WELCOME TO 'KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! LEVEL 2 To play 'Know Your Right!' use the right and left arrow keys to move the marker from 'T' to 'F' depending upon your respo nse. Once you have decided whether the statement is 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' hit the 'ENTER' key. Your response will be verified and your score updated. Once you have responded to all the questions on Level 2 the score screen will appear showing your final results. Good luck and enjoy. *** ENTER TO START THE GAME *** The U.S. Constitution grants Congress the authority to print money. A tax on wages is a direct tax and must be apportioned. Laws passed by Congress must comply with, and stay within the boundaries established by, the U.S. Constitution. "all duties, imposts and excises" may vary throughout the United States. The powers of Congress are virtually unlimited. The U.S. Constitution is designed to be flexible and change with the times. The Supreme Court is responsible for making the changes. The "Bill of Rights", amendments 1-10, are unique in the fact that none of them have qualifiers such as: but, except, usually, most of the time. Individual rights, as defined by the U.S. Constitution, are absolute. "Judges are to ensure participation in decision making by minorities whose interests differ from those of the rest of us." "Because it is only the content of a clause that gives the judge any authority, where that content does not apply, he is without authority and is, for that reason, forbidden to act." Article III, Section 2, grants the federal judiciary authority to interpret and revise the U.S. and State Constitutions as necessary. An American citizen has the right to say what ever they want, regardless of how offensive or obnoxious it maybe. The 'General Welfare Clause' implies that the federal government is responsible for assuring a minimum standard of living for every citizen. Americans have the right to peaceably assemble and demonstrate, with or without government approval. The U.S. Constitution forbids citizens from judging the laws passed by Congress by their decisions as jurors. States cannot require you to pay state taxes with Federal Reserve notes. Civil rights laws which grant special privileges to certain groups, are unconstitutional. "The Constitution is what the judges say it is." A direct tax, like the Social Security Tax, must be apportioned. The 5th. Amendment says "if you're quilty, you don't have to incriminate yourself."