Tired of the high cost of long distance? BBS Direct will connect you to the Channel1, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for $4.00 an hour. A subscription with BBS Direct costing only $10 a month will allow you to recieve 2 1/2 hours of connect time to the BBS Direct system, with additional time billed at $4.00 per hour. There are no limits or restrictions on using the BBS Direct service, and by using it, you will no longer experience costly long distance bills! Of course, you still have to subscribe to Channel1 BBS seperately. Here are two easy ways to connect: For personal service, dial 1-800-745-2747(voice). Ask for Ext. 94 OR 1. 1-800-877-5045 (voice) to get your local access number. Follow instructions for a Sprintnet X.25 local access number. 2. Set modem parameters for 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit. 3. Dial your local access number 4. At 'connection' type @D (Make sure it is capitalized) 5. Then press ENTER 6. At "terminal=" prompt, press ENTER 7. At the @ prompt, type C CRIS 8. Log on as "new" 9. At the main menu, type GO Channel1 Concentric Research's BBS Direct offers the lowest rates for long distance modem callers. If your calling long distance and you have not signed up with BBS Direct your simply throwing your money away. Look at this per hour comparison chart and decide for yourself: /-------------------------------------------------------\ | LOS ANGELES | LOS ANGELES | | TO | TO | | SAN FRANSISCO | NEW YORK | |==========================|============================| | NIGHT | EVENING | DAY | NIGHT | EVENING | DAY | |==========================|============================| AT&T | $6.07 | $6.62 | $8.41 | $7.80 | $9.00 | $15.00 | |--------------------------|----------------------------| MCI | $6.07 | $6.62 | $8.41 | $7.80 | $9.00 | $15.00 | |--------------------------|----------------------------| SPRINT | $6.07 | $6.62 | $8.41 | $7.80 | $9.00 | $15.00 | |--------------------------|----------------------------| BBS DIRECT | $4.00 hr. | \-------------------------------------------------------/ *Typical rates - as of 12/1/93 - operator quoted rates