IINDEX P Action or Task. Three letter key for an action item or task. These must have been set up. To see a table of options, make any entry and the table will appear unless it is an item that has been set up. rESC Exit Index First Address Line Optional first address line. Second Address Line Optional second address line. IINDEX P Number of Lines After Return Address. Enter the number of lines desired between the return address before printing the date or body of a letter or document. If no return address is printed, this number is added to the number of blank lines at the top of the first page. wESC Exit Index Amounts Two amounts may be merged into letters and documents. Amounts Two amounts may be merged into letters and documents. Attention: If an attention line is to be used, answer yes. Letters and addresses will automatically create an appropriate attention line. IINDEX wESC Exit Index +PgUp Previous IINDEX QLines from the top of the page to the foot. Enter a number between 10 and 60. Six lines are reserved for the foot. This number can be used to put more of the body of a letter or document on the last page. nESC Exit Index Profile Codes Code names are created from the set up menu reached from the main menu. Up to ten codes may be set up. Each may have more than 12, sub codes (23 cubed). qIf you remember the sub code, enter it. If an error is made a look up table will appear from which codes may be added or selected. Example: Type :VEN (a Vendor) BPRO (a Prospective Customer) IINDEX Format. Select the standard format to be used. AMS format (Administrative Management Society) is a simplified format that drops the salutation and complimentary close line of a letter. It also drops the Mr./ Ms./Mrs. title. ESC Exit Index IINDEX P City. Enter the City associated with the zip code. This may be up to 25 characters long, not all of which will show on the screen. bESC Exit Index IINDEX Company. Enter the company name of the sender. This will appear in the return address of letters if printed and also may be used as a merge field in the body of letters and documents. NESC Exit Index IINDEX QDate. Enter a date if you wish to use a date filter. nESC Exit Index IINDEX QDate. Enter a date if you wish to use a date filter. ESC Exit Index Modem Information. Modems must be Hayes compatible. Use this form to enter the type of dialing and the modem port (generally COM2 assuming there is a mouse connected to COM1). IINDEX Name. Enter the full name of the person signing letters and documents. This may be merged if to the document body. ESC Exit Index IINDEX Title. Enter the title of the person signing letters. This field may be merged into the body of letters and documents. ESC Exit Index IINDEX !Code NEnter a three letter code for the item. This will be used to indicate the person, action, category, or action plan being selected when entering data on other forms. >Select index below for more information. ESC Exit Index IINDEX *Code Table HLocate. Type the one or more letters. The table will look for a matching entry as letters are entered. 5Codes and Descriptions. A three letter code may be entered for each item plus a short description. >Table Type. The type of table will be displayed at the top. =Action Plans. When adding action or changing action plans, an action plan entry table will appear after the code and description have been entered. ESC Exit Index Comment Short comment field. Additional notes may be added to a large comment field by pressing the F2 key and selecting "Add Notes". This second field may also be use to created quick letters if a general letter has been set up with {Comment} as the only item in the body of the letter. P Company. Each contact record must have either a person's name or a company name. If you would like the company alphabetized by other than the first word or letter, put a ";" at the end of the company name followed by the beginning of the name, i.e. "World Company;The". This will be put in proper order when printing reports, letters, documents, and envelopes. IINDEX P Sign For Company. Select 'Y' if the company name should appear before the signature line. It will be printed in all upper case, i.e. ~Sincerely, YOUR COMPANY 5Your Name GYour Title ESC Exit Index HCONTUH Contacts by Company 'Show: Select "A" or "F" to show all records or flagged records only. If only a few records are flagged or none at all, the flagged option make take extra time while the full file is searched. $Locate: Type in one or more letters. The file will be searched as letters are typed for a record started with the letter entered. 2Hot Keys Enter for infor- mation on hot keys. +Other Menu JAdd Notes. Add a note to the contact file. This may be up to 53 lines long. It may also be merged into a letter or document. NOTE THAT THE CONTACT RECORD MUST BE UPDATED IF THE NOTE IS TO BE SAVED. You do not have to save it for it to be merged into a letter or document. KEdit Letter or Document. Select this to edit a letter or document. A look up table of document names will appear. -Print Letter or Document. Select this to merge the contact date into a letter or document. HEnvelope. Select this to print an address on an envelope. IINDEX )Filters. Filters are used as criteria for selecting and flagging contact records. HMake a partial entry and press enter to see a look up table. 9Marking Files. Press CTRL-M to flag files that match the profile entries. Press CTRL-M to unmark any files that match the profile entries (selection criteria). FTo unmark all records, return to the prior menu and select Unmark All Records. ESC Exit Index IINDEX P Marking Contacts. Contacts may be marked with a flag which is used to optionally select records when showing them on the screen, in printing, or in batch processing procedures. ~Records can be marked or unmarked in two ways, one using filters and, secondly, directly from look up tables. To use filters, select Merge from the main menu, and then either the temporary or group marking option. VGroup Filters are saved permanently for reuse. Temporary filters are not saved from one session to the next. {ESC Exit Index HCONTUH Contacts by Last Name #Show: Select "A" or "F" to show all records or flagged records only. If only a few records are flagged or none at all, the flagged option make take extra time while the full file is searched. "Locate: Type in one or more letters. The file will be searched as letters are typed for a record started with the letter entered. 0Hot Keys Enter for infor- mation on hot keys. P Hot Keys The "^" means the Ctrl key. Press this and then the following key while still holding the control key. r^M Mark This will cause a flag to appear at the left end of the selected record. ^C Copy This will create a new record with a duplicate of all the informa- tion in the selected record. Data may then be modified as appropri- ate for the new contact. ~^O Other Select this to print letters or documents, an envelope, or to view the schedule for the record located under the pointer bar. IINDEX P Country. Optionally enter the country. If entered, this will appear in the address portion of letters and envelopes. pESC Exit Index IINDEX P Days. A number of days or a date based on adding the number of days specified to the document or letter date may be merged in the body of a letter or document. Deadline. Deadlines will also be saved to the history file if save to history is specified. If there is a deadline date, the history file will show a "P" for pending. ESC Exit Index IINDEX P Days. A number of days or a date based on adding the number of days specified to the document or letter date may be merged in the body of a letter or document. Deadline. Deadlines will also be saved to the history file if save to history is specified. If there is a deadline date, the history file will show a "P" for pending. ESC Exit Index Department Enter the department if appropriate. This will appear below the title in the address portion of letters and immediately after the name in the case of envelopes. P Description Enter a short description for the /code being created. IINDEX P Enclosures. If 1 is select, "ENCLOSURE" will appear at the bottom of a letter or document. If "Multi" is specified, "ENCLOSURES" will be printed at the bottom of a letter or document. ESC Exit Index IINDEX P Filename. Enter path and filename. ESC Exit Index First Name: Enter the first name of the contact. This could be "J. Allen" if the person uses his or her middle name as a first name. sFORM KEYS GDate Entry Move cursor among entry fields. ENTER Complete an entry field. Back up one field. CTRL-ENTER (F2) Accept all entries. CTRL-END Delete from cursor to end of line. INSERT Toggle Insert Mode. DELETE Delete a character. CTRL-\ Change case of character. CTRL-ESC Exit without updating screen. END/HOME Move cursor to end of line. P Flagging. Individual records may be flagged and the flag stored on the hard disk. Flagging of records may be done individually or in batches using selection criteria defined by the user. sSelect "Flagging" from the Processor Menu, then select select the selection criteria. Then from the flagging menu select whether to flag, unflag, or delete flagged records. uStatistics on flagged records may be obtained by selecting one of the profile reports from the Reporter Menu. Zip Code Zip codes may include both numbers and letters. qIf a zip code has not previously been created through the set up menu or when entering a previous contact, a look up table will appear. Press INSERT to add a new zip code, city, state, and country or select the appropriate code and press enter. iThe last five characters may be unique to the particular contact. \How many copies? Enter the number of copies to be printed for this report. Printer: Select the printer and port to be used for this report. The choices are listed to the right. Use the arrow keys to choose one. If you are unsure, use LPT1. Setup Printer/Port: Setup or change the Printer and/or port assignment. IINDEX P Jump. Enter a line number and then the enter key. The display will jump to the line entered. ESC Exit Index IINDEX P Search. Enter search string. The document will be searched for a matching string. ESC Exit Index IINDEX Cursor Control Keys Cursor up Backspace Cursor down Go to next tab stop Cursor left Left to tab stop Cursor right Go left one word Go to beginning of line Go right one word Go to end of line ^PGUP Go to top line Go to previous page ^PGDN Go to last line Go to next page ^HOME Erase entire line Toggle insert mode Erase to end of line Erase character Block Operations Other Mark characters Check spelling Mark lines Search Replace Replace with verify Delete Accept (changes saved) Copy to Clipboard Cancel(changes not saved) Cut to Clipboard Paste from Clipboard ^ means pressed with CTRL key means pressed with ENTER key ESC Quit Index IINDEX P Days. A number of days or a date based on adding the number of days specified to the document or letter date may be merged in the body of a letter or document. Deadline. Deadlines will also be saved to the history file if save to history is specified. If there is a deadline date, the history file will show a "P" for pending. ESC Exit Index IINDEX P Days. A number of days or a date based on adding the number of days specified to the document or letter date may be merged in the body of a letter or document. Deadline. Deadlines will also be saved to the history file if save to history is specified. If there is a deadline date, the history file will show a "P" for pending. ESC Exit Index IINDEX P Second Page Header. Select 'Y' to print headers after first page. The header is left justified and includes the following: Addressee Name BDate LPage Number ESC Exit Index IINDEX P Add to History File. Select 'Y' if you want this added to the history file. The history file will show the date, deadline date if any, and remarks. The document itself will not be copied to the history. nNOTE: IF A DEADLINE IS SPECIFIED, THE SCHEDULE FILE WILL CONTAIN A "P" FOR PENDING. ESC Exit Index PORDERS MSKEYS MNTCM BBATCH TMTABLES MCONMK FSCHCNTFI FFKEYS DPOPCAL SSCHM SUTLM ASCHPATU PPRINTER CCODTU SSCHMK ZZIPTU ZZIPF RRPTM sHELP INDEX ProDomus Product Support and Order Information UDATA ENTRY KEYS MERGE LETTERS SPECIAL PROCEDURES Menu Keys Merge Menu Batch Processing Table Keys Marking Contacts Filters Form Keys +Date Change .SCHEDULE +SETUP Schedule Menu UTILITIES Setup Menu Action Plans Printer and Utilities Code Table Schedule Marking #Zip Code Table BZip Code Form REPORTS IReport Menu ESC Quit IINDEX P Initials. Will appear at the bottom of a letter or document if an entry is made. ESC Exit Index IINDEX P Letter or Document Name. The name of a letter or document or this may be merged into a longer comment field. Make a partial entry and press ENTER to see a list of letters and document names. wESC Exit Index IINDEX P Mailing Instructions. Entry will appear in caps at the bottom of a letter. XESC Exit Index IINDEX PORDERS ; Top Line. Available memory and Actions OLists. Names may be looked up by last name or company name. Companies beginning with "The", "A", etc. may be entered with the name followed by a semicolon, i.e. "World Company;The" cScheduler. Leads to sub menus for various schedule functions. 1Processor. Leads to sub menu for writing letters and documents and processing groups of contact records. Reporter. Leads to sub menu for profile reports and user designed reports. `Begin. Leads to a sum menu for setting up zip codes, people, activities, and contact profile categories. Date. Pop Up Calendar for changing date. MHot Keys. F1 always leads to help. RREAL, EMS, XMS Memory mode. ESC Quit Index Product/Support Information IINDEX ASCHPF HSCHPFH P Date. Enter the number of days before or after the current date. aESC Exit Index Action Plans Hot Keys P Middle Initial Enter the middle initial. This will be capitalized automatically. Prefix Enter prefix for name in address portion of letters. This will be included when using Block or Modified Block formats. It will be omitted when using the AMS format. !LIST TABLE KEYS ENTER (F2) Select or Modify record. INSERT Add new record. DELETE Delete Record. Move selector bar up and down PG UP Page screen up. PG DN Page screen down. CTRL-PG UP Scroll to start of table. CTRL-PG DN Scroll to end of table. ESC Exit or reselect Selector. CTRL-ESC (F7) Exit. fESC Quit PgUp Previous IINDEX P Documents. Use to flag those items with a valid document or letter entered in the comment field. ESC Exit Index IINDEX HNTCFH P Document or Letter Name. Enter a short name for the document. This will be used for alphabetic listing on the look up table. rESC Exit Index Hot Keys IINDEX Hot Keys. Press F2 to print a print this letter or document. A look up table of contacts will appear. ESC Exit Index IINDEX SLetter/Document Look Up Table 5Locator. Enter one or more letters. Table will move to nearest match as letters are entered. >Listing. Documents and letters are listed alphabetically by name. The table also shows a short description. -Hot Keys. No hot keys are available from this table. eESC Exit Index IINDEX (Letter/Document Menu :Edit. Select to edit the body of a letter or document. Select import ASCII file if you wish to import the body of a letter or document from written using another program. The maximum length is 159 lines. 2Printing. Select to print letters, documents, labels, or envelope addresses. Labels are 1x3 inch continuous feed. >Selection. Use to "Flag" contact records by using selection criteria. "Group" criteria are saved for reuse. "Temporary" criteria can be used with- losing saved "Group" criteria. Use "Unselect All" to unflag all files. .ESC Exit Index P r o D o m u s SUPPORT AND ORDER INFORMATION 16 Owen Street Hartford, CT 06105 Telephone 203 233 0705 Facsimile 203 236 7954 IINDEX PORDERS Top Line Current time, date, and available memory. Look Up Names may be looked up by lastname or company name. Companies beginning with "The", "A", etc. may be entered with the name followed by a semicolon, i.e. "World Company;The" Procedures Leads to sub menus for various schedule functions, merge letter and document processing, and reports. Set Up Leads to a sum menu for setting up zip codes, people, activities, and contact profile categories. Hot Keys F1 always leads to help. Press F2 to change the current date (a mini calendar will appear) ESC Quit Index Product/Support Information IINDEX FSCHCNTFI P Person. Enter a three letter code for the person responsible for the task. Reports and look up tables can be printed for each person. _ESC Exit Index Filters Telephone 1 First (main) telephone number. Telephone 2 Second telephone number. You have space for a code at the end to indicate the type if number, i.e. "F" for fax. You can also use the comment field or memo field to add more numbers. IINDEX P Top of Following Pages. Number of blank lines at the top of pages after the first page before printing the headers or body. tESC Exit Index P Calendar Use the arrow keys or PgUp or PgDn keys to highlight the desired date. Press enter to select the date or ESC to exit without selecting a date. The earliest date that can be selected is January 1, 1900. Press CTRL-PgUp or CTRL-PgDn to advance to the same weekday of the next or previous year. P Printer Set Up. Different printers and their codes may be set up using a printer set up program provided separately. This program's file specification is PDPRN.EXE. Support for more than 40 printers is provided with the program. Additional printers may be added by first copying a similar printer and then modifying codes as appropriate or by each printer code. `You should have your printer manual available when using this program in order to look up the specific codes it uses. IINDEX P Address and Salutation. Answer "Y" if the address and salutation are to be printed. Note the Salutation portion of the letter will be omitted when specifying AMS format (Administrative Management Society simplified format). The AMS format used here also drops Mr/Mrs/Ms from the address line. Blank address lines will be omitted. ESC Exit Index IINDEX P Complimentary Close. Select 'Y' to print the complimentary close. This would normally be omitted in the case of a document. uESC Exit Index IINDEX P Return Address. Answer "Y" if you want the return address printed at the top of the first page. Company Name, address lines, and telephone numbers will be centered at the top of the page. Blank fields will be omitted. \ESC Exit Index PRINTER ERROR The printer is not responding to the computer. "Possible reasons include: 1. Printer turned off :2. Printer unplugged ;3. Out of paper @4. "On-line" light is not lighted. -5. Cable is loose between the printer and *the computer. Check the above. Turn the printer off then %back on and retry. WELCOME This program is not yet registered. Please copy REGISTER.DOC provided with this program and mail it to the address below: P r o D o m u s, I n c. 16 Owen Street Hartford, CT 06105 Voice: (203) 233-0705 Fax: (203) 236-7954 CompuServe 74650,3623 Internet: 74650.3623@CompuServe.com IINDEX QRemarks. Will be saved as a note on the history file if saving to the history file is specified. Remarks may also be merged into the body of a letter or document. ESC Exit Index P Scheduling Repeat Items. Repeat items may be schedule for a selected period. Select Repeat Items from the Processor Menu. $A form will request the period to schedule. After selecting the period, the program will search for repeat items and schedule any that have not yet been scheduled for this period. Note: The program will remember the last scheduled date for a repeat item. If this is deleted, it must be manually rescheduled to appear again on schedule. IINDEX P Question Screen. Use a "Y" or "N" to answer the question; ESC to exit from the procedure. xDestination Screen. Select where you would like to send the letter, !document, or report. ESC Exit Index IINDEX (Reports Menu BGeneral Listing. Contact listing by name or company. eTelephone Listing. Contact telephone and address listing by name or company. Profile Statistics. To do. IESC Exit Index Salutation Enter the name portion of the salutation. "Dear" will be and a colon (":") added in the salutation portion of letters. IINDEX P Schedule Item Status. History Pending @A,Q,M,W Repetitive items (Annual, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly) These may be added to any period by selecting Update Periodic Items from the Schedule Menu. !Blank Active, not completed ESC Exit Index IINDEX P Action Table. Displays schedule items by action or task. Active items may be displayed or only filtered items. A key at the left indicates if the item is "H" for history, "P" for Pending, "W, M, Q, or A" for repeat items, or blank for a current item that has not been completed. kEach schedule item may have a short memo attched. A " " for Memo will apear on the table at the right if a memo has been written. nESC Exit Index IINDEX P Filters (Selection Criteria). Filters are used select records for either marking or unmarking. If a schedule record matches the selection criteria, it will be either marked with a flag or unmarked depending on whether CTRL-M or CTRL-U has been pressed. lGroup vs Temporary Filters. Group filters are saved for reuse from one session to the next. Temporary filters a retained in active memory and lost when exiting from the program. tESC Exit Index IINDEX P Schedule Date. The date scheduled for an a item to be done or on which it was done. If a date is entered, a pop up calendar will appear showing the year, month, and day. The calendar may be used to change the date. ESC Exit Index IINDEX P Deadline or Follow Up Tickler. Any second date. If the item status is not "H", items prior to the current date will appear on the update schdule table. VESC Exit Index IINDEX P Deadline Table. Displays schedule items by deadline date. All items may be displayed or only flagged items. A flag at the left indicates if the item is "H" for history, "P" for Pending, "L" for an action plan item, or blank for a current item that has not been completed. qEach schedule item may have a short memo attched. A "M" for Memo will apear on the table at the right if a memo has been written. nESC Exit Index IINDEX P Schedule Item Status. History Pending Created by an action plan 0Blank Active, not completed 4Other User entry The status may be changed by pressing the F2 key. If it is an active item, this will change it to a P or H as desired. xESC Exit Index SCHMU SCHMAP FLGM REPEAT IINDEX (Schedule Menu ALists. Select the order in which you would like data presented. Records may be added, changed, or deleted from any of these table. All or flagged records only may be shown. Sub Menu Update Action Plans Flagging Repeat Items ESC Exit Index IINDEX P Edit Action Plans. Up to 12 different standard action plans may be set up. After these are set up they may be applied to any contact. aAn action plan item is similar to a schedule item, except that elapsed days for each item are specified for the schedule date and the deadline date. When an action plan is applied to a specific contact, the elapsed times are added to a selected starting date. ESC Exit Index +PgUp Previous IINDEX P Print Deadlines. Select this print either histories or current items. You may print all items or flagged items only. Printing will be by deadline date. ESC Exit Index +PgUp Previous IINDEX PSchedule Filters (Selection Criteria) EEnter selection criteria for marking or unmarking schedule items. 2Press CTRL-M to mark schedule items meeting the selection criteria. /Press CTRL-U to unmark schedule items meeting the selection criteria. jESC Exit Index IINDEX P Schedule Memo Item. Enter any details related to this schedule item. It will be printed on schedule reports. ESC Exit Index IINDEX P Schedule Marking. Schedule items may be marked with a flag which is used to optionally select records when showing them on the screen, in printing, or in batch processing procedures. ~Records can be marked or unmarked in two ways, one using filters and, secondly, directly from look up tables. To use schedule filters, select Schedule from the main menu, and then either the temporary or group marking. TGroup Filters are saved permanently for reuse. Temporary filters are not saved from one session to the next. {ESC Exit Index IINDEX P Print Documents and Letters. Use this selection to batch process documents and letters. Schedule items must be flagged and must contain the name of a document or letter. The following is suggested as a procedure for printing scheduled items: 1. Various documents and letters are 3. If letter head paper is being assumed to have been set up by action used, non letter items would be plans or custom scheduling. individually unflagged unless 3different bins have be set up for 2. Flagging is done for a specific date letters and documents. range, say covering the activity for a week. wESC Exit Index +PgUp Previous IINDEX P Print Schedule. Select this print either histories or current items. You may print all items or flagged items only. Printing will be by date. ESC Exit Index +PgUp Previous IINDEX P Schedule Update. Select this pro- .cedure to update active items from .prior dates or items with deadlines -from prior dates. All dates may be shown or flagged /items only. ESC Exit Index PgUp Previous IINDEX P Action Plans. Action plans consist of one or more steps. Each step is specified to take place after a certain number of days from a given date. The date is set when applying a plan to a specific contact. The Action Plan specifies the interval, a deadline interval if any, the task, who is to do it, what letter or document is to be sent if any, and a short description. A longer memo may also be added. aLetters and documents may be processed in bactchs from the schedule menu. Action Plan Creation. From the schedule menu, select edit action plan. Add, change, or delete a plan from the Action Plan Code Table. Add, change, or delete action plan items from the Action Plan Table that appears after editing the action plan codes and description. ESC Exit Index PgUp Previous IINDEX P Person Table. Displays schedule items by person assigned. Active items may be displayed or only filtered items. The first indicates if the item is "H" for history, "P" for Pending, "W, M, Q, or A" for repeate items, or blank for a current item that has not been completed. hEach schedule item may have a short memo attched. A " " for Memo will apear on the table at the right if a memo has been written. nESC Exit Index IINDEX P Action Plans. Action plans consist of one or more steps. Each step is specified to take place after a certain number of days from a given date. The date is set when applying a plan to a specific contact. The Action Plan specifies the interval, a deadline interval if any, the task, who is to do it, what letter or document is to be sent if any, and a short description. A longer memo may also be added. aLetters and documents may be processed in bactches from the schedule menu. ESC Exit Index PgUp Previous IINDEX P Hot Keys. Press F2 to add an extended memo to an activity. This is active only while in data entry. To be saved, the data entry form must be saved by pressing CTRL-ENTER or entering the last data field. XESC Exit Index +PgUp Previous IINDEX QSchedule Table. Displays schedule items by scheduled date. All items may be displayed or only flagged items. A flag at the left indicates if the item is "H" for history, "P" for Pending, "L" for an action plan item, or blank for a current item that has not been completed. qEach schedule item may have a short memo attched. A "M" for Memo will apear on the table at the right if a memo has been written. kUpdate Table. When selected from the "Update Schedule" menu selection, only items whose schedule or deadline dates are before the current date and whose status flag is not 'H' will be displayed. zESC Exit Index IINDEX Cursor Control Keys Cursor up Backspace Cursor down Go to next tab stop Cursor left Left to tab stop Cursor right Go left one word Go to beginning of line Go right one word Go to end of line ^PGUP Go to top line Go to previous page ^PGDN Go to last line Go to next page ^HOME Erase entire line Toggle insert mode Erase to end of line Erase character Block Operations Other Mark characters Check spelling Mark lines Search Replace Replace with verify Delete Accept (changes saved) Copy to Clipboard Cancel(changes not saved) Cut to Clipboard Paste from Clipboard ^ means pressed with CTRL key means pressed with ENTER key ESC Quit Index IINDEX P Merge Variable Table. Select the variable to include within a letter or document. It will automatically be entered surrounded by brackets "{}". A space will also automatically be added after the variable. gESC Exit Index IINDEX (Set Up Menu CPeople and Activity. Select to enter, change, or delete codes for people and activites. This will lead to a look up table. 6Codes. Ten code categories may be set up. Enter code subcategories by pressing enter while the cursor is on the number. @Code Names. Select Code Names to enter the names for these categories. )Zip Codes. Select Zip Codes to enter, change, or delete zip codes. New zip codes may be added when entering contact addresses. fESC Exit Index IINDEX QStatus. Enter schedule item status you wish to use as a flagging criteria. ESC Exit Index USE THESE KEYS TO MOVE ABOUT Scrolls down one line Scrolls up one line PgDn Scrolls down one screen PgUp Scrolls up one screen ^PgDn Goes to the bottom ^PgUp Goes to the top Goes to the bottom HOME Goes to the top Moves left 5 columns Moves right five columns Moves to far left Moves to far right Jump to a specified line Search for a string ^ means pressed with Ctrl key IINDEX P Close. Enter the complimentary 1close to be included in block 3and modified block formats. ESC Exit Index FFKEYS TMTABLES #MENU KEYS Move cursor among menu choices. Exit or back up to entry field. CTRL-ESC (F7) Exit ENTER (F2) Select a menu choice. FORM KEYS TABLE KEYS vESC Quit PgUp Previous IINDEX P State. Enter state. This may be two characters long and will be automatically capitalized. ESC Exit Index IINDEX P Comment. Enter any comment describing the item. sESC Exit Index IINDEX QSubject. Enter a short subject name. This can be merged within the body of a letter or document to create a subject line. ESC Exit Index Suffix Enter any suffix that goes with a person's name. This might include Jr., Sr, , or an organization designation such as FAIA, CPM, or DDS. Leave out commas. These will be added automatically when creating letters and documents. IINDEX )Filters. Filters are used as criteria for selecting and flagging contact records. HMake a partial entry and press enter to see a look up table. 9Marking Files. Press CTRL-M to flag files that match the profile entries. Press CTRL-M to unmark any files that match the profile entries (selection criteria). FTo unmark all records, return to the prior menu and select Unmark All Records. ESC Exit Index IINDEX P Time. Scheduled time. ESC Exit Index IINDEX P Time. Scheduled time. ESC Exit Index Title Enter the person's title if any. This will be added below the persons name in the address portion of letters. IINDEX P Top of First Page. Number of blank lines before anything is printed on the first page. ESC Exit Index IINDEX *Set Up Menu EPeople and Activity. Select to enter, change, or delete codes for people and activites. This will lead to a look up table. 8Codes. Ten code categories may be set up. Enter code subcategories by pressing enter while the cursor is on the number. BCode Names. Select Code Names to enter the names for these categories. +Zip Codes. Select Zip Codes to enter, change, or delete zip codes. New zip codes may be added when entering contact addresses. iESC Exit Index WELCOME This program may be used with all its features without registration with ProDomus for a period of 30 days. Free support is available for 90 days if the program is registered. To register, copy REGISTER.DOC, fill it out, and mail or fax it to: P r o D o m u s, I n c. 16 Owen Street Hartford, CT 06105 Telephone (203) 233-0705 Fax: (203) 236-7954 CompuServe: 74650,3623 Internet: 74650.3523@Compuserve.com Zip Code Zip codes may include both numbers and letters. qIf a zip code has not previously been created through the set up menu or when entering a previous contact, a look up table will appear. Press INSERT to add a new zip code, city, state, and country or select the appropriate code and press enter. iThe last five characters may be unique to the particular contact. IINDEX P Zip Code Table. City, State, and Country information is included in a zip code file. Each zip code is five characters long and may include both numbers and characters. If a country is entered in the zip code, it will also appear in the address portion of letters and documents. yESC Exit Index A ACTION I ADDRESS1 ADDRESS2 ALINES J AMOUNT1 AMOUNT2 G ATTENTIO B | BLINES C u CENTER 3 CITY CNTCOM CNTDATE1 CNTDATE2 CNTMTF O CNTNAME ; CNTTITLE@ CODE J CODTU COMMENT COMPANY } COMPY_CL, CONCOMTUr CONFM z CONMEMFI* CONMK T CONTU CONTUH COUNTRY p' DEAD1 \( DEAD2 9* DEPARTME DESCR ENCLOSURx- FILENAME FIRSTNAME/ FKEYS FLGM FOUR GET_CPY2n6 GET_JUMP GET_SEAR GET_TXT HEAD1 HEAD2 HEADER HISTORY INDEX {F INITIALSCJ KNOTICE MAILING HL MAIN MEMDAYS1 MI MR zR MTABLES cS NFLAG NTC NTCFH NTCLU NTCM ORDERS PCM PERSON PHONE1 PHONE2 &e PLINES +f POPCAL PRINTER PRNADR PRNCC PRNRET PRNT_ERR REGISTERdp REMARKS 3s REPEAT Vt ROUTE tv RPTM SAL SCH1F SCHACTTUR{ SCHCNTFIx} SCHDATE1 SCHDATE2$ SCHDEDTU3 SCHF R SCHM SCHMAP V SCHMDL SCHMEMFI SCHMEMO L SCHMK / SCHMPD SCHMPS SCHMU SCHPATU D SCHPERTU SCHPF # SCHPFH SCHTU SCH_MEMO SEL_VAR f SETUP SFLAG < SHOWFIL SIN SKEYS STATE i SUBCOM ; SUBJECT SUFFIX T TIME1 7 TIME2 TITLE K TLINES UTLM WELCOME M ZIP ZIPLU :