PUNCHLIST VERSION 2 The technique of "punchlisting" has been used by project managers for decades. The technique is no more than making a list of incomplete, missing or defective items to be addressed in order to complete a project. Although the technique is simple, the actual implementation can be difficult because today's projects often involve diverse groups, suppliers and scheduling restraints. Trying to track the items needed to complete a project can now be made easier by the help of a new, inexpensive PC package titled PUNCHLIST. WHO CAN BENEFIT BY USING PUNCHLIST? PUNCHLIST, used to its maximum potential, is capable of tracking up to 10,000 items on multiple projects at a time in the Registered Version. The Shareware version can track 50 items for each of 10 projects. It is therefore an invaluable tool to Engineers and Construction Managers on large multimillion dollar projects. Although PUNCHLIST was developed for massive design and construction projects, it is also useful to Hotel Managers, Real-Estate Leasing Managers, Physical Plant Managers, Hospital and Medical Staff, Automobile Sales and Leasing Firms, etc. - virtually anyone involved in completing multi-task operations. Businessmen/women and heads of households can use PUNCHLIST as a PIM (personal information manager) and "to do" list tracker. Many users have said PUNCHLIST is a product they have needed for a long time. THE DEVELOPMENT OF PUNCHLIST The PUNCHLIST program was developed by Vector Services Corporation and originally intended for internal use only. After the firm experienced outstanding success with the program it was decided to make the program to the public Due to the level of demand generated by the original program, Vector Services has updated the program to provide additional reports, sorts, graphic displays and multi-user capability. The use of windows, on screen help menus and mouse support make the program exceptionally user friendly and enables users to begin running the program moments after installation. HOW DOES THE PROGRAM WORK? Items to be tracked are entered by completing fields on an entry screen. PUNCHLIST's information fields include location, description, completion due date, contractor/responsible individual, supplier department, and system, as well as four user defined fields. In addition, each item is automatically assigned an identifier number for tracking purposes. The program has several features which allow the user to configure the input/output for specific terminals and printers. Reports can be generated listing only open items or can be sorted by user-defined sort criteria. This criteria can include milestones, priorities, suppliers, etc. Studies have shown that the simple cataloging and dissemination of missing/incomplete items greatly facilitates the successful outcome of a project. PUNCHLIST provides a cost-effective as well as a time efficient method of tracking items needed to complete ANY TYPE of project. AFTER ALL, TIME IS MONEY.