HELP Answer "Y" to save the statement(s) just printed and update your files or "N" to return to the main menu. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can enter a description for the new case or press ESC to return without creating this case. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can enter a name for the new client or press ESC to return without creating the client. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can enter a name for the new employee or press ESC to return without creating the new employee record. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Enter a description for the new service. You will then be able to change the description that will appear on this bill. Press ESC to return without creating the service. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" to continue and delete the transactions or "N" to return to the main menu. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP This automatic bill is not on file. Answer "Y" to create a new automatic bill or "N" to reenter the bill number. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP If you want to create a new automatic bill, enter the number that will be used to identify the new bill. If you want to modify or delete an existing automatic bill, enter the appropriate automatic bill number or press F2 to use the lookup window to search for the automatic bill. If you want to return to the main menu, press ENTER. Press ENTER or ESC to return AUTENTR3 HELP Enter the service number for this bill. The description for the service then appears directly below this field. You can then edit the description. Enter the client number for the client to be billed. The name and address of the client will then appear. This field indicates how often the bill is used. You can specify a "Type" code for each Enter "D" for daily, "W" automatic bill. weekly, "B" for biweekly, "M" for monthly, "S" for Enter "Y" if this is an active automatic semi-monthly, bill. Otherwise, enter "N" in this field. quarterly, or "A" for anually. Press ENTER to continue or ESC to return 11??11 1$AUTENTR4 HELP This is the employee who will perform the specified service. You can enter a case number if you want to create transactions for a particular case. You can use this field to identify transactions created by this bill. Enter the next date that this bill is to be used. Each time this bill is used, this field will be updated automatically. Enter the number of hours for the bill. Enter "Y" if this bill is to create billable transactions or "N" to create non-billable transactions. !Press ENTER to continue or ESC to return 1!?11 HELP Specify the discount percentage to apply to transactions created by this bill. The discount will be calculated before taxes are added. Enter the hourly cost for transactions created by this bill. The default rate is determined by the pay rate for the employee that you select. Enter the hourly billing rate for transactions created by this bill. The default rate is determined by the rate for the employee or service that you selected. Enter "Y" if this bill is taxable or "N" if not. If the bill is taxable, you can enter a tax rate here. The net amount for the bill is calculated automatically. -Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" to continue and create new transactions or "N" to return to the main menu. Press ENTER or ESC to return AUTOLNK2 HELP Enter the service number for this bill. The description for the service then appears directly below this field. You can then edit the description. Enter the client number for the client to be billed. The name and address of the client will then appear. This field indicates how often the bill is used. You can specify a "Type" code for each Enter "D" for daily, "W" automatic bill. weekly, "B" for biweekly, "M" for monthly, "S" for Enter "Y" if this is an active automatic semi-monthly, bill. Otherwise, enter "N" in this field. quarterly, or "A" for anually. Press ENTER to continue or ESC to return 11??11 AUTOLNK3 HELP This is the employee who will perform the specified service. You can enter a case number if you want to create transactions for a particular case. You can use this field to identify transactions created by this bill. Enter the next date that this bill is to be used. Each time this bill is used, this field will be updated automatically. Enter the number of hours for the bill. Enter "Y" if this bill is to create billable transactions or "N" to create non-billable transactions. !Press ENTER to continue or ESC to return 1!?11 HELP Specify the discount percentage to apply to transactions created by this bill. The discount will be calculated before taxes are added. Enter the hourly cost for transactions created by this bill. The default rate is determined by the pay rate for the employee that you select. Enter the hourly billing rate for transactions created by this bill. The default rate is determined by the rate for the employee or service that you selected. Enter "Y" if this bill is taxable or "N" if not. If the bill is taxable, you can enter a tax rate here. Specify the linking code for transactions created by this automatic bill. -Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP The lookup window enables you to search for the correct automatic bill. The following keys are active: - Highlights the next choice. (Up Arrow> - Highlights the previous choice. PgDn - Displays the next page of choices. PgUp - Displays the previous page of choices. Ctrl-PgDn - Highlights the last choice in the file. Ctrl-PgUp - Highlights the first choice in the file. Home - Highlights the first displayed choice. End - Highlights the last displayed choice. Enter - Selects the currently highlighted choice. Esc - Exits the window without making a selection. When you make a selection from the lookup window, the currently highlighted automatic bill will be placed in the active data entry field. $Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Enter the final employee number to include in the report or skip this field to end with the last employee. Enter the first employee number to include in the report or skip this field to begin with the first employee. Enter "B" to list only billable transactions or "N" to list only nonbillable transactions. Enter "A" to list all transactions. Only transactions dated prior to the date specified here will be included in the report. Skip this field to end with the last transaction. Only transactions dated after the date that you enter here will be included in the report. Skip this field to begin with the first transaction. Press ENTER or ESC to return 1@?1? 1@?1? 1@?1? HELP The date entered here will determine which automatic bills will be used to generate transactions. Transactions are created only for automatic bills whose "Next Date" field contains a date on or after this date. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Enter the final case number to include in the report or skip this field to end with the last case. Enter the first case number to include in the report or skip this field to begin with the first case. Enter "A" to list only active cases or "I" to list only inactive cases. Enter "B" to list all cases. Only transactions dated prior to the date specified here will be included in the report. Skip this field to end with the last transaction. Only transactions dated after the date that you enter here will be included in the report. Skip this field to begin with the first transaction. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" to save the system information as entered or "N" to return to the main menu without changing anything. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Enter the final client number to include in the report or skip this field to end with the last client. Enter the first client number to include in the report or skip this field to begin with the first client. Only clients with the "Code" that you enter here will appear on the report. Skip this field to include all clients. Only clients with the "Type" code specified here will appear on the report. Skip this field to include all clients. Press ENTER or ESC to return 1??1? 1>??1? HELP Enter the final client number to include in the report or skip this field to end with the last client. Enter the first client number to include in the report or skip this field to begin with the first client. Only transactions dated prior to the date specified here will be included in the report. Skip this field to end with the last transaction. Only transactions dated after the date that you enter here will be included in the report. Skip this field to begin with the first transaction. Press ENTER or ESC to return 1>??11? 1??11? HELP Statements will only be printed for clients with the "Code" that you specify here. Skip this field to print statements for all codes. Enter "Y" if you want your company's name to be printed on the statements. Otherwise, enter "N" here. Enter "Y" if you will print these statements on pre-printed forms or "N" if the statements will be printed on plain paper. $Press ENTER or ESC to return 1D?11? 1C??11? BICLIST2 HELP Enter the number of the final client whose statement you will print or skip this field to end with the last client. Enter the number of the first client whose statement you will print or skip this field to begin with the first client. Statements will be printed only for clients with the "Type" code specified here. Skip this field if you want to print statements for all types. Press ENTER to continue or ESC to return HELP Enter "Y" if you are closing the final period of the year. Otherwise, enter "N" in this field. If you elect to print a report, the date that you enter here will be specified as the period ending date on the report header. Otherwise, this field will be skipped. Answer "Y" if you want to print a list of transactions that were entered during this period. Enter "N" if you do not want to print the report. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can link to the General Ledger module in summary or detail. If you link in summary form, the program will summarize transactions so that only one general journal entry is created for each account number. If you link in detail, no summarization will take place. Enter "S" here to link in summary form or "D" to link in detail. Enter "N" if you do not want to link Service Billing to the General Ledger module. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Enter the client number of the client to be credited or press Enter the dollar amount of the credit ENTER to return to the main in this field. menu. You can enter a description of the credit here. Enter the date of the credit. You can enter a case number if you want the credit applied to Enter "Y" if you want this credit to a particular case. appear on the next statement printed for the client. Otherwise, enter You can use this field to "N" in this field. help identify the credit. ,Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP &Enter "Y" if you want this credit to &appear on the next statement printed You can enter a case number if for the client. Otherwise, enter you want the credit applied to "N" in this field. a particular case. You can use this field to help Enter the date of the credit. identify the credit. Specify the linking code for this credit. +Press ENTER or ESC to return 1%?11? 1%?11? BICRDLK2 HELP Enter the client number of the client to be credited or press Enter the dollar amount of the credit ENTER to return to the main in this field. menu. You can enter a description of the credit here. Press ENTER to continue or ESC to return HELP Enter the final employee number to include in the report or skip this field to end with the last employee. Enter the first employee number to include in the report or skip this field to begin with the first employee. Enter "B" to list only billable transactions or "N" to list only nonbillable transactions. Enter "A" to list all transactions. Only transactions dated prior to the date specified here will be included in the report. Skip this field to end with the last transaction. Only transactions dated after the date that you enter here will be included in the report. Skip this field to begin with the first transaction. Press ENTER or ESC to return 1@?1? 1@?1? 1@?1? HELP Answer "Y" to continue and create finance charges or "N" to return to the main menu. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" to print a list of finance charges that will be created or "N" if you do not want to print a list. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" to continue and print the report or "N" to proceed without printing a report. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Enter "Y" if you want to update the linking file with entries for all items that have been printed on client statements. Answer "N" if you do not want to create entries at this time. The date that you enter here will appear on the report header. Answer "Y" if you want to print a list of the entries that will be created. If you have elected to update the linking file, the report will print as the entries are created. Enter "N" if you do not want to print the report. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Only transactions that occurred prior to the date that you specify here will be deleted. Enter "Y" if you want to print a list of transactions that will be deleted first. You will then be able to review the list before proceding. Enter "N" in this field if you do not want to print a report. Press ENTER or ESC to return BILLENT3 HELP &Enter the discount percentage &to apply to this bill. &discount will be calculated &before any taxes are added. Enter the number of hours for This is the hourly cost for this bill. the bill. Enter "Y" if this transaction is billable or "N" if not. Enter "Y" if this bill is taxable or "N" if not. Enter the hourly billing rate for the bill. Press ENTER to continue or ESC to return 1"??1? 1#?1? 1'?1? HELP Enter "Y" to immediately select this item to appear on the next statement printed for this client. you enter "N" here, this item will not appear on a statement or be transferred to the General Ledger module unless you specifically select it using the SELECT FOR BILLING function. However, all service, employee, client, and case balances are updated. If the bill is taxable, you can enter a tax rate in this field. Press ENTER or ESC to return BILLENT2 HELP You can enter the client number of Enter the service number for this the client to be billed or press bill. ENTER to return to the main menu. After you enter the service number, you can change the description of the service. Specify the date for this bill. You can use this field to further identify this bill. This is the employee who will You can enter a case number if you perform the service specified want the bill applied to a specific for this bill. case. !Press ENTER to continue or ESC to return 1M?1? trBILLLNK2 HELP You can enter the client number of Enter the service number for this the client to be billed or press bill. ENTER to return to the main menu. After you enter the service number, you can change the description of the service. Specify the date for this bill. You can use this field to further identify this bill. This is the employee who will You can enter a case number if you perform the service specified want the bill applied to a specific for this bill. case. !Press ENTER to continue or ESC to return 1M?1? reBILLLNK3 HELP &Enter the discount percentage &to apply to this bill. &discount will be calculated &before any taxes are added. Enter the number of hours for This is the hourly cost for this bill. the bill. Enter "Y" if this transaction is billable or "N" if not. Enter "Y" if this bill is taxable or "N" if not. Enter the hourly billing rate for the bill. Press ENTER to continue or ESC to return 1"??1? 1#?1? 1'?1? HELP Enter "Y" to immediately select this item to appear on the next statement printed for this client. you enter "N" here, this item will not appear on a statement or be transferred to the General Ledger module unless you specifically select it using the SELECT FOR BILLING function. However, all service, employee, client, and case balances are updated. If the bill is taxable, you can enter a tax rate in this field. Specify the linking code for this bill. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP The computer is out of memory. Answer "Y" to save the transactions entered during this session or "N" if you do not want to save these entries. Whether you elect to save or not, all transactions entered during this session will be removed from memory so that you can create more transactions. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP There are no general journal entries to be created at this time. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Enter the client number of the client making the payment or Enter the dollar amount of the payment press ENTER to return to the in this field. main menu. You can enter a description of the payment here. Enter the date of the payment. You can enter a case number if you want the payment applied to Enter "Y" if you want the payment to a particular case. appear on the next statement printed for the client. Otherwise, enter You can use this field to "N" in this field. help identify the payment. ,Press ENTER or ESC to return 1#??1? HELP &Enter "Y" if you want the payment to &appear on the next statement printed You can enter a case number if for the client. Otherwise, enter you want the payment applied to "N" in this field. a particular case. You can use this field to help Enter the date of the payment. identify the payment. Specify the linking code for this payment. +Press ENTER or ESC to return 1%?11? 1%?11? thBIPYMLK2 HELP Enter the client number of the client maiking the payment or Enter the dollar amount of the payment press ENTER to return to the in this field. main menu. You can enter a description of the payment here. Press ENTER to continue or ESC to return HELP Enter the final service number to include in the report or skip this field to end with the last service. Enter the first service number to include in the report or skip this field to begin with the first service. Only transactions dated prior to the date specified here will be included in the report. Skip this field to end with the last transaction. Only transactions dated after the date that you enter here will be included in the report. Skip this field to begin with the first transaction. Press ENTER or ESC to return 1???1? 1@?1? HELP Answer "Y" to change the displayed system information or "N" to return to the main menu. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Enter the number of the transaction that you want to delete or press ENTER to return to the main menu. After you enter the transaction number, the screen will display the details of the transaction. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" to delete this transaction or "N" to return to the previous screen without deleting. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" to continue and rebuild your files or "N" to return to the main menu. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP This case is not on file. Answer "Y" to create a new case or "N" to reenter the case number. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Enter the first case number to include in the report or skip this field to begin with the first case. Enter "A" to list only active cases or "I" to list only inactive cases. Enter "B" to list all cases. Only the cases with the "Type" code specified here will will appear on the report. Enter the final case number to include in the report or skip this field to end with the last case. !Press ENTER or ESC to return 1@?1?? 1???1?? HELP If you want to create a new case record, enter the client and case numbers for the new case. Each case for a given client must be assigned a unique case number. If you want to modify or delete an existing case record, enter the appropriate case and client numbers or press F2 to use the lookup window to find the correct records. If you want to return to the main menu, press ENTER while the "Client" field is active. Press ENTER or ESC to return CASENTR3 HELP Enter a description for the case. You can specify a credit limit for the case. This serves for your reference only. This is the employee who will Enter "Y" if this is an perform most or all of the active case or "N" if the services for the case. case is inactive. Enter a telephone number for You can specify a "type" the case. for each case. Enter the name of the person that you will correspond with concerning the case. !Press ENTER to continue or ESC to return HELP When first creating a case record, you can enter the current balance for the case. When creating a new case record, This is the total non-billable you can specify the date of the hours worked for the case. last payment for the case. When you create a new case record, When creating a new case record, you can enter the total number of you can also specify the date of hours (billable and non-billable) the last bill recorded for the worked for the case. case. This is the total dollar amount This is the total dollar amount billed for the case. payed for the case. -Press ENTER or ESC to return 1L?11? 1L?11? 1I??11?? 1J??11?? 1J??11?? 1J??11?? HELP The lookup window enables you to search the case file for the correct case record. The following keys are active: - Highlights the next choice. (Up Arrow> - Highlights the previous choice. PgDn - Displays the next page of choices. PgUp - Displays the previous page of choices. Ctrl-PgDn - Highlights the last choice in the file. Ctrl-PgUp - Highlights the first choice in the file. Home - Highlights the first displayed choice. End - Highlights the last displayed choice. Enter - Selects the currently highlighted choice. Esc - Exits the window without making a selection. When you make a selection from the lookup window, the currently highlighted case number will automatically be placed in the active data entry field. #Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP If you want to review the transactions for a particular case, enter the appropriate client and case numbers or press F2 to use a lookup window to find the client and case. If you want to return to the main menu, press ENTER while the "Client" field is active. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can: 1. Press PgUp to display the previous transaction 2. Press PgDn to display the next transaction 3. Press ESC to return to the previous screen Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP This client is not on file. Answer "Y" to create a new client or "N" to reenter the client number. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP If you want to create a new client record, enter the number that will be used to identify the new client. If you want to modify or delete an existing client record, enter the appropriate client number or press F2 to use the lookup window to search for the correct client. If you want to return to the main menu, press ENTER. Press ENTER or ESC to return CLIENTR3 HELP Use these fields to enter this client's name and address. Enter this client's telephone number. You can use this field to identify a person you will correspond with. This is the employee who will perform most or all of the services for this client. You can specify a type for each client. You can press F3 to accept the information currently You can also specify a code for each of displayed on the screen. your clients. "Press ENTER to continue or ESC to return 1M?1? 1M?1? .CLIENTR4 # HELP If you make an entry in this field, the program will use this percentage to calculate finance charges for the client. You can enter a percentage of up to 99.9%. Specify the discount percentage that you usually offer this client, if any. Specify the tax rate that is usually applied to bills for this client. You can specify a credit limit for )each client. You will be notified )when you are about to create a bill )that will cause the credit limit to )be exceeded. Skip this field if )there is to be no credit limit. Press ENTER to continue or ESC to continue HELP When first creating a client record, you can use this field to enter the client's current balance. These fields show the period-to-date These fields show period-to-date and and year-to-date amounts billed for year-to-date amounts payed by this this client. You can only make an client. You can only make an entry entry in these fields when first in these fields when first creating creating the client record. the client record. When you create a new client When creating a new client record, record, you can specify the you can enter the date of the last date of the last bill for the payment recorded for the client. client. When creating a new client record, you can use these fields to enter the client's balance at the end of each prior period. .Press ENTER or ESC to return CLILNK2 HELP Use these fields to enter this client's name and address. Enter this client's telephone number. You can use this field to identify a person you will correspond with. This is the employee who will perform most or all of the services for this client. You can specify a type for each client. You can press F3 to accept the information currently You can also specify a code for each of displayed on the screen. your clients. "Press ENTER to continue or ESC to return 1M?1? 1M?1? .CLIENTR4 HELP If you make an entry in this field, the program will use this percentage to calculate finance charges for the client. You can enter a percentage of up to 99.9%. Specify the discount percentage that you usually offer this client, if any. Specify the tax rate that is usually applied to bills for this client. You can specify a credit limit for Specify the linking code that each client. You will be notified you will most often use for when you are about to create a bill transactions for this client. that will cause the credit limit to be exceeded. Skip this field if there is to be no credit limit. !Press ENTER to continue or ESC to return HELP You must establish a new client record before creating a case for this client. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP If you want to review transactions for a particular client, enter the appropriate client number or press F2 to use a lookup window to search for the correct client. Press ENTER to return to the main menu. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can: 1. Press PgUp to display the previous transaction 2. Press PgDn to display the next transaction 3. Press ESC to return to the previous screen Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Enter the final client number to include in the report or skip this field to end with the last client. Enter the first client number to include in the report or skip this field to begin with the first client. Only clients with the "Code" specified here will appear on the report. Only clients with the "Type" code specified here will appear on the report. Press ENTER or ESC to return 1>??11? 1??11? 1@?1? 1???1? HELP The lookup window enables you to search the client file for the correct client record. The following keys are active: - Highlights the next choice. (Up Arrow> - Highlights the previous choice. PgDn - Displays the next page of choices. PgUp - Displays the previous page of choices. Ctrl-PgDn - Highlights the last choice in the file. Ctrl-PgUp - Highlights the first choice in the file. Home - Highlights the first displayed choice. End - Highlights the last displayed choice. Enter - Selects the currently highlighted choice. Esc - Exits the window without making a selection. When you make a selection from the lookup window, the currently highlighted client number will automatically be placed in the active data entry field. #Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" to continue and close the period or "N" to return to the main menu. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" to delete this case or "N" to return to the previous prompt. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" to delete this client or "N" to return to the previous prompt. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" to delete this employee or "N" to return to the previous prompt. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" to delete this linking code or "N" to return to the previous prompt. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" to delete this service or "N" to return to the previous prompt. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP The menu enables you to tell the program where to direct the report. Use the left and right arrow keys to reverse the correct report device and press ENTER to select it. If you direct the report to a printer, you should be certain that the printer is on line before continuing. This is the description of the highlighted printer. Press ENTER or ESC to return 1B??1 HELP Since you have elected to save the report on disk, it has been assigned a unique report number. You can also specify a name for the report. When you are ready to actually print this report, you can use both the report number and name to identify it. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP This transaction has already been selected to appear on a client statement and cannot be deleted. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can: 1. Answer "E" to make changes for this automatic bill 2. Answer "D" to delete this automatic bill 3. Answer "Q" to return to the previous screen Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can: 1. Answer "E" to make changes for this case 2. Answer "D" to delete this case 3. Answer "Q" to return to the previous screen Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can: 1. Answer "E" to make changes for this client 2. Answer "D" to delete this client 3. Answer "Q" to return to the previous screen Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can: 1. Answer "E" to make changes for this employee 2. Answer "D" to delete this employee 3. Answer "Q" to return to the previous screen Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can: 1. Answer "E" to make changes for this linking code 2. Answer "D" to delete this linking code 3. Answer "Q" to return to the previous screen Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can: 1. Answer "E" to make changes for this service 2. Answer "D" to delete this service 3. Answer "Q" to return to the previous screen Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP This employee is not on file. Answer "Y" to create a new employee or "N" to reenter the employee number. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP If you want to create a new employee record, enter the number for the new employee. If you want to modify or delete an existing employee record, enter the appropriate employee number or press F2 to use the lookup window to search for the correct employee. If you want to return to the main menu, press ENTER. Press ENTER or ESC to return EMPENTR3 HELP You can use these fields to enter the employee's name and address. 'When creating a new employee 'record, you can specify the 'date of the last transaction /recorded for the employee. You can specify a category for each employee. This will enable you to This is the employee's normal use the LIST EMPLOYEES function to hourly pay rate. list the employees for any single category. Enter the hourly rate that you +will normally bill for this You can use this field to enter the employee's time. employee's telephone number. Press ENTER to continue or ESC to return HELP When creating a new employee When creating a new employee record, you can use these two record, you can use these two fields to enter the total hours fields to enter the year-to-date (billable and nonbillable) for and period-to-date nonbillable the employee. hours for the employee. When creating a new employee When creating a new employee record, you can use these two record, you can use these two fields to enter the year-to-date fields to enter the year-to-date and period-to-date dollar amount and period-to-date pay for the billed for the employee. employee. -Press ENTER or ESC to return 1J?11? 1L?11? 1L?11? 1L?11? 1L?11? 1I??11?? 1J??11?? 1J??11?? 1J??11?? 1J??11?? HELP Enter the first employee number to include in the report or skip this field to begin with the first employee. Only the employees for the category specified here will will appear on the report. Skip this field to include all employees. Enter the final employee number to include in the report or skip this field to end with the last employee. Press ENTER or ESC to return 1A?1? 1@??1? HELP The lookup window enables you to search the employee file for the correct employee record. The following keys are active: - Highlights the next choice. (Up Arrow> - Highlights the previous choice. PgDn - Displays the next page of choices. PgUp - Displays the previous page of choices. Ctrl-PgDn - Highlights the last choice in the file. Ctrl-PgUp - Highlights the first choice in the file. Home - Highlights the first displayed choice. End - Highlights the last displayed choice. Enter - Selects the currently highlighted choice. Esc - Exits the window without making a selection. When you make a selection from the lookup window, the currently highlighted employee number will automatically be placed in the active data entry field. #Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" if you want to rebuild the Transaction History file. If this file contains a large number of transactions, this may be time consuming. Answer "N" to rebuild all files except for this one. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP The lookup window enables you to search for the correct linking code. The following keys are active: - Highlights the next choice. (Up Arrow> - Highlights the previous choice. PgDn - Displays the next page of choices. PgUp - Displays the previous page of choices. Ctrl-PgDn - Highlights the last choice in the file. Ctrl-PgUp - Highlights the first choice in the file. Home - Highlights the first displayed choice. End - Highlights the last displayed choice. Enter - Selects the currently highlighted choice. Esc - Exits the window without making a selection. When you make a selection from the lookup window, the currently highlighted linking code will automatically be placed in the active data entry field. $Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP This linking code is not on file. Answer "Y" to create a new linking code or "N" to reenter the code. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP If you want to create a new linking code, use this field to enter the new code. If you want to modify or delete an existing linking code, enter the appropriate linking code or press F2 to use the lookup window to search for the correct linking code. If you want to return to the main menu, press ENTER. Press ENTER or ESC to return LNKENTR3 HELP This account is debited when bills are created with this linking code and credited when payments or credits are created with this linking code. This account is credited when bills are created that use this linking code. This is the account that is to be debited when payments are received. Press ENTER to continue or ESC to return HELP This is the account to debit with the total cost of bills that use this linking code. This field is optional - you do not have to make an entry here. This account is credited with the total cost of bills with this linking code. If you do not make an entry in the previous field, this field is skipped. This account is debited when credits are created with this linking code. ,Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You must enter a valid linking code to complete this entry. Press ENTER or ESC to return No help is available. HELP This transaction causes the credit limit specified for this client to be exceeded. Answer "Y" to ignore the warning and save the displayed transaction or "N" to enter another client number. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" to continue and create general journal entries or "N" return to the main menu. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" to continue and print the statements or "N" to return to the main menu. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" to continue and print the report or "N" if you want to skip the report. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" to print the report or "N" to return to the main menu. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Enter the first automatic bill number to include in the report or skip this field to begin with the first automatic bill. Enter "A" to list only active bills or "I" to list only inactive bills. Enter "B" to list all bills. Only automatic bills with the "Type" code specified here will appear on the report. Enter the last automatic bill number to include in the report or skip this field to end with the last automatic bill. !Press ENTER or ESC to return 1???1?? HELP The lookup window enables you to search the file for the correct automatic bill. The following keys are active: - Highlights the next choice. (Up Arrow> - Highlights the previous choice. PgDn - Displays the next page of choices. PgUp - Displays the previous page of choices. Ctrl-PgDn - Highlights the last choice in the file. Ctrl-PgUp - Highlights the first choice in the file. Home - Highlights the first displayed choice. End - Highlights the last displayed choice. Enter - Selects the currently highlighted choice. Esc - Exits the window without making a selection. When you make a selection from the lookup window, the currently highlighted automatic bill number will be placed in the active data entry field. #Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP The menu enables you to tell the program where to direct the report. Use the left and right arrow keys to reverse the correct report device and press ENTER to select it. This is the description of the highlighted printer. Press ENTER or ESC to return 1B??1 HELP Answer "Y" to save the automatic bill as displayed on the screen or "N" to return to the previous screen without saving. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" to save this bill or "N" to erase the bill and enter another. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" to save this credit or "N" to erase the credit and enter another. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" to save this payment or "N" to erase the payment and enter another. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP The menu enables you to tell the program where to direct the report. Use the left and right arrow keys to reverse the correct report device and press ENTER to select it. If you direct the report to a printer, you should be certain that the printer is on line before continuing. This is the description of the highlighted printer. Press ENTER or ESC to return 1B??1 HELP Enter the number of the client whose transactions you will select. You can press the F2 key to use the lookup window to search for a client. Press ENTER to return to the main menu. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can: 1. Press F3 to select the displayed transaction 2. Press PgUp to display the previous transaction 3. Press PgDn to display the next transaction 4. Press ESC to return to the previous screen Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP This service is not on file. Answer "Y" to create a new service or "N" to reenter the service number. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP If you want to create a new service record, enter the number that will be used to identify the new service. If you want to modify or delete an existing service record, enter the appropriate service number or press F2 to use the lookup window to search for the correct service. If you want to return to the main menu, press ENTER. Press ENTER or ESC to return SERENTR3 HELP Specify a description for the service. You will be able to modify the description on a case-by-case basis when you enter transactions using this service. 3Enter "Y" if you usually 3charge clients for this 3service, or "N" if not. 3If you enter "N" here, 3you will still be able 3charge your clients on a 3case-by-case basis. You can specify a "type" for Enter "Y" if the service is each service. usually taxable, or "N" if Enter the hourly rate that you normally bill for this service. Press ENTER to continue or ESC to return 1$?11? HELP When you create a new service, you can specify the date of the last transaction recorded for the service. Enter the period-to-date and Enter the period-to-date and year-to-date hours (billable year-to-date dollar amounts and non-billable) for this billed for the service. You service. You will only be will only be able to make an able to make an entry in entry in these fields when these fields when you first you create the service. create the service. -Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Enter the final service number to include in the report or skip this field to end with the last service. Enter the first service number to include in the report or skip this field to begin with the first service. Enter "B" to list only the services that are usually billable or "N" to list only services that are usually nonbillable. Enter "A"to list all services. Only services with the "Type" code specified here will appear on the report. Press ENTER or ESC to return 1???1? 1@?1? 1@?1? HELP The lookup window enables you to search the service file for the correct service record. The following keys are active: - Highlights the next choice. (Up Arrow> - Highlights the previous choice. PgDn - Displays the next page of choices. PgUp - Displays the previous page of choices. Ctrl-PgDn - Highlights the last choice in the file. Ctrl-PgUp - Highlights the first choice in the file. Home - Highlights the first displayed choice. End - Highlights the last displayed choice. Enter - Selects the currently highlighted choice. Esc - Exits the window without making a selection. When you make a selection from the lookup window, the currently highlighted service number will automatically be placed in the active data entry field. #Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Answer "Y" to print an alignment test or "N" if you are certain that the forms are correctly aligned. You can print the alignment test as many times as necessary. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP The menu enables you to tell the program where to print the statements. Use the left and right arrow keys to reverse the correct print device and press ENTER to select it. This is the description of the highlighted printer. Press ENTER or ESC to return 1B??1 HELP You can: 1. Answer "S" to save the case as shown on the screen 2. Answer "M" to change the displayed information 3. Answer "Q" to abandon entry of this case Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can: 1. Answer "S" to save the client as shown on the screen 2. Answer "M" to change the displayed information 3. Answer "Q" to abandon entry of this client Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can: 1. Answer "S" to save the employee as shown on the screen 2. Answer "M" to change the displayed information 3. Answer "Q" to abandon entry of this employee "Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can: 1. Answer "S" to save the linking code as shown on the screen 2. Answer "M" to change the displayed information 3. Answer "Q" to abandon entry of this linking code %Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can: 1. Answer "S" to save the service as shown on the screen 2. Answer "M" to change the displayed information 3. Answer "Q" to abandon entry of this service Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can: 1. Answer "S" to save the case as shown on the screen 2. Answer "M" to change the displayed information 3. Answer "Q" to abandon any changes that you have made Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can: 1. Answer "S" to save the client as shown on the screen 2. Answer "M" to change the displayed information 3. Answer "Q" to abandon any changes that you have made Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can: 1. Answer "S" to save the employee as shown on the screen 2. Answer "M" to change the displayed information 3. Answer "Q" to abandon any changes that you have made "Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can: 1. Answer "S" to save the linking code as shown on the screen 2. Answer "M" to change the displayed information 3. Answer "Q" to abandon any changes that you have made #Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP You can: 1. Answer "S" to save the service as shown on the screen 2. Answer "M" to change the displayed information 3. Answer "Q" to abandon any changes that you have made Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Transactions have been found for this client. It can not be deleted. Press ENTER or ESC to return HELP Transactions have been found for this linking code. It can not be deleted. Press ENTER or ESC to return ACCPTSTA ADDITCAS ADDITCLI< ADDITEMP ADDITSER ASKHSTDL AUTADD AUTENTR1 AUTENTR2 AUTENTR3k AUTENTR4 AUTGNASK AUTOLNK v AUTOLNK2E AUTOLNK3 AUTOWIND BCASELRPk+ BIAUTGENF0 BICASERP BICFGSAV BICLIAGE BICLILEG BICLIST2 BICLISTA BICLSPER BICONFIG BICRDENT BICRDLK2 BICRDLNK BIEMPLRP0U BIFNCASK BIFNCLST BIFNCPRT BIGLPOST BIHSTDEL BILLENT2*b BILLENT3*f BILLENTRGi BILLLNK BILLLNK2 BILLLNK3 BILLMEM BINOPOSTA{ BIPYMENT BIPYMLK2 BIPYMLNK BISERVRP BISYSEDT BITRNDL1 BITRNDL2 BLDASK CASADD CASELISTc CASENTR1 CASENTR2# CASENTR3 CASEWIND CASSUM1 CASSUM2 v CLIADD CLIENTR1k CLIENTR2[ CLIENTR3 CLIENTR4 CLILNK o CLILNK2 CLILNK3 U CLINOFND6 CLISUM1 CLISUM2 C CLNTLISTa CLNTWIND CLOSEASK DELCAS [ DELCLI DELEMP DELLNK DELSER K DISKMENU DISKNAME DLSELECTM DOWHTAUT DOWHTCASF DOWHTCLIY DOWHTEMPp DOWHTLNK DOWHTSER EMPADD EMPENTR1 EMPENTR2} EMPENTR3V EMPLLIST EMPLWIND HISTASK LINKWIND LNKADD LNKENTR1 LNKENTR2u LNKENTR3k NOLNK NONE | OVRLIMIT POSTASK PRINTSTA PRNHSTDL PRNTPOSTV RECRLIST RECRWIND REPMENU l SAVEAUT s SAVEBILLp SAVECRED* SAVEPYMT SCRNMENU SELECT1 5 SELECT2 l SERADD SERENTR1 SERENTR2 SERENTR3 SERVLISTD SERVWIND STAALIGN STAMENU SVNEWCAS SVNEWCLI SVNEWEMPA, SVNEWLNKo- SVNEWSER SVOLDCAS SVOLDCLI SVOLDEMP12 SVOLDLNKg3 SVOLDSER TRNEXIST TRNEXLNK