The following is a list of what Eagle Subscription and Billing Service has to offer you as a SySop and to your users : 1. We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover at all times. We take Phone orders and Mail orders. We can also handle your shipping needs if you have Software. 2. You can choose how you would like to set up your account. You may receive your check. Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-Yearly, or Yearly. 3. Your Subscriber will receive a user packet that will contain the following: A. A invoice for their order. B. A Thank you letter from your BBS. C. List of all BBS's and Shareware products that can be ordered from us. D. Postage paid post card to sign and return stating that they have Received their Invoice, and Info on the BBS that they have subscribed to. 4. We supply the Door that must be used to take orders for subscriptions and shareware products. 5. You will receive a Monthly Statement of all orders processed from you. ( Even if you choose Quarterly, Bi-Yearly or Yearly ) 6. The orders will be processed on a daily basis. So the sooner your orders are receive the sooner they get processed. No orders will be processed over 3 days old. 7. If a charge is declined a letter will be sent to you the next day telling you that the charge has been declined via mail on my bbs or Ineternet E-mail that way the Subscriber as little or no time to use his/her Subscription. 8. You will received at least a 30 day notification on ANY changes that we may need to do no matter how small or how large. 9. You may send us information on your BBS and or a Thank you letter from you the sysop or we will make one for you. 10. You will receive a updated Trashcan file. This will be a list of all bad credit cards ( no matter what BBS it was from ) and was returned or declined. 11. We will be giving a-way from time to time items such as modems, cd's, CDRoms. ( for more information give me a call ). 12. Every ones Shareware product will be placed on Eagles Landing BBS for users to access. This will be like a one stop shop. They can Get as many Shareware products as they like. ( contact me for information on this ) 13. There is a one time setup accounting fee of $35.00 to get your account opened this will be the only fee other then the billing charges listed below. 14. The fees for this service are as follows : A. If you wish to receive your check Monthly ( 30th ) the processing charge will be 10% of the charge plus .35 cents. B. If you wish to receive your check Quarterly ( 30th of Mar, June, Sept, Dec ) the processing charge will be 9.5% of the charge plus .35 cents. C. If you wish to receive your check Bi-Yearly ( 30th of June ) the processing charge will be 9.25% of the charge plus .35 cents. D. If you wish to receive your check Yearly ( 30th of Dec ) the processing charge will be 9% of the charge plus .35 cents. E. If a order is declined the .35 cents will still apply. F. If a someone cancells there subscription there will be a .99 cent charge plus the amount of the refund to the sysop. ( all orders cancelled will be pro-rated for a refund) G. If there is a charge back to the bank there will be a charge of the amount of the order plus $12.00 ( this covers all bank fees ). If you have any questions that have not been covered here you may call me Travis Black at 1-404-941-0076 between 5:30pm and 10:pm Mon-Fri, 8:30am-5:pm on Sat or you May write to me at this address: Eagle Enterprise Billing Service P.O. Box 772 Lithia Springs, Ga. 30057 Let us take over, no more need to worry about getting your funds.