Type 7 Parameters for Door Menus -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- File supplied by Bill McPhail North American/USA Registation Site ----------------------------------- The BoardRoom BBS, Graham, Wa. 98338-1185 FidoNet: Node 1 - 1:138/137 & Node 2 - 1:138/237 Data lines: Node 1 - (206) 847-1763 & Node 2 - (206) 846-0755 Ezycom Type 7 commands: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Example Data: *C /C GAME.BAT On executing a Type 7 Shell, Ezycom writes two files, EXITINFO. and DORINFOx.DEF. The name for DORINFOx.DEF is configurable and can be changed with the list of special commands later. The EXITINFO. holds Ezycom specific information, that it uses to run. On returning to Ezycom after the Type 7 Shell, Ezycom reads in the EXITINFO. file to process any information that might have been changed. *F User's First Name *L User's Last Name *H The Fossil Driver is left "Hot" during the Type 7 Shell. Generally this option is not used. *M Swap out Ezycom leaving it using only 9K of RAM. This enables larger programs to be executed in the Type 7 Shell although swapping can take a few seconds, if Disk Swapping is used. *P Comport Number *R User Record Number *G ANSI On/Off On=1 Off=0 *V ANSI/Avatar On/Off 3 ANSI & Avatar 2 Avatar 1 ANSI 0 ASCII *A Users Alias (Real Name if there is no alias) *C COMSPEC Environment variable (COMMAND.COM) *S User's Security Level *N Node : Format 1..250 *9 Node : Format FO1..250 This format could be used for renaming/copying DORINFOx.DEF to a naming convention that some door programs might prefer. *0 This switch is replaced by the current File Area Template number. *1 This switch is replaced by the current Message Area Template number. *2 This is the upload path for the current file area template. &V This is the same as *V, except that it places the *V information in the DORINFOx.DEF and DOOR.SYS files. &A This is the same as *A, except that it places the Alias of the user in the DORINFOx.DEF and DOOR.SYS files instead of the user's real name. &O This is the same as *O, except that it places the Locked Baud rate in the DORINFOx.DEF and DOOR.SYS files instead of the effective baud rates. That is, if the comport is locked. *D1 This option creates the DORINxxx.DEF on executing the Type 7 Shell where xxx is the *9 Node Format. *D2 This option creates the DORINFO1.DEF on executing the Type 7 Shell. *D3 This option creates DOORx.DEF on executing the Type 7 Shell where x is the *N Node Format *D4 This option creates a doorway compatible DOOR.SYS file in executing the Type 7 Shell. *! This option stops the clock when the user is in the Type 7 Exit. That is, the user does not loose anytime in the Shell. *# This option turns off the Want Chat Flag. *B This is the users effective Baud Rate. If, the user is local then the baud rate is 0. *O This is the users actual Baud Rate between the computer and modem. If the comport is NOT locked, then it is the same value as the effective Baud Rate. These options can be used in the parameters field of the Type 7 Exit. For Example: GAME.EXE *F *L *P This would translate to for instance, GAME.EXE Peter Davies 1. RA Type 7 Commands: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Type : 7 Name : Run an external program in a shell Optional Data : [Control Codes] This command will run an external program (a "door") in a shell while the user is on-line. Examples are on-line games, mail-checking facilities and so on. (Refer also to type 15 - Exit to DOS for an alternative way of running external programs). The FULL name of the program must be specified if it is an .EXE or .COM file. To run one of these two simply put the name of the program in the optional data field. If you wish to call a batch file, this must be done via COMMAND.COM, the memory-resident command-line processor. So to run your TradeWars batch file, the command line could read: C:\COMMAND.COM /C \BBS\DOORS\TW2.BAT Many programs require extra information to be passed on the command line, so the following control codes may be used. In each case, the code is replaced by it's value: *A : Write the user's handle (if any) in DORINFO.DEF instead of the user's real name. *B : User's baud rate, or 0 if local. *C : Full path and name to COMMAND.COM. *D : Automatically generate the Doorway DOOR.SYS parameter file. *F : User's first name. *G : ANSI graphics, 0=Off/1=On. *H : Normally the FOSSIL is de-initialised before running an external program to avoid any possible conflicts between the FOSSIL and the program. Specifying this parameter leaves the FOSSIL "hot" or active. *L : User's last name. *M : Activate MemorySwap feature. RemoteAccess attempts to swap itself and all the memory it occupies to EMS (if installed) and disk, leaving only 2k resident. Great for running memory-hungry programs, but it takes a few seconds to do the swap. If it can't do the swap, it will try a normal shell. NOTE : Some programs are notorious for "fragmenting" memory, and will not work with MemorySwap. Programs compiled in QuickBASIC, such as TradeWars 1000 exhibit this problem. *N : Line number, as specified by the -N command line parameter. *Oxxx : Override the baudrate value passed on to the called program with xxx. *P : Communications port being used (1-4). *R : User's record number in the user file. *S : Generates a custom exitfile using a template file with the extension .RAT in the system directory which contains any valid textfile macros. See the "Textfile Control Codes" section of the reference chapter for a full list of available text macros. The 'filename' is the base filename of the .RAT template file. RA will process the file and create filename.ext where the EXITINFO.BBS file is stored. *T : Time remaining for current call. *! : Freeze the system timer for the duration of the shell. Useful for running external utilities like full-screen chat programs etc. *# : Turn off the "Wants Chat" indicator on return from the shell. This is to facilitate the proper installation of external chat utilities. *0 : The full path to the currently selected file template area. *1 : The number of the currently selected template message area. In addition to this command line information that can be passed, RemoteAccess also creates two data files before the shell. DORINFO1.DEF, which is a RBBS-compatible file, and EXITINFO.BBS, which contains an extremely comprehensive amount of system and user information. The structure of this file can be found in the RemoteAccess structures document, RASTRUCT. It should also be noted that ALL system files are written to and closed off before the shell is activated, then reopened and scanned upon return. This means that programs that modify system files (eg. USERS.BBS) can be safely run in a type 7 shell. RemoteAccess also supports Doorway's DOOR.SYS parameter file directly; including a *D on the command line enables the generation of this file. Note that the external program must do it's own time limit and carrier watchdogging, in the event that the user does not exit from the program correctly. SuperBBS Type 7 Commands: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Type.........: 7 Description..: Shell to DOS and run program This option is used for starting other pro- grams, like doorgames and mailscanners, in SuperBBS. It shells to DOS and starts the pro- gram given in the optional data field. SuperBBS will return to the menu the exit started from. Optional data: ProgramName This menu is one of the difficult menu options available, because of the large amount of para- meters. These are the parameters available: *B Caller's bps rate. This will be 0 if local, or 300 to 38400 if online. *C Full path to your COMMAND.COM file as set in the environment variable COMSPEC. (Con- sult your DOS manual for more information about COMSPEC.) This parameter is needed if you want to start a batchfile from this type 7 menu command. *E Read EXITINFO.BBS when returning to BBS. This can be handy if the program used with the type 7 exit, changes some of the user's data, like a timebank. *F User's firstname. *G Status of ANSI graphics. (0=Off, 1=On) *H Leave the Fossil driver (X00 or compatible) hot when exiting from SuperBBS. Some programs require this. (Most don't.) *I Path of current language file. *J User's screenlength *L User's lastname. *N Gives current node number. *P Gives current COM port number. *R User's recordnumber in the user database. *S Swap SuperBBS to EMS or disk. If you run a program which needs more memory than the normal amount available, specify the *S option, so SuperBBS will swap itself to EMS or, if EMS is not available, to disk. *T Time left this call. *U Path to current template file area. (See menu templating.) *X Template filename. SuperBBS now can pro- duce any kind of (ASCII style) exit file, supporting doors not made for SuperBBS. Create a template file with the extension .SBE and set it up as the door might need it. You have all control codes available. When you use the *X option in a type 7 exit, SuperBBS will replace the template given in the optional data field, like *XFilename.SBE, to create the exitfile Filename.EXT. Example: Exit template file: (TEST.SBE) ^FA ^FB ^KO ^KV Would give you an exitfile looking like this: (TEST.EXT) Aki Antman Helsinki, Finland 45 290 Being the full username, city, remaining time online and time of next event. Mostly you just use the *C and *S parameters. With multi-node operations, you will need the *N and *P options. Normally the documentation from the program you wish to run will supply the needed information. The above information was taken right from the BBS Software Docs. If you are running BBS software other than above, check with your BBS Docs, to obtain you Type 7 Data Line parameters.