Thank you for using Contact-Lens! v2.2, Your Contact Network MAXIMIZER ! This is a SHAREWARE Version of Contact-Lens!, which means you are free to reproduce the file (CL.ZIP ONLY) and are encouraged to give copies to all your friends. You are only allowed to use the program thirty days free of charge. Then if you continue to use the program you are expected to register the product with us (which as you will see below is very worthwhile). COPYRIGHT (c) 1994. Kruse Control Software (tm) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 30 Ridge Road, Suite 21 FOR ORDERS ONLY: (800)-242-4775 Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450. Tech Support: (201)-670-0677 CompuServe ID: 70324,1034 This is COPYRIGHTED SOFTWARE. You may distribute COPIES of CL.ZIP ONLY. Installation Instructions, and then a General Overview are all below. ************************************************************************* How do I install the best Contact Management Software System of all time - Contact-Lens! - on my computer, since I need to be able to track a limitless number of Contacts and a very busy Schedule - EFFORTLESSLY ? Put CL.ZIP into it's own directory - preferably named "C:\CL". This is because future versions and upgrades of this product will have "C:\CL" as the default directory (ALTHOUGH YOU CAN CHANGE THE DEFAULT FOR THOSE LATER UPGRADES EASILY). Unzip the file using the newest version of the popular popular PKUNZIP.EXE. When the decompression is finished, FIRST check to make sure you have all the files you were supposed to get. You should now have: CL.ZIP........Your original `ZIPped'file INSTALL.BAT.....The Installation Program README.TXT......This file REGISTER.FRM....Registration/Order Form C.CL - and the remaining program files. CCUA.MEN CTGRIE1.DAT CTGRIE1.K1 DBATTR.SET GETKEY.CL - If you have these, then just type: `INSTALL'. IMPEX.CL Instructions will appear on the screen for you. IMPEX.DEF IMPEX.DMU IMPEX.OPT LS.DBH LS.DBW LS.DD1 LS.DD2 LS.CL LSFIX.CL UTILITY.MAN HOWEVER, if you have already run the installation program, AND then used the Contact-Lens! program, you should have these files as listed below: ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. | | Data files have the extension ".DAT", Index files have | | Program | the extension ".K??", as associated with screen #: | | Files: | -1- | -2- | -3- | -4- | -5- | -6- | -7- | |------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------| |CL.ZIP |LS1.DAT |LS2.DAT|LS3.DAT|LS4.DAT|LS5.DAT|LS6.DAT|LS7.DAT| |INSTALL.BAT |LS1.K1 |LS2.K1 |LS3.K1 |LS4.K1 |LS5.K1 |LS6.K1 |LS7.K1 | |README.TXT |LS1.K2 |LS2.K2 |LS3.K2 |LS4.K2 | | |LS7.K2 | |REGISTER.FRM|LS1.K3 |LS2.K3 | | | | | | |C.BAT |LS1.K4 |LS2.K4 | | | | | | |CCUA.MEN |LS1.K5 |LS2.K5 | | | | | | |CTGRIE1.DAT |LS1.K6 |LS2.K6 | | | | | | |CTGRIE1.K1 |LS1.K7 |LS2.K7 | | | | | | |DBATTR.SET |LS1.K8 |LS2.K8 | | | | | | |FIX.EXE |LS1.K9 | | | | | | | |GETKEY.COM |LS1.K10 | | | | | | | |IMPEX.DEL |LS1.K11 | | | | | | | |IMPEX.EXE |LS1.K12 | | | | | | | |IMPEX.DMU |LS1.K13 | | | | | | | |IMPEX.OPT |LS1.K14 | | | | | | | |LS.DBH | | | | | | | | |LS.DBW | | | | | | | | |LS.DD1 | | | | | | | | |LS.DD2 | | | | | | | | |LSFIX.EXE | | | | | | | | |UTILITY.MAN | | | | | | | | `---------------------------------------------------------------------' IMPORTANT NOTE: There are no instructions in this file concerning program operation. There is an On-Line Manual built right into the program which is instantly accessible, with Context Sensitive help, by the single press of the help key, which is `F1' (as in most other programs that have help available). Press `F1' a second time, and the On-Line Manual appears right on your screen. You may print a copy of the Manual when viewing it by presing `Ctrl'+`P'. (Keep in mind that you may even push `F1' a THIRD time for instructions on how to manuever within the manual !). After pressing `F1', a press of the `Esc' key returns you to the previous display. The section below concerns great registration incentives, and the section below that is a news release describing the program's operation. ************************************************************************* W H Y R E G I S T E R ? The registration fee for the shareware version is only $25.00! You can register easily over the phone by credit card: just call (800)-242-4775. These are some of the great reasons to register Contact-Lens!: 1. You will receive an offer for more than 2,940 Shareware programs on two CD-ROM Disks FOR ONLY $9.95 ! 2. You will receive the NEWEST REGISTERED VERSION of Contact-Lens!, which has an ENHANCED On-Line Manual accessable from anywhere in the program ! 3. The introductory screen will be PERMANENTLY REMOVED. 4. The one occurence of "30 Day Trial Software" will be removed from the main screen in the program, and YOUR NAME (or whatever you put on the Registration Form) will be put into it's place ! 5. You will get an ENHANCED, ENLARGED, and PROFESSIONALLY PRINTED Manual. 6. You will receive a $25 discount off the fully feature packed Commercial Version of Contact-Lens! v2.2+, MAKING THE PRICE OF THAT ONLY $50 ! (Other commercial Contact Management Software on the market with these features usually costs at least $250.00 !) If you would like to read about the COMMERCIAL VERSION (v2.2+) enhancements not available in any shareware versions, read on further below ! 7. Free Lifetime Technical Support - Access to our Tech Support lines. 8. Upgrade information - Advance notice of new versions and special prices for those that have registered ! 9. Product Information - Be the first to hear of product developments, enhancements, and add-ins, as well as other new Kruse Control Products as you will be added to our list of registered Customers. 10. You will also be put on Public Software Library's mailing list to receive copies of their Catalog which is crammed with inexpensive offers on numerous other Shareware titles ! Registration for the Shareware version can be done by filling out the form in the file REGISTER.FRM. You can fill it out first, or print it and then fill it out by hand. Once you have installed Contact-Lens! (see the previous section) you can print the order form by typing: TYPE REGISTER.FRM > PRN Although you are encouraged to give copies of the program to your friends the only file you are allowed to give them is CL.ZIP. The program will not work properly if anyone tries to use it without all the files supplied, as listed above. Additionally, when you unZIP the file CL.ZIP, you should receive a message stating that the Authenticity Verification (AV) worked OK and the name "Kruse Control Software" should then be displayed. ************************************************************************* 01/15/94 News Release: - C O N T A C T - L E N S ! v2.2 - (COPYRIGHT (c) 1994. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.) * "Your Contact Network MAXIMIZER !" * By Kruse Control Software (tm) c/o: R. K. Ludington 30 Ridge Road, Suite 21, Ridgewood, NJ 07450. Phone (201)-670-0677, CompuServe ID 70324,1034 THIS IS A SHORT DESCRIPTION OF SOME OF THE FUNCTIONS OF CONTACT-LENS!. THE NEWEST SHAREWARE VERSION CAN ALWAYS BE FOUND IN THE "IBMAPP" FORUM ON COMPUSERVE. THE FILE IS CALLED "CL.ZIP" AND IS IN THE "GEN APPS" LIBRARY SECTION. Overview: Contact-Lens! is the most user - friendly Contact Management Software on the market ! You now have the ability to manage all your Contacts - and access any of them within the database instantaneously, in a highly intuitive manner. Highlights: 1. Contact-Lens! is EXTREMELY FAST. Unlike other database systems, large numbers of data records DO NOT SLOW DOWN IT'S PERFORMANCE IN ANY WAY. It is just as quick handling a database with only 1000+ contacts as it is at handling a database with 10 contacts ! 2. 7 (SEVEN!!) Screens per Contact; many "Hot-Key" short cuts, Pop-Up Calendar displays ANY MONTH for date entry/edit. 3. 22 (TWENTY-TWO!!) search fields for instant Contact location/access. 4. Ticklers allow you to check, at the press of a button: a. Your/Any Schedule b. All Birthdays in any one month c. All Wedding Anniversaries in any one month 5. Print Reports on any data, sent to any Output Device; easily print Mailing Labels on ANY SIZE LABEL STOCK ! 6. Import/Export/Query (text/dBASE format!) Facility. 7. Network version available ! 8. 10 (TEN!) level Password Security available. 9. 140+ Page ON-LINE Manual with CONTEXT SENSITIVE HELP ! 10. Index build Menu Option in case of power failure, and to automatically build index files after importing data. (Note: Power failure does NOT cause data loss). 11. Printer / Display Color Configurations. 12. Pricing as of 01/15/94. * = Not all functions are included in the Unregistered Shareware Version; the Unregistered Shareware On-Line Manual is shorter than the Regist- ered Shareware On-Line Manual, and the Commercial Version's On-Line Manual is the largest at 139+ pages. A short review of the few features highlighted above: 1. SPEED: Contact-Lens! is VERY FAST. Additionally, unlike most other database systems on the market, Contact-Lens! DOES NOT SLOW DOWN as the number of records increase to large numbers. Every part of the entire system has been very carefully optimized for speed. Many other Contact Management software comapnies advertise alot of great things about their systems; almost all of them don't tell you whether or not the system slows down after you've spent 6 months to a year working with it to the point of having hundreds of contacts. Kruse Control Software feels that is just like lying to the customer about your product. CONTACT-LENS! runs just as fast with 1000 Contacts in your database as it does with 10 ! 2. SEVEN screens PER Contact: The Contact Database has seven data files, one for each of the seven screens. A Contact is first added to screen 1 where you enter the Name, etc. Once added there, data for that Contact can be added to any of the other 6 screens, in any order. A. Primary Data (Name, Address, Job, Company, etc.) B. Secondary Data (Addresses, Associates, etc.) C. Schedule (Calls, Meetings, ToDo's; Date, Time, Description, etc.) D. Categories (Unlimited number, user defined) E. & F. Notes (2 Free Form memo fields) G. Activity History (Calls, Meetings, ToDo's; Dates, Times, Results, Descriptions, etc.) "Hot-Key" shortcuts allow instant database navigation. Single keystrokes allow you to: Switch between 7 SCREENS for EVERY Contact. Add an entry to your SCHEDULE. Log activities as they are completed. Switch back to the last Contact accessed. Pop-Up Calendar always accessible, also used for instant date field entry. Jump anywhere within the 131 page manual; even print specific pages (to any output device) ! 3. 22 search fields: Company, Job Title Schedule by DATE First Name, Last Name Past Activities by DATE A/K/A (Also Known As) Categories City, Secondary City Referred By State, Secondary State Associate No. 1 - Name Zip Code, Secondary Zip Code Associate No. 2 " " Country Associate No. 3 " " Birthday, Wedding Anniversary Spouse's Name 4. Ticklers allow you to check, at the press of a button: Your/Any Schedule All Birthdays this/any month All Wedding Anniversaries this/any month This is conveniently built right into the "Find" menu option in the database. All you have to do is access that menu option. The item which is highlighted when you press enter will suddenly fill the screen as the current Contact in the database - almost Instant Access !! *5. Reports/Mailing Labels sent to any Output Device: A. Schedules by Date, for one or ALL Contacts. B. Past Activities by Date, for one or ALL Contacts. C. Detailed Contact Reports. D. Condensed Contact Reports. E. Multiple Mailing Labels (any common size label stock) - 1. For: a. One Contact. b. A Group of Contacts. Groups can be selected in C, D, and E1b - for all Contacts, or just those having from 1 to 7 of these things in common: Category, Company, Job Title, First Name, Last Name, City, and/or State. 6. Import/Export Facility, which enables the user to: A. Import text/dBASE data into Contact-Lens! Databases B. Export data to text files in the following formats: 1. Basic Sequential (Quote, Comma Delimited) 2. System Data (Fixed Length, Non Delimited) C. Export data in dBASE files format. C. Do Ad-Hoc queries on Contact-Lens! AND NON Contact-Lens! Databases ! *7. Network version available. Each user has same functionality as Single User Version. 8. Password Security available; Passwords are stored in encrypted fashion so any possibility of "break-in" is close to impossible. *9. 139+ page ONLINE Manual: Instant access from anywhere within the entire Contact-Lens! System. Hot keys jump by Subject, Chapter, Page, or Index. The Manual stays on the page where you left it in the same session, so any later access allows you to return to the same page instantly.). A table is displayed on the bottom of the screen when using the manual which lists Hot Keys for instant "navigation". Up/Down arrows are used to view a page as pages are longer than the screen. The Manual includes an entire chapter on what you can do to speed up your computer using free techniques & software. Print manual page/s to any output Device. 10. Index Rebuild; most database programs force you to enter complicated command-line instructions to reindex your database files if the index files become confused due to power failure, etc. With Contact-Lens!, you can still get into the Main Menu even if these index files need to be rebuilt - and then offers you a menu option to reindex these files. (If you have the shareware version of Contact-Lens!, the Index Rebuild/Fix option is a command-line switch ! Instead of typing "C", just type "C -FIX" and the index files will be checked, and then you will enter Contact-Lens! It's almost automatic !) *11. Printer / Display Color: Contact-Lens! reports will work with any printer; setup strings are user-definable. Additionally, Contact-Lens! has a color setting utility for changing field display colors. 12. Pricing as of 01/15/94: A. Shareware Registration: $25.00, with a discounted upgrade available for the feature-packed, full blown commercial version. B. Import/Export/Query Module: $25.00 C. Commercial Version - "Contact-Lens! v2.2+": $75.00 (or $50.00 for registered Shareware user upgrade). Note: This includes A & B above. D. Network Version: $300.00 ************************************************************************ W A R R A N T Y & D I S C L A I M E R The Shareware version of Contact-Lens! is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limit- ation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author/s assume no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of Contact-Lens!. Contact-Lens! is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share ONLY the file CL.ZIP with friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part of another system. The essence of "user-supported" software is to provide personal computer users with quality software without high prices, and yet to provide incentive for programmers to continue to develop new products. If you find this program useful and find you are using Contact-Lens! and continue to use Contact- Lens! after a reasonable trial period of 30 days, you must make a registration payment of $25.00 to Kruse Control Software. The $25.00 registration fee will license one copy for use on any one computer at any one time. You must treat this software just like a book. An example is that this software may be used by any number of people and may be freely moved from one computer location to another, so long as there is no possibility of it being used at one location while it's being used at another, just as a book cannot be read by two different persons at the same time. Commercial users of Contact-Lens! must register and pay for their copies of Contact-Lens! within 30 days of first use or their license is withdrawn. Site License arrangements may be made by contacting Kruse Control Software. Anyone distributing Contact-Lens! for any kind of remuneration must first contact Kruse Control at the address below for authorization. This auth- orization will be automatically granted to distributors recognized by the (ASP) as adhering to its guidelines for shareware distributors, and such distributors may begin offering Contact-Lens! immediately. (However, Kruse Control must still be advised, so the distributor can be kept up to date with our latest version of Contact-Lens!.) The registration fee for the shareware version is only $25.00! REGISTER NOW ! Call (800)-242-4775 to order ! Here are some great reasons to register your copy of Contact-Lens!: 1. You will receive an offer for more than 2,940 Shareware programs on two CD-ROM Disks FOR ONLY $9.95 ! 2. You will receive the NEWEST REGISTERED VERSION of Contact-Lens!, which has an ENHANCED On-Line Manual accessable from anywhere in the program ! 3. The introductory screen will be PERMANENTLY REMOVED. 4. The one occurence of "30 Day Trial Software" will be removed from the main screen in the program, and YOUR NAME (or whatever you put on the Registration Form) will be put into it's place ! 5. You will get an ENHANCED, ENLARGED, and PROFESSIONALLY PRINTED Manual. 6. You will receive a $25 discount off the fully feature packed Commercial Version of Contact-Lens! v2.2+, MAKING THE PRICE OF THAT ONLY $50 ! (Other commercial Contact Management Software on the market with these features usually costs at least $250.00 !) If you would like to read about the COMMERCIAL VERSION (v2.2+) enhancements not available in any shareware versions, read on further below ! 7. Free Lifetime Technical Support - Access to our Tech Support lines. 8. Upgrade information - Advance notice of new versions and special prices for those that have registered ! 9. Product Information - Be the first to hear of product developments, enhancements, and add-ins, as well as other new Kruse Control Products as you will be added to our list of registered Customers. 10. You will also be put on Public Software Library's mailing list to receive copies of their Catalog which is crammed with inexpensive offers on numerous other Shareware titles ! You have reached the end of the README.TXT file. *************************************************************************