Well, you brought me my steaks, so here's the information I promised: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wastelands information file. Compiled by Troy Hadley with help from Defs Sacre. July 19, 2014. Towns: #1: Sacre Base. Located at 7, 5. I'm sure this one isn't news to you. It's our home camp. Both myself and Defs Sacre hang out in the tavern so you may find us there. #2: Freedom City. Located at 53, 6. A guy named Eastwood runs this place. To my knowledge, it's the only other free city left in the wasteland. #3: Death Warrior Camp. Located at 43, 58. Them nasty death warriors. Their camp is south on the main highway. There are nuke strikes all around it - you can't miss it. Be careful of them death warriors though. The won't be friendly. #4: Black Widow Headquarters. Specific location unknown. Rumored to be located in deadwood forest, surrounded by the dark mountains. See below. Pylons: We haven't figured out how to activate these pylons. Some have claimed to use some kind of key to get access, but I don't know... Here is the location of a few of them. 14, 36 - Close to Sacre Base; good for getting around. 56, 10 - Near freedom city. (???) - Located close to Black Widow HQ. Specific location unknown. Places of interest: Deadwood Forest. This place is the home of the dreaded black widows. It's true location is not known, but both the BW Pylon and the BW headquarters are located here. It's rumored to be in the dark mountains, in the south-central portion of the map. Quasar Mountain Located somewhere to the right of deadwood forest. Rumor is there is no way to get into the place except traveling through the pylons. Supposed to be many pylon's there, but I've never had the chance to see it. Phaser Cache Rumored that some kind of space craft crashed here. Don't know where it is, but the logical assumption is that the crash would have left a large radioactive scar on the landscape. Look for large concentrations of radiation. EEEE Ed's Exquisite Equipment Emporium. A nice place to buy some rather high-tech weapons. I can't tell you where it's located, but if you explore enough, you should be able to locate it. Major Groups: Death Warriors: A band of rather nasty raiders. Located at Death Warrior camp. See above. Black Widows: Fierce female warriors. Home base unknown. Weapons: Defs Sacre and I have come across a few unusual items: -> Black widow weapons, armor, and ammo. The black widows have some interesting weapons. They appear to be some new technology. Finding ammo for them is quite difficult. -> Slicer dicer and Torpex cannon. Rumored to be possessed by some robot being. Weapon operation unknown - appear to not require ammo. -> Warper. Rumored to have the power to teleport persons. Also appears that there is a "Em-Warp" rom out there somewhere that will automatically activate a warper if/when in danger.