TPOVU 9999999999 ERROR%NEED MORE FREE MEMORY FOR VENDOR DATAU POS/Invoicing Main Menu Leave POS/Invoicing Module Transactions Menu Transactions Menu Leave Transactions Menu Input Product Invoices Input Service Invoices Modify/Reverse Invoice Open Cash Drawer Reports Menu POS/Invoicing Reports Menu Leave Reports Menu POS/Invoicing Journal Product Invoices Service Invoices Non-Posted Transaction Journal G/L Distribution Report POS/Invoicing Utility Menu Utility Menu Leave Utilities Menu End of Period Posting Configuration Settings Technical SupportU INVALID ACCOUNT TYPE Account must be type " " account %Account can not be a subtotal account Invalid Account, Add Account?U POP-UP SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS Descr Price: #tRSP CONFIGURATION SETTINGS INTERFACE TO: G/L INTERFACE ACCOUNTS:/Invoice Starting Positions: Row Column Length Inventory: Cash Account: Sales Income: Misc. Income: TAX1:Name: Liab Act: Percent: % ##.### TAX2:Name:!Charge tax2 on non-taxable items: Product: Service: Last Invoice No used: Service Descriptions: FOB Point: Forms Printer Port: Preprinted Invoices: CASH DRAWER: Port: Char: Number:\ INVALID ACCOUNT2Liability account must selected to use tax percentU SEARCHING FOR UNPOSTED Reading Transaction 0 of ######U CALCULATING EOY ST$$$ Reading Transaction 0 of ###### ST$$$SA ST$$$SI ST$$$ST END OF YEAR POST WARNING JThis is ONLY necessary if you want more disk space, faster reports, fasterGcalculations, or need more memory space. This DOES NOT have to be doneJonce a year. You may have multiple years on your books at one time if you have the disk space and memoryDYou will be asked for a POST THROUGH DATE, All transactions through this date will be cleared.#WARNING: MAKE BACKUP COPY OF FILE: ST.DB DPower failures during this posting may result in corrupt data files.)Transactions will be permanently removed! Do you want to continue END OF YEAR POSTING P Post Through Date: UNPOSTED TRANSACTIONS=All transactions must be posted before running EOY processing MESSAGE End of year posting complete ERROR)Use backup datafile, EOY Posting aborted!U #'#9#>#P#U#_#o# $ $,$I$P$ %*%@%^%r% &0&@&E& Invoice Search INVOICE: ...Searching... (M)odify (R)everse (Q)uit: 4$Ok to Reverse (delete) this invoice? Invoice not found.U INVENTORY REQUIRED-Interface with inventory module is turned off A/R LINK REQUIRED+Interface with A/R module must be turned ON DISABLE A/R LINK,Interface with A/R module must be turned OFF Please Wait Updating POS Transaction U 5 N g Sub total: Sales Tax: Total: WARNING: INSUFFICIENT UNITS Cost for this item will be ZERO Continue Anyway QUANTITY ERROR5Specific Costing for this item requires quantity of 1 Invalid ITEM, Add Item? DESCRIPTION/REFERENCE ERRORGSpecific Costing for this item requires reference number press key INVALID ACCOUNT TYPE%Account can not be a subtotal account Invalid Account, Add Account? Invalid Customer, Add Account? INACTIVE Customer selected is inactive. Net:U Please Wait Adding POS Proposal Adding POS Transaction CASHU &+E@& &+E@& Please Wait Reversing Inventory Updating Inventory WARNING@Specific Unit Costing: Reference Not found, alternative selected WARNING: INSUFFICIENT UNITS Costing for item will not be accurate!U Please Wait Reversing Old A/R Transaction Adding A/R Transaction - Purchase - Reversal - Return Tax on Purchase Miscellaneous Charges Payment on account POS Reversal (Cash) Refund in CashU ADDRESS Bill To Ship To Company: Attention: Address: City: State: ZipCode: Country: Cty/St/Zp: On Acct: RECEIVED ERROR$Amount paid is less than amount due. Change: Charged:U Invoice Total: Change: Received: Card# Type: Auth: #(P)rint, (S)ave, (B)oth, (N)either: ADD PRODUCT ADD SERVICE MODIFY/REVERSE PRODUCT MODIFY/REVERSE SERVICE INVOICE PROPOSAL Invoice: Date: Rep: Ship Via: PO Number: Customer: Address: Ship Date: Terms: Misc Charge:L Quant Item Number Description/Reference T Acct # Unit Price Amount XL Quant Description T Acct # Unit Price Amount Sub total: Sales Tax: Total: ERROR Insufficient units available ? Do you want to exit this invoice No items selected Invalid Income Account NumberU #tRSP #tRSP POS Cash POS Misc Income POS Tax1 Liability POS Tax2 Liability Inventory Asset Inventory Liability Inventory COGS A/R Receivable A/R Sales TaxU % m } % E Y f l !W!x! 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Press Any Key to ContinueU Please Wait PRINTING PRODUCT INVOICEU I N V O I C E INVOICE: ACCOUNT: DATE: B S I T H T L O I O L P Purchase Order: Sales Rep: Terms:N QUAN ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION T EACH EXTENSIONO ------ -------------- ----------------------------- - --------- ------------U ------------ SUB TOTAL: TAX: MISC: INVOICE TOTAL:U ###### ###### U Page: through F ACCT # ACCOUNT NAME DEBITS CREDITSH ------ ------------------------------ ----------- -----------U ###### TOTALU Page: through @ DATE INVOICE ACCT # DEBITS CREDITSB -------- ---------- ------ ----------- -----------U ###### INVOICE# SALESPERSON 7 N A M E N A M E= C O M P A N Y C O M P A N Y= A D D R E S S A D D R E S SK C I T Y S T A T E ZIPCODE C I T Y S T A T E ZIPCODE CUST # ! BEST WAY FOB POINT 2/10 N:30 REFERENCEO QUANT D E S C R I P T I O N 999.999 99999.99 99999.99U INVOICE# CUST #8 N A M E N A M E> C O M P A N Y C O M P A N Y> A D D R E S S A D D R E S SL C I T Y S T A T E ZIPCODE C I T Y S T A T E ZIPCODE PO/REFERENCE SALESREP TERMSOQUANTI ITEM NUM D E S C R I P T I O N X 9999.999 999,999.99 999,999.99U Please Wait SEARCHING FOR TRANSACTIONSU Print Invoice LineupU >B2Pt >B2St >B2Pt Please Wait PRINTING SERVICE INVOICEU I N V O I C E DATE: ACCOUNT: B S I T H T L O I O L P Purchase Order: Sales Rep: Terms: Page N QUANT DESCRIPTION UNIT AMOUNTO------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- --------U TAX: --------- INVOICE TOTAL: TAXES U ###### Miscellaneous ChargesU u z ! & 7 A R W \ l } "4"C"h"m" # #%#4#9#H#M# &F&K&a&i&n& '/'7'?'G'L'`' ("(0(8(Q(_(g( )")D)i)n)|) *T*Y*o*w*|* +=+E+M+U+Z+n+ ,",0,>,F,_,m,u, -<-N-n- .".0.>.F._.m.u. /%/d/r/ 0&0?0G0L0Q0f0w0|0 3/343E3O3_3f3k3 4'4,4<4A4R4\4a4{4 5<5A5R5\5q5{5 5]7n7 8#8-8B8L8j8o8 9!92979A9_9d9 :3:8:`:e:u:z: ;";3;=;O; 5>:>Q>`>f>z> >*?A?X?^?r? @4@Q@o@ @5APAaA B B0B5BHBQBXBmBrB C"C)C0C D$E)EoEyE F;FYF^FsF G*G/G4GGGLG_GdGnG H)HAHFH[HeHsH I!I5IHIMIWIaIuI J!J1J;JNJSJaJqJ{J K!K&K4KDKNKaKfKtK M!M=MBMGMXMoMyM~M N%N5N=NENJNRNZNbNgN O#O8OBOPOcO P$Q,QAQeQjQ R$R,RCRnRvR{R S*S/S\SaSoS}S INVALID RANGE5Ending invoice must not be less than starting invoiceU Help Exit Screen,Printer,Disk(S,P,D): File Name: .RPT File Exists, Delete it: Starting Date: Ending Date: Invoice Starting: Ending: .RPTU PAGE BREAK(Load new page. Press Any Key to ContinueU CALCULATING Initializing Account 0 of Reading Transaction 0 of ###### + E ] | Customer Company Status Address State Zip Code Country Shipping Address1 Shipping Address2 Shipping Address3 Phone Due Days Discount Days Discount Percent Tax Percent Default Account Comments Credit Limit Interstate Rate Beginning Balance Active Transaction Customer Customer/Invoice Invoice Status Transaction Type Due Date Discount Percent Discount Date Reference Void Posted Posted or Freq Department1 Description1 GL Account1 Debit or Credit1 Amount1 Department2 Description2 GL Account2 Debit or Credit2 Amount2 Department3 Description3 GL Account3 Debit or Credit3 Amount3U RT.Px Primary Please Wait Building the IndexU RA.PX Primary Please Wait Building the IndexU ( ? V m Status N Item Name Product or Service Taxable Measure Department Current Units Current Cost Cost Method Average Cost Last Cost Standard Cost Price A Price B Price C Price D Reorder Level Reorder Quantity Reorder Date Vendor Vendor Item Cost Rec First Cost Rec Current Cost Rec Last GL Inventory GL CogsU Transaction Status Quantity Available Price Unit Cost Reference Posted Last Record Number Next Record NumberU Transaction Status Transaction Type Department Description Quantity Unit Cost Price Reference Dr Account Cr Account Posted Void PostedU IT.PX Primary Please Wait Building the IndexU IA.PX Primary Please Wait Building the IndexU IC.PX Primary Please Wait Building the IndexU % B _ !,!G!b!}! 9999999999 9999999 GF.CFG ERROR$NEED MORE FREE MEMORY FOR CHART DATAU Number Status Transaction Type Beginning Balance Jan Balance Feb Balance Mar Balance Apr Balance May Balance Jun Balance Jul Balance Aug Balance Sep Balance Oct Balance Nov Balance Dec BalanceU GA.Px Primary Please Wait Building the IndexU START not found Create new fileU - WARNING FILES=31 missing in CONFIG.SYS file > Use your text editor or word processing program to insert theC following lines in your CONFIG.SYS file on your DOS power-up disk. FILES=31 BUFFERS=207 IF FILES=31 IS ALREADY PRESENT, INCREASE THE VALUE BY:D The CONFIG.SYS file must be on DOS disk used when you power up your8 computer. File I/O errors may result if not corrected.D Reboot using corrected CONFIG.SYS file before running this program.? For further information see your Bottom Line Accounting or DOS manual.U GF.DB BLACOLOR BLACOLOR mm-dd-yy hh:mm:sste ###.## ##.### ###.### ####.### #####.### ####.## #####.## ######.## #######.## ########.## ######.### #######.### #########.## ###,###.## ####,###.## #,###,###.## ##,###,###.## ###,###,###.## ##,### ###,### ####,### #####,### ###,## ####,## #####,## ######,## #######,## ########,## ######,### #######,### #########,## ###.###,## ####.###,## #.###.###,## ##.###.###,## ###.###.###,## ####### ######## ######### ########## ########### ############ ############# ############## uK<.u Hooper Enter Password Password: !!!!!!!! Invalid Password U File access denied (Read Only?) Unexpected end of file reading is not a valid help file#Insufficient memory for help system Help file missing, file: HELP ERROR Select Help Subject No help for topic U BLACHN.EXE UL.EXE AR.EXE GL.EXE AP.EXE PR.EXE PS.EXE IN.EXE FU.EXE CK.EXE ORDER.EXE Please Wait Loading: BLA.EXE Loading: BLACOLOR Elapsed Time: Hour Minute Second Goodbye from BOTTOM LINE ACCOUNTING (tm) WindSoft International, Inc. P.O. Box 590006 Orlando, FL 32859-0006 USA"24 HOUR ORDER LINE: 1-800-542-4405"Business Office: (407) 240-2300"24 Hour FAX line: (407) 240-2323"Shareware Support: (800) 542-4455(Contact WindSoft for dealer nearest you.EBottom Line Accounting is a trademark of WindSoft International, Inc.U Bottom Line Accounting Ver . Jun-93 Copyright(C) 92-93 Windsoft Intl Inc *PLEASE SUPPORT SHAREWARE - REGISTER YOURS!U TECHNICAL SUPPORT # FOR SUPPORT CALL: 1-800-542-4455 # There is a $2/min charge and a $10# minimum charge per call. You will# need a MC, Visa, or Amex card num.U * = P c v * 8 v #$#)#8#=#F#l#q# %"%8%B%P%r%|% &%&3&I&]&b&l&z& '#','7'I'N'\' ($()(4(F(K(V(h(m(x( )&)H)\)n) )s*~* + +2+7+I+N+X+j+o+ ,,,1,C,H,Z,_,j,o,z, . .'.3. Invalid drive number Drive not ready Unknown command CRC error in data"Bad drive request structure length Disk seek error Unknown media type Sector not found Printer out of paper Device write fault Device read fault General hardware failure Write-protected disk"Data file in use - try again later ERROR # Insufficient Memory Invalid DOS function code File not found Path not found Too many open files File access denied Invalid file handle Not enough memory Invalid file access code Cannot remove current directory Cannot rename across drives Disk read error Disk write error File not assigned File not open File not open for input File not open for output Invalid numeric format Disk is write-protected Unknown unit Hardware failure Division by zero Read past end error Stack overflow error Heap overflow error Invalid pointer operation Floating point overflow Floating point underflow Invalid floating point operation Overlay manager not installed Overlay file read error Escape Pressed ERROR U 2 M h &:E(u3 &:E(u &:E t Fp< t d!~! #5#K#P#W#s# &:E uT hpH(F jpH(F >Gp s >Fp u Iq@+F &;U#t &;E!t &;U#u &;E!t &;U#u &;E!t 3 G [ !c"t"]#