Document ID: HISTORY.TXT Document Date: June 21st, 2002 AD Author: Anthony Malone Author Comments: The end is near. Those around me rush in frantic haste in some hope of saving their lives. But, they're efforts are in vain. There is no hope of out survival. I shall transcribe the events of the last few years in the hopes that someday, some survivor will be able to know our fate. 2001 A.D. : Nov. 1st Energy Weapons have been perfected and are now slowly entering the militaries of the world. Exo-Skeletal armor is being developed, that not only protects from energy weapons but also increases the users endurance, strength, and speed. Dec. 5th America is ahead of the world in energy production, but civil unrest has lead to minor riots and many strikes. Iraq has been evading U.N. Weapons Teams and has delayed their destruction of some Biological Warfare factories. Alliance talks are proposed between Red China and The Arab Nations. 2002 A.D. : Jan. 5th Russia masses the remaining army is has and tries to regain control of the Commonwealths that were once a part of the Soviet Union. NATO warns Russia that any hostilities would lead to certain military action. Alliance talks have increased between Red China and The Arab Nations. Isreal sends commandos into Iraq for retailiation for SCUD missle attacks into Isreal. Jan. 17th Russia moves with lightning speed and massive force and takes back several of the Commonwealths with a stunning victory. NATO warns Russia to move out. Iraq closes its borders and takes the U.N. Weapons Teams hostage. The U.N. proposes military action. Feb. 1st U.F.O. sightings have increased globally, and some amazing photographs have been taken of a large space craft - these are being analyzed by experts now. American Civil Unrest grows more intense with the failing economy, riots have grown worse leading to 17 fatalities. Feb. 25th Red China and The Arab Nations have formed into a complete economic and military alliance called "THE ASIAN RELIANCE" forces. NATO grows concern about Russia's stubborness to withdraw from The Commonwealths, British and German units have arrived at Russia's borders, and more are forth comming. U.N. looses it patience with Iraq and begins launching aircraft mounted with energy weaponry into Iraq and destroys several factories and other targets. One target turns out to be an Iranian medical truck bringing supplies into Iraq. The Asian Reliance grows wary toward the U.N., despites its many apologies. May. 7th A UFO supposedly landed in the Arizona desert today, and massive ammounts of evidence have been found - except for the ship itself. It also appears that an alien was aboard, as evident of footprints left around the landing site. The Government tries to keep it under control but it leaks out and begins spreading. Riots have gotten very violent in the past few days. The Asian Reliance forces have moved into Iraq and has help beef up the defences there. The American Carrier, The USS Nimitz was badly damaged today by a surprise attack by Asian Reliance combat planes. Two other major warships have been damaged and three minor ships were sunk. NATO forces grow on Russia's western borders, Russia issues a warning for NATO to withdraw from its borders. Jun. 12th As the huge fleets of the United States bear and the Asian Reliance bear down on one another, they stand poised at the brink of war. One move on either side and that would be it. The world waits. No shots are fired. The mighty naval fleets back down. Jun. 17th A holovision speach by President Quayle reveals that an agreement has been reached between the massive superpowers. It took facing the possible destruction of the human race, but at the last moment, neither side had the guts to push the "button". Instead, they set up a holovision conference, aired their disagreements, and came to a resolution. At last, in the entire bloody history of the planet earth, peace would be reached. Plans were underway to dismantle the current nuclear force. And the money that was being spent on maintaining the nuclear amrs would be channelled to a new destination - a new frontier - the exploration of space! Jun. 21st And that brings us to today. The recently gained optimism has faded. As I write these final words, the three main holovision networks have all aired news reports that a nuclear strike is on its way. As Tucson, Az is on the first-strike list, my wait will not be long. My only hope is that someone will locate this document and bring those responsible to justice. All hope for peace is now gone. Nothing will remain of thousands of years of evolution will be a nuclear scarred wasteland. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------