CVT_HLP1 The utilities menu provides the following features. COPY/RENAME PUNCHLIST DATA FILES: With this option you can copy an existing data file to a new name. This can save data entry time for similar project punchlists. EDIT PRIORITY CODE : This option will let you set your own priority codes to be used with your punchlists. Each punchlist data file has a unique set of priority codes. Press Enter or page down for more HELP, Esc to exit HELP. EDIT MILESTONE This option lets you set your own milestones to be used with your punchlists. Each punchlist data file has a unique set of milestones. SET PRINTER OUTPUT : This option allows you to specify printout quality. Print Quality - Draft or Letter Quality Characters Per Inch (CPI) - 10 CPI (pica), 12 CPI (elite) or 17 CPI (compressed) Page Width - 8 1/2" or 14 7/8" Printer Port - LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, COM1, or COM2 CONFIGURE PRINTER : This option is used to specify control sequences for the printer(s) that your system utilizes. An active printer and it's control sequences must be specified before reports can be printed correctly. See user's manual for data entry instructions and further information. Press Esc or Enter to exit HELP To select a choice, highlight the choice using the cursor control arrows and press Enter. The choices are: Select/Create Punchlist Data File to activate or create an active punchlist you wish to browse, edit or print. Maintain Active Data File to browse, search or edit the active punchlist. Print Active Data File to print the active punchlist. Utilities to edit priority codes and milestones, config- ure printer, set printer output or to copy/rename an existing punchlist data file. Quit to leave the PUNCHLIST program and return to DOS. Press Esc or Enter to exit HELP MTN_HLP1 The menu selections are explained below. To make a menu selection use the cursor arrow keys or just press the first letter of your choice to highlight the menu item. Press Enter when your choice is highlighted. : This will display the next record in the active file. PREVIOUS : This will display the previous record in the active file. : This choice will move the cursor into the data entry fields at the record after the last existing record in the file. The first three fields are supplied automatically. REVISE : This choice will move the cursor into the data entry fields at the displayed record. Use normal editing techniques to edit any desired fields. DELETE : This choice will delete the displayed record. SEARCH : This choice will create a window from which the user specifies a search field, search string and a destination for a free field search. Press Enter or page down for more HELP, Esc to exit HELP d MTN_HLP2 When adding or revising a record you may move freely from one data entry field to another in the following ways: Enter or down arrow will accept the data and move to the next field. Esc or up arrow will move to the previous field. Esc or up arrow will move to the menu selections if the current field is "NUMBER". F2 will advance the cursor to the end of the record. F3 will save the displayed record. Press Enter or page down for more HELP, Esc to exit HELP. , MTN_HLP3 The active file name is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. This is the only file that you can access. To browse or edit a different file you must go back to the main menu and choose Select/Create Punchlist Data File. There you can activate a different file. To change the color combination of the screen press F7. You will see the change color menu which has four choices of color combinations. Use the arrow keys to select your choice then press Enter. Press Enter or page down for more HELP, Esc to exit HELP. SEARCH After selecting the search option from the menu a new window will appear. The user can now select a search field, search string and a destination (display or printer). When display is chosen as the destination the displayed file is a partial file containing only those records that match the search specifications. Any changes made to this file while it is displayed will not be reflected in the complete file. Any additional search attempts of this partial file will not be allowed until the F6 key is pressed. When F6 is pressed the complete file is redisplayed and another search can be performed. USER DEFINED FIELDS Press F5 to change the user defined fields. These four fields (located at the bottom of the input screen) are text fields with a length of 20 characters. The names of these fields can be up to 12 characters long. Press Esc or Enter to exit HELP. PRN_HLP1 This window enables you to print the active punchlist. ALL RECORDS : This selection prints all open items or all open and complete items. SPECIFIC RECORDS : This selection prints only certain records. If this choice is selected you must specify field(s) contained in the desired records to be printed. This consists of data entry. For example, if you want to print only the records with a due date of 11/21/89, press Enter to progress to the "DUE DATE" field and then type in 11/21/89. Then continue through the fields until the F10 prompt is encountered and press F10. PRINT : This selection prints the specific records you just specified. SORT THEN PRINT : This selection sorts the specific records. If this selection is chosen the cursor will move to the sort specification menu which contains the different choices of fields by which to sort. For instance, you might want to sort by contractor name. Use the arrow keys to highlight your choice and press enter. See user's manual for sort criteria. Press enter or page down for more HELP, Esc to exit HELP. REPORT FORMATS To change the print format or to display print format infor- mation the cursor must be located in the upper left hand menu when F8 or F9 keystrokes are entered. There are six print formats, numbered one to six. Three formats are 135 characters wide and three formats are 80 characters wide. 135 character formats can be used on 80 character printers if condensed mode is selected from "Set Printer Output" choice of the Utilities menu. Press F8 to display the report format information. This lists the fields that are printed for the various formats. Press F9 to change the print format. The cursor will move to the small box at the top of the FORMAT window. Type in the number of the print format you desire. Then press Enter to save the new print format number. Press Esc or Enter to exit HELP This screen allows you to perform the following functions: Create a new punchlist: If there are no existing files then create the first one by typing the desired name in the NEW FILE box and pressing Enter. If there are existing files, press Esc, then type in the new name and press Enter. Activate an existing punchlist to edit or print: The list in the upper-right-hand corner that is entitled Existing Punchlist Filenames contains a list of all the punchlists you have already created. Use the cursor arrow keys to select the punchlist you want to activate and press Enter. Delete a file: Select a file in the list with the cursor control keys and press Ctrl-D. The ACTIVE FILE box displays the name of the file that is currently active. The NEW FILE box is an entry field for the name of a file to be created. Return the main menu: Press Ctrl-Esc. NOTE: An active file must be specified before exiting. Press Esc or Enter to exit HELP CVT_HELP CVT_HLP1Q MAINMENU MTN_HELP MTN_HLP1y MTN_HLP2 MTN_HLP3w PRN_HELP PRN_HLP1 SEL_HELP