;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME Robomine Mark II DESC It begins as a slight whizzing sound coming from the nearby mine. You DESC watch as a segment of the mine "transforms" itself into a robotic DESC killing machine. You have encountered a Robomine Mark II. HITPTS 48 STR 36 DEX 36 AGL 36 EXP 4200 MONEY 0 ;ORIGZ 100 identifies this monster as a robomine ORIGZ 100 ORIGX 1 DISINT 100 NOSELL WEAPON1 ElectroBlade WEAPON2 Phaser-2 ARMOR Iron Plating INV power pack COMBATPIC rcu KILLHIM Your final blow disables the robomine. It's wrecked frame falls KILLHIM to the ground, lifeless. You think to yourself "I wonder how much KILLHIM money the owner wasted on this piece of junk!" FLEETXT You run from the situation as fast as you can. The Robomine remains FLEETXT to guard its perimeter and recharge for the next attack. FLEERAN You run from the situation as fast as you can. The Robomine remains FLEERAN to guard its perimeter and recharge for the next attack. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME Robomine Mark III DESC It begins as a slight whizzing sound coming from the nearby mine. You DESC watch as a segment of the mine "transforms" itself into a robotic DESC killing machine. You have encountered a Robomine Mark III. HITPTS 75 STR 47 DEX 47 AGL 47 EXP 8200 MONEY 0 WEAPON1 GravSword WEAPON2 GravBlast ARMOR Energy Armor INV GravPack COMBATPIC rcu ;ORIGZ 100 identifies this monster as a robomine ORIGZ 100 ORIGX 2 DISINT 100 NOSELL KILLHIM Your final blow disables the robomine. It's wrecked frame falls KILLHIM to the ground, lifeless. You think to yourself "I wonder how much KILLHIM money the owner wasted on this piece of junk!" FLEETXT You run from the situation as fast as you can. The Robomine remains FLEETXT to guard its perimeter and recharge for the next attack. FLEERAN You run from the situation as fast as you can. The Robomine remains FLEERAN to guard its perimeter and recharge for the next attack. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME Robomine Mark IV DESC It begins as a slight whizzing sound coming from the nearby mine. You DESC watch as a segment of the mine "transforms" itself into a robotic DESC killing machine. You have encountered a Robomine Mark IV. HITPTS 98 STR 58 DEX 58 AGL 58 EXP 11500 MONEY 0 WEAPON1 WidowLance WEAPON2 WidowBlaster ARMOR Widow Armor INV WidowPack COMBATPIC rcu ;ORIGZ 100 identifies this monster as a robomine ORIGZ 100 ORIGX 3 DISINT 100 NOSELL KILLHIM Your final blow disables the robomine. It's wrecked frame falls KILLHIM to the ground, lifeless. You think to yourself "I wonder how much KILLHIM money the owner wasted on this piece of junk!" FLEETXT You run from the situation as fast as you can. The Robomine remains FLEETXT to guard its perimeter and recharge for the next attack. FLEERAN You run from the situation as fast as you can. The Robomine remains FLEERAN to guard its perimeter and recharge for the next attack. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME Robomine Mark V DESC It begins as a slight whizzing sound coming from the nearby mine. You DESC watch as a segment of the mine "transforms" itself into a robotic DESC killing machine. You have encountered a Robomine Mark V. HITPTS 125 STR 74 DEX 74 AGL 74 EXP 23500 MONEY 0 WEAPON1 WidowLance WEAPON2 Pulse Rifle ARMOR Widow Armor INV WidowPack INV Trivex Pack COMBATPIC rcu ;ORIGZ 100 identifies this monster as a robomine ORIGZ 100 ORIGX 4 DISINT 100 NOSELL KILLHIM Your final blow disables the robomine. It's wrecked frame falls KILLHIM to the ground, lifeless. You think to yourself "I wonder how much KILLHIM money the owner wasted on this piece of junk!" FLEETXT You run from the situation as fast as you can. The Robomine remains FLEETXT to guard its perimeter and recharge for the next attack. FLEERAN You run from the situation as fast as you can. The Robomine remains FLEERAN to guard its perimeter and recharge for the next attack. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME Robomine Mark VI DESC It begins as a slight whizzing sound coming from the nearby mine. You DESC watch as a segment of the mine "transforms" itself into a robotic DESC killing machine. You have encountered a Robomine Mark VI. HITPTS 155 STR 86 DEX 86 AGL 86 EXP 40000 MONEY 0 WEAPON1 A-Mk.II WEAPON2 TachyonBlaster ARMOR Phase Armor COMBATPIT rcu ;ORIGZ 100 identifies this monster as a robomine ORIGZ 100 ORIGX 5 DISINT 100 NOSELL KILLHIM Your final blow disables the robomine. It's wrecked frame falls KILLHIM to the ground, lifeless. You think to yourself "I wonder how much KILLHIM money the owner wasted on this piece of junk!" FLEETXT You run from the situation as fast as you can. The Robomine remains FLEETXT to guard its perimeter and recharge for the next attack. FLEERAN You run from the situation as fast as you can. The Robomine remains FLEERAN to guard its perimeter and recharge for the next attack. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME Guardian Mark VI DESC It begins as a slight whizzing sound coming from the nearby mine. You DESC watch as a segment of the mine "transforms" itself into a robotic DESC killing machine. You have encountered a Guardian Mark VI. HITPTS 155 STR 86 DEX 86 AGL 86 EXP 42000 MONEY 0 WEAPON1 A-Mk.II WEAPON2 TachyonBlaster ARMOR Phase Armor COMBATPIC rcu ;ORIGZ 100 identifies this monster as a robomine ORIGZ 100 ORIGX 6 DISINT 100 NOSELL KILLHIM Your final blow disables the robomine. It's wrecked frame falls KILLHIM to the ground, lifeless. You think to yourself "I wonder how much KILLHIM money the owner wasted on this piece of junk!" FLEETXT You run from the situation as fast as you can. The Guardian remains FLEETXT to guard its perimeter and recharge for the next attack. FLEERAN You run from the situation as fast as you can. The Guardian remains FLEERAN to guard its perimeter and recharge for the next attack. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME Draku RCU Mk IV DESC It begins as a slight whizzing sound coming from the nearby mine. You DESC watch as a segment of the mine "transforms" itself into a robotic DESC killing machine. You have encountered a Draku RCU (Robotic Combat DESC unit) Mark IV. HITPTS 98 STR 58 DEX 58 AGL 58 EXP 11500 MONEY 0 WEAPON1 WidowLance WEAPON2 WidowBlaster ARMOR Widow Armor INV WidowPack COMBATPIC rcu ;ORIGZ 100 identifies this monster as a robomine ORIGZ 100 ORIGX 7 DISINT 100 NOSELL KILLHIM Your final blow disables the robomine. It's wrecked frame falls KILLHIM to the ground, lifeless. You think to yourself "I wonder how much KILLHIM money the owner wasted on this piece of junk!" FLEETXT You run from the situation as fast as you can. The RCU remains FLEETXT to guard its perimeter and recharge for the next attack. FLEERAN You run from the situation as fast as you can. The RCU remains FLEERAN to guard its perimeter and recharge for the next attack. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME Xeboc RCU Mk VI DESC It begins as a slight whizzing sound coming from the nearby mine. You DESC watch as a segment of the mine "transforms" itself into a robotic DESC killing machine. You have encountered a Xeboc RCU (Robotic Combat DESC unit) Mark VI. HITPTS 155 STR 86 DEX 86 AGL 86 EXP 42000 MONEY 0 WEAPON1 A-Mk.II WEAPON2 TachyonBlaster ARMOR Phase Armor COMBATPIC rcu ;ORIGZ 100 identifies this monster as a robomine ORIGZ 100 ORIGX 8 DISINT 100 NOSELL KILLHIM Your final blow disables the robomine. It's wrecked frame falls KILLHIM to the ground, lifeless. You think to yourself "I wonder how much KILLHIM money the owner wasted on this piece of junk!" FLEETXT You run from the situation as fast as you can. The RCU remains FLEETXT to guard its perimeter and recharge for the next attack. FLEERAN You run from the situation as fast as you can. The RCU remains FLEERAN to guard its perimeter and recharge for the next attack.