concepts. The sets are linked by a variety of relations. Besides being of scientific interest, it makes a handy thesaurus. WordNet is available by anonymous ftp from clarity.princeton.edu:pub/ If you retrieve a copy of wordnet by ftp, please send mail to wordnet@princeton.edu. Commercial: Illumind publishes the Moby Thesaurus (25,000 roots/1.2 million synonyms), Moby Words (560,000 entries), Moby Hyphenator (155,000 entries), and the Moby Part-of-Speech (214,000 entries), Moby Pronunciator (167,000 entries with IPA encoding, syllabification, and primary, secondary, and tertiary stress marks) and Moby Language (100,000 word word lists in five major world languages) lexical databases. All databases are supplied in pure ASCII, royalty-free, in both Macintosh and MS-DOS disk formats (also in .Z file formats). Both commercial (to resell derived structures as part of commercial applications) and educational/research licenses are available. Samples of each of the lexical databases are available by anonymous ftp from netcom.com:/pub/grady/Moby_Sampler.tar.Z []. For more information, write to Illumind, Attn: Grady Ward, 3449 Martha Court, Arcata, CA 95521, call/fax 707-826-7715, or send email to grady@netcom.com. The Oxford Text Archive has hundreds of online texts in a wide variety of languages, including a few dictionaries (the OED, Collins, etc.). The Lancaster-Oslo-Bergen (LOB), Brown, and London-Lund corpii are also available from them. For more information, write to Oxford Electronic Publishing, Oxford University Press, 200 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, call 212-889-0206, or send mail to archive@vax.oxford.ac.uk. (Their contact information in England is Oxford Text Archive, Oxford University Computing Service, 13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN, UK, +44 (865) 273238.) Mailing Lists: CORPORA is a mailing list for Text Corpora. It welcomes information and questions about text corpora such as availability, aspects of compiling and using corpora, software, tagging, parsing, and bibliography. To be added to the list, send a message to corpora-request@x400.hd.uib.no. Contributions should be sent to corpora@x400.hd.uib.no. Linguistic Data Consortium: The Linguistic Data Consortium was established to broaden the collection and distribution of speech and natural language data bases for the purposes of research and technology development in automatic speech recognition, natural language processing, and other areas where large amounts of linguistic data are needed. Information about the LDC is available by anonymous ftp from ftp.cis.upenn.edu:/pub/ldc []. Documents available in this directory include a paper on the background, rationale and goals of the LDC, a brief list of available data bases, and some tables summarizing these corpora. For further information, contact Elizabeth Hodas, , Mark Liberman , or Jack Godfrey . ---------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: [5-4] List of Smalltalk implementations. Little Smalltalk -- Tim Budd's version of Smalltalk cs.orst.edu: /pub/budd/small.v3.tar GNU Smalltalk prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/gnu/smalltalk-1.1.1.tar.Z ---------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: [5-5] AI-related CD-ROMs The NCC Artificial Intelligence CD-ROM (Revision 2, 1993) is available from Network Cybernetics Corporation for $129.00 per copy (plus $5 shipping domestic, $10 shipping international). If you currently own the first edition of the AI CD-ROM, you can "upgrade" to the Rev.2 CD for $79 + shipping. The AI CD-ROM is an ISO-9660 format disk usable on any computer system, and contain a variety of public domain, shareware, and other software of special interest to the AI community. The disk contains source code, executable programs, demonstration versions of commercial programs, tutorials and other files for a variety of operating systems. Among the supported operating systems are MS-DOS, OS/2, Mac, Amiga, and Unix. Among the items included are CLIPS v6.0 and NETS, courtesy of COSMIC, the collected source code from AIExpert magazine from the premier issue in June of 1986 to the present, and complete transcriptions of the first annual Loebner Prize competition, which took place at the Boston Computer Museum. It also includes examples many different kinds of neural networks, genetic algorithms, artificial life simulators, natural language software, public domain and shareware compilers for a wide range of languages such as Lisp, Xlisp, Scheme, XScheme, Smalltalk, Prolog, ICON, SNOBOL, and many others. Complete collections of the Neural Digest, Genetic Algorithms Digest, and Vision List Digest are included. All files on the disk are compressed in ZIP format. Network Cybernetics Corporation intends to release annual revisions to the AI CD-ROM to keep it up to date with current developments in the field. For more information, write to Network Cybernetics Corporation, 4201 Wingren Road, Suite 202, Irving, Texas 75062-2763, call 214-650-2002, fax 214-650-1929, or send email to ai-cdrom@ncc.com or steve.rainwater@ncc.com (Steve Rainwater). PTF is a semi-annual CD-ROM collection of UNIX-related freeware source code and documentation. PTF in no way modifies the legal restrictions on any package it includes. Each issue consists of two ISO-9660 CD-ROMs, bound into a 50+ page booklet. PTF is particularly useful for programmers who do not have FTP access, but may also be useful as a way of saving disk space and avoiding annoying FTP searches and retrievals. The current issue (2-1; January, 1993) includes, among other things, ICOT collection and several varieties of Lisp and other AI languages. It sells (list) for $60 US plus applicable sales tax and shipping and handling charges. SUG and USENIX members may purchase the issue for $50. Payable through Visa, Mastercard, postal money orders in US funds, and checks in US funds drawn on a US bank. For more information write to Prime Time Freeware, 370 Altair Way, Suite 150, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 call 408-433-9662, fax 408-432-6149, or send email to ptf@cfcl.com. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: [5-6] World-Wide Web (WWW) Resources The World Wide Web (WWW) is a hypermedia document that spans the Internet. It uses the http (HyperText Transfer Protocol) for the light-weight exchange of files over the Internet. NCSA Mosaic is a World Wide Web browser developed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). Mosaic's popularity derives, in part, from its ability to communicate using more traditional Internet protocols like FTP, Gopher, WAIS, and NNTP, in addition to http. Mosaic can display text, hypertext links, and inlined graphics directly. When Mosaic encounters a file type it can't handle internally, such as Postscript documents, mpeg movies, sound files, and JPEG images, it uses an external viewer (or player) like Ghostscript to handle the file. Mosaic also includes facilities for exploring the Internet. In other words, Mosaic is an multimedia interface to the Internet. The hypertext documents viewed with Mosaic are written in HTML (HyperText Markup Language), which is a subset of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language). All that is needed is just a few more improvements, such as the ability to format tables and mathematics, and a WYSIWYG editor, for HTML to greatly facilitate electronic journals and other publications. NCSA Mosaic for the X Window System is available by anonymous ftp from ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu:Mosaic/ as source code and binaries for Sun, SGI, IBM RS/6000, DEC Alpha OSF/1, DEC Ultrix, and HP-UX. Questions about NCSA Mosaic should be directed to mosaic-x@ncsa.uiuc.edu (X-Windows version), mosaic-mac@ncsa.uiuc.edu (Macintosh), and mosaic-win@ncsa.uiuc.edu (Microsoft Windows). A simple HTML version of the AI FAQ (this FAQ) is available as http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/ai-faq/top.html It is prepared automatically from the original by Thomas A. Fine, . The remainder of this section lists WWW resources of interest to AI researchers, students, and practitioners. Machine Learning: The Knowledge Systems Laboratory of the National Research Council of Canada has set up a WWW server for AI, with an emphasis on machine learning. The URL for the server is http://ai.iit.nrc.ca/home_page.html For more information, write to Peter Turney . ACM SIGART: The Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group for AI's gopher server is gopher://sigart.acm.org/ Genetic Art and Movies: Programs which use genetic algorithms to create art, inspired by the work of Karl Sims at Thinking Machines. Votes from human users (folks like you) are used to determine the "fitness" of the pictures in the current generation. The more fit pictures are more likely to be used in the creation of the next generation. After about a dozen or so generations, really pretty pictures result. Interactive Genetic Art II http://mixing.sp.cs.cmu.edu:8001/htbin/mjwgenform Interactive Genetic Movies http://mixing.sp.cs.cmu.edu:8001/htbin/moviegenform Robotics: A list of pointers to sources of robotics information on the Internet. http://cs.indiana.edu/robotics/world.html Includes a HTML version of the comp.robotics FAQ, http://cs.indiana.edu/robotics/copy.html maintained by Jason Almeter . Neural Networks: http://www.eeb.ele.tue.nl/index.html Various Universities: MIT AI Lab http://www.ai.mit.edu/ Stanford KSL http://www-ksl.stanford.edu/ U. of Washington AI http://www.cs.washington.edu/research/projects/ai/www/ UMass Robotics http://piglet.cs.umass.edu:4321/lpr.html JAIR gopher://p.gp.cs.cmu.edu/ ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; *EOF*